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/lit/ - Literature

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22393067 No.22393067 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22393075

he's trolling Putin? single head of state = absolute gg

>> No.22393090

What does it mean?

>> No.22393095

i don’t get it.

>> No.22393100

stupid chud shit but the amogus made me smile

>> No.22393102
File: 80 KB, 228x203, 1615670259378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22393103

>but how is this /lit/?

>> No.22393106

Blond guy is Trump being arrested. Old guy behind the wall is Biden making business with Ukrainians

>> No.22393107
File: 31 KB, 641x530, 1690066818792636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit my bad guys I made an offtopic thread

>> No.22393112

Our board's standard for high quality content has been irrevocably sullied.

>> No.22393114
File: 534 KB, 680x517, 68958695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this cartoon, OP

>> No.22393119

I drink yuengling

>> No.22393432


>> No.22393464

i don’t see an amongus

>> No.22393521

In the illustrative depiction provided, we are presented with a visual narrative encapsulated within the medium of a comic strip. This sequential art composition consists of two distinct panels, each intricately conveying a distinct scenario with a compelling underlying theme. The chosen artistic style resonates with the iconic and often satirical characteristics commonly associated with cartoon representations.

The inaugural panel on the left portrays an emblematic scene that resonates with the prevailing concept of justice and legal equity. Within this visual tableau, we encounter a pair of law enforcement officers, donned in their characteristic uniforms, emblematic of their role as upholders of societal order. Positioned in a dynamic stance, they stand adjacent to one another, sharing a profound exchange that is visually punctuated by a speech bubble containing the text, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW."

Central to this tableau is the figure of Donald Trump, a prominent and polarizing figure within the political landscape. He finds himself the subject of the enforcement of justice, as one of the officers, in a gesture indicative of their duty, is shown escorting him away. This visual cue implies that Trump is being held accountable for his alleged transgressions and crimes, thereby reinforcing the notion that the law is indeed impartial and applicable to all individuals, regardless of their status or influence.

The right panel, which exists in stark thematic juxtaposition to the left, introduces us to an altogether divergent scenario. In this segment, we are presented with a rendition of Joe Biden, the incumbent President of the United States, embroiled in a different form of controversy. The environment within this panel is distinctly characterized by dimmer lighting, invoking an aura of secrecy and obscurity that is markedly dissimilar from the well-lit and open space of the preceding panel.

Here, Biden is engaged in a transactional negotiation, one that is subtly indicative of alleged backdoor dealings with Ukraine. This particular visual narrative element serves as an embodiment of the suspicions and accusations that have swirled around political figures throughout history. The artistic choice of rendering this scene with darker lighting serves to further accentuate the clandestine nature of the depicted dealings, symbolizing the opacity that often accompanies such scenarios.

Notably, one of the law enforcement officers, while visually recognizable as a representative of the justice system, features a badge design that draws inspiration from a character hailing from the popular online game "Among Us." This ingeniously crafted detail serves to add a touch of modernity and relatability to the illustration, effectively connecting it with contemporary culture and the pop-culture zeitgeist.

>> No.22393527

The distinguishing factor between the two panels is, of course, the symbolic wall that serves as both a visual and thematic divider. This partition not only functions as a separation between the two distinct scenarios but also encapsulates the ideological chasm that exists within the realm of politics, justice, and accountability. The choice of employing a wall as this visual divider carries a metaphorical connotation, evoking notions of separation and division, much like the socio-political debates that often arise in such contexts.

In summation, this intricately crafted comic strip adeptly combines elements of visual artistry, storytelling, and social commentary. Through its meticulously rendered scenes and symbolic embellishments, it underscores the themes of justice, accountability, political intrigue, and the contrasting aspects of transparency and opacity within the realm of governance. By adopting an artistic style that is reminiscent of classic cartoons, the comic strip resonates with an audience familiar with the tradition of using satire and caricature to reflect upon pertinent societal issues.

>> No.22393537

Wow he did something NOT about trannies for once.