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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.76 MB, 2096x1685, Essential Textbooks for Life and Beyond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22381839 No.22381839 [Reply] [Original]

What would you add to this?

>> No.22381846
File: 882 KB, 990x2269, 1692123060949939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to Save Western Civilization

>> No.22381848

TND Manual: Why and How it Must Be Achieved

>> No.22381849

A grey box to obscure the dumb anime bitch

>> No.22381856

this is a cool and original chart. the CS stuff is kinda gay and I don't care about programming, but i fw the vision here. this is a chart for 2023 and beyond. breaks the mold. redefines the genre, so to speak

>> No.22381859
File: 87 KB, 1540x380, Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 7.41.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more grad students would post their syllabi here

>> No.22381861

No chem or physics text book on there so even if the dumb anime bitch and serial experiments tardmagnet wasn't there you still know it was a tranny who compiled itsage

>> No.22381866

why would boring as fuck textbooks from a random course be suggested
what did you mean by this

>> No.22381876


>> No.22381883

Only retard tier brain candy for me
Go play candy crush like the retard you are
/lit/ - casual mobile gamessage

>> No.22381888

I don't read drivel written by assistant professors at the 'university' of GEORGIA LMAO
you are a little queer who probably hasn't even stepped into a university classroom

>> No.22381958

>Textbook of Pain
It's probably not that book but one of the weird girls (theater chick, super-left) from high school really liked this one medical textbook that had all sorts of pictures of horrific injuries. I always wondered that was.

>> No.22381970

I see what you're trying to do here and I like it, but there's just way too much random shit on here. Why is a third of this chart computer science stuff? I'm already a software engineer and I read several of those books in college, does that mean I'm a third done with this chart? + you put anti-tech revolution on the chart as well; seems paradoxical.
I feel like if you want to make a more meaningful chart you should organize by topic. Like if chess is important to this chart, is Shereshevsky's Endgame Strategy really the best book to read here, as opposed to a more systematized view or just a link to another chart? Is The Prince the best book to read for political philosophy? Again, I'm getting the vibe here and I like it, just really needs some organization / pruning.

>> No.22381980


I need you two to try and put into a single sentence what you think the theme of this chart is, because to me it screams "Schizo who buys books but never reads them"

>> No.22381984

>Schizo who buys books but never reads them
tough but fair

>> No.22381991

Wanna be white high school weeb outcast third-world incel with intellectual superiority complex towards perceived wokes and other post-modern snowflakes that paradoxically makes him a post-modern snowflake as well.

>> No.22381992


Which is it?

>> No.22381993

Woke IS bad. nothing about the chart is anti woke other than being autistically STEM
go back to R/eddit

>> No.22381998

"I'm having a minor existential crisis and I feel like I can't explain anything that goes on around me so I'm going to deep dive disparate topics to construct a more detailed internal model of how I can see the world + I like anime"

>> No.22382003

He's a wanna-be-white third-worlder. I forgot my dashes.

>/pol/cel demonstrating his horrible reading comprehension skills

Just another day in hell.

>> No.22382005

your logic skills are shite
mayb plebbit wouldnt think so tho

>> No.22382006

Kissinger's diplomacy.
One textbook on the history of art.
One for economics, biology, and calculus.

>> No.22382008

no u gay lol

>> No.22382010

no nigga needs calculus unless they're an engineer
the textbook on art is a good rec tho

>> No.22382013

You're a 90 IQ cocksucking faggot who can't complete a coherent thought. Hope this helps.

>> No.22382018

NTA but I think Calculus really fits the theme of the chart, brings Math together in a way that you won't see without it. No one needs operating systems and compilers either yet there's 10 CS textbooks on the chart.

