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/lit/ - Literature

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22400948 No.22400948 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

If you like any of the following

>movies and TV
>and especially videogames

You are a filthy 'media junkie' that doesn't deserve to be on this board.

I fucking hate mediums that only exist for the sole purpose of being entertaining, these mediums are only enjoyed by subhumans.

Books are the only good form of artistic expression

>> No.22400949

Post your chin

>> No.22400950

Post feet

>> No.22400952

True except for music, whose entire concept your zoomer brain thinks means recorded music

>> No.22400954

Ok, Ahmed.

>> No.22400968
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TIL Proust and Pasolini were media junkies. Okay, thanks for your reductive elitist media trashing. I have taken it to heart.

>> No.22401013

>only exist for the sole purpose of being entertaining
prove it

>> No.22401017

You cry a lot.

>> No.22401299

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.22401391
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>Mass Effect

These are just two video games off the top of my head that had very good writing. While not books, they are very artistic avenues of expression.

>> No.22401460

Silent Hill 1-4 as well. Their meanings are incorporated into their gameplay, especially with 4 even if it's misunderstood and underrated.
Games are a valuable medium of expression in their own way, as photography is to art. Only dweebs think some creations aren't valuable just because of the medium used.

>> No.22401521

While I agree in principle with what you're saying, it's hard to take you seriously when Mass Effect and Silent Hill 1/3 are your examples of good writing. And Silent Hill 4 is awful.

>> No.22401527

This but also books

>> No.22401593

>silent hill 4 is awful
Not really. It's frustrating to play and anxiety inducing, but these are the feelings the main character is experiencing so it's like double immersion.
Sounds like a silly le cope or whatever buzzword you want to use, but I genuinely believe looking at it from this perspective enhances the story and the main character a lot.
If I listed a bunch of games with good writing, (mass effect anon isn't me btw) you'd still call them bad examples. Silent Hill just happens to be my favorite horror series so it was my go-to answer.

>> No.22401640

There is a difference between intentionally making the game frustrating to play to enhance the story's themes or player immersion (see Drakengard 1, Lobotomy Corporation, Dark Souls, Rain World, Fear & Hunger) and doing it unintentionally due to developer incompetence. To my knowledge, the bulk of Team Silent were working on SH 3, leaving only a less-experienced skeleton crew to work on SH 4, and it shows. The floaty combat, the removal of tank controls, bad animations, tacked on inventory management system - it all takes you out of the experience, rather than enhance it. Not to mention that the environments are less tense - mostly due to the shitty lightning, but I also think they're worse designed than the ones in 1-3.

>> No.22401679

>worse designed than 1-3
yeah. the prison world and the apartment worlds were cool, but most of it was tedious and repetitive.
Like I said, maybe it's a cope to justify the fact I slogged through it but I like to look at it as if it were intentional. I really like Henry and this theory makes him a more interesting character than it would otherwise, and parallels him better with Walter.
Both 3 and 4 were rushed out and suffer for it, but for what they are they're both great games and certainly better than anything SH did after for, with the exception of maybe Shattered Memories.
Anyways I still think that they (1-4) fit the criteria of well-written video games that showcase the potential of the medium and are valid to use as an example.

>> No.22401682

>after for
after four***
I'm very sleepy right now, sorry for double posting

>> No.22401728

I can't speak for SH 4's story, as I gave up somewhere halfway through it, but SH 1 and 3 don't particularly stand out to me. 1 is your pretty generic 'stop the evil cult' story with not much going for it. 3's has a bit more going for it some sort of teenage angst/pregnancy stuff and identity fuckery with Alessa/Cheryl/Heather but none of the themes managed to resonate with me, not like 2 did. I don't consider 3 particularly well-written, even if it's my favourite in the series due to the gameplay and atmosphere.

>> No.22401738

Much like 2, it's the subtext that makes 1 and 3 good stories. 1 was ambiguous on purpose, with the idea that any player could go into it and get something different out of it, which is cool.
3 can be seen as a coming of age story with a pregnancy subtext.
4's is about isolation and anxiety, invading fear.
It's just cool, I don't really know what else to tell you.
2 is also great, but far less subtle than 1, 3, and 4.

>> No.22401744

>posts Voltaire
didn’t read

>> No.22401757

It's better than your favorite book

>> No.22402042

I find music, movies and Twin Peaks orgasmic. Video games are pretty cringe though.

>> No.22402280

What if I play tabletop videogames? Like chess.com or Tenhou?

>> No.22402909

>>I fucking hate mediums that only exist for the sole purpose of being entertaining
so just like books