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22387033 No.22387033 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other instances of schizoposts mistakenly getting published as literature?

>> No.22387034
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>> No.22387036

Never read it but why does everyone say this?

>> No.22387044

P. K. Dick and Burroughs were unironic lunatics talking to ghosts
There's nothing schizophrenic about McCarthy, the zoomer crowd who discovered his books via gayming grifters is just dumbfounded by the ornate prose and and liberal use of "nigger".

>> No.22387065

Valis was fucking dumb ngl

>> No.22387070

Scanner Darkly is a genuine work of art, if only the prose was a bit more sophisticated

>> No.22387219

Blood meridian becomes rather boring after the 20th description of a scalping. All the pretty horses was much superior.

>> No.22387599

The wake is lit maybe it is even the endgame of all lit. Check out finwake

>> No.22387628

>thinks joyce just sat at a desk and wrote what was on his mind
you are unironically and ironically ngmi buddy =(

>> No.22388132

Can i hijack thread to ask something: is there a readers guide for Ulysses? As in annotations to understand references. It's filtering me hard desu

>> No.22388148

people say new bloomsday book is the best

>> No.22388150
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There are several.

BUT I didn't use any on my first read, I just used a combination of wikipedia and wiktionary

>> No.22388160

- Ulysses Annotated (Gifford)
- https://www.ulyssesguide.com/1-telemachus
~ ReJoyce (Frank Delaney podcast)

>> No.22388186
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>> No.22388203


there are only a few, elite, good ones

p good (when used with other sources) but stops halfway (delaney died)

>> No.22388209


>> No.22388218

the new Bloomsday Book by Harry Blamire

>> No.22388247

Thank yall for the answers. I was thinking more of something along the lines of page-by-page annotations, like the pynchon-wiki has on pynchons books, idk if you are familiar with that.

>> No.22388256

Like this>>22388209 ?
Also Gifford is paginated I think

>> No.22388305

I love McCarthy but he’s what I imagine a self described “edgy” teenager would say is their favorite author. Good book but it’s fanbase ruins it

>> No.22388640

Why the fuck is this book still copyrighted until 2040?

>> No.22388647

100 years after author's death.

>> No.22388673

the fact that this took 17 years to write is fucking insane. and its such a massive fucking tome.

>> No.22388687

He wrote it over the course of 17 years. It did not take 17 years to write lol

>> No.22388703

Since when? Last time I checked, it was 75. Also, the rest of his corpus is already in public domain.

>> No.22388752

All works published before 1928 are in the public domain. Different rules apply to those published after that.

>> No.22388799
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Finnegans Wake is public domain, hence the shitty wordsworth edition

>> No.22388819
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In the UK, maybe. In Burgerland however...

>> No.22390059
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"Meatphysics" by Jake Chapman is a book-length shitpost which is intended as a kind of companion piece for the edgy and nihilistic art of the British brother-artists Jake and Dinos Chapman. It runs about 250 (un-numbered) pages. I select one brief, representative fragment at random:


ALL WRITINGthe Thanotropic motor of catastrophic ejaculation CORRUPTED :ALL CORRUPTED MEATPHYSICS:Meatphysics (word docs):Meatphysics ALL WRITING CORRUPTED :ALL CORRUPTED MEATPHYSICS:Meatphysics and algorithmic solution to the problem of 'rigid utility' (word docs):Meatp(word docs):Meatphysics 1 Hannibal Lector<Macintos algorithmic solution to the problem of 'rigid utility'h HD:Temporary Items:AutoRecovery save of corrupted Meatphysic Hannibal Lector...


>> No.22390064

You don't love McCarthy then. There is absolutely nothing edgy about McCarthy. Have you even read him?

>> No.22390068

BM is edgy, come on now. CoD is nihilistic.

>> No.22390079

You are an idiot and a dumb teenager yourself. There is no cod and if you mean Child of God, I implore you to actually read it.

>> No.22390085

Child of God is actually my most read Cormac book (and maybe my fav). I've read it three times. If you don't think the ending is nihilistic I don't know what to tell you. It's his bleakest book.

>> No.22390087

Maybe you should actually try reading the book for once finally, instead of being constantly buttmad over anonymous persons who like it.

>> No.22390093

Can someone elaborate? I really got the impression that Cormac was trying to make something that would be appreciated as literature.

>> No.22390094

Hell no it isn't. It's partially an apologia for a necrophiliac, if that's nihilistic to you then you are an idiot. The only unmistakable nihilistic work in McCarthy's oeuvre is Outer Dark.

