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/lit/ - Literature

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22389029 No.22389029 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most depressing place on the entire Internet.

>> No.22389036

go back

>> No.22389037

dead bedroom subreddits are worse

>> No.22389040

Did you know the average student cannot read even three grades below their level? Also they basically all have ADD or ADHD now.

>> No.22389047

When millennials do breed the outcome will be something more retarded than your average mutt. Somehow those dog couples have smarter "children".

>> No.22389050

Check out r/meth
I was expecting to chuckle at some tweakers, but man its just sad

>> No.22389065
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Nuke the species.

>> No.22389092

>not fit enough for him
well maybe if you smoked a little meth you wouldn't be so fat, tubby

>> No.22389174

Damn, and I thought i was special for reading despite my ADHD. Damn zoomers ruining everything by making it mainstream

>> No.22389198

Anybody tried meth as a preworkout? In theory it should let you push your limits way harder than the regular stuff

>> No.22389221

It will but then you have to deal with the fact you are still high as fuck for hours and since you are a /fit/homo you will get nothing done and just masturbate to gay porn until your dick is raw.

>> No.22389240


This subreddit black pilled me about crt and leftism in public schools.

I am not even le racist, kids should learn about MLK and civil rights and slavery and the stains on American history, but it should be taught in a dispassionate and factual manner.

I am shocked by how many teachers and authority figures have completely deep throated the 'silence is violence neutrality is oppression' bullshit.

So many people purposefully conflating opposing literal Marxism as "people mad they can't say the n-word"

Teachers bragging about how they aren't teaching CRT but teaching materials "derived from CRT as a basis", as if that is somehow a loophole

The red menace is back and the call is coming from inside the house

>> No.22389333

I have nothing but contempt for public school teachers. Everyone else realizes that school is mostly bullshit by the time they're 12, but these NPCs are perfectly happy to make a career of it.

>> No.22389364

try /r/morbidreality

>> No.22389495

Look, no one here cares, otherwise we would all be plebbiting.

>> No.22389509
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>> No.22389545

I always go on r/professors for a laugh. It's mostly professors complaining about how their students all use AI to write their essays and don't even bother reading the work before they submit it

>> No.22389550
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>> No.22389558

>zapped my passion
It's sapped, Professor Retard

>> No.22389562

Even bigger lol when you realize they took on crippling debts to become adjunct essay graders at community colleges.

>> No.22389567


>> No.22389584

/pol/board since 2008 tranny. Try to keep up.

>> No.22389590

This is the greatest thing I've ever read OP, thank you for alerting me to this.

>So, I’ll do my best to keep an insane situation short! On the first day of school, (high school) upon asking a student their name, I was yelled at and told I’m annoying. Next when attempting to go over files and procedures, I asked that they take off headphones and put phones away. One student get crazy mad and throughout nearly the entire class time, I was yelled, cursed at, and laughter at. I have been teaching for about 2 decades but am new to my current school.

>Well, he decided his mother needed to talk to me on the phone while on speaker in front of students, I was cussed at and they threatened me with going to my new bosses (student also threatened the same thing.

>Well…. Spoke with one admin who understood the situation, mind you another teacher witnessed what went on. I never said one word to the parent and let them know I could talk in a few minutes. Later in the day I was pulled from class and served a letter sending me home while they decided what to do. So, the admin I was threatened with is who sent me home without ever hearing my side. So, now I’m stuck at home. Should I look for a new job? They won’t tell me.

How can anyone live like this for so long and never realize niggers are unsalvageable?

>> No.22389593
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Traumatized by moaning

>> No.22389599
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>How do you deal with out of control behavior in high schoolers? If I’m nice, they walk all over me and nothing gets done. If I’m strict, they scream and cry like babies on the floor.

>I’ve been following through on everything, consequences consistent, documenting it all and on the third day of school they’re absolutely losing it.

>I almost think it’s because I took away their use of phones during class. Like they no longer have their pacifiers so they act like animals now.

>I asked a girl to sit in her assigned seat and she cursed me out and tried to put her mother on speaker phone to scream at me. I asked another boy to sit in his assigned seat and he threw himself on the ground whining and crying. This was all literally over asking them to sit in their seat.

