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22398281 No.22398281 [Reply] [Original]

What books will make me a warrior if I read them?

>> No.22398286

Baki the Grappler

>> No.22398303

Firstly, read Archilocus. Secondly, realize that no amount of reading will make you a warrior.

>> No.22398315 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22398328

Ernst Junger's Storm of Steel is the book that cured me of my warrior fantasies. It made me realize that true warriors are simply on another level from us mere mortals, losers like us could never get into Junger's headspace.

>> No.22398471

Not sure how Merriam defines it but I generally see warriors as being participants in a cause that involves violence, they aren't necessarily the best fighters and might not make the best soldiers. Sounds like you need to find a cause, then abandon your pretentions of violence and maybe study Ghandi, he trounced his British oppressors and the most work he had to put in were some fork put downs. If you still feel violence is the best way then you need to become a better fighter and forget all that warrior crap, your jail time will be easier.

>> No.22398742

Thucydides, Homer unironically, Sunzi (Ames translation), Propensity of Things, Cunning Intelligence in Greek Society and Culture. Look for books on pankration, muay thai, and judo, and/or BJJ. Then practice them. A lot. This would make you actually strategic and be good at martial arts.

>> No.22398804

get off your fat ass and take a walk first you lardass

>> No.22398881

Found the low testosterone loser. Men are literally designed to kill eachother; that's the entire reason we're bigger and stronger than women.

>> No.22398933

What kind of warrior did you want to be? Cause this is a bit stretching and I'm utterly confused as to what book to suggest

>> No.22398969

the bible

>> No.22400018


>> No.22400029

Then why are you posting here instead of going out and killing other men? Why don't you chudtards stick to lapping since logic is not your Forte and by your own logic you are some sort of low T dingleberry hanging onto society's anus trying to avoid your inevitable flush.

>> No.22400031

kek @ U

>> No.22400036

>>>/lgbt/ is that way

>> No.22400043

Glad you know so much about where the chuds hangout.

>> No.22400053

How to infiltrate and subvert a succession of Levantine cities, get dealt with once the Persians are sick of your shit, spend hundreds of pages crying about it, then lie to posterity.

And people act like holocaustianity is something new.

>> No.22400080

You used the tranny word, now fuck off to where all the other trannies are

>> No.22400096

Ranger handbook or SF SUT book.
I mean you still need to actually enlist and all that, which is an incredibly easy process. Then go to your selection, do your best, and bam you're a warrior, either a good one or a shitty one.
But you don't want to do that do you

>> No.22400180

>Brooo we are SUPPOSED to kill each other! Yeah, that’s why we are bigger and stronger!

No understanding of evolution or biology, ngmi, also naturallistic fallacy kys

>> No.22400242
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Actual guide to do a rev

>> No.22400248

Space Marine from 40k.

>> No.22400287

Sounds like we found the tranny loving chud in this thread.

>> No.22400290
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I dunno if OP wants to take advice from a loser.

>> No.22400385

By your logic every person on Earth who died is a loser. He’s been winning for years.

>> No.22400415

No, hes a loser in a sense where he accomplished and won nothing and died a fucking loser. The only thing he was good at was brutalizing defensless farmers.

>> No.22400442

Whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.22401777

All warriors gotta die at some point

>> No.22401792
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>> No.22401797

The Laches dialogue of Plato

>> No.22401962

Warriors are warriors because they know what they are fighting for and why. Find where your loyalties lie Anon. It’s like how soldiers in the SS could go through horrible trauma with no consequences while ZOGbots are getting PTSD over a little action. One is fighting for his family, his nation and the other is fighting for heroin fields and to line the pockets of already fat wallets.

>> No.22402591


>> No.22402613

Physical courage isn’t gained through books. It isn’t gained at all. The body, when put under extreme stress, reaches an either/or moment where it either fights or dies. There is no way to predict how a person will react in that type of situation. I mean this sincerely.

>> No.22402922

I don't think any book is going to make you a warrior, you need to hit the gym and pick up a combat sport and then actually fight people on a regular basis to become a warrior. No joke go to a prison for a violent crime. All those low IQ goons in there it's basically gladiator school.

