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/lit/ - Literature

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22392328 No.22392328 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22392333
File: 4 KB, 200x309, 9783484701533_200x_sein-und-zeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For midwits, maybe.
Read some real metaphysics.

>> No.22392338

sure, if you're an extremely neurotic 5'2" eccentric moderately based frog

>> No.22392339

In which domain of inquiry is B&T better than B&N ?

>> No.22392343

>replying to a post that has midwits in it
you deserve the troll desu

>> No.22392344

>t. obviously never opened the book

>> No.22392348

I liked the book you dumbass kek

>> No.22392353

i'll answer to every possible bump, but why is that post midwitesque ? If this is because his post says that heidegger is still a metaphysician, he's right

>> No.22392360

Sorry then, what did you liked of it ? What did you took from it ? Has it had any practical implications for your life ?

>> No.22392406

>the infinite curtains and the one curtain

it's not bad

>> No.22392501

Never read it. I like Kierkegaard and the oeuvre of Ernst Jünger. I think the former discussed the dilemma better than anyone. I think the implication of the latter is that existentialism and nihilism are largely consequences of technology and I also think he also provides a method of escape.

>> No.22392602

Which dilemma ? How would existentialism be a consequence of technology ? Why escape it ?

If you like Kierkegaard, you should definitely read Sartre, he really expands Kierkegaard's theory of the self, of anxiety and of false identity (bad faith)

>> No.22392704

The existentialist dilemma, in short. You’ll have to read Ernst Jünger and see if you come away with it what I did. This format isn’t appropriate for me to go into detail, but I can say that he had a series of figures, one being the worker, which he ultimately concluded was nihilistic and moved on from. I read Sartre’s existentialism is a humanism and thought it was awful tbqh but please don’t ask me why because that was some time I ago and I don’t remember exactly why I didn’t like it.

>> No.22392730

What is the existentialist dilemma ?

Don't trust existentialism is a humanism, it's an awful vulgarisation of being and nothingness in which he just tried to get himself accepted by communists. You're really missing something great by avoiding existentialism man

>> No.22394284


>> No.22394619

read Marcel

>> No.22394845
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I'm just glad /lit/ or at least some /lit/ anon regularly posting about this is finally giving this book a go and liking it. I used to make occasional threads and posts about this book being slept on and actually being pretty great. Keep at it OP.
>Is this the best book about human life and existence ever written?
I don't know. I think I would write a better one if I had the time, but Sartre would deserve credit for influencing me. So would Heidegger, Buber, and others. But I think B&N is a lot more interesting than people realize because they go off like third hand fourth hand or fifth hand rumors about Sartre not based in really reading the book. All the /lit/ rumormongering pisses me off actually. It shows how sheepish everyone is here, they never study the things I force myself to study just to spite them. And in all cases I learn something new and valuable. Or I'll study what they pretend to study (like Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche) and get more out of it than they do. Be like that OP, not like them. Anyway B&N is pretty great. Fun fact it basically ends with an analysis of picrel, but nobody knows that except the B&N readership.

>> No.22394856

uh, it was released in France and Voltaire isn't there to shit on it

>> No.22394859

This is what a narcissist looks like.

>> No.22394875

Is Nausea good? My understanding is it’s similar to The Book of Disquiet but more optimistic in the sense that suffering is needed for motivation, and you can’t have the good without the bad?

>> No.22394897

Frankly, just learn to own up to your best self. I don't flex unless I can own up to it. Make your life about affirmation and balance it with other-orientedness and you'll be much less resentful when someone else is a "narcissist." Become a healthy narcissist yourself, it's part of a healthy life-affirming mindset. What are you ashamed of? Shame's holding you back.

>> No.22396531

Existentialism is a Humanism for a shortcut

>> No.22396579

I'm sorry, why are we praising atheists' brain vomit ?

>> No.22396762

what do you mean

>> No.22396795

Yeah i'm actually a big fan of Heidegger's Being and Time which completely redefined my perception of human life, and from what i've read of B&N (and the bits of his theory i already know) i'm expecting the same if not better ! Phenomenological ontology really is something...

>I would write a better one if I had the time
What would be your starting point or main thesis anon ?

>Heidegger, Buber, and others
Do you have any others interesting philosophers inquiring into human existence ?

>they never study the things I force myself to study just to spite them. And in all cases I learn something new and valuable. Or I'll study what they pretend to study (like Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche)
Hahaha, i'm litteraly like you, I'm really glad to have overcome my prejudices and to have attacked thinkers who are little appreciated by the 4chan doxa, such as Sartre, Kant and Nietzsche.

>> No.22396799

nah it sucks, i started Sartre with it and completely despised it at first (before getting into B&N)

>> No.22398198
File: 101 KB, 640x444, lol, lmao even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sartre was a tankie and one of the most hypocritical and dishonest intellectuals in 20th century. I refuse to take any word from this ugly subhuman seriously. picrel.