Hahaha what the fuck is with the "putting mom on speaker" thing

>> No.22389600

Call me racist, but I my senses are tingling that these are black students and the giveaway was
>got his mother on the phone who then proceeded to cuss the teacher herself

>> No.22389608

>For the assigned seats, incentives might work. Personalize this to you, but one I've done before is, if we have four homework assignments per week, I will let people who've been sitting in their assigned seat Monday-Wednesday skip Thursday's homework (obviously you let them know the deal at the start of the week). Maybe if everyone sits in their assigned seats for three weeks, you can have a free day (I've even worked at schools where you can convince the principal to pay for a pizza party if the school is really invested in PBIS).
They are so desperate they are strategizing on how to bribe niggers with pizza if they sit down

>> No.22389611
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>go back to college
>in baby's first classes
>literature teacher is s*y
>he puts us in study groups
>he gives us paint pens and literal play-dough
>everyone has to color and decorate little bath toy ducks
>and draw a nest for them
>everyone has to bring the duck to class and put it in the nest for the group
>groups have to have a theme
>group has myself, massive weab, and black guy that's chill
>black guy likes anime
>fuck it
>group is anime ducks
college is little kindergarten shit now

>> No.22389618

This is why you become a college professor and hit on all the horny zoomer girls

>> No.22389627

why does anyone work at these schools, you're a babysitter and no learning occurs

>> No.22389635

My high school shop class teacher was the only education wagie I ever respected. He was a Berkeley grad that decided to teach in a shitty school district so he could smoke crack and fuck underage latinas with impunity.

>> No.22389636

Did you really think this was sustainable with the clowns running the show now?

>> No.22389637

The giveaway line was
>I asked that they take off headphones

>> No.22389643

Ayo teach i jus know y’all dint aks me to turn off mawfuckinn spottemgottem y’all is trippin fo reals fuckin racis ass

>> No.22389649
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After reading this thread, I'm not going to give professors any shit.

>> No.22389728

>I am not even le racist, kids should learn about MLK and civil rights and slavery and the stains on American history, but it should be taught in a dispassionate and factual manner.
The bullshit is that I, as a /pol/tard of the highest caliber, read MLK's Junior's work. I realize that I, the chud, the incel, etc etc, took the time to read about a topic in history that I find interesting. These schools, meanwhile, NEVER let me read any primary sources, essays, or newspapers. I always have a shitty summary of the times, with no sense of context or flavor. And I'm butthurt about it. Even in college, it was just summaries of the philosophy. If I went into English instead of Engineering, I wonder if I would have read Shakespeare in "updated English" or what

>> No.22389806

This is the case with CRT, for example. Fanon or any other post-colonialist author is never read in full. Their works actually make sense. Outside of the education system, what I have a problem with is that most of those criticizing CRT have not read any CRT literature themselves. They do not know what they are fighting against. This is true not only for the chuds, who vehemently hate the left, but also for the lefties, who refuse to read works written by right-wing authors.

>> No.22389964

Anon, please. It’s fucking retarded. CRT proponents believe unjust laws keep black folk in prison. We have enough stats to know it’s not true. It’s permanent cherry picking and selective blindness to appeal to a non existent reality.

>> No.22390066

Blacks are right that there's institutional racism. It's just not cops. It's themselves, education and media that pushes them down
>value oneupmanships and sex. Get lots of single moms, dumb ass fights. and lots of drug abuse.
>no fat shame system, so people balloon even worst than usual
Education. For this part, reflect that you have never, ever, except once/twice, saw an article with a heading that went "black schools suck ass, we need to fix them". Keep this in mind for the next part
>black schools are horrible and corrupted, and from bottom to top is nepotistic faggots who are either racist against blacks, to protective of blacks, trying to swindle money, or just not give a shit
>all the failures of modern education, and then you have shit like https://www.inmaricopa.com/overcrowding-pushes-youngest-students-into-trailers/ and https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/06/05/75-of-black-california-boys-dont-meet-state-reading-standards/
>what happens? More young men, who, just like NEETs, are left drifting in this world. And what do they do? See first line under niggers
>"It's Donald Trump"
>"fr fr on GOD bro, it's the white people"
>"hey, that guy on TV looks like me!"
And all the media attention around nigger issues isn't about improving the community, or empowerment. I won't say I'm a history buff on blacks in America, but from what little I read, they got the ball rolling. They had momentum. Children of slaves, they managed to escape slavery, help end slavery, protest to end segregation, and then the ball stops rolling. This energy, this movement of people, slowly got corrupted. By the war on drugs, by gangster culture, by Jews making a race war. But I think two that is emblematic, is the transformation of Jazz, funk, soul in the zeitgeist, into rap. a genre that is all about the voice and again, encourages oneupmanship. From being part of a band, to being the main show. The second, is the lost of faith. MLK said in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, "But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If the church of today does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authentic ring, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century. I meet young people every day whose disappointment with the church has risen to outright disgust". Religious death, not just in a logical one, but in a spiritual one, has plagued America, further fueling hedonism and violence, and more and more black people are content to be like niggers, and die in vain.

