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22380934 No.22380934 [Reply] [Original]

>Nietzsche will appear as a nihilist, or worse, a fascist
/lit/ told me he was based, but he was a proto redditor.

>> No.22380940
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You have to go back

>> No.22380953

I'm not even a fascist, but you must recognize it's absurd to call fascism worse than nihilism, specially when talking about Nietzsche. It's like that screencap of "misanthropic" redditors calling Schopenhauer a misogynist.

>> No.22380960

Ve believe in nussing Lebofski, nussing!

>> No.22380966 [DELETED] 

Who's mindbroken here, the philosopher who doesn't like fascism is bad or the guy who seems to find nothing worth remarking about on this page except a someone saying they don't like fascism? It's like you were just starting at the book in blank incomprehension, thinking 'based based based this one's one of the based ones very based' and nothing else as your eyes crawled along the lines, and then you hit 'worse, a fascist', and suddenly the synapses fizzle dimly, automatically, and the switch flicks, and now the pulse is 'reddit lmao redditor cringe cringe mindbroken must post this on /lit/'.

>> No.22380978

Who's mindbroken here, the philosopher who doesn't like fascism or the guy who seems to find nothing worth remarking about on this page except a someone saying they don't like fascism? It's like you were just starting at the book in blank incomprehension, thinking 'based based based this one's one of the based ones very based' and nothing else as your eyes crawled along the lines, and then you hit 'worse, a fascist', and suddenly the synapses fizzle dimly, automatically, and the switch flicks, and now the pulse is 'reddit lmao redditor cringe they forgot that nihilism is below fascism is on the ideology tier-list i must post this on /lit/'.

>> No.22380987

He's just saying if you read him from a racist lens he will seem racist

>> No.22380995

The goal of the atheists is to push for commerce and bureaucracy in their republic, whereas
Fascism is the atheist version of monarchy: being obsessed with being told what to do by a few generic bureaucrats turned into control freaks in order to secure their positions, since fascism being part of atheism and its circlekering over bureaucratic trifles, they have no external supernatural justification for being here, contrary to kings who claimed God put them in charge.
any solution to atheism will not be found with an new -ism from the plethora of -isms the atheists created due to their freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.

Even to this day atheists say the middle ages are worse than hitler.

>> No.22381025

I haven't read much Nietzsche, but why wouldn't fascism be worse than nihilism? I've noticed that when christians talk about nihilism, they assume nihilists must be miserable people with no morals, but that's a biased opinion. Just because we don't believe life doesn't have an inherent purpose doesn't mean we don't believe we can create that purpose ourselves. The whole point of nihilism is that if there isn't an ultimate purpose to life then you can relax and realize there's nothing stopping you from being a good person and enjoying life. That's what Deleuze is getting at here. Fascism is worse than nihilism because fascists see as their purpose on life to stomp on the human dignity of the "other."

>> No.22381060

Nihilism that believes in the fundamental goodness of the world for free human flourishing is not really nihilism, it's some kind of Feuerbachian humanism. Actual nihilism is an incoherent position as Plato said long ago, because all acts are done "for the better (of something)." Nihilists are at least egoists. And while there can be somewhat benign egoists, obviously there are many egoists who are not benign, and it is far from obvious that even a society of purely benign egoists would not still run into problems because of the lack of civic virtue, since everybody is basically only contractually bound to the others and acknowledges no higher goods or morals.

"Classical" social contract theory is not only retarded, it never existed. Rousseau was basically a fascist: he wanted small republics of highly civically self-conscious individuals maintaining a high standard of moral purity. Locke was only talking about Christian nations and reacting polemically against monarchical absolutism, and was basically an agrarian aristocrat who thought society naturally had an elitist hierarchical caste system. Neither he nor any of the Founding Fathers would ever have dreamed of a "mass democracy" being possible, the very term is a contradiction in terms because democracy requires aristocratic morality and civic virtue. Mass by definition is conducive only to tyranny.

Fascism is good because it acknowledges the existence of higher standards like one's people or one's historic transhistorical state, things which are themselves founded on a priori moral frameworks. The only bad fascists are biological reductive nihilists, for the same reason that individualist nihilism is bad: they just transpose the ugliness of amoral nihilistic egoism to the national level and make every state into a "blond beast." But most fascists are highly moral. The goal of fascism in Europe was basically to restore the condition of the Middle Ages, with a vibrant society with a shared moral culture acting as its backbone, with room for dedicated monks and warrior-monks to maintain the integrity of the society.

>> No.22381095

Exactly this. Something I've noticed is that nihilism is the ultimate moral test. You tell a bad person that life has no meaning and they will see it as an invitation to do evil with no consequences. You tell a good person that life has no meaning and they will see no reason to stop being good. Saying nihilism is worse than fascism makes no sense because nihilism is neutral. A nihilist can be bad or good (and most seem to be good), but a fascist is always bad, at least to the groups of people they think they are justified to persecute.

>> No.22381103

Have you ever heard about optimistic nihilism? You should check it out.

>> No.22381109


>> No.22381132

I don't entirely dislike optimistic nihilists or anything, I think their self-sufficiency and desire for autonomy are great things, just like I respect libertarian "just leave me alone"-ism in the political sphere. I just think these are necessary but not sufficient values for a full life. Also I have had mystical experiences that I cannot deny seemed to me to be revelations of objective truth that humanity can only partly grasp at this point. I think the miracle of this truth is that even people who think they aren't serving it are still serving it in some roundabout way, unless they're anomalous instances of pure evil or something. I think a fascist state should ideally allow a huge degree of latitude for personal freedom. Evola for example is an advocate of this and says repeatedly that free speech was very high in Italy. In a healthy society where nobody is going to start cutting their child's dick off, you don't need to ban people from saying "let's cut kids' dicks off!" because that person is just ignored automatically, or better yet, never arises in the first place. The fascist instinct is always faith in higher ideals, and the trust that healthy human beings always converge on those same ideals, so that the answer to unhealth is simply more health.