>> No.22382033

This is the most cringe chart of all time

Lewis and Kreeft are gigapseuds

>> No.22382036

>Lewis and Kreeft are gigapseuds
source: your retarded headcanon

>> No.22382047

Here's my own list:
>Deep Ecology For The 21st Century
>Anti-Tech Revolution
>Can Life Prevail?
>The Question Concerning Technology
>Man Swarm
>Ecology, Community and Lifestyle
>Impeachment of Man
>Technological Slavery
>A New Nobility of Blood and Soil
>Blood and Soil by Anna Bramwell
>Industrial Society and Its Future
>Everything Madison Grant Wrote
>Rewilding North America
>Rise of The American Conservation Movement
>Population Pressure & Cultural Adjustment
>A Planet is Plundered
>None Need Starve
>Spring Comes Again
>The Land and The People
>It Cannot Be Stormed
>The Three Pure Land Sutras
>Poems of A Mountain Home
>Vinaya Texts
>Walden; or Life In The Woods
>Kenko and Chomei
>A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure
>The Cook's Illustrated
>Convict Conditioning 1 and 2
>Explosive Calisthenics
>The Naked Warrior
>The Mind Illuminated
>The Resilient Gardener
>Growing Food
>Dirt To Soil
>Never Say Die: The Canadian Air Force Survival Manual
>Survival Poaching
>Live Off The Land In City and Country
>Ragnar's Ten Best Traps
>FM 21-76: US Army Survival Manual
>SAS Survival Handbook
>Scientific Principles of Improvised Weapons and Home Defense
>Principles of Personal Defence
>1001 Street Fighting Secrets
>Rhodesian S.A.S. Combat Manual
>Scouting and Patrolling

That's about it.

>> No.22382051

>dragon book
>Anti-Tech Revoluion

>> No.22382053

Since this is chart for 19 year old pseuds who think their intellect is fucking superior I'd also add American Psycho, Kid A, Silent Hill, and maybe some Nietzsche.

>> No.22382057

>Silent Hill
I thought that was vidya? There's a Silent Hill tree-corpse?

>> No.22382059

>Hans Kelsen’s “Pure Theory Of Law”

Thought I was the only one that owned that

>> No.22382100

Day of the Pillow by Zyklon Zoomer

>> No.22382104
File: 388 KB, 680x465, be8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be white.

>> No.22382112

>doesn't dispell the insult of being a cocksucking faggot
fucking lol @ u

>> No.22382124

the true endgame book is endgame by derrick jensen. he is naive and weird but has brilliant perspective.

>> No.22382150

>being this mad at the fact of life that he will never be white

Gotta put you on suicide watch now. Too bad you will have to pay for it when Milei takes power.

>> No.22382152

>getting this worked up over being a little fairy cocksucking queer
I thought homos were proud to be faggots now? sorry you're having such a bad time :^)

>> No.22382165

>trying too hard to force the faggot thing when I never showed any sexual preference whatsoever in my posts

I understand your frustration. Still, you will never be white.

>> No.22382169

aw, the little faggot's upset now. don't cry lil bud. I'm sure at least your mommy still loves you!

>> No.22382174
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>> No.22382179


>> No.22382189

Just watching this thread to see if the two retards arguing will continue all night.

>> No.22382524
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>> No.22382677


>> No.22382681

I mean how many UNC autists can possibly be on here

>> No.22382687

Is there a chart on destroying western civilization? I fucking hate it

>> No.22382692

Just move to China or Vietnam then, comrade. Simple as.

>> No.22382702

NTA but if you think that “Chyna” or Vietnam or even Russia and Iran aren’t becoming westernized (Iran is slow as heck but you see it in their precipitous drop in births per woman), and thus aren’t going to be destroyed like the US then you don’t know a single thing about other countries.

>> No.22382717

rent free orange man living in your head
now that it's apparent you're a mentally challenged plebbit npc... lol

>> No.22382726
File: 94 KB, 800x670, 1663953045550688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me.

>> No.22382888

This is the most random assortment of books. Why is there so much CS, "essential for life"? I think it could be done a lot better.

>> No.22382949

anon there are already video games and animes on there

>> No.22383067

Not sure if you are a shitposter or just an idiot.

>> No.22383185

China, Russia and Iran are cryptocolonies of UK

>> No.22383220

I'm convinced none of you people actually read books.

