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File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-christian-theology-is-the-grandmother-of-bolshevism-oswald-spengler-43-73-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22392870 No.22392870 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see the marxists cope with this one.

>> No.22392880

I will learn world history, greek mytology, and Goethe's Faust before dive into Spengler's Decline of the West. Wish me luck, bros.

>> No.22392885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22392893

Interesting post anon care to elaborate on it? Not quite sure I understand what's happening here.

>> No.22392903

Good luck anon.

>> No.22392905

Funny that Christianity is Platonism for the masses and also it is Bolshevism. Maybe it is the secondhand parables of a desert preacher whom people read far too deeply into and apply whatever they want onto.

>> No.22393181

Spengler stuff always goes over better on /Pol/.

>> No.22393191

Mine is like half the size, thanks for ruining my evening asshole

>> No.22393193

Why would Breaking Bad Hank say this

>> No.22393211

Yeah, marxists usually cope by sucking cock

>> No.22393281
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obey your master
kill them all

>> No.22393307

>marxist is a retard
No surprise there

>> No.22393327

Someone is seething

>> No.22393338

He told Siri to search for sex gifs but mispoke

>> No.22393343

Why would we cope? Marx literally said this.

>> No.22393345

'Tis true, but how if at all does it btfo Marxsim?

>> No.22393349

obey your master
obey your (((master)))

>> No.22393392

When the (((master))) here is from the same tribe in both instances it’s more of a pick your poison kind of deal.

>> No.22393401

no matter, spirit can't override natural history

>> No.22393423
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>obey your (((master)))
cry more tranny bitch

>> No.22393442

>tranny bitch
That is cultural appropriation, chud.

>> No.22393552
File: 75 KB, 604x316, Ox4NpqS8De8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is cultural appropriation

>> No.22393730

christian theology is the grandmother of almost all ideologies in the west

>> No.22393989

Can't you just read it, then do those things, then read it again?

>> No.22394084

>jesus tells people to willingly be nice and charitable to poors and avoid materialism and superficial desires
>wtf this is literally my hyper-materialistic violent revolutionary ideology

this is such a fucking stupid low iq take, its literally "omg being nice to poor people? thats literally communism!

i cant believe i almost took this guy seriously as a thinker and picked up his books at one point. this is basically a generic proto-directionbrain take passing its self as intellectualism

>> No.22394357

can't tell if this is bait or not

>> No.22394370

Not mine

>> No.22394374

kek and based
>hierarchical religion based on not disturbing what is Caesar's

>> No.22394391


>> No.22394395
File: 24 KB, 807x380, images - 2023-08-19T123434.239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Christianity is Platonism for the masses them Communism is hegelianism for the masses

>> No.22394397

>Communism is hegelianism
yes and its not really disputed t bh desu
both trash

>> No.22394418

>christianity: the rich are vile, greedy and nigger-tier materialistic and destructive people with no values who are damning their soul, dont be like them

>communism: the rich are vile, greedy and nigger-tier materialistic and destructive people with no values who are damning their soul (which doesnt exist) and you as a working person need to learn to be exactly like them, emulate them in every way, be the most materialistic gutter piece of shit you can be and shed any semblance of higher non-materialist values and identity so that you can secure more wealth for yourself

>wtf these are literally the same thing!

>> No.22394420


>> No.22394422 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool strawman retard
curious you didn't address the whole Caesar part, and I don't know, about 10% of the New Testament being about not rebelling against your kings


>> No.22394427 [DELETED] 

im literally agreeing with you. i guess i should have formatted my post better

>> No.22394430

communism is just a materialist ideology. same as capitalism
good post

>> No.22394431

Marx was literally a Young Hegelian. The thing with Christianity is they like to call it Platonism when it is a Jewish cult centered around a dead martyr which is tangentially at best influenced by later platonist scholars such as Philo and is only vaguely similar to Plato.

>> No.22394434
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>Jewish cult centered around a dead martyr

>> No.22394438

There isn't very much to Christianity because it is so vague and the lessons Christ taught are similar to lots of other, more complex philosophies in which the writers elucidated much more clearly. The fact that people compare it to such completely contradictory ideologies as Platonism AND Bolshevism should tell you a lot.

>> No.22394440
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>There isn't very much to Christianity because it is so vague

>> No.22394444
File: 6 KB, 88x122, qJRcbS3Z_400x400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my actual face. I am a graduate of both the University of Florence and the university of Munich. I have several books on Plato arguing against dogmatic Neoplatonists and in favor of a more liberal reading of the aporia dialogues which I have authored anonymously.

