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22378972 No.22378972 [Reply] [Original]

His philosophy is a cope from his pathetic weak life. An extremely shy uni professor writing about muh superman lmaoooooo. Cioran was right to call him a pathetic invalid.

>> No.22378994

He nonironically had an STD which turned him from a rather level-headed slightly atheist Classics Professor into a raving deranged quack


>> No.22378998

Nietzsche is just the incel version of the Marquis de Sade

>> No.22379058

He was extremely shy even before his madness. That STD is fiction tho.

>> No.22379120

Think something, go do it, succeed, become Der Ubermensch. The average 4chin user wakes up, fans to hentai, eats Ramen, and shitposts, in no particular order. Nietzsche and Stirner act as ways for them to validate themselves, the reality is that if both were alive today they would have pretty pithy and dismissive views of the average 4chinner. Either way this philosophy will always attract the sperglords of society because they can set their own goalposts and validate them in their own way.

>> No.22379127

Nietzsche hates dualism. How does he get to be an impotent loser in life, but a higher soul in the privacy of his own room with a pen? I know he doesn't think he's the Ubermensch but why does he have the arrogance to think his philosophy can provide the environment for the truly great individuals to shine through? Logic and speculation? Reading enough pre-Socratics?
Who cares what the fandom (it's funny but it fits) does or thinks.

>> No.22379138

Go read your Jordan Peterson you idiots.

>> No.22379146

>you idiots.
that feel when /lit/ has turned into newfag retards slinging low iq insults around instead of substantive discussion
was the limit of your education secondary school?

>> No.22379147

>ur dumb
Powerful. I will now reconsider my view on Nietzsche.

>> No.22379155

Nietzsche is the key to the world of today. You are idiots if you can't see it. Peterson is the most stupid trying to pretend we still live in 19th century or the 50s.

>> No.22379157

Why is the coherence of the physical life of a philosopher with his philosophy the main criterion for the plausibility of said philosophy? If a cuck tells you that cuckdom is good, that is coherent. Does that mean you should be a cuck?

>> No.22379159

Lol holy fuck you fags are fuming

>> No.22379161

That's a cool opinion bro but no one posted about peterson in this thread

>> No.22379167

If a person hates Nietzsche you can guarantee he has no idea what life can bring. You just live in your safe little box and have no capacity to act in the world. if you did you'd experience the chaos that Nietzsche talks about and you'd stop believing in your Jewish God. A God that lost hold of the world some time ago.

>> No.22379171

You seem unhinged as the post that YOU responded to was POSITIVE towards Nietzsche
Fucking KOOK

>> No.22379175

Shut the fuck up faggot. Stop projecting.

>> No.22379176

Peterstein shills for Nietzsche

>> No.22379178

Shills for God.

>> No.22379180


>> No.22379182

That implies dishonesty and coping mechanism. You might as well write fiction and don't try to shill you philosophy as truth.

>> No.22379184

He also shills Nietzsche.

>> No.22379206

That's pretty sinister.

>> No.22379210

He also shills for Israel

>> No.22379213
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>That's pretty sinister.
For you.

>> No.22379222

Jews never self-sabotage like that. He's like a hyper-Jew.

>> No.22379227

I think you sort of have a negative is-ought problem here. Just because I don't have something (like, in Nietzsche's case, a strong body) doesn't mean that I can't see that thing as desirable or that such a moral judgement would be inherently wrong. If I say that it's good to be physically healthy, that judgement should not be measured by whether I'm physically healthy, but by whether or not that judgement holds up in reality.

>> No.22379232

I can see your point. I was being disingenuous on purpose because I'm feeling like shit. This connect to the philosophy also. I don't think that we can keep our emotions away. Nietzsche hated stoics because they shunned emotions. But knowledge/practice isn't separate from emotions. I don't know what I am talking about.

>> No.22379234

Nietzsche was fond of Jews.

>> No.22379251

He's fucking evil, malignant. Mixing God and Nietzsche is like telling a golden retriever to live in the wild.

But Peterson is not a Jew. What's his endgame? He has no allegiance.

>> No.22379289

>like telling a golden retriever to live in the wild
You're going to be a good boy but you're going to live in the lawless modern world, and you're going to like it." -- Peterson

>> No.22379300


>> No.22379407
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>We shall see one another from time to time, won't we?

>> No.22379567
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>Christians still seething daily about Nietzsche over a century later
This shit is hilarious

>> No.22379687

Neetzuh was a cuckcel, this is known

>t. atheist

>> No.22379710

>they can set their own goalposts and validate them in their own way.
oh god oh fuck please no please don't make me DO things and hold myself accountable to consequences in this world