>> No.22383224

imagine being shocked that a Croation shooting internet forum has autists and retards
get fuckt

>> No.22383286
File: 2.82 MB, 2096x1685, Essential Textbooks for Life and Beyond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22383414

ur chart is an absolute joke and there is no way you have read any of this. If you weren't such a pseud, you'd realize that neuroscience is a gigantic shitheap. We don't understand anything on the cellular level except stuff like axon potential and the basic structure of different types of cells (while we haven't even discovered all possible types). On the level of the mind, all there is is vague lesion studies and even vaguer imaging studies that at best give correlations of 0.40 with other vague tests.
tl;dr don't waste your time on neuroscience in general. It won't help you in life. (Except if you just really like the biology aspect of it, in which case you should just go to university)

>> No.22383416

how many of those have you read?

>> No.22383421


>> No.22383427

Economics is a difficult field to prescribe textbooks for. The field is spooked by dogma. Mankiw is commonly read by undergraduates, but it’s inadequate depending on who you ask. The field depends on the particular notions of its professors more than perhaps any other field.

>> No.22383498

the only objectively essential books for life applicable for everyone are books on investment/personal finances and perhaps some basic economics.
everything other than that is absolutely subjective.
99% of the population does not need to read a book on the principles of compilers.
If you are going to live on a farm, a book on species of plants, or farming becomes essential for you, not for everyone else.
retarded thread, retarded chart.

>> No.22383554

>It's paradoxical, it doesn't make any sense!

Gtfo stemfag

>> No.22383831

What is the justification for reading anti-tech revolution while simultaniously reading 10 CS textbooks?

>> No.22383842

etc dude just admit you need a hung penis down your throat

>> No.22384113
File: 10 KB, 279x445, The Hedonistic Imperative - David Pearce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hedonistic Imperative should definitely be added. Genetic engineering and neuroscience have the potential to eradicate suffering entirely.


>> No.22384115
File: 32 KB, 314x500, Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Pearce's other book

>> No.22384531

Sounds like schizo shit

>> No.22384606

How do you even study those biology books anyway? The exercises are always just reading comprehension based. Do you just memorize shit?

>> No.22384654

""""He"""" puts them on his cute little shelf and hallucinates according to them.

>> No.22385016

Ruined it

>> No.22385131

>If you are going to live on a farm, a book on species of plants, or farming becomes essential for you, not for everyone else.
>he thinks he's not going to live on a farm
No matter what you do you won't be able to escape.

>> No.22385234

Wow this is really sweet

>> No.22385440
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>> No.22385499

Wow board quality has really dropped. Or maybe it was always like this? Too bad theres nowhere on the internet I can go that I won't find people like below invading every single community.

>> No.22385525


No. Soltis sucks as an author.

>> No.22385763

How does this rebuild? It’s all destruction.

>> No.22385784

I actually looked this up and then I realized what TND stands for. (-‸ლ)

>> No.22385796
File: 607 KB, 719x827, biblio-instagram_microlearning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unironically this kind of Anglo-Catholic conservatism is so comfy. I wish I still had enough innocence to think it was this simple. I'd recommend this list not to save Western civilization, but to save the Westerner in yourself. If you can die while still maintaining wholesome and energetic values, even Anglo-Catholic values, then consider that a victory. Only the pathological want to immanentize their eschaton apart from themselves. Read for personal enrichment, not omnipotence.

>> No.22385801


Back in the day /lit/ was mostly lit majors and disabled/retired autodidacts with the occasional unhinged bibliomaniac. You'd get people posting this kind of thing all the time.

>> No.22385855


Try again

>> No.22385873
File: 2.21 MB, 3088x3088, 20230814_212858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am though

>> No.22385875
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>> No.22385880
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x6361, StartWithHowToReadABookv24MB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate chart.

>> No.22385885

/lit/erally me if I left my home

>> No.22385887


>> No.22386115

I could, but I'm a math student so I'm not sure anybody would care.

>> No.22386932

I’ll take it

>> No.22387561



>> No.22387710

Lol yeah board quality has dropped because 10 CS books are not essential. I'm not saying it was a bad idea, dude. Sorry for penetrating your hugbox with thoughts

>> No.22387746

This is all over the place. Maybe try to explain what even is the purpose of adding half of these textbooks

>> No.22387749


>> No.22387755

I have a priori knowledge the creator of this chart did not read even half of this.

>> No.22387800

The fact you think it is “all over the place” tells me all I need to know about you.

