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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.30 MB, 1030x1521, 58223D1B-6FC7-4F11-B22D-3CA005B9CC7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22380636 No.22380636 [Reply] [Original]

I thought for sure people only posted this like they did the corcodile guy. I mean, really its just an undergraduate understanding of Nietzsche with a little Camille Paglia sprinkled in. I hope for all of your sake you dont think this is a legitimate work of philosophy

>> No.22380640

>reading something
How new are you?

>> No.22380643
File: 49 KB, 406x411, 1684786790995213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought for sure people only posted this like they did the corcodile guy. I mean, really its just an undergraduate understanding of Nietzsche with a little Camille Paglia sprinkled in. I hope for all of your sake you dont think this is a legitimate work of philosophy

>> No.22380644

>shill spamming /lit/
This usually backfires, so you know

>> No.22380645

Please elaborate on what is being shilled here

>> No.22380652

>its just an undergraduate understanding of Nietzsche
do you have a postgraduate undestanding of nietzsche? pls share your dissertation

>> No.22380655

>getting filtered by BAP of all people
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.22380662

I completed my dissertation on Quine. I was well beyond Nietzsche by about the mid point of my Masters

>> No.22380666

>letting your jimmies be this rustled by a fucking BAP shitpost
Anons like you are why I will never take this guy seriously

>> No.22380673
File: 85 KB, 768x570, 1668806839682723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I completed my dissertation on Quine
pls be joking

>> No.22380674

it is generally wise to avoid anyone who uses the word "mindset" except only reluctantly, occasionally, in a colloquial as-it-were context.

>> No.22380678

>look mom I'm acting stupidly on purpose on the internet, it's called shitposting and it's so fun!
unironically kys

>> No.22380677

>implying you have even a laymans understanding of the lightest Quine
Id love to see you try, could use a laugh

>> No.22380679

Spoiler alert: he's a gay jew

>> No.22380688

Lol post top 5 books

>> No.22380691

90% of Quine's ideas:
>pls, gentlemen, let's just agree on agreeing that these definitions are universally shared, so we can progress on the understanding of the world
>pls, only the most charitable interpretations
>yes, we're supposed to share MY definitions. no, you can't challenge MY underlying assumptions. I'm ANALytical, after all, therefore I can't be wrong
>yadda yadda
It's because of people like him that no one takes analytic philosophy seriously, btw.

>> No.22380694

Thanks for providing requested laugh.
You can go back to reading 12 simple rules now

>> No.22380701

good luck with your post-doc. i'm sure universities are dying to have Quine specialists among them

>> No.22380706

Already accepted a well paying fellowship ;)

>> No.22380707

Gavago fuck yourself

>> No.22380714

The fact that any amount of government money goes towards researching this kind of useless shit is beyond me

>> No.22380720

yes, I'm sure your pipe dreams are delightful

>> No.22380722

>implying any respectable Philosophy department is at a public university

>> No.22380734

>The fact that any amount of money goes towards researching this kind of useless shit is beyond me

>> No.22380813

Quine is perhaps one of the least retarded analytic philosophers desu. nothing wrong with him, given he's a product of his time.

>> No.22380820

this book SUCKED

never gonna get fooled again by gay retard influencers

>> No.22381027

>le STEM is the only legitimate research *tips fedora*
What a faggot lol

>> No.22381073

It's poop, but again, it's humor. Blame everyone for taking a humor book seriously

>> No.22381075

Seems like a copout

>> No.22381080

BAP's pretension is to mock the elite and tell the truth, not offer a solution.

>> No.22381728

>its le humor! Bad on purpose!!
This is the saddest cope BrAP fans have provided

>> No.22381742

> I completed my dissertation on Quine

Jesus Christ what a waste of time and money, please tell me that you at least banged a lot of blue-haired they/them co-eds in grad school

>> No.22381759

"bronze age perver" aka c0stin is a literal homo whos pretension is grooming homos online
full stop

>> No.22381767

Lmao stay jelly bruv. No one is ever going to call you Doctor

>> No.22381776


>> No.22381783

>That depends, is the crisis medical or existential?
*Everyone claps*

>> No.22382424

So what is Quine all about then?

>> No.22382450

stop bumpin this retarded thread from page 10 fanboi
also bap is a fairy jew

>> No.22382551

*proceeds to bump thread*

>> No.22382557

You want to get groomed by the Romanian Jew, don't you faggot?

>> No.22382849

About as many people read here as there are people who play video games on /v/.

>> No.22382854

best reply

>> No.22382860

newfag go back to r/eddit

>> No.22382863

That's why they're trying reverse-shilling now. Post about it negatively but make references for the target audience hoping they'll be contrarians and read it.

>> No.22382867

Costin Alamariu (Bronze Age Homo) is a literal homosexual Jew who washed out of teaching and is a neocon. Spiritual lefist

>> No.22383056


>> No.22383183

BAP's mathematics degree from MIT will forever TRASH any degree, phd, or whatever that you might have in analytic philosophy.

>> No.22383205

i'm sure it'll impress the local 15 year old fags in goa for him, thats for sure

>> No.22383289

I thought he had a degree in political science

>> No.22383351

being so much of an empiricist anglo cuck that he crashes analytic philosophy with no survivors

>> No.22383436

The smartest person I know by far ended up doing his PhD in philosophy of mathematics. Really a shame, brilliant mind for math and physics, effortless perfect test scores, bit autistic, and he basically was allowed by his advisors to throw it all away on absolutely hardcore turbo autism and producing pages of autism runes no one can read.

He doesn't even talk about philosophers I've ever heard of, and I read philosophy.

>> No.22383453

I don’t know anything about Quine or the analytic side except that Quine rejected Kant’s analytic/synthetic distinction. If you don’t mind, could you give a super brief explanation of Quine?

>> No.22383457

>pls spoonfeed me
Dude just READ

>> No.22383628

living the dream

>> No.22383642

>Le STEM degree from Le TOP STEM school!!!!
Even if he studied here (he didnt lmao, if he even completed a degree it was in Europe), this means nothing.
So many MIT math grads have become great philosophers, such as …?, and..???

