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22410055 No.22410055 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. It reads like a descent into schizophrenia.

>> No.22410073

Yes, that's how modernity made effete pseudo-aristocratic soiboys like Pound feel.

>> No.22410077

Tutta l'America è un manicomio!

>> No.22410082

no, you get it

>> No.22410124

mangia erba

>> No.22410154

Yeah it’s schizophrenic in how it links various ideas but it’s not too difficult once you understand the ideas.

Politically: John Adam good, Social Credit Theory good, Mussolini good, Confucius and the Chinese emperors who most closely followed his teaching good. Ursury bad, central banking bad, weapons dealing bad, corruption bad, Hamilton bad.

And this is all interspersed with dreaming of how Confucianism can lead to Paradise.

The rest is just literary references.

>> No.22410168

China has central banking and usury.

>> No.22410196

So? Doesn’t mean that Pound can’t admire some of their emperors.

>> No.22410242

Is horse shit.

>> No.22410260

K. It has a big part in the poem.

>> No.22410274

Have you seem how tyrannic it is? Pound was an idiot who didn't understand it. It's the reason why the Chimes are uncreative, they run their households like dictatorships and destroy all individuality. They burden the firstborn with excessive discipline and responsibility and shame the younger siblings into submission or Marxist rebellion. It's a society that creates soulless communal narcissists.

>> No.22410289

Confucius' dad died when he was a kid and he was raised by a single mom. That's why he's so obsessed with filial piety.

>> No.22410605

Ok. I’m not here to defend Pound’s beliefs. Just trying to help him understand the poem.

>> No.22410739

I think I can help you understand your problem here: "Genius hits a target no one else can see" (Schopie)
Interestingly, a lot of people tends to call things they don't understand "schizophrenia" but it's really just poor reading comprehension. There's clearly limits here, but this isn't one of those circumstances.
You can easily write off Pound's writing as schizophrenic because he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and you don't understand his work. It is comforting to you to think "Oh he's just crazy" instead of this idea that you're not understanding what is going on in his texts. However, you have to understand the historical context of this: He was diagnozed with schizophrenia because his political ideas had to be made absurd. It is exceptionally important that he is seen as a madman. They did this with a lot of people, especially political dissidents, who were putting out information like this.
Now back on the subject matter of you "being filtered" -- Don't feel bad, I don't mean this in a bad way. He makes an unreasonably large amount of references. He was a well-read guy, who had also learned about the east, and he conveyed interpretations of what he had read in his writings.
One way of looking at the Cantos is that it is a collection of a man's entire life's journey of learning and interpreting.
I hope this was generally helpful.
>re:re:Chinese emperors
You seem to be missing the point, anon. Pound thought this was good because of the entire ideas centered around hierarchy and the aristocratic soul. The other reason he liked it was because it fit into the artform he was pretty fond of. The usury and such wasn't learned about until much later. That's like shitting on Socrates for not just writing his ideas out on a computer and uploading to the internet archive.

>> No.22410809

That's the society that fascists and commies want

>> No.22410993
File: 216 KB, 521x937, 5f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