>> No.22381143

The state exerting power over the people regardless of its intention is tyrannical and shouldn't be done, the state's main purpose from the very beginning was to facilitate the exchange of goods and services between people, it only later on developed into something far more influential that came with a sense of morality, and this is one of the reasons why there's a general understanding that its influence over the people should either be minimal or not exist at all. Coercing any type of attachment towards this state in any way is only strenghtening its grip over the people, there's a sense of the state being responsible for things that it was never intended to be done, some even feel as if there couldn't be a modern society without a large state influenced involvement, something that is not true.

>> No.22381204

>Im so heckin happy, not like those fascist meanies who want to stop me from doing drugs and having sex with other men
Sounds like a ton of copium pal.

>> No.22381219

So deleuze is one of those philosophers who a priori sets out to avoid nihilism? Sad.

>> No.22381222

>A nihilist can be bad or good (and most seem to be good), but a fascist is always bad, at least to the groups of people they think they are justified to persecute.
You don't seem to understand nihilism. It doesn't recognize good or bad as terms with any meaning. Those terms have mo essential value, no content, to a nihilist, and that is why a nihilist is dangerous because their adherence to any social or moral norm is merely random and subject to their own whims.

>> No.22381266

Nobody’s adherence to social norms is subject to their own whim. I can’t just on a whim decide to streak because I recognize that it’s a social norm. The thought of the acute embarrassment would be too strong and not ameliorable by any rational analysis.

>> No.22381393

>The state exerting power over the people regardless of its intention is tyrannical and shouldn't be done
There isn't such a thing as a state that doesn't exert power. The state is power, as it solely exists as an apparatus of violence against its enemies.

>> No.22381412

>Who's mindbroken here
The over socialized philosopher who feels an urge to white wash Nietzsche and clarify he was NOT a fascist. And I agree that he was not, and it's perfectly fine to talk about it in its proper context, but Deleuze's need to moralize Nietzsche and to signal to his readers that fascism is worse than nihilism, is very last-manish of him.

>> No.22381579

The French got absolutely humiliated by the Germans and were occupied for quite some time. It's perfectly understandable that a man who grew up during this period remained butthurt about it for his entire life. Thankfully, he can be safely ignored, because philosophers and intellectuals have never contributed anything of worth to society.

>> No.22381591

>as it solely exists as an apparatus of violence against its enemies.
Something like nationality and the state are not necessarily the same thing, though it could be considered two crucial aspects of a nation, there can still be national identity without the necessity of a state that declares enemies. Everything a state does can be done by smaller communities through collaboration with eachother, the idea of a state having to have a deep influence over society in a way where it provides for people and allocates resources given abilities considered valuable is not an exclusive characteristic which only the state can manage to achieve. The ever-present question of whether the people serve the state or the state serves the people has become a more and more relevant subject to talk about, and as with any civilized society, there should definitely be room for re-consideration of its power over the people as individual autonomy is still an option. The mere fact that nobody considers a different possibility is in itself a mistake and shouldn't even have taken place in a modern setting where one of the main aspects that define culture in today's time is based around individuality. Gradually, the state has become so involved with affairs it never should have been involved in, that people are considered crazy to even as much as suggest anything different from what exists today.

>> No.22381671
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I have trouble tracing the genealogy of "leftist" thought. We live in an era of scientific materialism, the highest objects of our contemplation are force and motion, and the only values that can be seen in this cacophony is that of might makes right. And yet we still have these humanist philosophers who prattle on about equality, inherent dignity and freedom. I suppose the only conclusion to make on these matters is that the categorical imperative has been a disaster to the human race.

>> No.22381708

fascism just means self interest
when the British empire was killing 10s of millions of africans and indians and losing tons of resources over it,
the fascists politicians were the ones advocating to leave the third world and imperialist bullshit alone and focus on the homeland. fascism is very anti globalist. hitler is not the best example. he was kind of a retarded socialist. his anti economics didnt do him too well.

>> No.22381718

>might makes right
>none of the predominant political, military, and economic forces of the world believe in or enforce “might makes right”
so are they wrong or are they right?

>> No.22381727

now I might actually have to read Deleuze because I think similar things about Nietzsche

>> No.22381733
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Almost all philosophers are. The persistent problem with academia is that ontological basis for all their thinking is based upon the assumption everyone, at their core is fundamentally the same, which is why systems like aristocracy, monarchy and fascism are impervious to the average academic. If they actually questioned whether some people are simply better than others they would literally have to start over from scratch. The few exceptions like Nietzsche, Evola, Gasset, are either widely misunderstood by almost everyone, buried and forgotten or are seen as charactures.

>> No.22381747

Aristotle, Plato, and almost every classical philosopher also shared this opinion.

>> No.22381749

Let's wait for a nuclear war to find out.

>> No.22381761

the elites never disappeared, what are you talking about? there's the elites and there's the cattle, as always.

>> No.22381795

>fascists see as their purpose on life to stomp on the human dignity of the "other."
Yes, that's fascism. Now continue being a good and decent person and never talk about fascism again.

>> No.22381802

They have to use their might in order to maintain that might does not equal right. What a paradox they find themselves in!

>> No.22381816

Don't speak for us, you're too retarded

>> No.22381829

>never talk about fascism again
No, thanks. I'll keep calling fascism out whenever I see it, and if that makes the fascist snowflakes cry then even better.

>> No.22381833

Reductio ad absurdum. Fascism is far more complex than a mere buzzword used by both right and left wing liberals to smear each other with

>> No.22381845

Right there are social costs to breaking norms. Of course a nihilist may maintain adherence for self interested reasons, but they don't believe in any inherent reason for anything being wrong or right.
That still constitutes a threat to society, which runs on the implicit assumption that you accept its rules as real.

>> No.22381850

You just sound like such a faggot

>> No.22381874

This, so much this, bash the fash, sister! Trans rights are human rights!

