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/lit/ - Literature

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22385535 No.22385535 [Reply] [Original]

Harassment architecture
Gothic violence
Bronze age mindset
Why are these three books popular? With the exception of BAM (ramblings are more organized and almost identical to Mishima in this respect), the ramblings are very disorganized.

>> No.22385575

bad taste

>> No.22385580

Sheltered kids getting kicks from seeing printed shitposts.

>> No.22385582

relatively big market, small supply.
most far right 'creators' only ever do livestreams/twitter/telegram.

>> No.22385797

/pol/ isn't rational. They believe in things first and seek intellectuals/publications to validate it later. Kissinger once said that people assume American policy makers follow intelligence, in reality intelligence agencies are pressured to come up with conveniant results that validate what the politicians already think. This is a problem with political types in general but especially bad when it comes to /pol/. And they will simply believe anything that causes liberals and leftists to grimace and grit their teeth. That's their whole identity and why their so incoherent and rambling. Out of all /pol/ books there really isn't anything worth reading for its own sake, aside from maybe Nietzsche, Ezra Pound or Mishima who they misinterpret anyway. Sure, you read Mein Kampf for the history, but what else is there? I can read Che's diaries or Jack London or George Orwell's fiction or listen to Dylan and appreciate the art on its own merits, regardless of their politics. People say woke leftists needlessly politicize everything, but /pol/ is just politics and nothing else. That's what they exist for and all they enjoy. It's kind of sad. There's nothing of value there and even their memes are plain boring and soulless.

>> No.22385819

/pol/ btfo’d

>> No.22385827 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.22386204

I’m sorry but these ramblings do not impress me.

>> No.22386245

2 more weeks

>> No.22386256 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.22386273

BAM is incredibly gay and retarded and the dude who wrote it is a faggot.

Now Gothic Violence and Harassment Architecture on the other hand are great, when you read them as poetry books instead of story books.

Haven't read the one below HA in picrel, and Mishima is a suicidal retard.

>> No.22387008

I would rather be un razionale and fight for a better world than willingly subito to the world that is being currently created under the rulership of "the rich men North of richmond"