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22385116 No.22385116 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite gospel and why?

>> No.22385140

Its probably a tie between matthew and john,those are the one i mentions verses from the most often.

>> No.22385153
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>> No.22385175

You believe your ancestors were fish which came from a rock which came from nothing.

>> No.22385280

John because it is clearly a story about an exteaterrestrial named Jesus who later was made a person of the Trinity (which was invented in the 3rd to 4th century)

>> No.22385286

Nta. How would rocks come from nothing? They’re more like cooled lava. Being Christian doesn’t mean you have to reject science and philosophy.

>> No.22385306

I like the part when they kill jesus

>> No.22385319
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>> No.22385738


Yes, and? There is evidence to support that. Except the rock thing. Nobody has ever, in the history of science, said we evolved from rocks. Probably what you dishonestly mean is this: https://www.resonancescience.org/blog/spontaneous-formation-of-rna-in-volcanic-glass-origin-of-prebiotic-rna

>> No.22385742
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(((Geology))) is satanic devil magic
dont ever speak of it again

>> No.22385749
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>> No.22385761 [DELETED] 

brutal but yet entirely fair

>> No.22385766

dont toss pearl be4 swi

>> No.22385778

Debunked by James Tour


>> No.22385818
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Genesis 1:1

>> No.22385838

John because my best friend is named John and it’s the way I prefer to see Jesus

>> No.22385877

He said favorite gospel

>> No.22386015

It's hard to choose, but probably the one about looking on a woman with lust and already having committed aldutery in your heart. If you would cheat on your girlfirend with Natasha Henstridge and get away with it, then you are a cheater, you just have not cheated yet. If you would steal billions of dollars and get away with it, then you are a thief, you just have not stolen yet. There are so many people in the world who desire evil but are simply too weak to pursue it. Impotence is not innocence in the Lord's reckoning.

>> No.22386024

the one that portrays christianity in a way that isn't a coping mechanism for the shittiness of life.

>> No.22386037

As opposed to... failure to cope?

>> No.22386131

None of them do that

>> No.22386163

Mark because its often funny

>> No.22386288

Luke. Because it's both the most florid and the least philosophical, i.e. by far the most mythical. ..Were the gospels bachelorettes and this some Olympian dating game the first Gospel would resemble Hera and the ultimate Athene; the second would approximate Hestia (perhaps the wisest choice) and the third Aphrodite, of course.
Guess like Paris I'm just a sucker, but all of them are fine.

>> No.22386346
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Luke also has the most Mary content, which is great if that's your thing.

Fun fact: it's generally assumed that Mary herself is one of Luke's primary sources, since she's the only one he could have interviewed who would know the details of the Annunciation and the Visitation.

It's possible Mary is even Q, the supposed "early source" from which Matthew, Mark, and Luke all draw.

>> No.22386356

I'd argue it should be the most appreciated part by any good Christian. It is the culmination of God's love.

>> No.22386372

the earliest one I guess. four actual signs would be quite weird and i'd have to question why the first three are to be called into question.

>> No.22386398
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Who in relatively modern times speculates with respect to Mary qua Q? Would be fun reading.
Appreciate a pleasant, mildly informative response; a Sistine Madonna for your pains!

>> No.22386589


Let me guess, a creation apologist

>> No.22386591

Thomas because its Koans Jesus brought back from India.

>> No.22386678

>reading any of the synoptic gospel

>> No.22386858


>> No.22387607

I like all except john. Clearly fake gospel. John is too blame for the hollywood Jesus we have today. None of christs suffering, grimness and rebeliousn3ss is to be found 8n john. Fuck John.

>> No.22387649

The big bang is nothing creating everything. Nothing about your naturalist creation myth is scientific, all you do is posture and slander others because you're a faggot antichrist.

All evidence and all operational/observational science contradicts that.

Geology and fossils prove the flood.

>> No.22387661

>Nobody has ever, in the history of science, said we evolved from rocks.
Yes, they claim it rained on the rocks for millions of years and that created a slime that came alive which turned into fish that decided to walk on land then magically became people over 6 gorillion years. That rock came from nothing exploding into everything. You can add however many steps you want inbetween or however many millions of years, that's not science, it's just your naturalist creation superstition that's falsely called science. I'm sorry you atheists are such retards and never critically analyzed your own beliefs.

>> No.22387713

fuck off Jehova witness

>> No.22387754

atheists on /lit/ are so annoying

>> No.22389013
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word, nigga

>> No.22389188
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>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into; they LARP "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" while the vast majority of them can't even take a derivative. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weak point is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22389200

Matthew tbqh. Mark is intimidating in its deceptive shortness and simplicity, Luke feels like a greatest hits of the other synoptics and John has so much going on in relations to the others that it's the hardest of all of them. Matthew feels like Jesus is both very human and the most straightforward in his teachings.

