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22386876 No.22386876 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody who decides to become a sexologist obviously cannot be trusted on matters of standard sexuality as they by that very decision to become one proves they have a preoccupation with sexual matters and like most of the sexually obsessed are fetishistic and project these fetishes onto their patients and works. This is the reason why so many sexologists seem to be obsessed with strange sexualities like transgenderism, pedophillia and polyamory. The same can be said of psycologists or the like with an unusually large preoccupation with sexuality (see Freud). This is not to say they can never discover anything true about sexuality but by and large most people have had normal healthy sex lives for most of history without any kind of sexual research (laughable that we think kids need to be taught sex ed or they'll be clueless dunces about sex) and it is only now after such research has been done we see such perverse deviations on such a large scale and becoming widespread. Sexology and sexual research outside of strictly biological functions should be banned as an insitution.

>> No.22386888
File: 145 KB, 640x852, friedrich-nietzsche-610479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard sexuality
>normal healthy sex lives.
Lmao retarded moralist. Standart sexuality is raping women. Now people are so domesticated they think age gaps are 'immoral'. you should be raped along with children, you womanish fag.

>> No.22386891

You've never had sex or a relationship so you don't know what normal sexuality is. You'll understand if you ever lose your virginity.

>> No.22386893

How old was Helen of Troy, retarded OP?

>> No.22386894

>have sex incel!
the woman-faggot reveals itself.
back to twitter/reddit
back to reb

>> No.22386896

Yeah it's abnormal to find pre-pubescents attractive anon

>> No.22386898

>it's normal for men to be slaves. it's abnormal for men to be free.

>> No.22386899

Sorry but most men through out history do actually like and care for the women they are fucking. You're justification for rape is born out of resenment towards women. Nietzsche would agree with me not you. Cope.

>> No.22386902

>2 posters itt
Somebody took the OP personally.

>> No.22386904

It's abnormal to want to be a slave most people however love having powers of others and servants. Stop shifting goalposts pedophile.

>> No.22386905
File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-how-perilous-it-is-to-free-a-people-who-prefer-slavery-niccolo-machiavelli-144-88-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a slave. i don't talk to the slaves.

>> No.22386906

I accept you concession.

>> No.22386909

pedophilia is a word created by jewish psycholigists in the early 20th century.

if you're complaining about 'muh PEDOS' you are a retard and you don't belong on this website.

there is no concession. i don't want to talk with the slaves. you should be banned from using 4chan, as it's not what normal people do. you should be banned from reading, as it's not what normal people do. you should be put into prison for being racist, as it's not what normal people do.

>> No.22386910

Tranny post. You clearly don’t feel normal healthy sexuality in your body so you have no reality to measures ideas on the topic against and have misinterpreted Nietzsche. And look at the word you use for it instead, ‘standard’. Like a scientist thinking in categories. Nietzsche was building his statements on the topic on h it’s own healthy instincts. Modernity tabooing certain expressions of healthy sexuality doesn’t mean all sexuality is healthy and that any judgement on the matter is moralising. You have a high schoolers understanding of Nietzsche: ‘I can do anything without consequences now’.

>> No.22386917

>4chan poster arguing for the virtues of being a normal fag
aye caramba!
>on h it’s own healthy instincts
my healthy instincts tell me to kill retards you.
>doesn’t mean all sexuality is healthy
you dont know shit about nietzsche you stupid dumb fucking retard he says that what is HEALTHY is not universal you fucking dumb moron. HOLY FUCK you are stupid.

why did i come on /lit/ again? i remember having left...

>> No.22386921

>pedophilia isn't normal
>most girls report being sexually objectified by men before the age of 13
aye caramba!

>> No.22386923

Most human males are attracted to pubescent and post-pubescent females, this is obviously due to the need for reproduction. This is natural and normal and widespread for men. Pedophilla is a deviation from this norm, for whatever reason the brain is rewired to find pre-pubescents attractive. This is obviously a deviation from natural human sexuality due to it's rarity and its evident failure to be capable of reproduction. Pedophilla is a term to describe this anomality. You are a pedophile and a freak anon.

>> No.22386927

>pedophilia, also spelled paedophilia, also called pedophilic disorder or pedophilia disorder, in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder, generally affecting adults, characterized by sexual interest in prepubescent children or attempts to engage in sexual acts with prepubescent children.

Stop using niggercattle definitions of pedophilla to describe under 18. The actual medical definition is prepubescent.

>> No.22386930
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i'm not replying to the scribblings of the slaves. i don't care what the slave class thinks is 'normal'.