Edit: wow, this sure blew up! Thanks for the gold, kind stranger :)

>> No.22381901

I will never understand how people that define themselves as nihilists throw around words like good and evil without a second thought. It's just crazy how people can think that absolute moral claims are legitimate and knowable, and then call themselves nihilists in the same sentence. Either they're underaged, i'm a retard, or these definitions have been muddled beyond intelligibility

>> No.22381926

>what is optimistic nihilism?

>> No.22381941

To expand upon this, the greatest force that humans can muster arises from an ontological arrangement of forces which manifests itself into what is conventially seen as two different overarching types - the master and the slave. The masters are too weak to survive on their own, and the slaves are too stupid to wield force in the most supreme manner possible, and this demands the subtle struggle of the master-slave dialectic. The masters must maintain the appearence of adherence to the conventions that the slaves invent in order to extract the most amount of force from them - which requires that they pretend that concepts have a greater level of being than force. Only by contemplating things in themselves, the forces, can one transcend the illusions of convention.

Please forgive my shoddy account, I have yet to attain comprehension of the greater mysteries of esoteric materialism. I must continue my meditations.

>> No.22381944

The point is good and evil are just subjective phenomena like colors. Nihilists still use color words.

>> No.22381947

Seems to be a quite stupid idea
Less youtube, more books, anon.

>> No.22381951

A meme philosophy made up by reddit.

>> No.22381953

I could tell you the same. If you had read more books you wouldn't be trying to defend fascism. Fascism is cured by reading.

>> No.22381960

'Fascism' is a made up meme ideology with no proper definition. It was originally just Italian trade unionists with nationalist sentiments.

Nihilists are unironically better because their ideology actually has structure and foundation. Both are malicious and retarded.

>> No.22381968

Fascism is cured by reading.
Racism by travelling...
Leftism is cured by... ?

>> No.22382007

>Fascism is cured by reading.
To become a better fascist.
>Racism by travelling...
Immigrants traveling out of my country.
>Leftism is cured by... ?

>> No.22382012

Deleuze is not oversocialized. The reason he views fascism in a negative light is because his philosophy is nearly the antithesis to any kind of fascistic thinking. I mean that is literally the whole point of the rhizome, of philosophy as creation of concepts, of the BwO, of difference and repetition, schizoanalysis. He’s not some soft-bellied liberal throwing up a dismissal of fascism for brownie points.

>> No.22382015

This guy is right, my thoughts as well. Deleuze’s statement about Nietzsche predicting he’d be viewed through ideological lens and providing an ape of his dumbed down viewpoints is far more insightful - and ironically proves his point by the retard OP who started this shitty thread. He’s literally basedposting at Zarathustra’s ape while not engaging with the actual philosophers.

>> No.22382025
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You fags told me /lit/ was the smartest board and then I find shit like this.


>> No.22382030

Colors are not subjective. You can measure the frequency of light that bounces off them. Only your feelings about colors are subjective. When people call a light red they are making an objective claim about external reality, not trying to pressure someone into having the same sensory experience.

>> No.22382034

Lit is one of the most retarded boards out there. It’s mostly just polfags, /tv/, and other such underaged dipshits who migrated here.

>> No.22382049
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I should clarify my post by saying that yes they have not but fundamentally are trying their best to propagate the lie that people are fundamentally the same to the unwashed masses to delude them into thinking they’re all equally capable while they run off their money.

>> No.22382052

Yeah exactly. Your feeling of good and evil is subjective. Only the chemicals in your brain that produce them are objective.

>> No.22382054

Run off with* rather

>> No.22382082

When most people say "good" or "evil" they are conflating their feelings with external reality and acting as if something corresponding to those feelings really exists. They think they're saying something just as meaningful as calling an object red.

>> No.22382084

You realize that Nietzsche was closer to the left than the right, right? He just wasn't a liberal.
>b-but he criticized socialists
True, socialists, but he never criticized marxism. That's a detail that nietzschean fascists love to ignore. I really wish we had a way of bringing Nietzsche back to life so he could tell his fascist lovers from his own mind that they got everything wrong. Fascists completely misunderstood master morality, which is not unexpected, since they don't read. If they did, they would know that ancient Greece started to lose their master morality as they started to embrace the patriarchy. Just look at how Aphrodite was one of their most powerful deities when master morality was still high, but became weaker when the patriarchy took hold.
>b-but Nietzsche said a lot of misogynistic shit
True, which is why I don't like him very much. Just because he's close to the left doesn't mean I have to like him. But it always makes me laugh when right wingers think Nietzsche was one of them. You're showing you're illiteracy when you say that shit.

>> No.22382109

>I laugh at the fools who don't realize Nietzsche's philosophy is closer to me on this two dimensional axis which all political ideologies fit into.
People just don't care about your schizophrenic rambling.

>> No.22382117


>> No.22382118

The biggest problem with Nietzsche is his theory of resentment. It doesn’t jive with todays public who are and have every right to feel robbed.


Who gives a flying fuck?

>> No.22382125

This. I don't get what OP is crying about. Everyone who reads Nietzsche knows he was anti-fascist. Sure, fascism may not have properly existed back then, but proto fascists were already around, and Nietzsche absolutely hated them. Nietzsche wouldn't have seen anything wrong with calling fascism worse than nihilism. From his point of view, it literally is.

>> No.22382138

>The biggest problem with Nietzsche is his theory of resentment. It doesn’t jive with todays public who are and have every right to feel robbed.
Yeah, that's also too. Nietzsche was definitely a victim blamer.

>> No.22382693

he was right

>> No.22382715

>Deleuze is not oversocialized.
How did he achieve that as a French academic? His friend avoided to wash his daughter's hair because family is an oppressive structure.

>> No.22382718


>> No.22382755

You completely misunderstood Nihilism. What you are describing is closer to a Nietzschean perspective.

>> No.22382768

Deleuze isn't a redditor, just a typical French pseud. He's half-correct there about some things but still overall quite confused.

