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22415302 No.22415302 [Reply] [Original]

how would you describe a cat's eyes

>> No.22415313

Weathery pits bearing unflections of its owner, the fictional literally (you) clicking away in front of the light, wet blinkpits blinking. Kys.

>> No.22415320

Like two piles of shit in a barren dick.


>> No.22415326

what's wrong with you? why are you so negative?

>> No.22415328

eyes of a cat

>> No.22415327


>> No.22415331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22415341

The eyes of a snake

>> No.22415377
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The clicking and tiny ticking spazzed frantically and miss kitty's eyes showed now a twitch of being affected by her transgendered owner's meltthrough and the owner's selfhumming the starers glistened and inside the catskull a replay of a replay of owner mumbling about Ending it Wall: cat's whiskers astride, it looks at the door now now the door knob where the hunched owner is reflected hunched at owner's computer for yet another hour kitblinking hungrily it mrows. Screen lighting up owner's hormonally deflating face, owner's eyes backandforthing reading another thing on the light.

>> No.22415382

What does this even mean
These are not even of the same color

>> No.22415386

why would she wear the same color dress every day? lol are you actually a tranny

>> No.22415417

cruel black diamonds floating in liquid jewels

>> No.22415518

An azure sky of deepest summer.

>> No.22415759

i like this

>> No.22415773

Kitty eyes

Angry dork lol

>> No.22415784

very cool, this would make me roll my eyes and if you do it again i'd drop your book

>> No.22415840

multi tasking can be challenging, but you should be able to roll your eyes and hold a book at once

>> No.22415860

They're just cat eyes. Everyone knows what they look like

>> No.22415918

get him

>> No.22415944

I wouldn't. One glance
for species identification and I immediately forget the fury little bastards existence.

>> No.22415976

Pools of black sink into islands like the Caribbean sea, crisp yet somehow blurred, frantic yet focused. Devoid of all emotion except entitlement, as if possessed by an angelic demon.

>> No.22415988
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>Don’t use such an expression as “dim lands of peace.” It dulls the image. It mixes an abstraction with the concrete. It comes from the writer’s not realizing that the natural object is always the adequate symbol.

>> No.22416027

Baudelaire has a few good poems about cats and I believe he describes the eyes in one

>> No.22416095
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Describe this hand in your best prose

>> No.22416099

these are the hands of a faggot from /g/ shitposting on /lit/

>> No.22416135

>She had an off-white pallor, like cheap butter left to molder in the back of a pantry, and her fingers resembled a doll's: a porcelain one. I could see her all dolled up in moth eaten lace. Her veins looked painted on. I brush my thumb over one to see if it'll smear. It doesn't, but she's cold as stone.

>> No.22416161

Black ink through opal.
A bundle of slender blue-veined roots wrapped in tissue paper.

>> No.22416162

My wife's hand

>> No.22416168

Where did this quote come from? I'd like to read more. Currently, I can't decide if I agree or not.

>> No.22416173

I mean what book/essay by the way. I know that is Ezra Pound.

>> No.22416182

The satin skin could have been lifted from the frame with pinched fingers.

>> No.22416199

I apologize, I will review ABCs of Reading

>> No.22416224

sorry for the late reply

>> No.22416248

the petulant cat sat on the floor and stared at me. i just fed this thing two hours ago.

>> No.22416295
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When I saw this cat eyes, I got that feeling like, you know, our trip with my wife from Colorado to Texas for 4 hours. I didn't remember this path too much, just saw some places which mostly were too sunny and our road still was warm. I wasted a lot of money in this time, we drunk water and kissed with her, maybe in 9 am I stopped near a lake and it was gently greenish. Our road was almost adjacent to the water and my bare feet felt the heat from the asphalt well. I stood with my wife and looked deep into the lake for probably fifteen minutes, then we kissed again and drove on. Now, as it seemed to me, I saw two such places by the lake within the cat's muzzle.