>> No.22383684

Part 1 of BAM is a masterpiece. I still remember reading it a few years ago, sitting in an overgrown daisy patch in cool midsummer umbrage, unholy amounts of caffeine coursing through my veins, a fondly remembered afternoon. However, it begins to drag a bit in later parts; and overall would have been better served as a 50-60 page essay. But that's not a good grift I suppose.

>> No.22383692

So much what passes for philosophy now is misunderstanding what it means for something to be axiomatic.

>> No.22383694

It’s 2023. There are no “respectable” philosophy departments anywhere. The very idea is ridiculous and basically contrary to history. What academic philosophy is in reality is propaganda.

>> No.22383700

I used to think BAM was a good book strictly because it was aesthetically interesting and not merely aping a long strain of homosexual vitalism since Nietzsche and not because of any sort of serious intellectual contribution. Since learning that the book was not even original, I’ve stopped considering it a remotely interesting or appreciable book. It is basically trash that got its 15 minutes of fame around the Trump-era.

>> No.22383712

>cool midsummer umbrage, unholy amounts of caffeine coursing through my veins
Lol this is exactly the type of person who I would expect to think BAP is a genius. Youre going to cringe at this when you get older anon

>> No.22383718

calm down, they even said BAP was a grifter
but yes it was dorkily overwritten
fuck that FAG kike

>> No.22383720

You literally just
>its current year!
There is no more or less merit in academia then ever before. No more or less political influence. Nothing new is under the sun. You are not nearly as wise as you think you are

>> No.22383727

>There is no more or less merit in academia then ever before. No more or less political influence. Nothing new is under the sun. You are not nearly as wise as you think you are
soi redittor trying to sound wise, and coming off as incredibly gay

>> No.22383733

>gets btfo
>only response “its reddit!” >:(
Many such casses

>> No.22383811
File: 189 KB, 739x722, 792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dissecting my 4chan posts to catch me out is no different than rifling through my trash to try to get one up on me. Both me and BAP are smarter than you. Congrats on being an oldtroon though.

>> No.22383836

No philosophy graduate ever became a great philosopher retard

>> No.22383873

I can absolutely guarantee to you anon, you are not wiser than I am. I would show you this in no time, perhaps we meet in arid & salubrious umbrage, while the season is still summer?

>> No.22383880

This is legitimately the dumbest and most objectively wrong post in this thread lol, thats saying something

>> No.22383901
File: 104 KB, 770x598, a2710c795ff44caf5d2892fdd1fd07e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the "its totally cool and trad to be gay so long as you are fashy about it" book?

>> No.22383904

>gets btfo
I'm sure that happened in your head lil bud. meanwhile your faggy post happened in the rill worl'

>> No.22383911


>> No.22383913

You have not anwered what post-graduate understanding of Nietzsche is

>> No.22383918
File: 358 KB, 1125x796, 95C26CF7-00A8-43FC-B4DC-3948CDCFBBAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22383921

Why do leftists love posting the image of this guy so much? He looks like a pig.

>> No.22383928

You will never be a philosopher also you can't refute this

>> No.22383932

>completely fallacious appeal to majority
>completely fallacious appeal to character

>> No.22383946

>No argument
I'm not appealing to any majority either, if you were a philosopher you could have read that sentence correctly

>> No.22383951
File: 150 KB, 1280x960, tonefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not wise. Nobody is ever going to discuss your writings on the internet. You will never have a substantial argument either, just impotent seethe. I am going to enjoy some Cool Midsummer Umbrage now while perusing through my handwritten lexicon of choice expressions and their variegated etymologies.

>> No.22383954

Better to be gay than a Slav

>> No.22383956

>He looks like a pig.
That's just typical Slavoid genes

>> No.22383957

phone poster shoo shoo

>> No.22383962

leftism is when seething ugly people form gangs to go after good looking successful ones
being healthy or good looking gives you a one way ticket to the gulag after being called a homosexual(good looking male bodies are a typical sign of fascism)

>> No.22383964

>Nobody is ever going to discuss your writings on the internet
Anon, you are adorable. Enjoy your early youth and midsummer umbrage while you can

>> No.22383967


>> No.22383972

I already came of age with your mother in the midsummer umbrage

>> No.22383974

>good looking male bodies are a typical sign of fascism
Is this what literal cock slurping homos tell themselves to justify posting fagtastic pics of other dudes shirtless?

>> No.22384007

>Its umbrage time!
*cools everyone down in your path*

>> No.22384009

i lol'd

>> No.22384010

I'm Slavic and I don't look like this.
why do communists even pretend to hate faggots? Not very inclusive.

>> No.22384014

I'm conservative not a commie you fucking idiot. Have you considered 4chan posters are different people fuckhead

>> No.22384018

>I cannot possibly fathom appreciating male beauty without thinking about dick sucking and transposed male-female sexual dynamics
sounds like you are the one with a problem here

>> No.22384024

I took umbrage

>> No.22384030

>I cannot possibly fathom appreciating male beauty
Deranged faggot cope. Not much better than tranny delusions desu

>> No.22384037

It says on the first page it is not a philosophy book
It says it is an exhortation to read and dare to express various philosophies and "vibes" in one's life.

And it is clearly effective at doing so.

Midwits will cope and sneed that it isn't a "legitimate" book because they don't understand someone who can create intellectual legitimacy out of thin air in whatever form they want when they are staring it in the face.

>> No.22384039

thiel shills assemble and bump the thread, make it seem like the book is at minimum "ironically" enjoyable (its not)


>> No.22384041

>And it is clearly effective at doing so.
Where? At the National Review with the other kikes?

>> No.22384047

i am sorry your popular introduction to your particular field of study/research was only briefly skimmed over by some friends and family

>> No.22384048
File: 1.59 MB, 1800x3656, g6678m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out mr heterosexual man, make sure to avert your eyes least you do not get a boner, being an heterosexual and all

>> No.22384058

Grecian statues (though in themselves clearly semi-faggy just being from Greece) are not the same as EVEN FAGGIER photos online.
Fags like you always have a tendency to project their gayness on others though, just like liberals. Interesting

>> No.22384110

Who the fuck bumped this shitty bait thread back from oblivion

>> No.22384116

it was obviously an undercover member of BAP's thielbucks talmudic network

>> No.22384118
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>> No.22384120
File: 69 KB, 1109x345, 20230805_033455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author Bronze Age Pervert (Costin Alamariu) admits he's jewish in The Atlantic (editor: Jeffrey Goldberg).
You can't make this shit up. fuck off with these reverse shill threads

>> No.22384130

Post positively, its shilling. Post negatively, its reverse shilling. Seems legit and sensible

>> No.22384133
File: 150 KB, 827x664, 17949599-77D5-4198-BB85-5A21FE502EA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean to tell me that one of the most prominent voices of the Right in recent years is a Jewish man who came out of nowhere to tell people to pursue an Instagram e-thot lifestyle of sexual promiscuity and materialism that does absolutely nothing to threaten the existing order? What a wacky coincidence.