>> No.22382800

an excuse to jerk off to tranny porn all day without feeling bad about being a failure because you "rationalized" it. perfect if running away from responsabilities is not enough and you want to run away from the guilt too

>> No.22382814

I'm someone who is sympathetic to a lot of /pol/ talking points, but people who drank the whole jug of kool-aid are like Muslims in Burma.
>“Muslims are like the African carp. They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind. Even though they are minorities here, we are suffering under the burden they bring us,”
(this also applies to people who drank the whole jug of marxist/neo-marxist kool-aid)
Basically, I just hate kool-aid drinkers.

>> No.22382819

>lit/ told me he was based
Those were trannies, what trannies think is based is actually cringe.

You have to go back to r*ddit.

>> No.22382821

>not being a cringe leftist who sees fascism in everything means you drank the kool-aid (the reference originates from a deranged leftist cult leader btw)
Retard detected

>> No.22382828

The problem is when you equate all hierarchy and order with "fascism," retard leftists in academia do this all the time. It's like saying hillary clinton is a communist. It's idiotic.

>> No.22382831

I'm talking about the general /pol/ infestation in general where any thread that discusses anything tangentially related to politics is flooded with kool-aid drinkers who kill any chance of a discussion.
Denying this reality makes you no better than the leftist liars who gaslight people with "white replacement theory is a right wing conspiracy".

>> No.22382838

>You realize that Nietzsche was closer to the left than the right, right?
Not at all. He literally calls darker-skinned people inferior to the Aryans who invaded and conquered them, read Genealogy of Morals, idiot. There is a quote from it, perhaps someone can post it? At best you can say he wasn't political. But he was pro-aristocracy in the etymological sense of the term, which is inherently right wing. He was vehemently anti-egalitarian. How does that at all correspond to anything the left stands for? Go back to r3ddit with this mental retard shit.

>> No.22382839

I had a good outlook on Deluze and this confirm it further, thank you OP now I'm commited to read him

>> No.22382843

Bro, you have to admit that saying "or worse, a fascist" is hilarious in this context. It wouldn't even raise any attention if he had just said "will appear as a nihilist or a fascist", but "or worse" is just funny.

>> No.22382848

/pol/ memes about trannies, jews, nazis and race are ubiquitous across the site, pretty sure lots of people are just shitposting. I agree that lots of the discussion here is stifled pretty quickly by loud retards though.

>> No.22382858

It instantly outs him as a cringeworthy SJW fag. He may as well have dyed hair, take hormones and change his name to Jill. Imagine if a "philosopher" started ranting about socialism, it's just hack behaviour.

>> No.22382869

>lots of people are just shitposting
>“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.”
I'm talking about the actual retards who didn't get the nuance/humor and went full kool-aid drinking fanatic.
This is no longer an exclusively high IQ site where you can be certain that when you read some dumb shit it's just a shitposter.

>> No.22382879


>> No.22382884

I'm not sure what your point is. That the quote is reddit?
Read the first comment.

>> No.22382886

Sounds like you're too low iq to understand a nuanced joke.

>> No.22382900
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>> No.22383068

Nihilism in this context is world denial and "fascism" a 20th-century death cult. If you're offended by this it means you want both others and yourself to die over some resentful bullshit you made up.

>> No.22383106

>OP misunderstands Deleuze
>posters misunderstand OP
>replies misunderstand Nietzsche
>replies misunderstand the replies
>replies misunderstand the misunderstanding

Good thread.

>> No.22384412

It’s equivalent to pessimistic nihilism. If you are a nihilist you have to at least inwardly concede that your value and truth claims are fundamentally aesthetic. It’s all just subjective preference. The apparent problem comes from the fact that plenty of self-described nihilists also seem to be moral absolutists/fundamentalists based on the passion and vigor they bring to ontological and moral arguments. Basically there is always going to be either tension or outright contradiction between “nihilism” and any word appended to it such as pessimistic or optimistic

>> No.22384421

/pol/tards are ruining this board. Every thread has one of those fags.

>> No.22384431

>r3ddit tourist upset that people can post offensive and renegade opinions on 4chan without getting banned
Lurk more newfag.

>> No.22384442

It’s not the offensive shit, it’s the retarded /pol/ opinions. Some lit topics can’t even be talked about without these fags derailing the discussion.

>> No.22384444

Nietzsche would have despised fascism/national socialism doctrines and its mass movements but would have been a staunch follower of the Hitler cult. simple as

>> No.22384472

Hitler was ultimately a slave moralist

>> No.22384479

You're so.what right, but still very dishonest. Tell us, why would have Nietzsche hated Nazis? Because they were antisemites? But he was a rabit antisemite (Jews as the source of socratism and christianity, "Socrates was a jew" means that literally every critique of socratism and platoniam applies to rhe Jews – and from the early writings up to Antichrist they're essentially described as a virus that spreads itself by corrupting the host, and this is done by making said host more decadent) Because of their oppressive regime? But he thought that the masses ought to be treated like cattle. Because of their eugenicist bent? He was down with that too (he was literal when he said that the masses are to be treated like cattle: this includes breeding selections). Because of their love of war? Oh boy I have some news for you. Their hate for disabled people? I wonder what Nietzsche would say about the ill-formed...
If you're honest you'll end up having to concede that Nietzsche would have disagreed with the nazis due to reasons that you would find irrelevant (e.g. the fact that they still chose to stick with the populist notion of individual rights).

>> No.22384489
File: 62 KB, 696x1000, 61HdAzSFnDL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Jaspers demanded to know how someone as “uneducated” as Hitler could rule Germany, Heidegger replied: “It’s not a question of education; just look at his marvelous hands.”

>> No.22384509

>some guy synthesizes method to prevent history from repeating itself
>you need to promote this because immediacy is based

>> No.22384527

I wouldn't call whatever the fuck Nietzche believed leftist.
Not rightist in any conventional sense.
But it's more to the right in my opinion.