>> No.22390103


>> No.22390114

There's no apologia for necrophilia. This has to be the craziest take I've ever seen about this book. Ballard's fate is clearly nihilistic. The Road is bleak at times but there's some hope and love in it. Child of God is pure bleakness with a hint of dark comedy.

>> No.22390125

Are you a woman?

>> No.22390126

Even if it was a meticulously crafted work, its still insane nonsense, like Milton Babbitt piece.

>> No.22390130

>BM is not edgy bro, that's just what I call Monday
Do you want be to post passages?

>> No.22390132

>massive tome

How do you figure? It sits comfortably in one hand.

>> No.22390134

>insane nonsense
Aka a genius masterpiece that filters plebs.

>> No.22390135
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Literally everything by Gardner

>> No.22390136

How can an English langauge edition of a work that's (ostensibly) in English be shitty?

>> No.22390140

Are you serious? Ballad's fate is not nihilistic. Do you know what nihilism means? The narrator even accuses the reader of not recognizing Ballard's predicament. If anything, this book clearly shows McCarthy's more sympathetic side towards societal outcasts even if he doesn't condone what they do. Ballard killed 7 women, none of which he was forced to do. One can easily argue a Christian judgement regarding his final fate.
>He came up flailing and sputtering and began to thrash his way toward the line of willows that marked the submerged creek bank. He could not swim, but how would you drown him? His wrath seemed to buoy him up. Some halt in the way of things seems to work here. See him. You could say that he’s sustained by his fellow men, like you. Has peopled the shore with them calling to him. A race that gives suck to the maimed and the crazed, that wants their wrong blood in its history and will have it. But they want this man’s life. He has heard them in the night seeking him with lanterns and cries of execration. How then is he borne up? Or rather, why will not these waters take him?

>> No.22390149

>he thinks violence = edgy
Yeah, that's the teenager take if anything. I have seen actual teenagers on goodreads disliking it for the same reason. Yet I have never seen a single person who liked the book because it was violent.

>> No.22390159

He ends up as a dissected cadaver for scientific study. Can't imagine anything more materialistic, more clinical than that. Reduced to a mere scientific specimen like some dead cow.

>> No.22390170

Violence is not edgy. Over the top violence is edgy. You're the one who's like a teenager by acting like it's nothing, business as usual. Pretending to be le cool badass.
>I have never seen a single person who liked the book because it was violent.
You're being dishonest here. It's what attracts many readers. A most prominent aspect.

>> No.22390177

You do know how common this is in the real world, right? If that's nihilistic, then the real world as well might be. Look it is all about perspective. It's not about him being dissected, but rather what they found in there. He was absolutely no different from the average person which was stated at the end. From that perspective it is a sympathetic scene rather than a nihilistic one.

>> No.22390185

>Over the top violence is edgy. You're the one who's like a teenager by acting like it's nothing, business as usual.
All the violence is historical, kiddo. Your perception of the real world is very basic. Read more history.
>You're being dishonest here. It's what attracts many readers. A most prominent aspect.
Bullshit. You are living in some fantasy about the book. Nobody picked up the book because it was violent. The violence is repetitive. Even here the only people who bring up the violence are bellyachers complaining about it. I have never seen a single McCarthyfag say that his favorite thing was the violence. You're lying to suit your agenda.

>> No.22390187

Watch a war movie, pussy

You're such a pseud it's fucking unreal

>> No.22390205

>You do know how common this is in the real world, right?
How many in your family? Is your grandma dissected in some medical department? It's not common at all.
>If that's nihilistic, then the real world as well might be.
It's the writer who chooses what to portray in his book. Cormac chose a nihilistic end for Ballard. It could've been a romantic ending or something else but he chose this ending.

>> No.22390221

>How many in your family? Is your grandma dissected in some medical department? It's not common at all.
How young are you idiot? Morgue has a constant supply of cadavers for medical colleges. Who do you think are these people?
>It's the writer who chooses what to portray in his book. Cormac chose a nihilistic end for Ballard. It could've been a romantic ending or something else but he chose this ending
A romantic end after the whole book being that way? What stupidity. And it's not nihilistic. You don't know what that word means.