>> No.22403676

The extreme sports board on 4chan

>> No.22403683

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22403687

Top kek

>> No.22403693

if you can read you are not going to make it

>> No.22403778

>Ernst Junger's Storm of Steel is the book that cured me of my warrior fantasies. It made me realize that true warriors are simply on another level from us mere mortals, l
Yep. The guy had all the credibility in the world and only added to it with his post-war actions. It could never ever ever get published today. Instead we'd get a girl boss fantasy written by some fat black woman who forgot to get pregnant before shipping out to Iraq for 6 months as a cook and never set foot off the base.

>> No.22403839

not the op but i really need to read this.
what version is the most authentic?

>> No.22403939

Read the original 1929 translation. It's the one translated by Basil Creighton. Later versions were "sanitized" by removing his thoughts on leadership and politics, both of which are important to understand Jünger's actions/attitude.

>> No.22403999 [DELETED] 

>”bro we are literally DESIGNED to kill each other bro!”
>punch someone with a boxing glove
>break and skin knuckles, will never heal right without modern treatment, handicapped for life

>> No.22404003

No books will make you a warrior.
To become a warrior, face your own destruction.
"This sea-cyclone calamity,
This storm-wave pounding our hearts
–with hiss and thunder together
It climbed to knock Rat
With an orchard of foam on top–
Has mauled us and choked us with hurt.
What are backbones if not ramrods?
The gods toughen us, Perikles,
To stand this pain. Fortune, misfortune;
Misfortune, fortune. Grit your teeth.
Not all of us need be women."

>> No.22404005

>>22398881 #
>”bro we are literally DESIGNED to kill each other bro!”
>punch someone without a boxing glove
>break and skin knuckles, will never heal right without modern treatment, handicapped for life

>> No.22405023
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goldilocks and the three bears
>you will want to murder every blonde you encounter after this tale

>> No.22405391

Revolt Against the Modern World, Bronze Age Mindset, Blood Meridian, Storm of Steel, and the Epic of Gilgamesh. My tip is to read these in a foreign country. Try taking excursions to 3rd world locations and revel in the lowest parts of society. Do this while working out, and exploring the country.

>> No.22405494

Being a warrior is a natural phenomenon. One can't 'become' a warrior, they already were. I don't think a single warrior has been on 4chan

>> No.22405495

Awfully rich for a tranny to go on about others lack of logic

>> No.22405497

My life was boring as fuck so I started going out and just fighting people. I started putting on a ski mask and at first it was only homeless people then it evolved to high school kids and now I’m picking fights with grown men. I even have a nemesis. I beat up the same guy a couple times, found out where he works so I catch him off guard after he gets off work. He’s been posting on Facebook about catching me at night and giving me what I deserve. Dude drives around at night with a shotgun trying to kill me. My life is so much more exciting now am I crazy for doing this?

>> No.22405504


>> No.22406551

>Bronze Age Mindset
That one will just make you gay and Jewish

>> No.22406842

based if true

>> No.22406844

Unironically First Blood (book about Rambo) and then acting on the principles written in the book

>> No.22406851

How much are you getting paid for this?

>> No.22406966

classic pasta, I upvote

>> No.22406982

Blood Meridian is an obvious answer, it's an increasingly popular book. Personally it made me respect war and competition in every aspect of life, while I was almost a pacifist before, avoiding any and all conflict.

>> No.22407180

Well, he's both gay and Jewish. Stands to reason following his advice would make you gay and Jewish.

>> No.22408076

Did schizo ramblings of The Judge made you appreciate the war?

>> No.22408104

>break and skin knuckles, will never heal right without modern treatment, handicapped for life
Not him, but I have never had this nonsense happen to me. You overstate the case.

>> No.22408912

The national budget

>> No.22408930
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Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe

>> No.22409867

This book made me into a sexual tyrannosaurus, minus the sexual part.

>> No.22410183

Imitation of Christ will put you at war with your sins.