>> No.22384533

three step process anon: force, habit, monstrosity (Massumi)

>> No.22384563

German Aryan that nazis believed was nonsense, he also believed contemporary German culture was pretty bad while nazis thought it was the highest hope for the world, anti-semitism was seen as a moral sickness to Nietzsche, rabidly anti-Jew and Nietzsche goes so far to praise them at times, also Nazis believed Christianity was so much superior to Judaism while for the most part Nietzsche thought they were the same except Christianity being a bit worse and more dangerous.

>> No.22384714

You're talking about his anti-germanism, not about his anti-semitism. If you told someone "Im not a nazi: I believe in all the things you hate the most about them, but I despise Germans" would you consider me an antifascist? This is the kind of dishonesty I was talking about

>> No.22384762

He’s definitely not anti-Semitic, that’s a unique trait taken to extremes by the Nazis and part of why they’re so stupid. Everyone is sick of Abraham joggers and their thousand year family feud.

>> No.22384807

I guess he wasnt anti-socratic either, and that he was a proponent of decadence too.
Im not even an antisemite, I just think that if you genuinely read what Nietzsche says about them, while also forgetting the century of sanitization that has taken place (which has tried to distance Nietzsche as much as possible from anything remotely Nazi-adjacent) you'll realize that he basically sees Jews as the most treacherous viral infection humanity has ever suffered

>> No.22384813

lol you don’t read Nietzsche too well

>> No.22384905

I would say the same about you. Maybe try rereading the Antichrist tonight, and stop filtering out the stuff that seems unappealing to you

>> No.22384956

Nihilism, actual nihilism and not the one you saw on that facebook meme, implies not having any values at all. It is completely and utterly immoral, or amoral.

>> No.22384961

>fascists see as their purpose on life to stomp on the human dignity of the "other."
are you telling me that my political enemies are fascists? Also, you do realize that by simply having a political position you automatically invite enmity and postulate an "other", someone who is not on board with your ideas. Denying this, as progs are want to do, usually ends up with them only being capable of seeing their true enemies as somehow "broken" or insane and in need of total extermination, because we simply cannot ever have enemies, that's fascism.

>> No.22384982

We really need to end this "Nietz was a philo-semite" dogma. I've heard people say that the passages in the geneaology where he is clearly calling Jews the penultimate slave-moralists was written by his sister, even though the book was published IN HIS LIFETIME. the only work that she could possibly have tampered with was the Will to Power. Even so, there is absolutely no evidence she or her husband ever tampered with it.

>> No.22385007

Genealogy of Morals, and also Antichrist, where he basically uses Jews as the example of subhumans that Germans ("We Hyperboreans") should not be like.

How is he not anti-semitic? Almost all of Antichrist was shitting on jews and christianity, or semitism. He disliked Christianity because if it's weak semitic mindset. Yes, he's not anti-semitic in the sense of the caricature that the average leftist has in xer puerile mind, but he's antisemitic in that he sees "semitizing" of the West as inherently bad, because he views semitic cultures and people as not equal or inferior.

>> No.22385011

>you'll realize that he basically sees Jews as the most treacherous viral infection humanity has ever suffered

That's not an argument. And you haven't read much of him if you think his opinion on jews is favourable.

>> No.22385012

Nietzsche was a rabid antisemite from his earliest writings. He was so antisemitic that even Cosima Wagner (a bigger antisemite than Richard) had to tell him to chill with the antisemitic remarks. The whole philo-semite narrative is pure cope employed by academics in the '50s and '60s when they had to rehabilitate him as a serious philosopher at a time when he was still seen as a proto-nazi
The same can be seen when it comes to his sister editing of the Will to Power. All she did was excising a few anti-germanist passages to make it more palatable to German audiences, but people will lie about it and say that everything unpalatable in that book was added by her

>> No.22385540

>He’s definitely not anti-Semitic
Bro, even when he's praising the jews, he's stereotyping them as greedy fucks.

>> No.22385550

he's literally not (possible because I am slutty). logic of sense was written to receive corrections and the greater book, difference and repetition was written for whatever a prof does after correcting you.

>> No.22385555

Deleuze does the obligatory rigamarole for postwar France. It's not all together what it seems much of the time.

>> No.22385561

I can't read

>> No.22385569

>Good thread.
More like depressing thread. It gets me mad seeing people insulting Deleuze. He was one of the few philosophers who actually understood Nietzsche. He understood the anti-fascist core in Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.22385585

>Deleuze’s statement about Nietzsche predicting he’d be viewed through ideological lens
But Deleuze's statement in itself is viewing Nietzsche through an ideological lens. Stating that Nietzsche wasn't a fascist isn't the issue. The "or worse" is the problem, as Deleuze is trying to sanitize Nietzsche with his own ideology.

>> No.22385744

Ha yes it's important to understand a french bourgeois talking about a dead atheist failing to reach his goal of making nihilist hedonism hip and cool through his cretinous fantasy of dyonisian orgasm....

at this point atheists have been so braindead by their atheist revolutions, they are broken beyond repair

>> No.22385754

Not even Deleuze would agree with this, since unlike you he did actually read Nietzsche. His monographies are not meant to be accurate (maybe the only exception is the one on Spinoza, where at least he makes an effort in order to make his claims reasonable), they're just conceptual re-elaborations of elements that he enjoyed in the philosopher he is talking about. In his monography on Leibniz you read Leibniz if he was really a Deleuzian, in the monography of Nietzsche you read Nietzsche if he was really a Deleuzian, and so on. Deleuze himself said that he imagined writing those monographies as if he was sodomizing (he uses the word "fucking" to be more precise) those philosophers, then the philosopher gets pregnant, gives life to a deformed, semi-aborted child, and that child symbolizes the essence of his monographies. Those are his words. Youre a dummy for taking them at face value

>> No.22385768

Deleuze said explicitly he was babbling deliriously when he ''taught''

>> No.22385769

Trying to redefine antisemitism so you can use Nietzsche is a bad look and you’re not nearly as clever as you think you are. People who are antisemitic just hate Jews and have some weird ideas about how they hold all the power and are essentially asshurt Christians. Nietzsche offered an analysis, even when he lines out master/slave morality he’s not lambasting one from the other.