>> No.22384193

woah, anon. nobody knew that!

>> No.22384205

Yeah, you're right, Schlomo. Most people are not extremely online shilling about a fellow Schlomo and tend to hear about it in mainstream media

>> No.22384215

Just curious. Which serious player or what viable ideology do actually threaten the status quo? What revolutionary group is BAP and his crew diverting energy and attention from?

>> No.22384220

fuck all that shit I'm making "murderous porn" dawg

>> No.22384309
File: 79 KB, 640x640, b60701da88a323af5ede193dfad3509d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the catboy army. when things get cooking they'll make the sturmabteilung look like hare krishna

>> No.22384316

Did the sturmabteilung promote homosexuality? Just wondering. Where is the Bronze Age Pervert revolution?

>> No.22384571

Absolutely none, that's why these people sound like clowns. He's been very consistent in his chief interests being lampooning the contemporary establishment. As far as real policy is concerned there's essentially only one thing he advocates for, and has consistently advocated for, which is curtailing migration. The fact remains, there simply is no political solution to our problems, because whether it be left or right, or however have you, the essential problem is that our entire civilization is ordered around the vampiric subjugation of the young to the old. If the anons here had their way, lets say, what would that look like exactly? Regarding atleast the subset of 'trad-caths,' and other related posters, I'm sorry to say but it would look almost exactly the way it does now, but with religious trappings. Given further their proclivity for worshiping 'based' minorities who conform to such useless religious trappings
(American First, Kanye, etc...) I could very easily see such a movement mobilized specifically to further mass migration under the guise of stolid support for so called working class, trad minorities. There is a case study of this exact scenario under Peron by the way. I find it laughable that certain anons have the gall to condemn a man who has been so completely consistent in championing European civilization, while praising the retarded n**** Kanye for his unhinged ramblings, at least until it became too embarrassing to do so. I'm sorry to say but Jews are not a borg hivemind. There's lots of them and they have a lot of different opinions, crazily enough. There's also a significant discord between the Israeli Zionist's and liberal American Jews. In many respects the Zionist movement has been the movement of what are genetically European peoples into the levant for the first time in centuries. Most liberal American Jews today absolutely do not favor Israel, as evidenced by the rhetoric, which is that Israel is a right wing, autocratic, apartheid state subjugating Palestinian minorities. This has been a growing rift, and will likely lead to a complete split between the two interests.

>> No.22384592
File: 147 KB, 441x599, 40384038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. literally Costin Alamariu shilling his own shit

Hey Faggot maybe the reason you never made it as a professor or as a based chudlord is because
1. you are a narcissistic faggot who shills his trash lit on a chinese cartoon board
2. you shill pornography like a gypsy in Paris to young people
3. are a racist despite being a kike who fled romania
4. shill jews at every turn despite being a deeply racist internet megaposter
4. is a complete retard who doesn't understand political realities and thinks Kanye bashing is a productive use of time in 2023
5. and are again a gay jew

>> No.22384620

JewJewJewsJewJew. Holy fuck shut up faggot.

>> No.22384624

(guy who gets triggered by a cartoon made for 10 year olds)

>> No.22384628

I get a feeling from these threads BAP makes the whole "trad" judaeogolem "right" seethe much harder than even bioleninists

>> No.22384635
File: 66 KB, 778x800, 1692195523670741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Shapiro endorsed BAP recently, i think that's about as judaeogolem as it gets

>> No.22384638

>Guy who must simultaneously maintain fervent antisemtisim while worshipping a Jew.

>> No.22384644
File: 1.33 MB, 498x278, stirner-egoism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshiping a Jew
You sound REALLY mad LMAO

>> No.22384658

Someone's been noticed and isn't happy about it! Go ahead, try to convert us to the "based" "dirtbag left" podcastsphere or "Nietzschean" individualism and Thiel nepocracy. Try telling people to go back to /pol/, that always works.

>> No.22384666

Thats literally what your religion worships, or are you unaware?

>> No.22384673

I don't care to convert you to anything anon, I just think you're a moron.

>> No.22384677

Are you too illiterate to know who Stirner is? No wonder you're so mad BAP.... LOL

>> No.22384685

BAP dabs on the conserva normies on Twitter which is based but I’m still skeptical

>> No.22384692

I know you're an internet catholic anon. No amount of Stirner posting will prove otherwise. Please, show me on the doll where Spic Fuentes touched you

>> No.22384697
File: 15 KB, 225x225, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is what I call amateur shilling

>> No.22384705
File: 38 KB, 500x506, 1692052990748735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furious backpedaling after a quick google search
Is this what Yale is turning out these days? Doctorates who don't know who fucking STIRNER is? Fucking LOL

>> No.22384715

Anon, you literally never mentioned anything to the sort. Was I meant to infer your worldview from a thumbnail? I took it that your spurious defense of Kanye must have been a tell (and I still do of course)

>> No.22384722

Also its somewhat ironic that you're posting the drug addicted homosexual Lou Reed, while implying I'm a jew as if it were an insult

>> No.22384731

>Was I meant to infer your worldview from a thumbnail
>I took it that your spurious defense of Kanye must have been a tell (and I still do of course)
Bro. Your critique of retarded Kanye before his mental breakdown was warranted but in 2023 he is a vegetable. Posting about him in NEARLY 2024 is kinda schizo honestly
And you ignored all the other points of the post to sperg out about judaism so yea pretty cringe overall
catboys or nude selfies are not the way forward I CAN tell you that

>> No.22384734

>doesn't know famous memes on the internet
your posting career has fallen off lil breh
>Verification not required.

>> No.22384742

Go back to Twitter faggot

>> No.22384750

You mad?

