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22401483 No.22401483 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good self help books /lit/?

I read pic related and unfucked my life. I hit my goals but now I feel very apathetic. I miss having more goals. I'm not sure if it's a post mania/low testosterone or what the fuck it is but I feel empty after achieving what I was after. I have some goals left but they will all come with time.

I want to read something that will help get me out of this ennui.

>> No.22401506

I have a feeling your goals weren't very impressive

>> No.22401514

They're alright.

>was gigantically fat
>can now fuck IG girls with half a mil followers

>was almost homeless
>on track to make a really decent living via something I like a bit as long as I keep working

They're not insanely impressive but much more than I ever dreamed desu.

>> No.22401516

psycho cybernetics , the first CBT and self help book

>> No.22401555

Honestly anon if you really did unfuck your life the you’re probably past anything self proclaimed self-help book could offer … read You Must Change Your Life by Sloterdijk.

>> No.22401558

have no goals.
just stumble blindly through the cornfield of vicissitudes called life.
be uncompartmentalizable.
attachment to emptiness is as foolish as attachment to form.
just be.

Thanks for coming my Tedx talk

>> No.22401776

Thinking of giving this a try

That is also a fair point.

Maybe philosophy is all that there is really left. That or maybe poetry.

>> No.22402071

based post.

>> No.22402182

>What are some good self help books /lit/?
My nephew of all people, some years back?
was *raving* about this self help book he read.
Late 60s or early 70s edition, btw.
Yeah, I read it, it was awesome.
It was *literally* the model, upon which all the other self help doohickies, are obviously inspired from
Without this book first, you dont get Tony Robbins later on
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Lifelong takeaways from this book?
Definitely... Transmutation.
Made up word, but works fine.
Take your depression, or nervous anxiety... and transmutation it into fuel for what you *do* want to accomplish.

>> No.22402203
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Every self help book says the same thing. Have goals. Your environment is a huge factor in your success. Small habits eventually add up to big changes.

>> No.22402852

>neville goddard law and promise
the only shit you will ever need

>> No.22402864

cock and ball torture AND self help book? damn I gotta read this !

>> No.22402895

She's hot

>> No.22402900

no she's wet

>> No.22403876

OP again

I tried this and ate this shit up. Good recc anon

>> No.22404199
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>how to read a book
Sort of a meme on here but definitely worth it. Increases your ability to extract the information out of nonfiction quickly on top of increasing retention. Most books on this list for example probably wouldnt have been worth reading if I wasn't able to bore through them like I can now.

>getting things done
Similar to atomic habits but with more of a boomer office productivity slant. Essentially tackles what makes most to-do lists innefective. Mostly centers on lists as a way to exorcise the mental weight that you unwittingly give to tasks that you aren't doing right now - "freeing up mental real estate." Very useful since I've started freelancing and no longer have a strong delineation between work things and house things.

>the luck factor
Not really advice but provides a framework that you could take advantage of. Examines the idea that luck in the understood sense is really just a product of measurable personality traits. E.g. four leaf clovers are "lucky" because the people who would notice them are geared towards percieving all kinds of other things. Also breaks down how law of attraction works in real life, since people who already believe in their own luck create networks of opportunities that multiply on themselves.

>goodbye things
Male brained Marie Kondo and much more to the point. Goes into the idea that objects you own but don't use create imperceptible psychic damage and guilt that compounds over time.

>how to win friends and influence people
Autist's guide to surviving the workplace. Professional relations don't operate the same way that organically-occurring ones do and need their own set of rules, mostly centering on a kind of mutual self interest. This book essentially let me get away with Costanzamaxxing in real life by getting away with giving way less than the work expected of me.

Worth a read for how short it is. Just a big list of little mental traps that end up hurting you in the long run e.g. sunk cost. Come away from it with three or four that apply to you and then just make a mental note not to do them any more.

>> No.22404745

>Your environment is a huge factor in your success.
Huh? They never say this. They always say that your environment and circumstance shave no factor in anything that the world is just and everything is achieved purely by the power of your thoughts and willpower alone.

>> No.22404751 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22404859

1. all words are made up
2. if that book made you write like that I don’t wanna know it’s title

>> No.22405151

>reads self-dev book that are shallow and promote individualism which atomizes society and put every person in their own bubble hence them developping narcissism and psychopathy
>pursues shallow matiralistic and sexual "goals"
>reeee why do i feel empty

Based retard

>> No.22405261

Transmutation has existed as a word at least since the Middle Ages.

>> No.22405286

Lmao what the fuck is reverend insanity litpill me thanks

>> No.22405298

LOL pretty true but was likely showing narc or pscyopathic tendencies before

so whats ur advice king :3

>> No.22405316

Keep doing what you're doing. You are a barely conscious subhuman with only a fragment of a soul. Just enjoy life and don't think about it too hard

>> No.22405334

>You are a barely conscious subhuman with only a fragment of a soul


What does soul mean? Does it mean having the same morality as you?

>> No.22405344

It's a lot more soulless to encounter a shallow reactionary philosophy via /pol/ and aggressively base your entire personality around it.

>unironically promoting collectivism
literally every great human invention was the product of an individualist, often one working in direct opposition to the collective mass of people like you.

>> No.22405375

invention of an individualist that will serve the collective. so the fellow unique genius individualistics are unconsciously validation-seeking whores.
and no i wasn't promoting collectivisme but what more should i expect of a typical product of our times such as yourself?

>> No.22405456

Real good book. Love the part on semen retention.

>> No.22405484

>and no i wasn't promoting collectivisme
yeah, you were
you're just too retarded to recognize that fascism is also collectivism

you should save some of your posts for yourself to look back on, you won't believe how hard you'll cringe reading them ten years from now

>> No.22405524

Name 1 (one) book you've read that says this

>> No.22405553

>can now fuck IG girls with half a mil followers
congratz on fucking small time whores?

>> No.22405599

Are you at least going to post pictures of these girls?

>> No.22405693
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Any updates for this?

>> No.22405729

do you fuck big time whores

>> No.22405737

Does how to read work for audiobooks too?

>> No.22405761


>> No.22405859

unfucked my life, jesus fucking christ every self help book has to have a curse word in it it's the most painfully cringe thing I've ever experienced

>> No.22406123

It's a book that will change your life. read it.

>> No.22406571

using a straw man + straying further from the topic once again. not bothering with you anymore. you're the one who should save his posts little zoomer, for you'll cringe about them in only ten hours from now

>> No.22407477
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i physically abuse women (all whores) and have sex with trannies because that's what a man's man does.