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22395010 No.22395010 [Reply] [Original]

So no moralizing, no praising tame behavior as ideal, no bashing of invented personality disorders. Another view.

>> No.22395017

>no praising tame behavior as ideal
Civilization and its Discontents.

>> No.22395026

Freud is extremely Jewy. His entire theory is based on tameness.

>> No.22395029

>i'm feeling a bit bored and lonely
>better invent a new personality disorder so that I can be unique and special instead of working on my shitty behavior
Instead of writing "Non-Jewish" you should have written "Non-American"

>> No.22395031

Civilization and its Discontents is all about how modern life requires us to suppress our animalistic urges in order to participate in society, and how that repression leads to mental problems.

>> No.22395045

Ern Malley is a favorite because of his intentionally shitty writing and poetry which was taken seriously by others. His death at 24 is supposed to be like Keats.


According to his inventors' fictitious biography, Ernest Lalor Malley was born in Liverpool, England, on 14 March 1918. His father died in 1920, and Malley's mother migrated to Petersham, a suburb of Sydney, Australia, with her two children: Ern, and his older sister Ethel. After his mother's death in August 1933, Ern Malley left school to work as an auto mechanic. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, he then moved to Melbourne where he lived alone and worked as an insurance salesman, and later as a watch repairman. Diagnosed with Graves' disease sometime in the early 1940s, Malley refused treatment. He returned to Sydney, moving in with his sister in March, 1943, where he became increasingly ill (as well as temperamental and difficult) until his death at the age of 25 on 23 July of that same year.

Malley's life as a poet became known only after his sister Ethel (another fictitious creation of McAuley and Stewart) found a pile of unpublished poems among his belongings. These poems featured a brief preface, which explained that they had been composed over a period of five years, but it left no instructions as to what was to be done with them. Ethel Malley supposedly knew nothing about poetry, but showed the poems to a friend, who suggested that she send the poems to someone who could examine them.[10] Max Harris of Angry Penguins was to be that someone.

>> No.22395052

>modern life requires us to suppress
Freud thought it was the 'super-ego' that suppresses. Blaming 'modern life' is just his ruse.

>> No.22395059

every time you guys say Jewish I just think of my sister's boyfriend who is slightly better than me by virtue of having the respect of women.

it's a lot more anecdotal than it should be

>> No.22395070

I don't mind the Jews, but that's just because I know what to look out for. You can still never be too careful.

>> No.22395076

and where do the super-ego's strictures come from? the society you find yourself in, anon. try reading the writer before you critique him, you'll often find that the writer's anticipated and responded to your critique already

>> No.22395078

>every time you guys say Jewish I just think of my sister's boyfriend who is slightly better than me by virtue of having the respect of women.
fascinating, anon. how does he have the respect of women?

>> No.22395079

>super-ego's structures come from
From Jewish scriptures. But them again Confucius is also that way. All who seek to castrate.

>> No.22395083

he probably doesn't make it all about him

>> No.22395085

If you need a book to be told to get violent you are the problem and should stop blaming the jews for your lack of testicles.

>> No.22395095

I'm looking for something that expands the mind. That explores psychology without a moral outlook. Just free exploration.

>> No.22395098

I on the other hand know exactly what I want and am simply waiting for it to appear

>> No.22395128

"Power, Interest and Psychology: Elements of a Social Materialist Understanding of Distress" by David Smail

It's another view, I found it useful although it's usefulness is also limited by its assumptions / rooted in the author's practice.

>> No.22395131

You made a thread saying you want books that aren't Jewish and are completely outside psychology but are still about psychology and also praise behavior that isn't tame. Violence is a process that fires neurons in your brain, it is a new experience for you, it will expand your mind. So instead of looking for unicorns and blaming jews for whatever problems you feel you have you can go get violent instead. When they lock you up and you start the rehabilitation process the criminal justice system is heavy on Jung.

>> No.22395136

'taming' is mastery bullshit? tell me more but make it pretty

>> No.22395149

I'm looking at ethology right now. If humans were studied like animals we would have better success.

