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22379268 No.22379268 [Reply] [Original]

>westerners' sci-fi example: a modern masterpiece
>asians' sci-fi example: an overblown mess
What went wrong?

>> No.22379331

>coming to netflix
Why don't more competent creators and companies adapt books anymore?

>> No.22379338

name 3 western sci-fi masterpieces

>> No.22379339

Out of the Silent Planet
That Hideous Strength

>> No.22379340

Blade Runner
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.22380213

What exactly went wrong for 3BP? I've never read it, but I heard it got great reviews and was a Hugo award finalist.

>> No.22380224

solaris 2: oceanic boogaloo
solaris 3: my dead wife & me

>> No.22380419

>What went wrong?
Polemic dialect, Deus ex machina ending, little understanding of scientific concepts (leaving explanations to footnotes), inappropriate metaphors (like comparing a girl who violently lost her family to revolution to a depleted Geiger counter... wtf?), scattergun approach to similes so one will hopefully one will stick (describes the destruction of a boat as a deck of cards and stack of plates falling over).

And that's before the barely serviceable translation which gets worse with the sequel.

This is the Chinese Atlas Shrugged. Do Not Read it.

>> No.22381557

I've read almost all of Cixin Liu's translated work. Anyone that hates on him is a retarded faggot. 3BP is about the metaphysical break caused by the Cultural Revolution.

>> No.22381569

Fitzpatrick's War
The Gap Cycle

>> No.22381583

>The Collected Stories of J.G. Ballard (if you want a single one go for Vermillion Sands)
>Stranger in a Strange Land
>God Emperor of Dune

>> No.22381609

>metaphysical break caused by the Cultural Revolution
If he's marketed by the CCP it's unlikely he has anything meaningful to say beyond pre-approved platitudes. No thanks.

>> No.22381717

I'm convinced this shit is just marketed hard as fuck and astroturfed by the CCP to make China look culturally relevant.

>> No.22381726
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>prime cold war USSR

>> No.22381884

Solaris is Polish and Poland is western

>> No.22382227

The current CCP views the Cultural Revolution to be a disaster, so just because he is marketed by them doesn't mean his views aren't authentic. Don't like the CCP but thanks to Dengist prosperity, most people genuinely like the regime out of nationalism.
Poland is in the western sphere of influence cause of NATO, but it isn't western. In regards to Polish sci fi, when will Dukaj's work get translated?

>> No.22382437
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>> No.22382550

I'll give you 4: BotNS saga

>> No.22382596

We know what it's about, it's explained quite clearly throughout, many times. It's still garbage.

>> No.22382612

>so just because he is marketed by them doesn't mean his views aren't authentic
It means they're worthless just like Mo Yan. Pre-approved platitudes from a shill.

>> No.22382613

2000 by Arthur Clarke and it's sequels handle society altered by the discovery of alien technology over vast differences. And does not resort to polemic dialog or lazy character tropes, which Cixin Liu does a lot.

Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov deals with a futuristic society over many generations, making you care about characters and their families, which Cixin Liu fails to do.

Ender's Game series by Scott Card, which is divisive here, but still manages to explain some complicated scientific concepts in a way even children can understand, which Cixin Liu fails to do at every turn.

And the best part? You could read all of those, have a much more entertaining time, enjoy much more diverse and nuanced plotlines, understand many high scientific concepts and still only have read a few more pages than Cixin Liu's trilogy.

>> No.22382632

>Arthur Clarke
He was a pedo.

>> No.22382825

>Decade long investigation
>No case or charges
>Allegations based on a British tabloid apparently holding audio evidence they never shared with the police in Britain or Sri Lanka
Meanwhile... Cixin Liu's second book features the abduction and forced marriage of a girl because the protagonist had a dream about her.

His work is approved by the CCP, and he spouts their nonsense on every tour.

>> No.22382837


>> No.22384293

>your favorite book was written by a pedo
>no YOUR favorite book was written by a pedo
Why do gerontophiles have to make everything about their dick?

>> No.22384379

Book is still good and plays a lot with the Dark Forest idea of intelligent life. Pretty fun read

>> No.22384391


>> No.22384392

Extract Spiderling

>> No.22384397

Read Zajdel's books instead. Or Huberath's Nest of Worlds.

>> No.22384400

So? Is this the morally correct thread or the scifi thread?

>> No.22384408

Big change

>> No.22384500

>plays a lot with the Dark Forest idea
It's a cool idea, but if by a lot, you mean a throwaway idea by the protagonist, that later reveals itself in (yet another) deus ex machina, then sure. You have to get through a lot of dross to get to the cool ideas.

>> No.22384515

Well considering there was no case against Clarke except for a journalist who worked for a rag known for falsely outing people (and pushing the notion that gay means pedo), a rag that was eventually shut down do to it's shitty behaviour, you can morally enjoy Clarke, and his work is renowned and good, so you can enjoy good sci fi too.

You can't morally enjoy Liu because he's a CCP orifice, and you can't enjoy his sci fi because it's largely shit.

>> No.22384879

My sister gave me this for Xmas one year, but I never read it. Now I don't feel so bad about that.

>> No.22384906

I tried re-reading them recently and just couldn't get through the romance parts in The Dark Forest god it was so fucking awful