>> No.22389206

>Mary is even Q
Q is a meme; Matthew is the first Gospel and older than Mark.

>> No.22389210
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>> No.22389316

The big bang isn’t a description of how the universe was created. It describes the expansion of the universe from an initial singularity and the arising of the initial state that led to the formation of cosmic structures. Advocates of the big bang do not and have never stated that the initial singularity arose from nothing; rather that it is essentially impossible to speculate what came before this or what caused it to exist. As such, you are perfectly in your rights to ascribe the cause to God. But I suppose such subtleties are lost on you.

>> No.22389453
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I like the common material between Matthew and Luke that doesn't draw from Mark, otherwise known as Q which is probably the only true gospel

>> No.22389490

>Matthew is the first Gospel and older than Mark.
In Matthaean Priority, many things are questionable:
1. There is no reasonable explanation for Mark to omit so much of the source material, like the infancy, the geneology
2. The style of Greek of Mark is notably less refined and simpler compared to Matthew/Luke. It makes more sense that Matthew/Luke replaced crude expressions in Mark than for Mark to replace the verbose language of Matthew/Luke for a cruder and more simplistic one
3. The traditional understanding, based on Papias, was that Mark wrote his Gospel through the teachings of Peter, not from Matthew

Once we establish that Matthew copied from Mark, then the question rises, why would Jesus' own disciple copy from a scribe of Peter? This opens the door for us to doubt the authorship of the Gospels

>> No.22389719

wonder where he is now

>> No.22390241

Mark and Matthew are simply unrelated, and Matthew had sources to draw on that Mark did not. I don't know how that disagrees with the idea that Matthew was written first.

>> No.22390272

Bros I want to quit my pointless job to do something meaningful for God. I want to devote my life to learning and teaching about God and Jesus Christ. Unfortunately I'm in my 30s and have a family, so I need to provide income for their sake. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I would join a religious order.

Are there any careers in the God field that could earn me $150k+? Again, I'm not interested in the money so much for my sake, but for my family/kids. I can't just quit my job and the earnings that go with it. But it all feels so empty.

>> No.22390280

Honestly become a deacon or leader in your church
and maybe start your own company if you have a profession

>> No.22390348
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Semi-related but can someone tell me what the difference between exegesis and hermeneutics is?

Also I’m reading picrel and so far it seems like the author is saying that the Old Testament has elements of Gentile origins. Of course he’s Jewish so I’m not entirely sure he’s arguing in good faith.

>> No.22390359

You are a clown, that is my favorite gospel.

>> No.22390431

alright, than go sit in a box your whole life to avoid seeing a hot girl ever, you adulterous cuck

>> No.22390441


No, the proper thing to do is acknowledge the desire as a natural desire placed by God for the purpose of procreation. We should not indulge it, but also not chastise ourselves for it. We should acknowledge it and move on. It is only sin if you willingly indulge in it.

>> No.22390522

There's probably no evidence to support that theory but I like it because it's more plausible than the usual trash peddled by academics these days.

>> No.22390693
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I love the ???

>> No.22390704

Based johnbro

>> No.22390732

>simply unrelated
If you actually read Matthew and Mark, you'd know how verbatim the common material is. In other instances, Matthew changes Mark for the benefit of his theology. Proponents of Matthean Priority have no explanation for this. They just flat out deny the evidence without mulling over it. They base their beliefs not on evidence but hearsay

>> No.22390819

John doesnt even have the my god my god why have you forsaken me cry this is the one Thing that defines Christ character bu5 john left it out.

>> No.22391026

After countless synods where the most pious and learned fathers in Christianity came and debated tirelessly for months on the authenticity of the Gospels, a man comes after hundreds of years and turns over their tables and shows them the error of their ways, with a single sentence, afterwards he shows them that he is euphoric, not because of any phony fathers blessing, but because he is enlightened by his intelligence.

>> No.22391035

>Advocates of the big bang do not and have never stated that the initial singularity arose from nothing
They did you literal moron, that was the theory from the beginning when it was proposed by a literal Catholic priest.

>> No.22391056
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Mark, its the shortest.