>> No.22395156

It's hard. Part of me wants to recommend you Szazs, for a fresh perspective on psychiatry and explain it all. But it feels like you want an ideal? So something like Kaczynski, or even Nietzsche?
Neurology is what might legitimize "mental health", and transform it into what it actually is "brain health".
What you think is Jewish is just the system (and rule) building that people get up right after proclaiming that organized religion is just a tool for control.

>> No.22395166

Humans are studied like animals. What do you think the practice of medicine is? You can also go get locked up, you will be studied like an animal there as well. I can safely infer that I should stay the hell away from ethology (whatever the fuck that is) if it has lead you to believe we are not studied like animals. It can be inferred from your statements you also seem to think we as humans are not animals, which lands me right back at my original response to you.

>> No.22395174

No. Psychologically it's always about suppressing power and confusion instead of saying things as they are.

>What do you think the practice of medicine is?
It's about selling drugs and making money.

>> No.22395183

You and I are both animals, if you feel the need to show the system who is boss you are always welcome to go do so sport, and you will get an animalistic reminder about who is in charge and sit in a cell and have them force feed you Jung. As it stands, based on my original response, I sincerely doubt you have the ounce of manhood needed to do that, you would rather complain about jews on 4chinz. Psychology and medicine are both practiced by treating you like an animal, drugs alter your mind etc etc, if the other monkey can make money off you they will, are you honestly this naive about how society works? You probably are, which means you are absolutely right OP, you really are better off staying in your basement trying to connect magical Jewish dots, good work.

>> No.22395186

Do you do this for free?

>> No.22395191

>if you feel the need to show the system who is boss
how does he show the system who is boss if he's already in the punishment stage?

>> No.22395196

>the system
Is already dead. We're in the comatose phase.The battle is for the future.

>> No.22395214

Technically since I am not licensed it is a legal Grey area, I don't want to be accused of practicing without a license but if it was worded the right way maybe.

If I have learned anything it is that the system always has a way to further isolate you with increasingly sophisticated methods of solitary confinement. I once spent 77 days in confinement with no auditory input beyond the safety slot of my cell door 6 times a day for a food tray, once to drop it off, once more to pick it up. No books, not even a Bible, all meals were "loaf" which may or may not be moldy, and a camera in the safety shower with a guard to come on the intercom to tell you to stop masterbating. The system can do this endlessly, longer than you can survive it. If OP feels he is in some sort of punishment stage I honestly would say he is not being punished for anything, my guess would be he is actually someone who is doing what society has told him to do and it isn't getting him anywhere, he should use his freedom to pursue interests that are meaningful to him.

>> No.22395225

Only 12 years olds write it like that.

>> No.22395241

Think whatever you want, only civilians who haven't done time say shit like that.

>> No.22395247

you went to jail but your career is fine or something?

>> No.22396634
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>> No.22396702

Behead All Satans

>> No.22396706

Find books that jews attack
If jews aren't attacking something that is popular, its coming from a shabbos goy and they control it at some level. They hate more than anything narratives they don't control, so look there

>> No.22397027

>I once spent 77 days in confinement with no auditory input
Tf did you do?

>> No.22397424
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plz rite moar

>> No.22398849

If you speak Russian, you can check Mikhail Labkovsky.

>> No.22399193

Maybe Jung, structure and dynamics of the psyche or psychological types.

>> No.22399229

The Bible

>> No.22399232

(It's his circumcised penis)

>> No.22399236

Read Man and His Symbols

>> No.22399272
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You seem like the sort of person that would benefit from reading pic-related lol

>> No.22399292

Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women who dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

>> No.22399305

>Violence is a process that fires neurons in your brain, it is a new experience for you, it will expand your mind. So instead of looking for unicorns and blaming jews for whatever problems you feel you have you can go get violent instead. When they lock you up and you start the rehabilitation process the criminal justice system is heavy on Jung.

This chud is pathetic. he is the peak of the atheist beta cuck desperate to enact fight club. Completely molded by the entertainment industry, the most vaginal of all industries.