>> No.22384819

>(American First, Kanye, etc...) I could very easily see such a movement mobilized specifically to further mass migration under the guise of stolid support for so called working class, trad minorities. There is a case study of this exact scenario under Peron by the way.
there is no American First without shutting down immigration lol. might as well take Christ out of Christianity.

>> No.22384824

Boring faggot more of the same religious drivel. All Abraham niggers need to be fucking culled. China is the only one who does it right by putting christniggers and mudslimes alike under their black boot. Or Japan before they were cucked. The next revolution in the West if there is one will involve shoving these useless vermin into a hole where they belong. The enlightenment didn’t go far enough is the problem.

>> No.22384836

Cool story Chin-Li

>> No.22384847


>> No.22384848

BAP is a bit of fun right? a trashy romp with upload virus for Nietzsche? His writing is about as serious as Crowley ? I don't get what's so difficult to understand. How much of a pseudo clown do you have to be to deny or affirm him seriously?

>> No.22384857

I think the project started off as a joke and then the nigga just went a little nutty a little 2 nutty

>> No.22384870

>guise it was just a joke the whole time hes not actually retarded

>> No.22384875

nigga there's some middle ground between 100% joke and 100% sincere learn some media literacy

>> No.22384877

>moving goalposts
the post
the myth
the legend

>> No.22384892

>the essential problem is that our entire civilization is ordered around the vampiric subjugation of the young to the old.
Do you not understand that the 68 generation are dying out? Imagine writing this much of an effort post and it coming down to hatred of boomers.

Any "solution" that isn't civic,economic, cultural, racial nationalism for every individual country is globohomo. Melding of populist wings of both parties. Get with the program.

>> No.22384903

Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the shadow

>> No.22384914

fr i unironically enjoyed BAP because it titillated my homoerotic fixations ... BAP is for gays and girls. stay in your lane, boys

>> No.22384927

I'm gay.

>> No.22384930

>moving goalposts
back to lesswrong retard

>> No.22384933

sorry zoomer that phrase has been around longer than you've been alive

>> No.22384947

Idk anon, BAP seems like a sub bottom that tries to play himself off as a top

>> No.22384948

Oh look a geriatric millennial with nasolabial folds and norwood stage VI seething at youthful vigour !

>> No.22384950
File: 297 KB, 819x824, 88DD40A5-AC07-4E97-9DC6-D0B930EBCC43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22384953

calm down bap

>> No.22384958

well whatever i don't know if that matters so much but I suppose it checks out. BAP has for sure helped me transition through twink death with grace and dignity...

>> No.22384960

I'm gay.

>> No.22384965

"pls be in London"

>> No.22384967
File: 119 KB, 592x500, 2tjs0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22384986

big if true

>> No.22384991

also, it's not a bad book to be sure. i literally quit my job permanently around the time it dropped. still a neet.

>> No.22384993

t. BAP

>> No.22384999
File: 943 KB, 3590x3840, Costin Alamariu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a jewish man wants white men to abandon Christ, become homosexual and die for israel
I swear I've seen this episode before...

>> No.22385005
File: 68 KB, 220x220, parksand-recreation-aubrey-plaza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP is literally in the thread
Who else on 4chan would know this much about Israel KEK
Israel First! Fuck that America shit though who gives a fuck

>> No.22385010
File: 49 KB, 390x380, 1666983432513967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, not Yeshua Bar Joseph, how will white man survive......
white sisters....

>> No.22385028


>> No.22385034
File: 18 KB, 220x220, RedScarePodcastLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22385086

Paganism is dead and 100% larping and atheism causes homosexuality and abysmal birthrates. Every option other than Christianity is highly dysgenic

>> No.22385096

perhaps too critical... but I think i then end you are onto something...

>> No.22385099
File: 148 KB, 640x488, 1691610516070364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment: you are brown and the picture next to the word "dysgenic" in any good quality dictionary with photographic examples.

>> No.22385109
File: 762 KB, 400x234, ed5a96f6-6a83-4fa0-a71c-a667f6e1396d_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Goldberg.

>> No.22385115
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 1652122197415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay Goldberg.

>> No.22385119

>getting this filtered by umbrage
Is this the true power of Quine?

>> No.22385122

Is this your only argument? That ancient Palestinians share a name with an ethnic group who takes after their name 2000 years later? Are gypsies the successor to Rome because they call themselves "Roma?"

>> No.22385124
File: 80 KB, 900x900, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when Airplane! (1980) memes really GET AT internet schizophrenics

>> No.22385128

oh I get it, I'm so sorry, this ancient palestinian worshiped by cryptids from sudaca and archaic hominids from the congo is quintessential for the survivor of the white man
how can I be so stupid
seriously do, back to Afreaka now c'mon

>> No.22385130

Atheists are highly dysgenic because they create childless and sterile societies. That's quite literally a dysgenic feature.
The fact that you don't care about the history of European empires that caused the spread of Christianity as it is, shows that you're a fraud who only cares about political praxis, just like all BAP fags.

>> No.22385134

Go back to shilling porn while refusing to go full national socialist in america freak

>> No.22385137

When has BAP ever done any of those things ever

>> No.22385138

Yes, all your ancestors for 1500 years were just brown niggers for being Christians. Let's destroy 1500 years of our history because a gay jew told us too, fellow white.

>> No.22385141

You're responding to the Bronze Age Fag yourself, actually.

>> No.22385142

Atheism in the west is the outgrowth of Europeans being so nauseated by your bantu feet worship cult they'd rather kill themselves than step in a church
but don't let me stop you, I'm sure there's a negro right next to you getting impatient for his daily feet washing, also known as "saving the west" in some circles

>> No.22385145
File: 144 KB, 1170x969, pagan larper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That graph proves my point. First world secularism and the decline of Christianity has been a disaster for the Europeans.

t. whiter than you, Costin

>> No.22385146

>being so nauseated by your bantu feet worship cult
holy strawman
now I see why so many think you're retarded

>> No.22385149
File: 310 KB, 849x727, 1687992070950329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them were illiterate innumerate peasants that didn't know better, excusable, you on the other hand are even below contempt + brown as literal dog feces

>> No.22385151

Denounce the Talmud.