So yes, there is institutional racism. Hell in a way, the law is being racist. But not in a basic "um white man sees black lol beat them up" way, but in the sense that black community keeps getting confrontations with the law, is the issue.
tl;dr jews

>> No.22390075

All of this is intentional, niggers are being used as ideal chaos vectors (along with women, spics, and various other "problem groups") by the elites to terrorize the white middle class so it never naturally gravitates to national socialism again

The 20th century was a massive wakeup call to the regime: white middle classes always, without fail, converge on meritocratic hierarchical national socialist closed ethnostates that then support other ethnostates in reaching self-consciousness and forming voluntary unions. The only tactic that works is to invade every nation and turn it into a "free economic zone," but even then, whites will naturally form high trust societies, so confused nonwhite transplants whose group-souls are stuck in prehistory or in a feudal peasant stage, and women, are necessary to drag whitey down with distractions and depression

>> No.22390081

>Meth as preworkout
>what is Mike Mentzer
Without question the greatest physique of the golden era.

>> No.22390100

Ban porn, social media, and video games.

>> No.22390106

Actual teacher here. It's well-known in the profession not to go on /r/teachers, because it's populated by the types who would go to reddit and complain. Many of them are young, liberal idealists from liberal arts colleges or programs like Teach for America.
The job is grueling and thankless, especially in the US where an irregular workload falls on teachers. I don't think anyone who isn't actually in the job realizes how absurd it is to have one person often solely in charge of curriculum planning, lesson planning, grading, teaching, and decorating out of their own pocket on top of that. These things are worth complaining about, though not to nobodies (or, worse yet, other teachers) on the internet.
As for these interactions, I haven't seen anything so cartoonishly one-sided, though I've seen some shit. Frankly, they sound like what happens to these aforementioned young idealists when they fail to adjust to the realities of professional life. One just doesn't stick one's head out, and one especially doesn't make a fuss in front of the kids. Children, especially teens, will test you, because that's what they do. A teacher's job is to model good behavior no matter what. If by the end of one's first year one sees oneself as in confrontation with the kids, as do many of these reddit posters, it's time to go back and get a second degree in Business Admin or something.

>> No.22390129

Fuck me, takes me straight back to the highschool auditorium, had a mate that was great at this used to have the whole place cackling like madmen. I can still see the teachers stalking up and down the isles, fuming, desperately trying to figure out which cunt was doing it, keeping us back well into lunch period and eventually having to let us go because they were hungry, the whole time harry never stopped and they were moaned into defeat, if i close my eyes i can still hear him in that porny squeal, "oh god yeah!" and "ooh fuck me!" echoing round that squalid sweatbox. Its good to know somethings never change, boys will indeed be boys.

>> No.22390178

This frightens me on a visceral level. If I am to be a decent parent I know that I absolutely cannot rely on the US educational system. I witnessed a massive decline in standards right as I was finishing high school and I was poorly prepared for college as a result. Only a fucking a idiot would take that job and -- guess what? -- they do! These slothful dolts who have never worked a real, competitive job and are supposedly teaching your children the skills they need fo operate in a real, competitive world. Even to this day I feel I'm playing catch-up on remedial subjects.

>> No.22390189

This thread has reaffirmed my belief that you should have to pass an IQ Test in order to be allowed to vote.

>> No.22390206 [DELETED] 

it's kinda crazy that republicans aren't allowed to post on reddit but people can post about all kinds of highly illegal hard drugs

>> No.22390326

>muh Americans live rent free in muh head

>> No.22390360
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I finally read Watchmen after years of being told that it's not like other comic books. I was blown away by how well done it was. The symbolism used throughout, the winding and intertwining plots, the in-depth characterization (especially Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, and Sally), and it feels like a cohesive whole instead of a serial that drags on because they aren't sure when it they'll need it to end.

Is there other comics with literary value?

>> No.22390369

Actually, abstaining from voting is a sign of high intelligence

>> No.22390403

No lie after putting it together that the average teacher is a retarded bottom feeder many things have started to make sense.