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/lit/ - Literature

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22397180 No.22397180 [Reply] [Original]

Hi racists and homophobes. In spite of how much I hate those of you who make this board a cess pool of bigotry, I do want to see if there's anyone on here who can have a sincere discussion about Joyce. I am about to do a semester on this book, an independent study I set up, and I've read the whole thing besides Penelope, and half of the second to last chapter. I don't know what the big deal with this novel is. It's virtually all aesthetic value. Bloom said it would be a fucking masterpiece, rivaling Dante. Bullshit, there's literally nothing to say about anything that's been said in the novel, aside from an endless slough of vocabulary and trivia.

>> No.22397200

chud here we only hate on transgirls because we want them and want to be them, don't take it too personally.

>> No.22397206

show ur feet pls

>> No.22397225

Requests go on the request board

>> No.22397227

this is /b/ retard

>> No.22397233

If you really wanted a sensible conversation, then you would have rather ignored the fact that you are trans. 6/10 decent bait. Might work on /pol/

>> No.22397241

only the most deranged of us really hate trans(((women))), you know. Most of us pity them. They are very confused people with a mental disorder and for ideological reasons all the mainstream doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists have decided that society should Shutter Island them, eternally pretending their delusions are real so they can feel a little better. What's even sadder is that they will go as far as allowing genital mutilation for this. And what can make anyone angry is that they are targeting confused teenagers with hormone bombs that will permanently alter their bodies. It is madness and should stop, however if you say so people will think you LITERALLY WANT TO GENOCIDE TRANNIES when you just want a sane society.

so sad. Alexa, play Africa by Toto

>> No.22397242

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22397259

I don’t hate trannies, I just want them to fuck off out of my sight and live their lives. But no, part of their whole deal is they want me to see them and/or humiliate them and have some opinion about them

>> No.22397268

I feel the same way about straight people.
Gender doesn't exist.

>> No.22397278

Straight people don’t care about their sexuality, with trannies that’s all they have going for them because society is affirming their ego “if you’re trans you’re so brave and loved and wanted ooo goo goo’
Fuck off porn-brain maniac. This isn’t your hug box. You could have had a conversation about literature if you didn’t preface it with ‘guys look look look at me I’m trans and you’re bigots and I’m trans!!!’

>> No.22397286

i don't want to go for a walk because people will start shilling video cards

you have thoughts on this?

>> No.22397287
File: 55 KB, 983x972, 362614332_267836452557347_2404423045902217858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol is someone triggered and needs their 4chan safe space? Anyways, I wanted to talk about Joyce, but you're all going off topic in a way which I don't think is conducive to an open and honest dialog.

>> No.22397291

but I am a bigot

>> No.22397293

Bloom was an advertiser. He would not approve.

>> No.22397300

>but you're all going off topic in a way which I don't think is conducive to an open and honest dialog.
You disingenuous coward. It’s a good job you can’t feel shame or are turned on by it because it would and should play havoc on your psyche.

>> No.22397301

yes you are right, stalking someone?

>> No.22397308
File: 38 KB, 360x361, ObviousBaitIsObvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22397334

For one, I don't believe what you're saying applies to me, because I don't identify as any gender. I don't think gender is real. So what is really happening when you observe a trans person, is you have a Platonic notion of the true individual in your mind, and you contrast it to the dissimilar other, the multiplicity, which you feel doesn't conform to your static, arborescent notion of what a man or woman should be. Your views are nothing, the trans person is no less a multiplicity than the straight person - not really a gender, but a image which has no depth. No deeper identity. That is what gender is to me, but I don't expect you to understand anything beyond "hurrrrrr penis equals man, woman equals vagina! mommy bring me my swastica armband, someone said they're trans on the internet reeeeeeee!"

>> No.22397345

I did not read any of this. You are a man whether you (((identify))) or not. Seek help. This will be my final post to you

>> No.22397351

I support bugchasing and gender-affirming surgeries (because I hate trannyfreaks and homos)

>> No.22397355

Go back to your safe space friend.

>> No.22397483

This is /lit/

>> No.22397485

>god posting

>> No.22397496

You are mentally ill, seek help.

>> No.22397501

It's funny how the people who coined the term for themselves, project said term on to people who admonish you for using it. The irony is palpable
>gotta trigger the -insert here-

>> No.22397527

There is no such thing as health, or normality.

>> No.22397533

We are not all the same person, ye are bewildered.