>> No.22385155
File: 115 KB, 692x680, Screen-Shot-2019-08-05-at-2.23.17-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, then good luck in Afreaka, I'm sure we'll see Bantu manned Martian bases in no time thanks to the prepuce worship cult from Roman era Judaea booming there

>> No.22385161
File: 186 KB, 857x1200, 34433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're really mad. Are yew madder than your family when Hitler came to power?

>> No.22385162

BAP is a trick on niggers

>> No.22385164
File: 266 KB, 1280x700, 1688505878135322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the talmud
denounce the torah

>> No.22385169
File: 85 KB, 1023x575, 1667003659889441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now is you really mad. Are yew madder than your tasol i na gat when hitler came ta powa?

>> No.22385172

We would have had manned space ships if your retarded neocon brethren hadn't sold the USA out in the 80's
fuck you

>> No.22385176
File: 52 KB, 670x426, 1688591415431263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded neocon brethren
cool it with the antichristian remarks

>> No.22385178

Damn, that's pretty based. not gonna lie. also you didn't answer the question bud

>> No.22385194
File: 135 KB, 852x530, 1615250959604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, that's pretty based. not gonna lie. also *schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop*

>> No.22385198

4chan really should add a foreskin verification in addition to the captchas so faggots like you would stay on twitter posting gay porn and grooming underage twinks

>> No.22385205
File: 46 KB, 796x385, 1615236828432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down YHWH, there's plenty more foreskins to harvest outside of 4chan

>> No.22385209

This poster got his dick sucked by a rabbi before he even learned how to walk :D

>> No.22385210
File: 127 KB, 682x830, 54543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bronze Age Pervert (also known as Costin Alamariu) is having a meltdown on 4chan.org and has made incredibly racist and sexist posts for the last hour.

Damn I thought he was cool maverick alt left right maverick bro...

Turns out he's a thin skinned kook...

>> No.22385229
File: 720 KB, 1029x823, 1683633011805814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this poster is so brown and oozes of third world so much you could drop it into a sewage and the turds would grow little arms to close their nose

>> No.22385235

>this poster is so brown and oozes of third world so much you could drop it into a sewage and the turds would grow little arms to close their nose
That's racist.

>> No.22385236
File: 146 KB, 1989x1182, 1677543861279233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who doesn't worship rabbi Yeshua Bar Joseph as commanded by Shaul from Tarsus is BAP
cool story Gonzalo Mbappe, take a shower though

>> No.22385238

You nervous at all?

Go scamper off to the faggy part of rio and it'll blow over

>> No.22385241
File: 164 KB, 720x604, 1659910105734648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-christian you mean
you lost Europe, get over it
worst case scenario you can try to get some primates or rodents to mumble the rosary and restart christendom somewhere in the jungles

>> No.22385246

mental illness: the thread

>> No.22385249

No I said that's racist

>> No.22385250

no I'm having so much fun dunking on mestizos and coloreds trying to desperately convince Europeans to go back to anything that would allow you to enjoy the company of ethnic Europeans
your future are the Brazilian and Nigerian favelas, get over it

>> No.22385256

Since you have decided to continue to be racist: in 1910 my family was in Boston while yours was scampering around Bucharest. How make you feel?

>> No.22385259

Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.

>> No.22385267
File: 160 KB, 600x600, 1688219093356146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I knew I was talking with some grotesque ameriogre
boston sewages don't count O'Ramirez; never been to east Europe, sorry
churches, seminaries, everything related to your church in Europe are completely empty or used to store bantu raw matter, but keep pretending ethnic Europeans are on your side

>> No.22385273

>never been to east Europe, sorry
very immediate response there. sure thing lil bud

>> No.22385293

fun fact: there are more Catholics who to mass weekly in Nigeria than there are in the 5 largest Western European countries.
africa is not the future of the Catholic Church, it is its present, and i suspect the Church leadership is completely attuned to this fact. we will see a black pope in our lifetime.

>> No.22385317
File: 10 KB, 228x221, 1612019433055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for it, I'm already tasting the cope on my lips when a big lipped bald Bantu straight from the deepest favelas of the Congo will sit in the seat of Shimon Bar Yonah and the MIGApedes/Fuentes drones here from Aperica will keep insisting this is all for the best interest of ethnic Europeans

>> No.22385325

>undergraduate understanding of Nietzsche
While I agree that his understanding of Nietzsche is shallow, and that's the reason why I don't find him particularly interesting, this academicist attitude that YOU MUST UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ! is in itself a form of slave morality. I may not like BAP too much, but the one thing I appreciate about him is that he only takes from Nietzsche what is serviceable to him and doesn't fall into the trap of seeking erudition for erudition's sake.

>> No.22385329

rent free
has it occurred to your autistic mind people who disagree with You ( a YUGE fag) can hate other fags (miga / catfag)

>> No.22385330

Lol. These clowns can't argue any ideas, thus they've taken to insisting that I myself am literally BAP.

>> No.22385337

I'm neither of them. And you're gay. and jewish.

>> No.22385347

Lmao, okay dude. I'm BAP, you got me. I've brought my talmudic network into the chatroom and I'm going to zap you with my gay ray, thereby turning you into a gay Jewish vampire which will further feed my zionist plot.

>> No.22385362
File: 424 KB, 2048x2005, 432-492-34203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've brought my talmudic network into the chatroom and I'm going to zap you with my gay ray, thereby turning you into a gay Jewish vampire which will further feed my zionist plot.
I understand. sometimes.. you must confess. I would say it's human.... all TOO human...

>> No.22385367

i suspect Nick will pivot away from racism and anti-migration sentiment to form an 'inclusive' multiethnic/multicultural movement centered around anti-semitism. this is what the increasingly beige (lower) middle class in the usa can center around. you can already see this tendency in Nick's appearances on mysterymeat manosphere podcasts where they are receptive to 30 year old white nationalist JQ talking points.