>> No.22385773

Nigga, even the ADL has accused Nietzsche of being antisemitic.

>> No.22385774

>I'm not even a fascist, but you must recognize it's absurd to call fascism worse than nihilism
You are a fascist, just too stupid to acknowledge that simple fact.

>> No.22385787

Nietzsche himself denounced anti-semitists. You guys don’t understand shit and it’s clear you’re low iq and underread.

>> No.22385790

He denounced German antisemites because they were German. Pretty much every book of his is filled with antisemitic claims, just fucking read it instead of parroting what your hs teacher told you

>> No.22385800

This. It's hilarious whenever someone says something like
>I'm NOT a facists, BUT *proceeds to defend fascism*.
No, bitch. If you aren't anti fascism, you ARE a fascist. In Germany they have a very good joke about this.
>what do you call 9 people sitting in the same table with a fascist
>10 fascists

>> No.22385807

>nooo he just hated the heckin germans

>> No.22385844

Confirmed for literally never having read Nietzsche. Stop polluting the board please

>> No.22385872

You seem to think Nietzsche thought antisemitism in itself was wrong, but it's more complex than that. His problem with christian antisemites wasn't that they disliked the jews, but the reasons why they disliked them, and that they couldn't recognize their qualities. Nietzsche himself was critical of the jews for their slave morality, and even the things he liked about them, like being cunning and good with money, are seen as antisemitic nowadays. Nietzsche was very much a race realist and he saw the jews as the same stereotype as antisemites do. The difference is that he disagree on what was good and bad about that stereotype.

>> No.22385970

I think you've quoted the wrong post, Im making the opposite point

>> No.22386007

Good catch. Wanted to reply to this guy >>22385787

>> No.22386453


>> No.22386829

>being a good person and enjoying life
This implies the existence of moral and hedonic values, you are not a nihilist, you are a brainlet.

At best this:

>we don't believe life doesn't have an inherent purpose

can be taken as a very limited from of nihilism. Not what those christian strawmen of yours are talking about.

>Fascism is worse than nihilism because fascists see as their purpose on life to stomp on the human dignity of the "other."

Once again, you disprove your own nihilism by making value judgements and positing the existence of dignity.

I liked how Evola explains fascism in Fascism viewed from the right. He describes the goals of fascism as creating an atmosphere of "high tension" to allow for the highest spiritual development of the people under it. War as a means of developing impersonal heroism, subordinating economical interests to political ones (which are in turn subordinated to spiritual ones) and such.
True, this may involve some stomping on the dignity of others, but that is hardly the purpose. Fag.

>> No.22386836

>the person who disagrees with me is reddit

>> No.22387549

The only people who I hear throwing the accusation "fascist" around actually unironically literally sincerely will apply it to someone who feels like it might be unwise to start fucking with the sex hormones of kids with gender dysphoria.

>> No.22387563

>I have trouble tracing the genealogy of "leftist" thought.
It's not that hard, unironically start with the trends in the reformation in England, Netherlands, and North Germany that encouraged it.
Once you find those, go back to where the impulses that caused those ideas came from.
Once you find those, find what theology in the Catholic Church caused the impulses that eventually popped up in the reformation.
And so on.

I find Anglosphere speakers struggle the most doing this, however, as they inevitably find out their ideology is somehow tied to the same trends I described, and go in weird schizophrenic circles instead of further perusing the truth.

>> No.22387568

>none of the predominant political, military, and economic forces of the world believe in or enforce “might makes right”
No, Americans are pretty firm believes in it. Almost all their arguments boil down into it when you push to their core reasoning.

>> No.22387578

Well Classical Philosophers were smarter than later Philosophers—and much more self-aware of their own flaws—so that is no surprise.

>> No.22387612

>The few exceptions like Nietzsche, Evola, Gasset
those people love democracy

>> No.22387737

That sounds beyond retarded and makes me never want to read this homosexual’s writings

>> No.22387946

nice troll

>> No.22387972

Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, at least it's an ethos.

>> No.22388467
File: 35 KB, 700x394, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those people love democracy

>> No.22388520
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>nooooooo he's not antisemitic
>he just wrote an entire book railing against semitism, calling christianity/judaism inferior because of its semitic tendencies
>this time it doesn't count as antisemitism though, because neetch was secretly a leftist commie subhuman like me!
You're a fuckin' idiot!

>> No.22388537
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1682401510651100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He understood the anti-fascist core in Nietzsche's philosophy
Have you read a single word he wrote? he literally praises the Aryan master race for being superior blonde conquerors, subjugating the vulgar black-haired, darker natives. He laments the decline of Europe as these smaller-skulled black-haired group are again gaining prominence in society, you total moron lol

He was a proto-Nazi eugenicist, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.22388559
File: 74 KB, 602x429, aryan invasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche was a pozzed antifascist
In the Latin word malus [bad](which I place alongside μέλας [melas: black, dark]) the common man could be designated as the dark-coloured, above all as the dark-haired (“hic niger est” [“this man is dark”]), as the pre-Aryan inhabitant of Italian soil, who through this colour stood out most clearly from those who became dominant, the blonds, that is, the conquering races of Aryans. At any rate, Gaelic offers me an exactly corresponding example—the word fin (for example, in the name Fin-Gal), the term designating nobility and finally the good, noble, and pure, originally referred to the blond-headed man in contrast to the dusky, dark-haired original inhabitants. Incidentally, the Celts were a thoroughly blond race. People are wrong when they link those traces of a basically dark-haired population, which are noticeable on the carefully prepared ethnographic maps of Germany, with any Celtic origin and mixing of blood, as Virchow still does.(5) It is much rather the case that in these places the pre-Aryan population of Germany predominates. (The same is true for almost all of Europe: essentially the conquered races have finally attained the upper hand for themselves once again in colour, shortness of skull, perhaps even in the intellectual and social instincts. Who can confirm for us that modern democracy, the even more modern anarchism, and indeed that preference for the “Commune,” for the most primitive form of society, which all European socialists now share, does not indicate for the most part a monstrous throwback [Nachschlag]—and that the conquering master race, the race of Aryans, is not being physiologically defeated, too?).