>> No.22399686

unironically ISAIF. ted intuited certain psychological truths that a number of earlier writers had begun to touch on, but he articulated them more completely, albeit more crudely. mental illness is real and trying to overcome it by telling yourself it's fake and gay will rarely ever work, but its origins and proper treatment are completely different from those suggested by mainstream consensus psychiatry. mental illness is a civilizational disease, and the best way to overcome it is, to the best of your ability, de-civilize yourself. boredom isn't real, vague concepts like "self-actualization" or "fulfillment" are bullshit, most of the activities that people stake their happiness and self-worth on are just hobbies (so it's inevitable that they never provide the "fulfillment" they're supposed to), and you probably feel like shit because of chronic inflammation and dopamine deficiency from your environment+lifestyle.

>> No.22399815

The Bible is an eastern mystical book about the Human Mind!!

Adam and Eve are intellect and emotion. You should look into the people who wrote about this. There is all the mental undertones you need.

The tabernacle is the brain.

The “Jewish” people along with all literal religions fall for the parable and because of this they create the Ego based world you live in.

>> No.22400678
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>no bashing of invented personality disorders
you are already claiming the entire field is fake
this is typically the 1st symptom of severe mental illness
part 1

>> No.22400686
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part 2

>> No.22400694
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part 3
best of luck to anybody falling into this shit

>> No.22401634

Ok shill your pharma sales institution somewhere else. This is partly why people hate the field.

>> No.22401721
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Not sure what exactly you're looking for, but there's a certain brand of psychotherapy that tries to be non-pathologizing and non-counter-active in principle and instead assumes that the "symptom" is in fact something functional and emotionally required based on your lived experience. This approach is interesting because instead of trying to train yourself out of a undesired thought, feeling or behavior like most therapy, you're instead guided to experience the unconscious, currently unknown emotional reason why you actually do something and why the "symptom" is something very important and emotionally required.

>> No.22401737

>I respect the man fucking my sister
kek. cuck.

>> No.22401755

How would that make him a cuck? It's his sister, not his wife.

Do you watch a lot of pornography?

>> No.22402255

That's good.

>> No.22402338
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>non Jewish books about """mental health"""
Oxymoron. Read philosophy until you have some sort of metaphysical grounds, then find a (preferably pre 1970) psychologist that can build on that in an actionable way (jung seems to be a popular choice but I'm sure there are others that suit different worldviews better)

My mental health hasn't improved at all with this regimin btw. But 2 more weeks and I will make it out of here. I can feel it

>> No.22402412

Introduction to Mental Health by Fr. Chad Ripperger, Catholic exorcist

>> No.22402416

Has no-one mentioned Deleuze's Anti-Oedipus

>> No.22402446

That's great thank you. More like this.

>> No.22402462

>muhhhh medical checklist
Oh wow, an actual npc. On a scale from 1 to 10 how intense are these feelings of retardation you've been experiencing?

>> No.22402477

you're welcome

>> No.22402481

>I just think of my sister's boyfriend who is slightly better than me
4/10, might hit 6 replies

>> No.22402500

Mental health implies that there is an ideal way for a person to be. If there’s no ideal, then there’s no way to measure a person’s mental health.

>> No.22402532

The key though lies with the Chinese Oedipus Complex and the Dragon worship of the father. It's so similar to Judaism and yet the cultures never met. A complete anthropological deconstruction is possible. It's jot jatural at all: it's a cultural demomic creatiom as Plato wouyld put it.

You have Plato with the Greeks, the Chinese, and the Jews all forming these castrating systems.

>> No.22402686

When it's said in mythology that a hero slayed a dragon I think this is what is meant.

It's a human phenomenon to be oppressed by whatever society you live in and the way out is there.

>> No.22402700

What is it about? Mental problems are caused by demonic possession?

>> No.22402720

>demonic possession
Yes. The demons are the ancestors. Deleuze says it takes three generations of abuse to cause schizophrenia.

