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/lit/ - Literature

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2239596 No.2239596 [Reply] [Original]

>"Most of the psychological differences between men and women seem to come from differences in their reproductive systems. From a purely physiological point of view, women live to protect their limited egg supply."

that feel when Haruki Murakami understands the root of sexually dimorphic behavior

that feel when I've been saying this for years and getting shit for it

>> No.2239597

"everybody is a phony" - jd salinger

>> No.2239600

It's not really limited by anything except menopause.

Females control sexual selection because they have to invest more energy than males in the reproductive process.

>> No.2239601

"you should eat babies. definitely eat some babies." - jonathan swift

>> No.2239603

But you can just buy more eggs at the supermarket.

>> No.2239614


>> No.2239624

how they live to protection a limit ogg supply.?

females make one every monthbut can't have the baby that much.

>not sure if correct English

>> No.2239627
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Good thing there's always rape.

>> No.2239630

"murder is justified. this is definitely me saying this and not an unreliable narrator in myfictional novel. i hope soem unlearned rube on 4chan qotes me out of context" - fyodor dostoevsky

>> No.2239633

"Poems are for fags" Plato

>> No.2239634

Really scraping the barrel aren't you, OP.

>> No.2239638



this isn't a given?

how is anyone saying this remotely interesting or remarkable?

>> No.2239645


maybe for you it seems obvious, but most of my friends are delusional feminists

>> No.2239646

>fictional novel

>> No.2239648

Like the necronomicon

>> No.2239649

"I wish I lived in a world divided into castes by human genetic engineering" -Aldous Huxley

>> No.2239653

>mfw BMW is considered a dystopia even though the people have a better quality of living than most people in the real world

>> No.2239661



oh the things that M could stand for

>> No.2239769

Josef K. must have done something wrong, because he was arrested one fine morning. -Franz Kafka

>> No.2239790

"Baba yetu, Yetu uliye, Mbinguni yetu, Yetu amina!" - Soweto Gospel Choir

>> No.2240103

Then how come his male protagonists sit at home?

>> No.2240112
File: 101 KB, 502x406, kjasdjfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look! It's a thread about the book I'm currently re-

Wait, never mind.

>> No.2240117


>> No.2240119


Men and women tgink and act the same. Real differences exist, but are negligent. Only culture sets human male and female behavior apart, and not by much.

Truly, humans are neither insects nor spiders. Even reproductive instincts are to an extent shated, and outside reproduction all instincts are apparently shared between genders.

The more I read up on anthropology, the stronger is this understanding of mine, though I'm no scientist.

>> No.2240124

you're no english major either.

>> No.2240140

It's not my first language. I don't think there was anything wrong with my post, though, outside of general foreign peculiarity.

>> No.2240142

ah, playing the good old "it's not my native language" card. nice try, but I see through your rouse

>> No.2240144

Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even know the meaning of the word 'dystopia'?

>> No.2240145

>that feel when I've been saying this for years and getting shit for it
No you haven't. There's a difference between accepting the biological nature of mankind and the necessities to survive that formed our psychology, and using it as an excuse to be a racist, sexist jackass; I know you are leaning towards the latter, because you wouldn't get shit for discussing the former unless you're around people who don't believe in evolution.

>> No.2240146

motor? (i had to look this up)

>> No.2240151

Your cultural Marxist propaganda isn't going to be taken so lightly here, toots.

>> No.2240191
File: 78 KB, 440x432, Question-Spiderman1-e1298114956855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women live to protect their limited egg supply.
So do men live to get at their limited egg supply?

>> No.2240255

But that's not a "purely physiological" point of view. No creature, even humans, LIVE TO PROTECT OBJECTS OF WHICH THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY CONSCIOUS IDEA OF. At no stage in history except maybe the "modern" could I go up to a woman and ask "Are you trying to protect your limited egg supply?".