>> No.22387864

Incredibly gay. If you are too retarded to not be a Nazi in 2023 and you still post here, quit complaining!

>> No.22388040

etc dude just admit you need a hung penis down your throat

>> No.22388062


>> No.22388329

>a priori
Stop using expressions you don't know the meaning of, pseud.

>> No.22388643

i have read 5 of these books and its mostly bullshit.

>> No.22388729

This response vis a vis my legit observation was conclusively excessive, wouldnt you agree my friend?

>> No.22388845
File: 1.35 MB, 2096x1800, 1692149065148465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22388903

I don't have any friends, and I don't have any other place to go. YOU have reddit, YOU have twitter, YOU have instagram, just let me have this.

>> No.22388925

Gayest shit I've seen this hour.

>> No.22389017

you have read 10 cs books and still got no friends and other places? bullshit

>> No.22389022

etc dude just admit you need a hung penis down your throat

>> No.22389251

Not bullshit. I have nowhere online to go, and nowhere irl.

>> No.22389260

i feel with you

>> No.22389277
File: 42 KB, 700x937, colourised-aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drop the Plato, Aristotle refutes him so effectively that reading him is sufficient...

>> No.22389422

Really good post.

>> No.22389456

>Called essential textbooks for life and beyond
>Anime shit
>Fight Club
>A fucking PS3 game

Worst bait ever

>> No.22389477

put it in a chart otherwise i dont care

>> No.22389822

You zoomers and your charts. Let me guess, you have an entire folder on your desktop named “Charts” filled with book recommendations that you’ll never read. Hell, you’ll probably buy the books, on that student loan you hope you don’t have to pay back, but they’ll just gather dust in your loft apartment, unread

>> No.22389877
File: 3.61 MB, 1200x1636, Legends of House Rochat compressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have compiled these for general intelligence.
Your books seem either redundant, narrow intel or better suited for /sci/.
The Prince is probably the only book that begins to serve your goal.
You should rename your selection as "Essential textbooks for work and confinement"
(I currently have "Player of Games" by Iain M. Banks lent out and still trying to decide if the rest of foundation beyond the trilogy is worth reading)

>> No.22389884

>Jane Austen

>> No.22389897

your response is literally why it's required

>> No.22389900

>female insecurity

>> No.22389926
File: 69 KB, 685x842, 1691549023743459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made this chart should pay especially close attention to The Peaceful Pill Handbook. Fucking Laintrannies think they're the deepest fuckers on the planet, I bet you haven't read a quarter of those books OP

>> No.22389997

>using the old Argentinean football shirt
it has 3 stars now, after they won the world cup

>> No.22390457

Shouldn’t religion, philosophy, history, science, and fiction be put into separate categories?

>> No.22390471

Who would want to read law textbooks?

>> No.22391126
File: 68 KB, 280x325, Question.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China, Russia and Iran are cryptocolonies of [the] UK

>> No.22391236

Use other imageboards then.
>Inb4 pph addict.

>> No.22391498

> t. skimmed through one neuroscience book that made his head hurt

>> No.22392951

anime website, retarded indian phoneposter

>> No.22393101

>how to save western civilization

>> No.22394123

Me, stupid

>> No.22394129

no point in reading those unless you're taking a class and exams.

>> No.22394137

comrade - don't sign your posts

>> No.22394482

>no point in reading

>> No.22394555

You heard me

>> No.22395473

Just making it clear where I stand

>> No.22395483

I've attended multiple classes on it at the university you negro. Neuroscience isn't that complex, it's no analysis

>> No.22395884

It is better than reading dumb fiction books. At least you have a better understanding of how the world works as opposed to fiction books where you get nothing at all out of it.

>> No.22395931

oh dear

>> No.22396465

Why are you even on /lit/?

>> No.22396549

What do you mean? Nonfiction books are still literature as well. It would be absolutely retarded to think otherwise. Besides, I have already read the western fiction literary canon.

>> No.22396552

>tr/a/nime website

>> No.22396561

>Besides, I have already read the western fiction literary canon.
Why are you lying on the internet?

>> No.22396574

On what grounds do you have to say that I am lying? What proof do you have while assaulting my good name?