>> No.22385375

> mysterymeat manosphere podcasts where they are receptive to 30 year old white nationalist JQ talking points

It's honestly a tragedy that Bronze Age Pervert and Nick Fuentes had a lover's quarrel

>> No.22385390

and it's not bad enough that they do it in that cloaca gentium maxima that is the mulatto states of Aperica, this will probably seep over into Europe too, as the cowardly christgolems with no taste for genocide and violence will rather come to half-measures and half-solutions to "integrate" the afro-asiatic masses into some lowest common denominator brazil tier "neo-christianity", thus act as a possibly decisive fifth column against maybe a minority of ethnic Europeans that won't accept christian racial communism as a compromise

>> No.22385398

bap just make up with your fag nick this is pathetic

>> No.22385418

He will be so disappointed when he learns Nietzsche hated nationalism

>> No.22385426

He's an Israeli-first hedonist gay gay who doesn't really give a fuck beyond that

His Nietzsche thesis was like something out of a talented college sophomore's caffeine fueled fever dream

>> No.22385438
File: 503 KB, 1125x1121, B475F16F-FE64-4957-B09B-05704171EAF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true and BAP is here getting worked in a bait thread made by a retarded Quine scholar this is the best thing Ive been a part of since coming to lit

>> No.22385445

>refusing to go full national socialist in america
if you think this is a viable proposition it's time to leave the trooncord for a minute. maybe touch some grass

>> No.22385449
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1560, 1679917621664493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly it's just a midget whose name is probably Ramirez or something so mad about actual Europeans dunking on the jewish zombie cult he thinks anyone disagreeing with rabbi yeshua worship is BAP
/pol/ is absolutely infested with these furry plumpy taco sellers but /lit/ isn't spared

>> No.22385453
File: 81 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the post where BAP got the jimmies rustled: >>22384571

He then gets further maddened by a Kyle Broflowski screencap and calls anyone against him a "JewJewJewsJewJew": >>22384620

It gets worse from there

>> No.22385492

Bruh I want to believe so fucking bad. That first ragepost actually does read similar to the BAM text

>> No.22385511
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Nolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, an anon here says "t. whiter than you, Costin" >>22385155
BAP (costin )says "cool, then good luck in Afreaka"

BAP's simply too autistic too cover up even when sockpuppeting 4chan. Simple as. I give him props for being a semi based retard

>> No.22385513

This is some of the dumbest shit that Ive ever laughed at, what the fuck even is this thread

>> No.22385524
File: 66 KB, 650x433, Chestbridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all rather amusing. Up until recently BAP has been getting lavish praise (or at least grudging respect) from all sorts of RWers ever since his book came out, and polite media popping up to ask Who Is This Dangerous International Man of Mystery That Is Seducing Our Youth? from time to time. With an increase in mainstream attention around him and his book, and the general post-Trump political malaise making them restless, the angry young men of Nick's catboy corps (stewing with anger and impotence, shut out of every major platform) are declaring BAP unhip, insufficiently radical, even a subversive element. They topple him with ease. He -- having had his identity blown wide open by a lib rag and revealed to be some kooky trust funder -- is now forced to eat shit and be the big right-wing laughing stock of the moment, like many others before him. In time he'll quietly fade away, funposting on Xitter to a dwindling audience of weird uncles. Same as it ever was.

>> No.22385527
File: 163 KB, 1071x578, Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will van----ack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22385538

>what the fuck even is this thread
Schizophrenia beamed right into your brain

>> No.22385544
File: 110 KB, 640x480, umbrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy who didn't get any midsummer umbrage
seethe while i cool off

>> No.22385552

Unbelievably based and Umbragepilled

>> No.22385554


>> No.22385562

Nick Fuentes is a extremely conservative american nationalist podcaster who's hispanic and rumored to be gay

"Bronze Age Pervert" is a neoconservative podcaster with fascist leanings who's Jewish and known to be gay.

simple as

>> No.22385570

if people are screenshotting this thread, please include me. ty

>> No.22385625

>crediting ideas to people

>> No.22385720

I think he himself is alright but his acolytes are absolute dogs. A bunch of normie conservacucks who are having a meltdown over the satan Twitter account unironically. If his mission is to reinvigorate a new generation which equates to the same boomer conservative we’ve seen for decades then he’s doing good. Swathes of sad derivatives is all I see.

>> No.22385723

It really is just a bunch of gay men being obsessed with a man’s figure and calling themselves Nietzschean. How embarrassing.

>> No.22385941
File: 2.63 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP got stamped down personally in this thread... damn
based thred

>> No.22386194
File: 380 KB, 2208x1158, 9000EACF-A5ED-4FF0-BAA7-051D5A5EC956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22386323

*cool midsummer umbrage

>> No.22386331


>> No.22386424

Anon, I doubt he's posting on /lit/. If anything this is just a Bapfag from twitter.I don't particularly care for the guy either.
Stop giving him free publicity.

>> No.22386495

You can't actually believe that c'mon.

>> No.22386529

Maybe, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was him. He seems the most chronically online of the dark web grifters and the amount of threads he gets on here is way out of proportion to his fame compared to the others.

>> No.22386599

BAM by the BAP woke me from my slumber. What’s the big deal? It’s not to be taken as some serious work of ‘academia’ - are you people really that dense? Some people here have too much stick up the ass for their own good. The reality is that anyone posting here is a failed BAP - if your posts had any value you’d have advanced out of this mediocre trash site into some private chat long ago much like the BAP himself.

>> No.22386614

he a gay jew

>> No.22386653

>if your posts had any value you’d have advanced out of this mediocre trash site into some gay nigger clique long ago much like the BAP himself.
Are you even reading your own posts, twitteranon?

>> No.22386655
File: 116 KB, 640x528, 1548953294171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advanced out of this mediocre trash site into some private chat long ago much like the BAP himself.

>> No.22386669

Yeah well it’s not untrue is it? While BAM is pulp trash, it’s still archived more than anything that’s come directly out of this board. Have some self awareness, anon.

>> No.22386803

>Yeah well it’s not untrue is it?
I guess, but I really don't understand how being in an ineffectual clique of E-seethers is in any way more dignified than being an asshole on 4-channel. He just formed a personality cult of people who are as terminally online as he is.
Btw, trying to compare 4chan and your Twitter circles is retarded.
4chan is the antithesis of Twitter in this regard, most anons don't want to be seen, they keep no consistent identity, and while trackable personalities do exist, they're never held with any sense of respect, there is no hierarchy. As do name/tripfags, but no one here wants to form cliques or get into political drama games.
There's no E-friend group to QT and subtweet whoever you are angry at for you, unless of course, you are spamming, which is of course despised here (see: discord trannies).
> it’s still archived more than anything that’s come directly out of this board.
The things that come directly out of this board are all by people who are misguided enough to miss the fact that this site isn't a place for you to become a micro-celeb. It isn't surprising they aren't very good or insightful.

