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/lit/ - Literature

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22387851 No.22387851 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a description of how Pynchon writes so I can explain it to my friend?

>> No.22387874

I typically tell people it’s like that movie Burn After Reading, where it’s not clear if there is an underlying logic to the disparate parts of the story or if it’s merely entropy.

I know that description misses a lot but it’s the most general impression I get from him.

>> No.22387878

Thomas Pynchon is a renowned author known for his complex and intricate writing style. His works often involve a mix of historical events, pop culture references, and conspiracy theories. Pynchon's writing is characterized by its dense prose, playful language, and elaborate plots.

His stories often revolve around eccentric characters who find themselves caught up in bizarre and convoluted adventures. Pynchon's novels tend to explore themes of paranoia, technology, government control, and the blurred boundaries between reality and fiction.

Pynchon's writing can be challenging to follow due to its non-linear structure, frequent shifts in perspective, and numerous allusions. His novels often require careful reading and attention to detail to fully grasp the intricate connections and layers of meaning he weaves into his narratives.

>> No.22387880

You can always recognize a midwit by how much he likes that movie. It's like a retard magnet.

>> No.22387882

Cool. Thanks guy.

>> No.22387894

You are welcome, dumbass.

>> No.22387896


>> No.22387902

>merely entropy

idr if it's good or bad or what


>> No.22387938
File: 70 KB, 720x540, 1273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that gpt is always glaringly obvious. Or is just the public version Redditman Writing Style? And the real underwraps version is everywhere secretly?

>> No.22387984


>> No.22388008

It's like listening to a suicidal guy who you just talked out of suicide pouring his life out to you

>> No.22388016
File: 6 KB, 284x177, 9685BE59-2215-4530-B0F6-0C765523E50E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On NoFap why you gotta do this bro

Imagining Kant’s hand on my shoulder and his head shaking in disapproval

>> No.22388070
File: 78 KB, 600x829, 2747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a picture make you pull on your ding dong wanker? What's wrong with you?

>> No.22388415
File: 140 KB, 800x1152, 0B2219BE-7BBD-4622-B04D-1D006825D594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I can never know booba-in-itself and just the way it appears to me

What difference does it make if the appearance of booba is from an image or a person, they are both just representation, albeit one is abstracted itself from the sensibility you would use for empirical booba

>> No.22388472
File: 130 KB, 640x904, D33E0774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not feels
>not tastes

>> No.22388483
File: 300 KB, 725x786, 20DF278B-9891-4003-BB7A-1D9BB754F6E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booba is temporary sensation, German idealism is forever

>> No.22388493

schizophrenic drug induced driver and tour guide is giving you a tour through a war happening inside a crazy hallucinogenic funny cartoon.
that's gravity's rainbow for me

>> No.22388664


>> No.22388844

there lies the fun

>> No.22389185


>> No.22389297

How are 5/10s fun

>> No.22389894

if u have to ask you're a virgin kys lmao