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/lit/ - Literature

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22404750 No.22404750 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most common book picks by avant-teens/ obscure users?
Drop your topsters btw

>> No.22404752

>half of these are obvious cringe

>> No.22404753

>tao lin

>> No.22404954

french philosophy
deutsch poetry

>> No.22405957

This pic is total bullshit
>Ayn Rand
>random 'old English' book
>titles in native language to seem more obscure and cool
>random book by John Barth
>random books of poetry
>Tao Lin
This pic I made of minor classics is alot better even though the quality is shitty

>> No.22405962

What is a topster? Are you also saying these books are obscure? Patrician?

>> No.22406201

Gravity's Rainbow is listed twice

>> No.22407152

/lit/ was so damn cringe during this period. All the annoying teenagers from reddit were fantasizing about reading thick books and feeling smart while being functional retards.

>> No.22407184

what changed?

>> No.22407379

Trump lost. People realized how cringe that teenage mentality was, and a slow domination of philosophy on the board.

>> No.22407383

I don't actually ever see someone discuss Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.22407422

Nobody has actually read it, by which I mean I haven't read it.