>> No.22388634

Thats not fascism, thats the cartoon of fascism promoted by the closeted “admirers of male beauty” that still talk about Nietzsche. The nazis used some aspects of his philosophy that fit their program and discarded the rest.

>> No.22388841

>none of the predominant political, military, and economic forces of the world believe in or enforce “might makes right”
Try to define justice without appealing to power.

>> No.22388850

>subjugating the vulgar black-haired, darker natives
This is factually wrong. He thought the Aztecs and Mayans had a superior civilization than the conquerors.

>> No.22388876

Ah yes, the blonde-haired Spanish and Italian Catholics. Just give up lmao

>> No.22388906

Typical G*rnanic who sides with blacks and browns over their white kinsmen

>> No.22388920
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You actually think he cares about them being blind and not the fact that they were conquerors? I have a strong feeling you read a handful of quotes of Nietzsche and never actually read his books.

>> No.22388923

I dont even agree with his opinion on Meds, who I rate much higher than nordc*cks. I just think that the example that other anon picked was the most stupid one he could have picked lmao

>> No.22388927

I dont think that Nietzsche really cared about conquering in this abstract sense. It always matters who is the one who is doing the conquering, what's their grand style, and so on. Personally I think that their christianity was a much more relevant factor than their lack of blonde hair.

>> No.22388958 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1079x836, Screenshot_20230421_013536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like Spengler more.

>> No.22388985

I agree anon. I meant that Nietzsche was a classic German sperg who would rather side with non-whites than nations that are 50 miles away from him

>> No.22388995

american problems lol

>> No.22389011

Dont you ever find it strange that the anti-fascist side needs to censor and prevent anyone from even hearing fascist ideas in order to survive? Its almost like when rational, white people get to actually listen to the ideas of fascism, they are always convinced…

>> No.22389216

you’re dumb bc fascist ideas are being discussed rn in a non-fascist society whereas actual fascist governments in history banned information that was challenging or contradictory to their own ideas

>> No.22389246

>reading deleuze unironically
this whole site is the pol ecosystem at this point. I lurk sci pretty regularly and it's all pol all the time these days

>> No.22389300

I can’t even understand the mindset of someone who thinks this is true. There are obvious censorship campaigns against anyone who even approaches fascism, including the President of the United States!

>> No.22389320

>including the President of the United States
If fascism was censored as you said, do you think Trump could have become president to begin with? The problem with liberalism is that it's too tolerant and it gives a platform even to illiberal ideologies.

>> No.22389350

even if that was true if censorship of an idea was proof enough that that idea was good/valuable wouldn’t any of the ideas censored historically or hypothetically under a fascist system be better than the fascist ideals, if they were so attractive they were a threat to the government in place?

>> No.22389361

>French homo tries to justify his edgy teen phase idols philosophy by claiming he isnt an evil nazi
Why are leftist pussies like this?

>> No.22389932
File: 467 KB, 640x888, gpnwiku59pib1_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the perfect pic for this thread lel

>> No.22389939

Thats trannies getting told to be a man. I will now spam your discord with the new and improved meme.

>> No.22389944

Shut the fuck up, bitch. Fascists are the biggest snowflakes out there. Everyone knows that lol

>> No.22390420

Trump wasn’t a fascist you hysterical libtard. He flirted with fascist ideas to gain support, and even then he was censored by media jews

>> No.22390744


>bc fascist ideas are being discussed rn in a non-fascist society
Nope. Every social media corporation, apart from Twitter very recently, just bans anyone who argues in favour of anything approaching fascism, or anything vaguely right wing honestly. Also, the working of the US government with corporations to censor and spy on political dissidents seems pretty fascist, except these are liberals and leftists doing this.

Do you think the media represents fascism in an unbiased manner? there are billions of dollars put into programming people into equating it with the worst thing in the world.

>Drumpf was a fascist
Back to r3ddit, retard. Trump is a 90s democrat in terms of his political ideology, the fact that you equate this with fascism essentially disqualifies you from engaging in discussions of this kind.

>> No.22390752

> Everyone knows that lol
Keep telling yourself that to cope, triggered sjw snowflake. Everybody knows you need a crybaby leftcuck safespace, just please don't shoot up a school because people don't respect your made-up gender.

>> No.22390755

>boomer tier facebook meme
No wonder /pol/ dominates when this is the alternative

>> No.22390762

this is a fascinating excerpt because his warnings to the reader identify every single nietzsche misreading that's common on /lit/. is this why chuds love him? they're just that bad at reading?

>> No.22390767

>Do you think the media represents fascism in an unbiased manner? there are billions of dollars put into programming people into equating it with the worst thing in the world
you are so fucking stupid it's so fucking funny. sometimes I feel bad but then I remember that people like you exist who actually think like this and suddenly I feel much much better

>> No.22390772

>fascists are snowflakes lol

>> No.22390773
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Not an argument.

>> No.22390774

dude he refuted you outright and now you're just butthurt kek

>> No.22390782

Do you have a mental disability?

>> No.22390783
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, 1647589679474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22390784

You probably didn't know that the concept of safespaces and triggering was invented by leftists. Try reading a book some time.

>> No.22390790

when a child says two and two make twenty-two, you don't argue with them, you just laugh and pat them on the head. they'll get it eventually

>> No.22390795

oh im a different guy who saw >>22390744 while scrolling through and just had to come make fun of it, idrc about niet/deleuze

>> No.22390800


>> No.22390811

It's ok that you can't defend your dimwitted NPC opinion. Don't be upset, just do more research next time, lurk more.

>> No.22390820

>gets refuted
>spergs out
lmao keep going

>> No.22390825

>that wasn't me
>I'm actually laughing after getting proven wrong
That's cope

>> No.22390836

oh im not arguing lmao, im making fun, different thing
>dimwitted NPC opinion
kek if I was you I would never ever tell anyone that I got memed into loving hitler from a Mongolian anime imageboard and id never say "npc" aloud in conversation, extremely embarrassing

>> No.22390841
File: 78 KB, 1847x421, sowwy anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sowwy anon none of those guys are me :/

>> No.22390843

>gets BTFO
How's 7th grade?