>> No.22386934

>freedom is fucking kids
You're basically beatniks at this point

>> No.22386936
File: 93 KB, 873x671, 1558375917754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's RIGHT goyim. being attracted to pre-teen girls is mentall illness and wrong. in fact we will raise the age consent further, to 15, 16, hell maybe 17! and if you are caught sticking your willy where the media (controlled by jews), education system (controlled by jews) says is wrong, well we will chop off your dick and send you to jail!

oh but we can let the foreign invaders that come into your country do what they want. their culture is different so they need time to adjust. :^)

kill yourselves. swine.

>> No.22386937

>implying personality, circumstances and intelligence are irrelevant to attraction

>> No.22386941
File: 368 KB, 625x509, women-are-nothing-but-machines-for-producing-quote-by-napoleon-bonaparte_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i care about the personality of the women and her INTELLIGENCE
just cut off your balls faggot. you don't deserve them.

by the way, napoleon didn't say this quote one of his generals did. doesn't make it any less correct.

>> No.22386943

>freedom is the freedom to do (action)
why yes it is!

>> No.22386945
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>> No.22386956
File: 120 KB, 578x800, 26040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in the 70s...

>> No.22386957

>healthy sexuality means being a normie
Yeah I guess every feature of me that isn’t freakish must just make me a normie. And the opposite, if my entire body is full of freakish defects and deformities I guess I’m the super man.

>he says that what is HEALTHY is not universal
You’re trying to turn a statement by Nietzsche, which he has contradicted countless times (as per his style), into a systematic dogma and you’re telling me I don’t know shit about Nietzsche? Nietzsche knew all too well the importance of human nature, and a master race cannot even be pictured without it. Or what, all Nirtzsche’s general statements about man and woman and so forth are meant to be disparagements? Your entire psychology is that of a resentful, perverted pubescent loser, the furthest thing from any sort of physical vitality or mental confidence.

>> No.22386959

I think you're funny. The left, or at least the unconscious leftie that the normie is, really did turn out to be the cool sexhavers and the trad wingers like you an underclass frustrated they can't fuck teenagers like their masters. Pornography did this to you.

>> No.22386963

>Nietzsche knew all too well the importance of human nature
Nietzsche never universalizes the human. You don't know shit about anything. I am not responding to your retardation.

>> No.22386965

>incoherent screeching
>have sex!!! Le incel!!!

>> No.22386967 [DELETED] 

I like how OP just off hand mentioned pedophilla as being abnormal, hardly being the point of his argument but this schizo pedophile lolberg barged in and lost his shit

>> No.22386970 [DELETED] 

Because you are retarded and weaklings like you will all be killed in the coming war.

I'm out, goodbye. I forgot this website was reddit2

>> No.22386971

I like how OP just off hand mentioned pedophilla as being abnormal, hardly being the point of his argument but this schizo pedophile lolberg honed in on that one little comment and preceded to have a breakdown in this thread

>> No.22386979

Because you are retarded and weaklings like you will all be killed in the coming war.

I'm out, goodbye. I forgot this website was reddit2

>> No.22386983

>psycologists or the like with an unusually large preoccupation with sexuality (see Freud). This is not to say they can never discover anything true about sexuality
Psychology has not discovered anything of note besides IQ.

The whole field is a joke, a bunch of midwits who never took calc III treating statistical methods as arcane incantations on tiny, badly formed data sets.

The thing that pisses me off most about psychology, sociology and other "soft science" fields like this is that normalfagd can't tell the difference between their randomly generated results and actual research

>> No.22386984

>saying that
Would be insanely hypocritical, considering how much of a pathetic simp he was for his whore wife.

>> No.22386996

He didn't it was one of his generals. However I did think he said women are propety but that might also be missatributed.

>> No.22387593 [DELETED] 


>> No.22387632

The sexologist scene in Diary of a Shinjuku Thief is fucking amazingly hilarious.

>> No.22387699

Give us the full name of your last girlfriend

>> No.22387703

Yeah only the big tough guys survive war just like my bideo games

>> No.22387706

Your mother.

>> No.22387712

The weak certainly don't,

>> No.22387719

Are you sure about that? Seems pretty easy, just don’t enlist and run from it

>> No.22387721

Standard sexuality WAS rapping women. I don't think that N was telling us to return to that custom. I think he wants us not to forget where we came from, but that doesn't mean where we came from is superior to now. I do agree with anons point that "normal sexuality" has no meaning. What sex is, and what life in general is, is always changing.
Even if compulsory education ended tommorrow, the impacts of it on our psyche would linger around for at least a couple centuries. Likewise, we still feel the effects of rape being the primary means of reproduction in the past.

>> No.22387728

Is this the trad larp variant of "Athens/Rome were buttfuck utopias"? Give it a rest

>> No.22387731

the usa was the stronger society and thus won the war. it's pretty simple to understand, really.