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2240005 No.2240005 [Reply] [Original]

-Hey cute girl, what do you like doing?
-I love reading!
-Really? What was the last book you have read?
-I don't know, it's been a long time, maybe the first one from the Game of Throne series?

Seriously, why the fuck people do this kind of shit?

>> No.2240007

I asked the same thing in a thread yesterday. Everyone told me it was something along the lines of cultivating an intelligent aura. Or that they don't actually expect you to give a shit about reading too, and just want to use it as a generic hobby to pad their lists.

>> No.2240015

But why would they need to cultivate an intelligent aura if they aren't, well, intelligent?
This makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.2240017

I don't know man, but they think that's reading.

>I love movies I went to see Generic Horror Film with Shaky Cam 2 : Eletric Boogaloo yesterday

Same thing.

>> No.2240024

lol. fuck this dumb thread. nerdlinger.

>> No.2240026

>But why would they need to cultivate an intelligent aura if they aren't, well, intelligent?
This makes no sense whatsoever.

Oh boy, this seriously doesn't make sense to you ? Would you enjoy it if people think you are stupid ?
That it's inconvenient for you is just a negative side effect they don't give a shit about.

>> No.2240029


But if you say state your appreciation of books, but RIGHT after doing so, you contradict yourself, how did you help to build your intellectual image? I can understand some hipster saying he liked Ulysses even though he didn't read it, but say you love something but then say you don't do it much and you can't even remember the last book you read just seems stupid.

>> No.2240028

What was the last book I read?
What did I read before that?
The Magic Mountain (in german)

Lesson: Get off your high horse; you are as stupid as you imagine the girl, with your reasoning errors.

>> No.2240031

Fuck it, this is anonymous.

I worked my ass off to read Ulysses and get through a lit course. I am going to cultivate the biggest aura of intelligence I can, even if it means coming across as a poncey twat. I can see how genre readers calling themselves readers would piss you off, but everyone wants to be seen as smart.

>> No.2240034

I'm not even judging Game of Throne's merit. This isn't the question. I'd understand if someone told me they loved books, but all he reads are sci-fi novels and fantasy trash (I'm not dismissing both genres, but you can't deny they are full of crappy books). Yes, this person loves reading, even though one might think their tastes suck.
But this isn't the case in question, this person does not read at all.

>> No.2240042

That is because they are legitimately stupid and don't think ahead or didn't consider the fact they might encounter an actual bookworm, they just don't want to seem that way which is understandable.

People also try reading as a hobby and then find out it's not for them but just for the sake of possibly having something in common with you they still mention it as one of their past times.

>> No.2240113

people are ashamed to say they read magazines, chick lit, whateverthefuck online, fanfiction etc. So they bring up the last intelligent novel they read before graduating english 101 in college.

Like me. The last book I honestly read was Transformers Exodus. If I wasn't so shameless I would lie about that.

>> No.2240115

I love being fucked in the ass but I haven't done it in forever because it's kind of a hassle and it's easy to fall into the habit of not bothering with it. I'm not saying that the people you're talking to are all really smart, voracious bookworms, but then judging from this lil snatch of semi-fictionalized Brownbear Jr-ism, neither are they. Why not take a slightly more charitable view of this kind of thing rather than projecting your own insecurities and self-loathing onto everyone you meet?

>> No.2240125

She's cute, so she can be as dumb as she wants.
And get the fuck over it, asshole, who cares (besides you, that is)?