God, it's as if I'm looking at a tribe of fucking apes who are trying to justify their PROVINCIALISM by referring a to subset of features (in this case, "sexual dimorphism") that shape their behaviors rather than the larger subset of features (MODES OF PRODUCTION AND SURVIVAL FOR FUCK'S SAKE. IT'S THE BIG GARGANTUAN FUCKING ELEPHANT EVERYONE IGNORES AND ALL YOU FUCKING APES ARE GOING TO BE NOTHING BUT PROVINCIAL FUCKING APES UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND THE HISTORICAL BASIS OF YOUR MODE OF PRODUCTION AND HOW IT SHAPES YOUR SOCIETY JESUS FUCK I'M SOUNDING LIKE VIOLENT SIMIAN).

Anyways, yeah. Fuck your PRETENTIOUS attempt to dominate any understanding of human behavior, sexually dimorphic behavior, and anthropology in general by referring to a hack of an author as opposed to GODAMN SCIENCE.

>> No.2240268

Thank you. I was going to try and say something like this, but I would have been a lot less eloquent.

>> No.2240271

best post

>> No.2240297


Damn, same faggets be postin yo

>> No.2240309
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>> No.2240314
File: 18 KB, 600x459, cappycap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more ANGRY CAPS

>> No.2240316

he's right but he IS pretty pissed off

>> No.2240317

Yes they do. Doing things you don't even have a conscious idea of is the entire basis of pretty much everything most creatures do.

>> No.2240398

>"Most of the psychological differences between men and women seem to come from differences in their reproductive systems. From a purely physiological point of view, women live to protect their limited egg supply."

Show don't tell. First rule of writing broken right there. Shitty writer.

That feel when you all you /r9virgins/ have never read any Shakespeare or Proust and think this weeaboo fucker "gets women."

>> No.2240404

"When it comes to being gay, I'm in the big leagues." - Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

>> No.2240494



>> No.2240518

god this board is retarded. can we make a rule against commenting on a book without having read it

>> No.2240542

I've read the book. It's a step up from Tao Lin...at best.

stay in denial

>> No.2240545

> hasn't read Shakespeare
> hasn't read Proust
> knocks anon for not having read some shitty flash in the pan hipster novelist

Can we make a rule against allowing retards on this board?

>> No.2240547

then why didn't you realize that it's a piece of character dialogue and that murakami probably doesn't even believe it? but then again, you can't even appreicate tao lin, so go fuck yoruself

>> No.2240548

not even going to comment on how idiotic and presumptuous this post is

>> No.2240549

> that feel when Haruki Murakami understands the root of sexually dimorphic behavior

I was responding to OP you dumb fucking shit. Go viral market your hipster novelists elsewhere while I report the fuck out your whiny nigga ass.

>> No.2240551
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Looks like you just did...faggot. Joke's on you.

>> No.2240568
File: 254 KB, 327x245, areyoufuckingkiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when you think an existence entirely devoid of humanity is good
>mfw when BNW is a generation away and you'll welcome it with a dopey fucking grin

>> No.2240571


>I was responding to OP you dumb fucking shit.

which has no bearing on my actual point about how piss-poor your ability to critically analyze a text is. you would have been better off explaining why the character is clearly a mouthpiece for murakami's supposed beliefs about psycholgy

>Go viral market your hipster novelists elsewhere

god forbid we actually discuss books on a literature board

>while I report the fuck out your whiny nigga ass

at leats I made you mad enough to report

>> No.2240572

> he actually believes the things he's saying

lol nigga u got trolled



>> No.2240585

welp this went nowhere

>> No.2240609

How's Ulysses?

>> No.2240612

u mad it went nowhere?

stay buttmad

>> No.2240628

I just strolled in here from /mu/.

I thought you'd all be intellectual and mature but this thread is worse than /b/

>> No.2240632

outside of having nothing to do with this thread? an excellent book by someone who has a fine grasp of female psychology (see the ending, which I did in fact make it to). of course, saying that makes me a hipster I guess

>> No.2240635


we don't listen to witch house

>> No.2240662


It was a shitty thread that deserved all the shitty trolling (double negative = amazing trolling) it got.