>> No.22402818
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There has to be an African American centric psychological movement out there that would fit your tastes. Something about decolonizing your mind until you become a cannibalistic jungle pygmy or whatever.

Is woke psychology a thing?

>> No.22402828

Deleuze is a the usual bourgeois sheltered from life who can't stop telling people what to think

>> No.22402834

>Everything is relative bro!!!
Peak atheism.

>> No.22402983


>> No.22403055
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>violence, yes
>not Jewish
But they're historically very good at it.
>INB4 cope
The Mig-21 MF was a more recent dedicated interceptor than their opposition and shot down Phantom 2s and even an F-14 and many F-5s five fine in Iran. Israel just has very good pilots and ops planning.

For the Egyptian rout it was a surprise attack and the Phantoms only got in the air as the runway was bombed.

>> No.22403057
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Or old school

>> No.22403271

How long have you been on your path?

>> No.22403280

The collected works of William James

>> No.22403282

Not that anon but he's right, objectivism is for teenagers trying to gain confidence in the power process

t. Christian

>> No.22403321

There are non because mental health is a jewish meme.

>> No.22403745
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>you are already claiming the entire field is fake
>this is typically the 1st symptom of severe mental illness

>> No.22404208
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My whole life of course. Perhaps longer

>> No.22404424
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Prove the majority of "disorders" in the dsm have substantial evidence for their existence (and not schizophrenia or any lapses in reality, they might be the only ones with objective criteria.) Most disorders in the DSM are voted into existence by roundtable meaning they can be added and redacted at will. Contrast this with the claim that mental illness is just like diabetes and the whole thing falls apart; ADHD, which is supposedly an illness just like cancer, could be removed tomorrow and the person diagnosed with it would stop being considered ill (which has happened with several disorders in the DSM's history) because there's nothing holding up it's definition beyond a list of behaviors that go outside changeable social norms. The defects that cause cancer and diabetes are readily detectable, they're defects in a way an organism's body is supposed to function. There is no defect in behavior, thought, and opinion as long as a person is in control of themselves and is able to properly perceive reality. This is why psychotic disorders are the exception to the rule, and why pro-psych people will always use them to defend psychiatry, but they're unlike the rest.
>Inb4 what about brain differences
It's up to a neurologist to decide whether a deviation in the brain's state is a disorder or not. There are natural differences in brains just like height or eye color. Damage or differences in the prefrontal cortex could cause you to show symptoms that align with the criteria of ADHD, but a difference in the prefrontal cortex is not ADHD. ADHD is a list of behaviors that could be caused by anything and could easily be deleted from the English language. The word is not the thing, the word pipe is not a physical pipe. It's like trying to diagnose neurological differences with consistency and accuracy from the results of a buzzfeed quiz, it's impossible.
TL;DR: psychiatry is semantic bullshit riddled with linguistic fallacies. The type of people to believe denying something could fall under a symptom.

>> No.22404427

Take the Freud pill and fuck your mother.

>> No.22404430

>modern life requires us to suppress our animalistic urges in order to participate in society
Go out and rape women then, retarded nig*er.

>> No.22404440

I dont mind jews as long as they dont force their inferior beliefs and way of life on me, tho I do have a HUGE problem with Zionists , although Israel as a jewish /pol/ for untermensch is not too bad except for their oppression of others that I mentioned previously already.

>> No.22404450
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>> No.22404457

>short reads
"Doors of Perception"/"Heaven and Hell" Huxley
"Mental Resilience" Sarma
>bite sized reads
"Daily Rituals" Currey
"Keys to Power, Mastery and Truth" Williams
>all I really needed was purpose but it took me a month to read a book to help me figure it out
"Mastery" Greene

>> No.22405341


>> No.22405461

Fair enough, but what I wanted to know was how long specifically philosophy and psychoanalysis have you been exploring?
3-4 years in and i think I'm starting to actually benefit and feel the results so wanted to offer some words of encouragement.

>> No.22405499

The problem of the puer aeternus marie von franz

>> No.22405876

Waking the Tiger by Peter A. Levinr

>> No.22405906

As a fellow philosophy-chad who has been on the grind for over a decade, I have learned to easily identity the causes of my mental distress. Staying away from them is another issue all together and, barring complete societal isolation, an impossible affair.