>> No.22390222

>All the violence is historical, kiddo.
lol some of it, sure. All of it? No.
>Your perception of the real world is very basic.
Your perception of the real world is twisted by a dark western.
>Nobody picked up the book because it was violent.
Yes, they did. The fame and allure of this book comes from how violent and edgy it is. Then these edgy boys realize how fucked up the violence is and deal with it more seriously but many do pick it up because of its fame. You're lying by claiming otherwise.

>> No.22390230

>Yes, they did. The fame and allure of this book comes from how violent and edgy it is. Then these edgy boys realize how fucked up the violence is and deal with it more seriously but many do pick it up because of its fame. You're lying by claiming otherwise.
You are delusional as all hell. Go to goodreads and read the reviews if you want any proof. You have invented a fantasy to defend your retarded claims.
>all of it? No
A good 90% of the violence is historically accurate. You are talking about a book you haven't even read. Stfu.

>> No.22390242

Yes, the morgue gives away unclaimed bodies for study but that's not that common. Do you understand the weight of the word common? Common is watching a dog on the street.
>A romantic end after the whole book being that way? What stupidity. And it's not nihilistic. You don't know what that word means.
I'm not saying he should've, I'm saying he technically could've. But the whole book was dark and the ending was bleak. He ended it clinically. His scientific materialism started there, maybe.

>> No.22390262

It's common for criminals with no recognized families.
>scientific materialism
Lol. Because he wrote something that actually happens?

>> No.22390265

All famous books have certain allure that attracts readers. For BM it's definitely the violence. You cannot claim otherwise. It's the main aura. Many readers come for that, be it out of curiosity or morbidness. I'm not saying all of them, mind you. Some stay for something else, be it the prose, narrative, characters, etc. which is why reviews might reflect something different than what attracted many readers at first.

>> No.22390294

So it's not common in general. It's common for "criminals with no recognized families". Totally not a niche demographic lol

Because he reduced his protagonist to a medical meat toy. All the passions and events in his life became nothing. He ended up as meat for study. There were different kind of fates and Cormac chose this for a reason.

>> No.22390323

I’ve been reading a lot about this lately and it intrigues me but I know I would hate it. From my understanding it’s the quintessential dream novel, and never has a writer gave the impression of a dream so accurately

>> No.22390329

Eh, it's not attempting to portray a dream accurately. It's dreamlike in the sense Alice in Wonderland is dreamlike. Not an actual oneiric description.

>> No.22390350
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Maybe the essays I was reading are outdated but it was described as the story of a night as Ulysses was the story of a day. Earwicker falling asleep and the different cadences in the prose simulate different parts of the sleep process like snoring, and the unconscious and subconscious emerging

>> No.22390375

>Fin Wake
Nice way to inform everyone you abandoned it after a cursory look at the first page.

>> No.22390566

>For BM it's definitely the violence. You cannot claim otherwise. It's the main aura. Many readers come for that, be it out of curiosity or morbidness. I'm not saying all of them, mind you. Some stay for something else, be it the prose, narrative, characters, etc. which is why reviews might reflect something different than what attracted many readers at first.
No, you idiot. Nobody comes to it for the violence in the same way nobody comes to Moby Dick for Cetology. That's not the draw. The draw is people calling them classics. Nobody read Don Quixote because they wanted to read about a crazy person, they read it because it is an important book. Your perceptions are stupid and unfounded. Go on goodreads, check for yourself. You have a fantasy which you are deluding yourself with that it's a real thing.

>> No.22390567

Learn to read context you idiot.
>Because he reduced his protagonist to a medical meat toy. All the passions and events in his life became nothing
Lmao. Arguing with you is like arguing with those teenager Christians.

>> No.22390569

It's not even close to accurate to a dream. The only similarity between them is that they seem non-sensical.

>> No.22390571

BM came out in 1985. It's not a classic. And yes, the main draw is the fame as a violent book. That simply cannot be ignored. Of course they find other things as well because the book is not just that.

>> No.22390577

It is a nihilistic ending. Get over it.

>> No.22390583

This actually exists?

>> No.22390695

Can somebody answer me? Is it just teh cover art or what?

>> No.22390702

Yea, it’s the cover art

>> No.22390987

Covert art, paper quality, formatting, print quality (typeface, ink, glue etc) that afdects the physical longevity and the readknf experience. Why do you think some editions are $25 and others are $1 for the same text?

>> No.22391005

You're retarded. The violence is not a draw for anyone. You are delusional as all hell. Stay mad over your deluded fantasies.

>> No.22391007

Back to high school with you.

>> No.22391028
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schizopost, the book.