>> No.22416320

I would assume the reader has seen a cat before and refer to them directly: "cat's eyes"

>> No.22416385


>> No.22416392

I have green eyes and my friend told me making eye contact with me is like looking at a cat

>> No.22416400

u gay

>> No.22416405

very nice, let the reader to the work.
in a way it can be even more immersive than trying to force a particular image on them

>> No.22416467

No, I think my friend is gay

>> No.22416479

it's not gay unless you meow while he fucks you

>> No.22416493

What if I dont meow

>> No.22416502

then it's just two dudes enjoying each others company

>> No.22416812

Kindly go fuck yourself

Her alabaster hand in mine felt soft and cold as a cloud. The faded teal of her veins and the light pink fingertips made it exotic, almost alien, and incredibly attractive.
I wanted to hold that hand for ever
and have her do lewd things to me with it and the rest of her bright marble body

The cat glared up at me with aquamarine eyes. Was it affection or annoyance? Hard to tell. I knew I had been a few minutes late to pour out his food.
He's only been with me for a couple weeks, yet already he demands a strict schedule with his incessant meowing and stratching at my counters
I can't deny those lovely eyes, though.

>> No.22416818

You're cute :3

All based

>> No.22416825


>> No.22416872

---- Solaria ----

Hers is black beyond belief, with eyes like fireflied lawn,
Reality friendly as ghosts go,

Beautiful and innocent as the best of design.

>> No.22416886


>> No.22416904
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, A70CF239-7AC3-4D98-B057-63214BE185D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharp daggers that speak volumes. An unspeakable agreement of trust and comfort. Love gone to spoil.
Anxiously awaiting the promised affection of her man.
Incapable of speaking her mind but proudly displays her attitude and personality.
My life changed after I got a cat.

>> No.22416905

the cat had unassuming almond shaped sockets but inside them burned the eyes of sauron.

>> No.22416909
File: 2.86 MB, 640x640, Baby Elephant having fun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe this baby elephant with your best prose

>> No.22416920

What a cutiepie
Prooh :DD

>> No.22417615

I love how nigger cats are just shadows with eyes

>> No.22417634

All good! Thanks anon.

>> No.22417648
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should i get a cat? never owned a pet in my life

>> No.22418778


>> No.22418797 [DELETED] 

The feline ocular apparatus possesses a distinctive allure, characterized by elliptical irises enveloped in a luminescent tapestry of chromatic hues. The eyes of a cat exhibit a liminal equilibrium between the predatory gaze and an enigmatic, contemplative depth. The pupils, iridescent in their variation from dilated to constricted states, serve as a visual symphony, orchestrating the interplay between light and shadow.

Such eyes, akin to polished gemstones, possess a phosphorescence that grants them a nocturnal prowess, facilitating the acquisition of ambrosial sustenance. They convey an aura of mysterious perspicuity, encapsulating both the creature's instinctual vigilance and its enigmatic coexistence within the human realm. Thus, a cat's eyes, much like the animal itself, are a paradoxical amalgamation of predatory prowess and inscrutable contemplation.

>> No.22418806
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>> No.22418811


>> No.22418883

There ought to be some level of responsibility levied when using language. What the fuck, anon? Put down the thesaurus and stop fucking cats.

>> No.22418891

In the soft moonlit glow of twilight, the cat's eyes gleamed like twin orbs of amethyst, capturing the very essence of the starlit heavens within their depths. Each blink unveiled a universe of secrets, as if the cosmos themselves had chosen to take residence in those iridescent pools. Veiled by velvety lashes, those eyes spoke tales of midnight rendezvous and whispered promises under a tapestry of constellations. With every shimmer and glint, they cast a spell, beckoning you to lose yourself in the labyrinthine mysteries they held, a captivating symphony of violet hues that danced between reality and the realm of dreams.

>> No.22418892


>> No.22418997

I entered the thread looking for this answer.