>> No.22397039

>>>/g/anges river, go drink your daily poop water subhuman shitskin

>> No.22397141

Good list. If you read the dictionaries at the bottom, you already basically get the gist of every other book ever written

>> No.22397795

>Ask HN: What are the most eye-opening textbooks you have ever read?

Here maybe there are some textbooks here that people can agree upon are useful for life :)

>> No.22397977
File: 150 KB, 828x768, IMG_6528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cs shit

>> No.22398618

The complete lack of theology is pretty disgusting

>> No.22398820 [DELETED] 
File: 830 KB, 1258x771, esoteric literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22398846
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>> No.22399282


>> No.22400100

I’m not clicking that link, fag

>> No.22400979

That quote passes through my head daily

>> No.22401000

i clicked its family guy

>> No.22401009
File: 3.36 MB, 1000x1572, jane austen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right Chris it's 1798 and we're in
the home of Jane Austen (Stewie) Jane Austen I
don't think she's on my history test
Stewie (Chris)
oh I know we're just here to release
pent-up time-travel gas (stewie) *Brian Stewie and Chris do farting* oh yeah oh
yeah give me some of that
mmm the insides of men this is what
fuels me (Jane Austen)

>> No.22401281

Who asked

>> No.22401290

fuck off chud

>> No.22401565

You first pozzie

>> No.22401635
File: 510 KB, 1920x1382, 1681742979155795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lainfrens need to read the phenomenology of spirit, anti-oedipus, violence and the sacred and liber novus :)
add むすめーかー in there for me

>> No.22401931

A lot of the recommendations I see aren't very good introductions and don't stand on their own for learning since they don't present any problems for the student to work through. Having a reference textbook for a subject wont actually teach you anything any more than reading the dictionary will make you a good writer.

>> No.22401970

the term Western Civilization is an oxymoron.

>> No.22401978

Person-of-Color alert!

>> No.22401987

What is your thoughts on the term “Eastern Culture”?

>> No.22402022

also an oxymoron

>> No.22402333

So what can be placed properly in front of “civilization”?

>> No.22402365

Sid Meier's

>> No.22402366

epic post my friend all the upboats XD

>> No.22402370

what the joke even supposed to be here?

>> No.22402384

That the male characters of Pride and Prejudice are a Freudian reversal of her obsession with men instead of her seeming disdain for them. Either that, or it is simply just that she had a fart fetish. Either interpretation is possible.

>> No.22402387

that quote kind of just nullified all meaning that could otherwise be gotten from those textbooks

human knowledge is an illusory edifice

>> No.22402587

>illusory edifice
Compared to what?

>> No.22402954

Even for a med student (as myself) robbins and cortran are incredibly difficult , they are way too detailed, a normal person would get much more from reading a short summary or watching some YouTube videos. Learning about about rare pathologies is basically useless for the average person, most doctors don’t even remember what they studied in med school

>> No.22402978
File: 23 KB, 1264x1692, the-48-laws-of-power-cover@8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing the one and only so obviously missing book in this thread makes me laugh at all the sheep here on /lit/

>> No.22403460


>> No.22403497

unrelated but I miss Haruhi

>> No.22403547

/lit/ idk if this is the thread but I've been searching for a book called La Dilletante. I can't find it anywhere can you help?

>> No.22403703

No more books to adapt

>> No.22404444

If you didn’t realize this book is a prank by rule 3, you’re not worth the time to explain why

>> No.22404466
File: 19 KB, 956x532, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be brandoned with the mark of the beast to watch this video

>> No.22405266

No, but you must know how to spell

>> No.22405281

>Apollonius of Perga: On Conic Sections
I know you didnt read this bro

>> No.22405836

like 7 more books to adapt...

>> No.22406036

Don’t you ever fucking question my truth ever again

>> No.22406082

>the final book is written by a catholic who's part of a cult that's working to destroy Western civilization
It's all so tiresome. Why are you so afraid of just reading the Bible?

>Try again
Yeah, instead of all the religion and tradition and all of Babylon's wine, actually believe God's Word and obey God's Word.

Also this, weabs are cancer, just look at how weebs immediately start talking perversity when challenged. They're like LGBTs forcing their faggotry in every aspect of society.