>> No.22390848

>sowwy anon none of those guys are me :/
you don't pass btw

and congrats on being able to take a screencap, i know these things are harder for people like you

>> No.22390850

woopsie daisy somebody didn't refresh the thread

>> No.22390853

>oh im not arguing
Nobody said you were arguing, imbecile. That's the whole point, try keeping up.

>> No.22390855

aw thx anon <3

>> No.22390857

Thanks for reposting the argument that you can't refute.

>> No.22390861

ya, you probably shake in fear when you leave the house and have to be in public, because you're such a freak. keep it up, i'm sure you'll leave your parents' basement someday.

>> No.22390863

>gets refuted
can't get refuted if I never made a claim kek sorry i dont think you guys are very smart :/

>> No.22390872

>you probably shake in fear when you leave the house and have to be in public, because you're such a freak. keep it up, i'm sure you'll leave your parents' basement someday.
whats the line? every accusation a confession? its okay anon everybody is making it up as they go along and goes at their own pace. also very predictable and very funny that we're now talking about transgenders god you guys are really obsessed with them

>> No.22390875

Thanks for admitting that you're too stupid to make a claim but everyone already knew that, since you're an unironic leftist posting on 4chan.

>> No.22390880
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>its okay anon everybody is making it up as they go along and goes at their own pace
Keep telling yourself that to cope. You will never be a woman.

>> No.22390883

aw anon almost! almost we're so close. i dont wanna make a claim because im having so much fun laughing at you guys. you're like little oddities that live in my computer. little weirdos with your precious little jpegs and gifs of crying frogs. im just here on /lit/ to talk about books ive read + hope to read but sometimes I gotta pop in one of these and just laugh, I can't find you guys anywhere but here

>> No.22390887

you type like a tranny and 4chan is full of trannies, dumdum. it's obvious that you aren't a man. if you're not a nasty stinky tranny, then there is no doubt in my mind that you're a nasty stinky (and fucking fat) dyke. hahahahahaha

>> No.22390888

omg omg look there's a guy with a crying frog rn! do you have a whole folder of those? can I see another one I think they're funny, some of them make me sad though. do you have any where he's reading a book? I'd like to use one that looks like that

>> No.22390893

>typing all this
>observably getting more and more butthurt
Just close the tab, you got destroyed.

>> No.22390894

aw :/ do you type like a real man? like in a really manly way, do you pound hard on your keyboard and maybe grunt a little when you type? is that what I have to do too? dont wanna sorry i just showered

>> No.22390898

wait are you another little computer guy or are you one of the same ones? I hope you're another different one, im collecting quite the stable of lil weirdos in this thread. do you have any frogs?

>> No.22390901

>actual seething bulldyke hog
Tonight is a real treat. Keep going.

>> No.22390903

Do you know what a fucking loser you are?

>> No.22390909

i like how hard you are trying (and failing) to feign confidence. we can tell you're a dumb feminist hog who wants to cry but is trying to act tough. back to your r3ddit hugbox.

>> No.22390916

aw you guysssssss this is great im learning so many new words that people like you say. bulldyke is a really good one, im actually gonna write that one down so i can remember it lolololol. its evocative! do any of you have any frog pictures? or maybe the ones where it's not a frog but like a line drawing of a guy who looks sad in different ways? i can't remember what the second one's called, I know there's a name for it but I forgot it because I like the frog ones better

>> No.22390930

>typing all of this autistic cringe
Epic cope

>> No.22390932
File: 2.83 MB, 280x186, 1683166055320789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this buck-broken r3ddit leftist having an obvious mental meltdown after getting torn to shreds

>> No.22390934

You don't pass btw

>> No.22390939

All of you swallowed some really obvious bait. Nobody actually talks like that. Come on. Act like you’ve been around the block a few times and just stop responding

>> No.22390944

I wasn't even reading what the idiot was typing

>> No.22390946

i want frogs!! actually if i can get specific i want some pictures of frogs reading a book or talking about books or discussing something maybe? like a jpg of frogs where it looks like theyre talking about books. it'd be just like lit, like the frogs would represent everyone here you know? and then I could use it when I make posts and comments. i thought you guys were the frog guys i wanna see some good frogs. a line drawing of a sad guy is good too but better if he's got a book or something

>> No.22390961
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>> No.22390965

I like that one! Not really what I was expecting but I like it thx <3

>> No.22390972

Why are 74% of his cabinet jewish when jews are only 2% of the US population?

>> No.22392424

Don’t you know goy, it is fascist to notice that!

>> No.22392650

when Deleuze proclaims fascism as being the worse than being a nihilist it is entirely in line with his philosophy
For Deleuze fascism denotes a world view that insits on seeing identity where there is only difference - valuing Being over Becoming
Naturally, a philosopher whose entire ethics is based on the importance of seeking difference is skeptical towards a philosophy of Being.

>> No.22392694

yeah but for Deleuze, getting to the point is a bit fascist as well.

>> No.22392734

what do you mean?

>> No.22392744

Nietzsche will appear as a nihilist, because there is no meaning beyond what he is saying (big if true), or a fascist because his point has been communicated literally and not exegetically

>> No.22392850
File: 194 KB, 418x590, 1669585891385397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely embarrassing thread, holy shit

>> No.22392861

How does "difference" have to do with the ancient Greek Being and Becoming? Was Deleuze spiritual? Or is this some profane ripoff of the concept?

>> No.22393222

/lit/ is absolutely unusable, it's for shitposting and casual genre fiction only

>> No.22393228
File: 23 KB, 600x950, 5073 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, I kneel

>> No.22393243

>t. Assblasted leftcuck
Don't get butthurt when people refute your weak arguments. Just do more research, lurk /pol/ more.