>> No.22405946

All my mental health problems stem from information overload from access to the internet
Humans were not supposed to have access to so much information at once, our brains are not calibrated for it

>> No.22405956
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Ah, that must be why in Time Squad, Freud cures peoples mental illness by hypnotizing them into being animals

>> No.22406480

very true.

>> No.22406539

Good book. I’m not one to just hand out brownie points to Jews for their insights but this was spot on.

>> No.22406542

Nice shifting of goalposts Pierre. I know deep down all communists like you are just like Nazis you just take “it’s the Jews” with “it’s the Anglos and Americans”

Rent free, as usual.

>> No.22406895

>"Mental Resilience" Sarma
Absolute nonsense. By 'Jewish' I really meant 'religious' since they're one of the clearest examples of how religion decays a people.

When religion influences psychology as is the case in almost all if not all psychology, it can become an even purer form of decadence. Self help books are religious in nature and so is philosophy barring a only a few.

>> No.22406923

Are you Jewish by chance?
No. The vast minority of them are. That being said, 15% of people are routinely attacked by a demon and <1% are demonically possessed. "Transgender" people are almost all demonically attacked but not possessed.

>> No.22406926

>how religion decays a people
What's funny is the hyper online zoomer neonazis actually think that this is "traditional" when Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Rousseau, Kant, and basically every writer but Marx or Freud or Nietzsche would deny this so strongly as to render it riduculous. Religion frees man from politics by realizing is not only symbollically but literally above it.

>> No.22406959

>Are you Jewish by chance?

Religion is makes you worse.

>> No.22406991

>Religion is makes you worse.
If you're ESL feel free to write it in your mother tongue and put it into a translator if you want - ChatGPT is great for this.

>> No.22407035

It was a typo.

>> No.22408176

psychology is jewish

>> No.22408200

>Religion is makes you worse.
definitely a jew

>> No.22408209

Mein Kampf

>> No.22408224

read philosophy

>> No.22408322
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Philosophy for several years. Psychoanalysis I'm really just starting to be honest. I'm glad to hear that it is working for you anon.

>> No.22408583

the number of people who are told they have a disease but are simply malcontent for one reason or another is much greater than the number of people who are actually crazy or disconnected from reality by some mental pathology.

> but we need to call them crazy for the sake of social order

the idea that organized society cannot exist without making people miserable is bogus. it's an attempt to rationalize an (ig)noble lie to the people who recognize that it's a lie.

> we're not lying
> okay we're lying but we do it for society
> okay we don't do it for society but to defraud society but clearly this is the status quo and there's no use doing anything about it, accept what you can't change (and other such platitudes)

is how the discussion goes in a nutshell.

>> No.22408611

>> we're not lying
>> okay we're lying but we do it for society
>> okay we don't do it for society but to defraud society but clearly this is the status quo and there's no use doing anything about it, accept what you can't change (and other such platitudes)
> you're doing something about it? liar! communist! racist! fascist! heathen!

>> No.22408810

That's the funny thing about those wars was that Israel started the falseflsg for them to justify invading the remaining Palestine land until UN ceasefire. They tried more later on but the US was than trying to tard wrangle them since they kept lying that Egypt was gonna nuke them for the nth time, which is why they have blackmail operations by Epstein and they pay politicians to continue taking more land.

>> No.22408998

Honest advice: nothing. Stop worrying about "mental health" bullshit garbage. Exercise and get fit.

>> No.22410170

>Exercise and get fit.
Waste of time.

>> No.22410582

Thomas Szasz, Jewish-Hungarian anti-psychiatry psychiatrist.

>> No.22411219

exercise isn't enough

>> No.22411492

The whole point of this book is to praise tame behavior as ideal bro

>> No.22411595

The Pali Canon
Advaita Vedanta
Plato: the Complete Works
Mein Kampf Dalton side by side translation

>> No.22412177

have sex