>> No.22406088

>cult that's working to destroy Western civilization
um i think you have that confused with the hebraic brethren orthodox bro

>> No.22406100
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You should study history some more.

>> No.22406106
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>> No.22406108
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>> No.22406111 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22406116
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sorry man but lincoln never said that

>> No.22406117
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>> No.22406119


>> No.22406124 [DELETED] 
File: 848 KB, 1337x1600, 1686516044614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roman catholicism is basically a 5th column, they control the supreme court and the roman catholic cult is the whore of babylon. The mark of the beast is her mark.

Go fuck yourself lying Jesuit Nazi pederast traitor and infiltrator. A society of liars and child rapists and extortioners and blackmailers.

I bet you'll quot the Roman cult to deny the fact that they're the whore of babylon too.

>> No.22406128

i'm atheist you nutcase

>> No.22406129

Why would the Jesuits put themselves in the camps?

>> No.22406130
File: 30 KB, 469x242, 1692017934308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell, antichrist.

>> No.22406134

i denounce the talmud
and you need to calm down

>> No.22406137
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1686444874774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a roman cult apologist, you might as well be a catholic because subhuman trash like you would never protest rome.

Why would Hitler adopt so much of the Jesuit Order into his hierarchy?

Faggot Jesuit Nazis

You're still an atichrist you subhuman monkey

>> No.22406139
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You need to kill yourself and stop apologizing for satan's counterfeit church.

>> No.22406145
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have you even read hitler's BOOKS like his table talk? he said that he was a believer for IDIOTS like you to think he was religious. he was a fervent ATHEIST and hated christianity because it kept people from going full nazi

>> No.22406300

Nothing misspelled here, wicked little impy.

>> No.22406310

checked and keked

>> No.22406323

>Make a joke chart about how to create life and the mechanisms around it, including social customs and eventually death
>Regards argue about it like it's a self help list and start calling each other pseuds
Go program a shark, you fucking idiots

>> No.22406331

reddit-tier post
all the upboats XD

>> No.22406361


>> No.22406371

>tips fedora

>> No.22407029

All books are memes, idiot

>> No.22407036

Maybe you should permanently stay at r/rsp and stop contaminating this board with your faggotry, dyel

>> No.22407218


>> No.22407438
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>Steins;gate instead of Muv-Luv Alternative

>> No.22407999

Of course, why would you put a shitty mecha VN on there over a literary masterpiece?

>> No.22408072

he just posted it

>> No.22409013

I'm sorry, you lost me at Harry Potter.

>> No.22409357

You had me at Harry Potter!

>> No.22409371

The Imitation of Christ , by Kempis
Confessions, Augustine
The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin
The Brothers Karamazov, by Dostoevsky
Either/Or and Provocations, by Kierkegaard
The Bible, kjv
Church History, Eusibius
The rhyme or the ancient mariner, Coleridge
Unspoken Sermons by George Macdonald

>> No.22409664


>> No.22409672
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Here you go, lad. Have a nice chart of what this guy listed.

>> No.22409675
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Has anyone noticed that out of a list of the top 137 minds of Western civilization there are only two women, and zero blacks?

>> No.22409678

>western civilization
how would blacks have added anything to this? The Chinese Canon would be filled with Asians up till the 19th century

>> No.22409692

George Macdonald, Calvin and Kierkegaard are generally superior to most church fathers

>> No.22409703
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>> No.22410340

Do you want to get cancelled?

>> No.22410549
File: 936 KB, 1666x2560, how-to-manage-your-slaves-book-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I'd live the elite life of ancient times with my servants and sex slaves

>> No.22410553
File: 125 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Robespierre_IMG_2303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essential text books for life include a biology textbook, some manga, a ps3 game, computer science and ffight club.

>> No.22410593

imagine putting a pathology textbook on the chart. Clearly, created by a retard

>> No.22410608

terminally online fags will read this many programming books and then the only thing they have ever coded is a half finished program to do some kind of pointless maths thing.
Literally none of these books are worth reading for the average person and the average computer programmer can pick one.

>> No.22410748

What is life if not biology, chud?