>> No.22394447

keked and checked
you should put one of your quotes on a professional photo... nonironically

>> No.22394473

>should tell you a lot.

all it really tells you is that people love to talk shit about topics that they dont actually know much about. they have vague conceptions of concepts and use that as a basis for starting debates aabout them,

people compare Christianity to communism solely because their vague impression of both concepts involves some vague idea of distributing wealth to poor people, and some kind of anti-rich sentiment, therefore in their mind "its literally the same thing bro!" even though they are wildly different and communist theory consistently drove them to go as far as exterminating Christians every time they got power because christianity was seen as an anti materialist, anti-revolutionary barrier and a conservative institution

both actual leftist LARPers and retarded right wingers seem to have this vague conception of communism as some kind of moral crusade that probably would have made marx facepalm hard

>> No.22394485

>people compare Christianity to communism solely because their vague impression of both concepts involves some vague idea of distributing wealth to poor people
absolutely and people don't understand this enough. as you say christianity was seen as an anti materialist, anti-revolutionary barrier and a conservative institution. it's just basic history

>> No.22394486

people compare Christianity to communism solely because their vague impression of both concepts involves some vague idea of distributing wealth to poor people, and some kind of anti-rich sentiment,

But the OP quote of this thread is Oswald Spengler who I am sure you wouldn't consider to be illiterate or mistaken on topics of this nature. ;)

>> No.22394493

I am being sarcastic because I do not hold Spengler in high regard.

>> No.22394499

>people compare Christianity to communism solely because their vague impression of both concepts involves some vague idea of distributing wealth to poor people, and some kind of anti-rich sentiment, therefore in their mind "its literally the same thing bro!"
That's not even the argument. Communism is simply the fourth Abrahamic religion and its entire archetypical structure can be directly associated with Judeo-Christian thought. Slave morality, to put it simply.

>vague conception of communism as some kind of moral crusade
Except it was. Once Lenin was in power he ordered a merciless campaign of terror on the clergy. Soviets were not uncommonly crucifying people, especially as the Red Army was marching towards Germany. Not that different from the Inquisition. A top-down system of ideological control that punishes heresy harshly during the initial phases, and then slowly backs off to become what it is today and in recent history.

The result is the same (and worse), see above.

>> No.22394501

>conception of communism as some kind of moral crusade
that's what that guy was literally saying desu

>> No.22394504
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>That's not even the argument. Communism is simply [my opinion]
The most perfect Strawman I've seen all day.

>> No.22394520

>fourth Abrahamic religion and its entire archetypical structure can be directly associated with Judeo-Christian thought. Slave morality, to put it simply.

hahahaha is this a joke? holy shit, do you even have the slightesed idea of what you are talking about dude? this is exactly what i mean when i say thar you fuucking retards love to talk shit about topics you dont even have a basic undersytanding of

communism isnt "christian slave morality", it is literally the polar opposite. literally the entire fucking point, word for word, of marxism is that its about throwing off burdens like christian morality that restrain ones actions and make one docile and inactive, and learning to be ruthless, to fucking kill people if you have to, in order to take what you want and fulfuilo your material intereast, because thats what everuone else it doing. it can be summarised as "its a dog eat dog world and youre just standing around with your head up your ass, time to learn how to bite because thats what everyone else is doing"

the fact that you would even think to compare it to christian morality is fucking hilarious

>> No.22394535

they didnt kill christians as part of some moral crusade, they killed Christians because marx literally wrote that christian morality was anti-revolutionary and spirituality had to be eliminated in order for society to move beyond it to a purely materialist state

>> No.22394545
File: 10 KB, 180x301, vogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is no Marxist dogma!" -- Lenin

>> No.22394562

Now these are scholarly posts

>> No.22395129

There's no rebuttal, no refutation. Marxisters, I think --- I think it's officially over.

>> No.22395173

Marxists are very similar to religitards except they don't even believe in divinity.

>> No.22395175

It's been over for over 100 years

Marxtards are subhuman

>> No.22395202

>King of France has economic problems. Gets overthrown.
>Tsar has economic problems. Gets overthrown.
>Communist party has economy products. Gets overthrown.
Literally confirms historical materialism. Ideas literally does not matter for the masses.

>> No.22395220

the marxists cope by striking

>> No.22395230

this is so depressing

>> No.22395251

>Historical materialism is true
Yeah, but not in marxian sense otherwise communist society could have been existing universally.

>> No.22395329

Meanwhile, in real life, all commietrannies are mentally ill faggots and freaks.

>> No.22395332
File: 173 KB, 1050x702, d65-2253716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will va-A-ACCKKKKKKK!!

>> No.22396422

Would they even disagree?

>> No.22396436

and what do you think is the origin of conservatism is, genius