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/lit/ - Literature

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22384655 No.22384655 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that put you into doubt about reality? I want to go into schizo mode and destroy my sense of reality.

>> No.22384664


>> No.22384669

Probably should consume hard drugs for that, retard. Reading words on a page is not going to do that to you

>> No.22384743

i don't know what level of gayness you expect, but maybe start with the Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes

>> No.22384774

de Sade (to destroy the ethical spooks you've been fed)
C. G. Jung (to destroy the phychological preconceptions you've been fed)
Repeated psylocybin overdose (to destroy your hard-wired neuron connections)

>> No.22384834

What is it with zoomer romanticizing mental illness ? I heard they do it a lot on tiktok.
Im a diagnosed schizo and i had already been suicidal before but if i could go back in time id kill me myself since now i am at a point where i often think i am in hell,i would gladly take physical torture over this since at least i would understand why i suffer,my mind is literally unbearable and im barely able to function and the meds dont help that much and the psychologist made it even worse somehow.
Also once you go schizo there is no going back,you might be able to handle it sometimes but its a kind of suffering that never really go away.

>> No.22384945 [DELETED] 
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