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22400282 No.22400282 [Reply] [Original]

>It is good to be a cynic – it is better to be a contented cat – and it is best not to exist at all. Universal suicide is the most logical thing in the world – we reject it only because of our primitive cowardice and childish fear of the dark. If we were sensible we would seek death – the same blissful blank which we enjoyed before we existed.
>H. P. Lovecraft, Nietzscheism and Realism

>The End of the World, here's salvation. Preparing the end, here's the work of the sage and the supreme purpose of ascetic existences. The apostle of charity, with effort, alms, consolations and miracles, succeeds with great difficulty to save a family from death, now vowed to a long agony thanks to his benefits. The ascetic on the other hand, saves entire generations not from death, but from life.
>Arthur Schopenhauer, Un Bouddhiste contemporain en Allemagne – Arthur Schopenhauer, 1870
Why the will to omnicide and the end of the world are usually considered an "immature" statement? And why are those characters who seek to destroy the organic life often portrayed as the villains in fiction?

>> No.22400463

Because when the mature thing to do is to just kill yourself: after death there is nothing, no struggle, no strife, no self, why prolong your own suffering doing this massive undertaking when you could kill yourself and the result is the same. If you, OP, are omnicidal and don’t believe in life after death, what is stopping you from killing yourself right now? Why concern yourself with others when there is no real need for it?

>> No.22400467

>what he's saying.
>what he's doing

>> No.22400497
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You just lose your memory, but the struggle and strife obviously continues in new forms.

>> No.22401316

OP should read Zapffe

>> No.22401358

Where to start?

I wish I'd never been born. God, it just seems so sickening to foist this world on someone.

>> No.22401396


>> No.22401401

There is no escape. All these omnicidal nerds don't realize that the struggle will keep going, and you'll keep living with it in other forms, forever.

>> No.22401698

Zapffe has only one essay that's been translated into English and it's pretty short. You'll probably like Cioran too.
Agree with this but I suggested Zapffe bc it's the only convincing anti-natalist argument I've ever read and I think it would also help you see the futility in trying to impose that on others, and why "omnicide" or whatever is cartoon villain shit.

>> No.22402066

Reencarnation isn't real

>> No.22402728
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It's immature because it's an emergency solution to an overwhelming, nearly unsolvable, problem. The end of everything is a problem that only happens at the end, but you needn't speed that process up just because it's "destiny".
You might not even live to see it, so why should you even strive for it? It seems to boil down to a lack of purpose instead of something so grandiose, a personal problem at best. In that way it feels like a narcissistic goal instead of a necessary good, therefore evil. But omnicide can be shed in a better light if say
>the whole word wants you and your people dead
>any form of negotiation is impossible
>giving in will either lead to slavery at best or mass death
A historical analog could be Jerusalem and the Romans, but that was exacerbated by religious prophecy and not just en masse self-defense.
A "literary" analog, or atleast the only I've read is the cuck in pic related. The divide across the fanbase defending opposing views for the genocide of the entire world to defend Eren's people was insane, but the supporters had better arguments nonetheless, successfully placing an intuitively evil act into an act of morally gray heroism.

>> No.22402777

Because the inherent drive for humans to breed and survive is a driver for morality and thus those who seek to end that survival are by default seen as evil. As a result, most of the motives of villains you refer to generally tend to be overtly sadistic and malevolent. The world enders are more often than not ending the world and killing not to save those who they see as suffering alive, but to rather take away a life which is implicitly good and valuable.

>> No.22402783

>after death there is nothing,
Okay how do you know?

>> No.22402842
File: 1.59 MB, 1276x2021, Chozo_manual (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I wish Julius Bahnsen were translated into English.
Cope. I've already had a past life experience of being an advanced avian humanoid, like the Chozo from Metroid series, and I was slaughtered in a genocidal war. They kind of looked like pic-related but not exactly.

>> No.22402943

Because most normal people are actually happy.

>> No.22402956

>Be Howard
>Look at New Englanders who are white as a bone
>"Are these foul creatures even fully human?"
>Meanwhile, look like a stretched out horseface mutant

>> No.22403220
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>> No.22403225

for fucks sake its not about the people who are ALIVE NOW.
its about throwing assholes into existence at all.

>> No.22403243

Define asshole.

>> No.22403421

Why not concern my self with others? I know the word comes with its own cliche moralizing baggage. but a little empathy wouldn't hurt.

>> No.22403624

I say this.
I look like this.
And I will do it.

>> No.22403691

>but a little empathy wouldn't hurt
People like you aren't empathetic to other's suffering. You're usually upset at your own suffering. And you want people to join in so that you feel better about your own failures. Let's be honest, how many people have you comvinced of anti-natalism? How much suffering have you actually ended?

Here's the deal, If anti-natalists routinely got together to kill themselves it would probably make a better argument than all your irl whining. People always respect others who walk the talk.

>> No.22403713

Well I'm not OP so im not looking to omnicide anything, nor invite anyone to join my misery train.

>> No.22403816

It is a privilege to fight.

>> No.22404201

Because they usually want to impose this desire on others also. Generally these kinda of people are passive aggressive and not enjoyable to spend time around.

>> No.22404270

The Endine is supposed to be taken symbollically.

>> No.22404527

>Why the will to omnicide and the end of the world are usually considered an "immature" statement?
It's not just immature, it's horrific to even think about. There would be no way to achieve "omnicide" except through atrocities on a scale never before seen. If you don't like life, just chill and try to somewhat reduce suffering until you shuffle off this mortal coil, or take your own life now.

>> No.22405623


>> No.22405643

The death of everything in the world is inevitable.