>> No.22398253

no because he doesn't say "someone who would have known him"

>> No.22398280
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>>22398198 (me)
He even explicitly acknowledged that he's a liar lmfao

>> No.22398297
File: 46 KB, 118x250, AHAHAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22398280 (me)
>Towards the end of his life, Sartre began to describe himself as a "special kind" of anarchist.[77]
>"umm actually i'm anarchist and against government all the time, i'm about to die so pls don't judge me as a soviet apologizer"

>> No.22398321
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My copy of Being And Nothingness has an translators introduction written by femoid with all sorts of woke nonsense scattered throughout so I shut the book. What a bunch of horseshit

>> No.22398324


>> No.22398343

His philosophy isn't too bad until you realize hes one of those people who say "existence just happened...because it just did okay" an addendum I'd make to Existentialism Is A Humanism is that while the choices we make define humanity, let's not forget that when humanity was conceived a greater thing that existed before us gave us free will, because if it happened otherwise there would be no point in creating civilization and art and beauty and it would follow that humanity would be stillborn in the womb. A creator wouldn't knowingly create something that couldn't move, couldn't speak or couldn't sense anything because it would defeat the purpose of creating it in the first place.

>> No.22398348

Thanks for your opinion. So the book is actually good then.

>> No.22398354

Why are religious retards so edgy?

>> No.22398862

>Do you have any others interesting philosophers inquiring into human existence?
I think rounding it out (those two and Sartre) with Beauvoir, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche is good. But I would say you can also learn from the (lower case p) phenomenology of folks like Emerson, the young Marx, or William James. They're not existentialists but there's times when they resemble Buber, Heidegger, Sartre, etc.
>What would be your starting point or main thesis anon?
The main problem with B&N-era Sartre which Buber (and I hear the later Sartre) overcome is the distinction between seeking out an Other's Look to achieve self-consciousness via their recognition of ourselves, and the shame, conflict, and otherwise objectification that Sartre in B&N associates with the process of recognition. Buber reocgnizes that objectification and more-dignifying recognition can come apart. Giving a deeper theory of that is not metaphysically easy, and there's some interesting responses to Buber (for example by Levinas and by the Kyoto School). And in my opinion what this stuff leads up to is some conception of like, mutual interprenetration without losing difference, think of like the Christian trinity's persons and their relations of being "in" each other but being distinct persons all the same. There's more to say but I think I'll pause there.

>> No.22398930

It's not about edginess or retardation is about sending a message.

>> No.22399161

Sartre was a based Strausserian

>> No.22399264

>I think rounding it out (those two and Sartre) with Beauvoir, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche is good. But I would say you can also learn from the (lower case p) phenomenology of folks like Emerson, the young Marx, or William James. They're not existentialists but there's times when they resemble Buber, Heidegger, Sartre, etc.
I'm sorry, how are atheist ''''thinkers'''''capable of any insight into existence?

>> No.22399334

Simple. You imagine a theist said it. Woah so crazy, now it's insightful. What the?? Wow.

>> No.22399357

I’m doing this thread to save poltards like you who don’t have a single clue of what theyre missing
You are neither funny nor counter-argumentating anything, no one cares about his life, whatever anon don’t read him my life won’t stop, but you’re really missing a chance to understand the nature of conscience, identity, being itself, humans relations and intersubjectivity and so much more

>> No.22399409

So your theory of intersubjectivity would deprive Sartre’s own theory of his «hegelian pessimism« (Relationship=conflict) ? How?

>> No.22399545

Somewhat. I've learned since that Sartre himself gave up the Hegelian pessimism later and am curious to read that stuff since I've read B&N and Existentialism is a Humanism but not the later Sartre. But Buber is a good place to check for that. Buber just says there's two relations, the I-It and the I-Thou, in the former you objectify but in the latter you dignify, and he makes the latter play the role of mutual reciprocal recognition which leads to self-conscious fullness of subjecthood via the recognition. That's clearly Hegelian and Sartrean but the pessimist conflict stuff has been divorced and put into the I-It. So Buber basically keeps them separate. He wrote this in the 1920s before Sartre even write B&N which is also really cool.

>> No.22399577


L'intégration des Juifs nord-africains en France [monographie]

Doris Bensimon-Donath
Collection IDERIC Année 1971

>> No.22399852

I'm NOT reading shit by the (((guy))) who's pathetic ideology is literally at the core of all modern leftist woke bullshit.

>> No.22399861
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>implying that existentialism is the core of wokeness
>implying that Sartre is jewish
retarded /pol/tard

>> No.22399960

résumé ?

>> No.22399964

what is his ideology ?

>> No.22401173