>> No.2240930
File: 37 KB, 500x387, You mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2241014

anti-hipsterism is contemporary anti-intellectualism. don't like something? claim hipsters like it; you're bound to get support.

>> No.2241458


>excellent book

What a failure. I can't imagine even calling it a 'great' or 'good' book, let alone excellent. Chronicle was far better.

>> No.2241470

agree w this post

>> No.2241628

Chronicle generated vast tracts of space, but there was always a foreboding or a superficiality to its surface -something was afoot below. It's mostly just boring in 1Q84. "Boring" isn't the best qualifier for why something isn't good in your opinion, but it's what I keep coming back to. It was a mistake to focus half the novel on the husk of a human being that is Tengo, and Murakami's sex scenes finally just became embarrasing.

The fixations of hipsterdom are predominately intellectual posturing.

>> No.2241631


>The fixations of hipsterdom are predominately intellectual posturing.

this is basically the least accurate post

>> No.2241640


Hipsters agree with this post.

>> No.2241641
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>> No.2241651


for real, "hipster" posturing and intellectual posturing are neither coextensive nor coeval

like one might consider listening to kanye, the ur-anti-intellectual who doesn't ever want a book's autograph, a key aspect of her or his hipness

thats not even to broach the broad anti-intellectual streak in chillwave

>> No.2241667

i agree with you that there's a pretty big difference between hipsters and intellectuals, and they're definitely not equivalent of one another

but i think the common discourse about hipsters and the use of the term as a pejorative is pretty anti-intellectual because it's almost always used to imply that no one could ever sincerely like things that are smart/hip/whatever you want to call it, that people only like those things because they're trying to seem superior. when someone calls someone else a hipster for reading joyce, that's anti-intellectual as fuck even tho it has almost nothing to do with "authentic" hipsters.

>> No.2241668

reading shiitty japanese pop lit is about as unhip as u can get so if u read murakami u never have to be worried about asking "am i hip" for the answer is a resounding "no".

>> No.2241673

i never considered the term "hipster" an attack on a persons authenticity. i think this is a projection phoney people who feel guilty of something put onto the word.

>> No.2241676


yeah this is fair i think

funny how different that 4chan conception of "hipster" is from the pbr/fixie/keffiyeh archetype

>> No.2241681

nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. no. i am lost...

seriously though you've never seen people using hipster as an insult?

yeah it's super strange, i wonder if its a suburban high schooler thing or a 4chan is full of dumb nerdlingers thing

>> No.2241682


From what I gathered, to 4chan a hipster is anyone who strays from the shut-in nerd archetype.

>> No.2241687
File: 18 KB, 360x360, wrong_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that's retarded as fuck, eggs get wasted every month if you don't use them

pregnancy = 1 egg lost
not pregnancy = 9 eggs lost

>> No.2241688

yeah but it's not an insult to the persons "authenticity", it's usually just a sort of jealous thing that uptight republicans say about creative professionals who don't live a monotonous yuppie lifestyle.

>> No.2241692

basically anyone who went to college and lives in a major city is a "hipster" to 4chan, really this site is stupid and filled with stupid people. i mean really, why are we even here? this shit is pretty dumb. how many "the stranger" and "1q84" threads can you read? this place is corny.

>> No.2241702

i don't think so but w/e really

i know what you mean

>> No.2241706


literally in the first thread i saw upon opening /mu/

>> No.2241720

i live in nyc and if someone says somebodies a hipster they either mean he's like a gay guy who wears skinny jeans and other "dandy" styles or like some guy who goes to shows every night and know every band etc. it's not even that much of an insult really but usually the people who say it are like uptight yuppie types with no tattoos who just wear gap/macys/neimanmarcus clothes etc.

>> No.2241722

that's what a hipster actually is

i'm talking about what people on 4chan or facebook or w/e think is a hipster