/lit/ is never going to produce a great personality because this place is designed to prevent them from emerging. It produces trends, gags, and other nebulous things.

>> No.22386866

Wouldn’t say /lit/ is designed to prevent it, people who post here regularly just don’t want to regardless.

>> No.22386889

If /li/ ever produces a great personality, you aren't going to see them "come" from /lit/ is my point.
It's just not what this website is designed for.

>> No.22386890

I’ll take your points regarding false equivalencies. But keep in mind that many of the best posters here migrated to twitter many years ago or formed their own collectives in private communities. I suppose what I find ironic is how people are bashing him here as if he’s some exogenous figure, when BAM is literally a product of the board’s culture and assumed telos.

>> No.22387216

BAP did in fact graduate in mathematics at MIT, and then completed a phd in political science at Yale.
If you knew how to google you'd quickly find evidence of that, including public info from his time at MIT, but you don't.

>> No.22387574
File: 224 KB, 1340x1773, 1641314482938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Adolf Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong

>> No.22388032

Is breathing air and drinking water Jewish?

>> No.22388077



>> No.22388094

>best posters

>> No.22388111

feel free to disagree but it's true! though many of them have now been banned so lord knows where they are now. perhaps urbit i hear

>> No.22388117

Longest running shills are this and the crocodile one.

>> No.22388125

I hear Tao Lin still frequents from time to time...

>> No.22388189

>there's essentially only one thing he advocates for
In reality, two things:
1 - curtailing migration;
2 - creating serious avant-garde art.
He is entirely correct, and those should be the only real political preoccupations of contemporary, young, European (or white, or white Latino, or Jewish, or Japanese) men.
Anything else comes after, including matters of economy and sexual morality.

>> No.22388289

>2 - creating serious avant-garde art.
This is why wordless seethe at him. They're capable of understanding neither art nor the avant-garde; both of which BAP is.

>> No.22388325

Fuck this grifting/controlled op kike. I'm usually not for infighting on the right but the blatant shilling of this worthless literal jew kosher right winger is too much

He just wants shekels and is endorsed by jewish media (not a dissident). He promotes materialism and hedonism and hid his (very) jewish past while pretending to be based.

>> No.22388333


What about the time he hid the fact that he was a literal jew going to synagogue as a child and went to Yale to study with other jews then pretended to be le based and redpilled right winger and started grifting with shitty meme books that were artificially promoted while promoting materialism and homosexuality?

Have some standards for yourself, fucking ben shapiro endorses him

>> No.22388334

can u recommend some alternative non-shilled dissident lit anon?

>> No.22388339

Can't stand contradictions, anon? Sounds like wordcel seething to me.

>> No.22388348

Also. Sorry, but the Jews and the Homosexuals have always been at the forefront of the avant-garde. Keep seething!

>> No.22388702

>promoting materialism
Please elaborate anon, I want to know what you actually think.

>> No.22388768

Fair point, I think you're correct. Thinking from a policy first approach leaves you with the same dead end conservatives are already in. There needs to be a seductive, energetic quality to the sphere, or it'll find itself at the exact same dead end conservatives have found themselves. Truthfully, they're boring and lame, and no sane one wants to be moralized by such people, whether they be correct or not. They'll also never be as effective moralists as leftists already are, who by all means have mastered the art of browbeating the meek into ideological submission. Looking at the history of early 20th century RW movements too, they were also very much aesthetically driven, with a developed art and literary space before overtly political. (i.e policy) Anyway, very good point, I certainly overlooked.

>> No.22388959

t. costin kek

>> No.22388973

never seen a more blatant SHILL thread lmao

continual bumping of a dead thread
Bronze Age Pervert himself dropping a 600 word essay in the middle of a thread
"real people" defending Ben shapiro

>> No.22388981

based and checked
>doesn't address any part of the post
>b-but n-no one else is based!
fuck you bitch i won't read goy slop by Bronze Age Jew

>> No.22388998

His Bronze Age Mindset comes down to "making PORN" to be DISSIDENT.

You couldn't make a more sterotypically DEGENERATE retard in a lab.

He's goyslop that Nietzsche himself would spit at

>> No.22389005

AI posts.

>> No.22389009

Shill Post.

>> No.22389020

Only good part of this thread was the midsummer umbrage I got from unmasking BAP's shills

>> No.22389023

Bro, calm down.

>> No.22389030
File: 23 KB, 400x400, soysmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets BTFO
>b-bro calm down, it's not serious
Lol nah you can't address the arguments, just get BTFO like a man

>> No.22389044

why are jews inbred?

>> No.22389052

Jakob and Anna didn't have a lot of options desu

>> No.22389078
File: 135 KB, 220x190, ironman-tony-stark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is pure trash. The book's idol hitler would have denounced it as literally jewish and degenerate.
And it wasn't really that funny. More like the ramblings of a lonely gay man with 50 IQ points from Mishima.

>> No.22389123


>> No.22389420

Anon we all know you're the same guy posting above. Youre the only person here using reaction pics in every post, atleast the only one stupid enough to keep doing it while pretending to be someone else.

>> No.22389428
File: 133 KB, 1500x1000, schizophrenia-spectrum-and-types-5193053-FINAL-ff64839e31a64ca293f12f168d488302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thiel network has ascended boyos! anyone who dislikes this grifter is a bot

>> No.22389487

Literally BAP himself had a very jewish meltdown midway through yet the cool, midsummer umbrage post is still my favourite part of this thread

>> No.22389516

As the thread winds down and comes to a close, let me summarize our findings and make a final statement on behalf of /lit/: BAP is a Twitter e-celeb, an odious kike and controlled opposition with strong connections to the deep state, and a faggot, and anyone who uses Twitter, listens to podcasts, uses Discord, or otherwise engages in zoomer faggotry should hang themselves.

>> No.22389526
File: 164 KB, 968x1024, 1685453885646140m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trans btw

>> No.22389530

oh u mad

>> No.22389539
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, 1690933708518972.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22389557

No anon, I dont think you're a bot. You're just an autist unfortunately.

>> No.22389574

>You're just an autist unfortunately
he said, typing utterly sincerely on a laotian knitting board
Get fucked Costin

>> No.22389688

I gotta give it to the alt-zog twitter crowd, their concern trolling boutique takes on current events and chud talking points are always impressively retarded

>> No.22389716

I heard BAP was a jew...any truth to this?

