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22390707 No.22390707 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s use this thread to talk about whatever extreme horror or splatterpunk books we have recently read.

Read this recently, it’s a hyper violent siege novel, basically a over the top gory assault on precinct 13. Lots of great moments. Cheesy as hell, the satanists are written like as slapstick as possible, and each death is oh so violent. You switch perspectives between the good and bad guys each chapter, and there are genuinely some satisfying moments when a sadistic bastard meets their grizzly demise. Genuinely a fun, but disgusting read.

>> No.22390905


>> No.22391158

post some gore excerpts

>> No.22391195

I read Triana before I saw Kristopher and was momentarily disappointed, thinking a female writer was involved. Glad I was wrong, looking forward to checking it out!

>> No.22391214

>assault on precinct 13
Never got why it was called this, he was called into precinct 9.

>> No.22391216


>> No.22391681

Like exploitative film the whole purposes is to shock the viewers senses with extreme imagery

>> No.22391694

Booker lunged for Desmond’s legs, holding them together. “Now!” Stephanie swung the saw. Though he tried, Desmond was too weak to break free of Booker’s hold, and the steel teeth chewed through the remains of his shirt and into the half-melted flesh beneath. He tore open, pain bursting as his lower intestines were sliced through, one rubbery tube dangling out of his belly like a second dick. Falling away, Desmond braced himself on the register, his torso pressing onto the running conveyer belt. There was a sudden pinch. The dangling length of intestine was pulled under the belt. Desmond stood up straight, trying to get away, but the conveyer was unspooling his guts like a garden hose from a revolving holder. He put both hands on the register, but when he tried to pull away the innards just came out all the faster. Slick guts folded over and under the conveyer belt again and again until it looked to be made entirely of intestines, and when his abdomen was hollowed out his other organs fell into its pit. His stomach and bladder oozed and his blackened lungs fell upon them, starting an all-out avalanche of disembowelment, and when blood filled his eyes Desmond found he was glad to go blind so he didn’t have to look at this fucking world any longer. Fine, he thought. Hell awaits.

>> No.22391725

He punched the gas harder. “All right, bitch, you like to break glass?” The truck flew through the remaining aisle, picking up speed. As they neared the end, Booker hit the brake again. The force tore her fingers off at the joint where they were curled around the hood groove. She spun off the truck and hit a lobster tank face-first in front of the seafood section like a Scud missile. Glass shattered as gallons of water exploded across the floor, lobsters tossed out with them. She rolled in an awkward ball of limbs until she hit the seafood freezer case. Incredibly, she pulled herself to her feet. She lurched forward a step, a huge sliver of glass embedded in her face, bisecting her forehead and eyeball. She looked almost like some kind of sea creature with her wide mouth of fangs, a lamprey perhaps. Even so, she was in the wrong section, needing to be relocated with the rest of the dead meat. Booker punched the accelerator and bulldozed her. Broken glass sprinkled from the headlights as he sandwiched her against the seafood case and the truck. She vomited blood as she flopped over, as if to seize the hood again, but her legs didn’t join her this time. Booker reversed to point himself back toward the produce section. The girl’s torso slid off, its innards sloughing. He flipped on the windshield wipers to clear the spritz of blood from her brief finger painting.

>> No.22391743
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I was imagining terry crews as booker so that probably added to my enjoyability of the story

>> No.22392305
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Who /crab/ here?

>> No.22392479

gore porn for sois

>> No.22393082

In reality that just means it actually has plot and characters

>> No.22394047

>author of white trash gothic

>> No.22394050

Guy nigger smith

>> No.22394458

Brother by Ania Ahlborn is pretty good. Appalachian murder cannibal family who has an adopted (kidnapped) son and he has to catch marks for his mom to kill.

>> No.22394479

Gore movies are fun.
Gore novels are boring as shit.

>> No.22395067

Current crop is garbage. Shit writing, shit predictable plots and all jumping on the 3edgy5u train because extreme has taken a leap in popularity. Self-publishing was a help, is now its bane. Its massively over-saturated and will die on its arse. Its also about to be ruined by women on tiktok. Enjoy.

That book was OK though. Much preferred Triana's "Full Brutal" desu. He's a sound guy and Harding is Harding. He's established.

Based. Got all those and a pretty big collection. He was local and I was gonna go to his house for that yearly get-together he does with fans but then that fucking nigger Covid got him on Christmas Eve.

Edward Lee is based. Once you've read him, particularly as one of the forefathers of this "movement", everyone else is kind of a cheap imitation. His writing and style has the right balance.

>t. Been reading extreme for years, recently fed up of it