>> No.22391064


>> No.22391067

1. Luke doesn't have it either
2. It doesn't define "Christ character"
3. Learn to write

>> No.22392138

set up an e-commerce store focused on christian-related spiritual gear. Once you get to ~$1k in sales/month, you could easily clear $10k a month in profit, there's not much difference. Takes 2 or 3 months of spare time building your product catalog and the marketing materials, gotta be disciplined, and then you work on getting your first few hundred sales, refining your marketing. After about six months you should be set, clearing a thousand a week. I'm doing this now with travel and outdoors gear, and another I'm working on for wellness products right now. It's literally just a matter of being consistent over a couple months and following the right formula. I'm building my way up to $10k/month right now, sourcing bags and such for say $10/item from china, listing them for 3x-5x, putting most of the profit back into marketing for meta ads, and scaling up whenever possible as I test new terms and keywords to better hit the market.
I think there's a lot of money to be made in the religious products market. I'm going for the spirituality / sound therapy / meditation market now with my second store, not the god market, which is same same but different, but you could do a lot even just with affiliate marketing. Don't let the haters turn you away from dropshipping and affiliate marketing, its a great way to make money by offering premium products at an affordable price to people who want it. There's a lot of fucking retards out there who put a bad taste in my mouth, shilling dropshipping and stuff, zoomers and idiots and all that, but if you can get past that and figure out an actual formula where you can consistently execute every day, it works. You just have to do the work for a few months and you're set forever. Maybe it'll take a bit longer, maybe shorter if you're lucky, but there's a lot of bullshit products out there that turn massive profits. Like this 'fairy light tree' set up I saw the other day, some dumbass little LED mini christmas tree, this one stupid products is a seven figure business for someone for sure. If some retard kathy can make a million bucks selling fairy lights you can make $150k/yr helping people get closer to god 100% people would rather pay for enlightenment than porn.

>> No.22392178


I appreciate that but too risky and too difficult and long to make big money. If I were single yeah maybe. But I need something stable.

>> No.22392235

The seamless flow of evolution is obviously creative and has a mind-like characteristic. It's called panpsychism.

>> No.22392257

terrible bait post

>> No.22392293

It's not bait. Many scientists and philosophers are starting to argue in this direction. Natural selection is not the driving force of speciation or biodiversity. There are better arguments for symbiosis and a creative force in evolution being the driving force.

>> No.22392365

You clearly have never read even the basics about it, you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, christ-fellating retard.

>> No.22392387

>evidence that
objective truth implies the evidence of God

>> No.22392400

standard rule of thumb with any job is you get $10k/yr for every month invested in trying to set up the job in the first place.
Looking for big money quickly is a fast road to being unsatisfied and poor. Setting up an online business is (from where I'm standing on the chess board) the most efficient and effective means of establishing a lasting foundation of economic security. I'm doing this to be able to support a family in a couple years. Even though I'm already an architect making decent $, it's not enough when I look forward into the future.
The three main reasons why people don't choose to be economically sovereign is because 1) it requires upfront effort that is dependent on your own skill and vision, 2) there's a lot of retards out there doing the same thing (only a few of them are actually making any money), and 3) because of the unknown factors involved with developing any new skill.
imo it's less risky in the net sense than relying on a 9-5 for continued income, which is ultimately very stifling and limiting. I think it's the best option for someone who has a day job and is willing to put in 90 minutes a day to devote over six months in order to make a life-changing amount of money forever. $150k/yr is for a lot of people a lot of money, but it's not actually that much relative to what's possible.
Sounds like you're in the position of saying that you want a change, but whatever comes to you, you will push back and use your family and personal situation as an excuse to not change. I know what it's like to decide not to take total accountability over my situation. I hope your courage rises to make the changes you claim to want, regardless of the opportunity that reveals itself to you.

>> No.22393820

Anything that's in common has to be because one person copied another person, which is useful for criticizing the Gospel which is the assumed conclusion, and can't be because it happened. But anything that's different has to be a contradiction, because that's useful for criticism, and it can't be that two people witnessed to it slightly differently and that they're both concurrently true. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Reading Matthew, Mark and Luke recount the Transfiguration, all three have unique details, and reading the four accounts of Jesus' arrest gives all unique details. But somehow people have to argue both that they disagree with each other, and also that where they agree, they copied each other. But of course, the critics can't agree on what exact disagreements are worth objecting over, or on what order of who copied who was. They can't agree on any of the details, but they are all sure that it has contradictions. And they may not be able to agree on the details of what happened, but the critics for some reason all agree that someone copied from someone else and it is impossible that anyone witnessed anything first hand (they're not sure who, but someone copied someone!).

>> No.22393920

Isn’t that what Spinoza believed

>> No.22393922

Unanswered as usual

>> No.22393933
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Luke, for this passage

>> No.22393938

make your own thread about it desu

>> No.22394000

the culmination is the resurrection. Easter. Obviously the sacrifice is part of that though.

>> No.22394578

Job is good too, though it's not one of the Gospels.

>> No.22394583

In heaven of course.