>> No.22389730

His mind set is definitely that of a Jewish pornographer.

>> No.22389737

thread should've ended here

>> No.22389747

if you're a mad as fuck shill sure :^)

>> No.22389756
File: 576 KB, 745x836, 1669999400893724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be an edgy individualist bro, that's what being right wing is all about

>> No.22389766

Costin is a grifter and a joyless writer who's effective habitat is a goon cave. Total hack.

>> No.22389853


He did a masters in philosophy at Columbia and then his PhD at Yale, which took him a whopping 9 years to finish, because he was overmasturbating.

>> No.22389861

I read it. It was alright. Way better than that other meme book that wasn't even about architecture.

>> No.22389910

fraud rightist
fraud accent
just a fraud

>> No.22390225

Yes, and before that he graduated in mathematics at MIT.
Anyone who doubts is free to use Google.

>> No.22390227
File: 18 KB, 689x118, 569864956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one gives a fuck shill

>> No.22390252

I liked the part where he hands free ejaculated after 3 hours of staring at statues in a museum
definitely happened and also it was not sexual at all, no sir

Also the preemptive defense of the existence of Gods before addressing them came across very feminine and passive aggressive

I sincerely did like how he touched on that mystical feeling that I get when I read about prehistoric man and how they lived, imagining lives and existences almost alien, chasing that "religious stupor" or whatever he called it was cool

>> No.22390264

The poster I was replying to was suggesting he's better than BAP because he (the poster) has a phd on Quine, so he does, by the looks of it, give quite a fuck.

>> No.22390266

>4chan posters are the same
let me tell you how you are a newfag
>better than BAP
this is not a high bar

>> No.22390287

Hard to not understand the Titanic hatred of the ones better than you in those conditions.
Still, I try my best to not indulge.

>> No.22390295

Is this a reference towards BAP's hatred of the goyim? whoa...

>> No.22390310

I'm talking about myself.
Bap actually got through the ordeal of civility and currently (at least publicly) worships and exalts anglo-germans at every opportunity, I'm the resented retard. In a better world, I would either be dead or higher up than where I am.

>> No.22390318

Bronze Age Pervert hates Ameriga and the goys desu, he lets it slip sometimes
That's cool that you're feeling the vibe though. Read Nietzsche, Mishima, and Melville for life affirming lit if you haven't already

>> No.22390358

Explain how, everything I've seen from him regarding jew/gentile is just sucking WASP cock 24/7 whenever the topic comes up.

>> No.22390361

He frequently lets it slip that he doesn't give a fuck about what happens to america on the podcast
so just based on that considering it's the biggest right wing nation i never trusted that guy despite the fact that he makes motions towards being based or whatever

>> No.22390365

>this is not a high bar
This is what BAP simps dont get, all he did was self publish a mediocre semi philosophical self help grift book that he constantly shills online.
No academic or intellectual takes him serious. His crowning achievement is being the topic of an online only article from a once respected American literary magazine, that in the last ten years has been nothing but a leftist funded bias machine hijacked to churn out countless buckets of goyslop

>> No.22390463 [DELETED] 

Is BAP catholic?

>> No.22390557

Show me another book that captures the unmet and unvoiced desire for heroic destruction in the post 2015 cultural and political climate in western countries.

>> No.22390578

guy is a clown and not in a good way

>> No.22390622

Mate I can’t tell if you’re trolling but everyone knows this. Who cares if it’s not respected by hackademics? That’s not the point. It’s not a work of philosophy and you’ve made a critical error if you approach it as such. He literally spells this out in the first paragraph of the text, learn some basic comprehension.

>> No.22390655

don't care and this guy's work is trash.
>heroic destruction
this post proves it well. yeah the blm riots were heroic all right guess bap is a blm'er. you go girl~

>> No.22391286

1. I did not assume you were the same;
2. Look up the definition of "no one" in a dictionary.
You are obviously deranged and cannot think clearly. Either that or you're simply not very smart.

America is a shithole and deserves to be hated. My Latin-American country was a perfectly fine Euro-supremacist place until Americanoids started selling their woke BS through their "pop culture". Now our young white girls listen to hip-hop, watch Netflix, and spend their days posting their asses on social media while taking American psychiatric pills to combat their made-up "illnesses".
America is anti-European, anti-culture, and anti-white.
Yet again I am baffled at how so many Americans are unable to see what's so obvious to everybody else. Maybe it's because their own "culture" is the only one they have, and they are monolingual, so they assume all European culture is naturally like that. But it's not, and America is doing its best to destroy all other manifestations of it except for bland capitaloid BS which is not even capitalist, given how much its banks are keen on socialism for themselves only.
America is anti everything that conflicts with the supremacy of money, unless it is black supremacy in which case it's willing to bear the loss. That's why, as Pasolini, who was a communist, said, they are worse than the fascists: the fascists did their bullying, but did not fundamentally destroy cultures and ways of life. Capitalism, on the other hand, does exactly that through propaganda. And I, who am very much an anti-communist and not unsympathetic to fascism, am coming more and more to the conclusion that it would be less shit to live in 1970's Soviet Union, which at least had a Tarkovsky, great mathematicians, and good classical music culture, than in contemporary America, which has some deranged rapper like Kanye West as its main "cultural" figure. At least in Moscow 1975 you could be a white male studying Beethoven in a culture that exalted you and respected you for it, instead of treating you as a "deplorable", and I can't imagine Gorbachev asking Amanda Gorman to write a "poem" for his inauguration.
America is fundamentally an anti-aristocratic glorification of peasantry and urban-peasantry (businessmen). The more of an anti-aristocratic peasant you are, the more they glorify you. Eventually it will have some Down syndrome Congolese midget lesbian as its president, just you wait. America's national anthem should be "Roll over Beethoven", as it encapsulates its spirit better than any other music.

>> No.22391393

the thiel talmudic network pr department would like to thank everyone for posting in this thread. see you all in the next BAM thread. because you are gonna post there, whether you like to or not.

>> No.22391580
File: 513 KB, 1536x2048, F3YPwx6WUAAx4Kn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we enjoy the latest ep, sisters

>> No.22391957

seapeople when