>> No.22411279

if you're not a fascist or monarchist in current year you're a clown world enjoyer

>> No.22411370

You realize you’d be the peasant, not the aristocrat, right?

>> No.22411893

And what the fuck are you programming, faggot?

>> No.22412015

In a Fascist system this would be sublimely pleasant, I would give anything for this

>> No.22412040

What are you going to do when a party member begins to lust over your wife?

>> No.22412045

rock chess is bretty cool

>> No.22412051

checked & based.
I assumed it was a grift by the author
what was your explanation?

>> No.22412053

nta but I agree with every word he said and im a professional computer programmer so that's probably not as much of a 'gotcha' as you think it is.

>> No.22412060

Answer the question, faggot

>> No.22412069

I mean... I already told you I'm a pro so... enterprise web applications with millions of visits per day?

>> No.22412089

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.22412092

I accept your concession.

>> No.22412098 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22412103

How about you accept this dick in your mouth

>> No.22412115


>> No.22412531

Thanks for the rec, literally the only thing in this thread that looks interesting

>> No.22412587

> blaming the jesuits
> when we all know it is the jews
psyops inside psyops

>> No.22412687

Do you know anything about Fascism? That "Party member" would get executed publicly

>> No.22412764

Jesusuits are jews that fasely converted so shes only half wrong

>> No.22412771

Still in the cave

>> No.22412783

>simone weil

>> No.22412841

Fuck you for replacing Barthes on Barthes with that trash 3deep5me anime

>> No.22412851

Why would anyone believe you over a party member?

>> No.22413019

I would burn it. All cell tier poison.
This. Really though whether it's rebuilt or not, what's more important is the next world.
The only text that really matters is the Holy Bible.

>> No.22413778

You would burn yourself then?

>> No.22413830

how tf is this retarded thread still up

>> No.22413858

Because you just bumped it, retard.

>> No.22414005
File: 2.61 MB, 1636x1232, koth gas time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sickly retarded jewess
i would gas this entire board before any other board

>> No.22414013

You’re a dyel who would flinch if you ever touched a rifle

>> No.22414020

>you’d be the peasant

you would.
i'd be fucking your wife

>> No.22414543

You’re only a silver party member, I am a gold party member, your wife would be a part of my harem

>> No.22415358
File: 376 KB, 828x1037, IMG_6649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it

>> No.22416235
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>WWI Biographies

>> No.22416676

Man-trapping was a huge disappointment. Literally 98% of it is "get a log, make it spikey, hook it up to a tree, set a tripwire so the log will swing down when tripped"

>> No.22417254

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

>> No.22418071

Is it written from an ancient or modern perspective

>> No.22418330

I remember being 18

>> No.22418613
File: 40 KB, 486x500, 51Qnnraf0NL-531148914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GO RIN NO SHO (The Book of 5 Rings by Miyamato Musashi)
KING JAMES BIBLE (Pure Cambridge Edition of the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible)

>> No.22418666

>ctrl-f 'mein kampf'
>0 results
Son, I am disappoint. This list clearly misses one of the most important books anyone can ever read:

MEIN KAMPF (Adolf Hitler)

>also look into ghadaffi's "little green book" -- another fantastic but brief treatise on "third option" governance

>> No.22418986


WORST version.

>> No.22419011

Rangers fucking suck, loser. The only retards who suggest the ranger handbook are fat dyels who couldn’t hump a 5k with 25 pounds on their back

>> No.22419964

>t. Tabless

>> No.22420042

based. bring back know-nothingism

>> No.22420221

Where can I find textbooks for free

>> No.22420964


>> No.22421058

in short, schizo

>> No.22421177
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>> No.22421652

Don't have anything to add but thanks for cool list.

>> No.22422097

You’re as bad as the rest of them

>> No.22423149

Degens get the rope

>> No.22423700

>Ayn Rand
>Stehen King
>generic SF shit
Ok, now post the gamer PC and dragon dildoes

>> No.22424482

Let’s see your shelf, cunt

>> No.22424739


>> No.22425357

and what would they do with it once they get it

>> No.22425359

eat shit, anus

>> No.22425367


>> No.22425388
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>> No.22425479

Your name is anonymous. It is not a good one, not here at least.