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File: 285 KB, 496x795, catholic pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22378295 No.22378295 [Reply] [Original]

>greatest writers of all time are all Catholic
explain this without coping

>> No.22378305

Name them.

>> No.22378315

Your Mom

>> No.22378322

Shakespeare, Tolkien, and Chesterton

>> No.22378342

Children's author.
A sophist.

>> No.22378353

I said without coping

>> No.22378453

Homer wasn't Catholic

>> No.22378570

Creative minds are more sensitive to spiritual experiences, and those on the other end of a high-level spiritual experience rarely emerge as atheists. That, and many of the greatest writers were writing before the rise of secularism, in countries where Catholicism dominated.

>> No.22378575


>> No.22378641

Dostoevsky was Orthodox, he hated Catholicism.

>> No.22378645


>> No.22378646

>Creative minds are more sensitive to spiritual experiences, and those on the other end of a high-level spiritual experience rarely emerge as atheists.
Define "spiritual experience".

>> No.22378648

Best Christian denomination with the:
- Most powerful aesthetic
- Most iconic imagery
- Most followers worldwide

Dante is the GOAT
Seethe & cope

>> No.22378650

In allmost all history the best authors have been white men because of the status quo (Women were uneducated, other races weren't as focused on literature as Europe). The most common religion for white men is catholicism.

>> No.22378653

Bugman moment. You either get it or you don't.

>> No.22378657

>two thousand years of history
It’s a numbers game. You’re automatically going to have more achievements simply by existing longer. The Chinese mog the Japanese for the same reason when it comes to the classical corpus, Japan wasn’t even at china’s level until the 1500’s, so they had about 2000 years of catching up to do
You know what else those three men share? Being British. Maybe the eternal Anglo’s real calling is being a nation of writers and not much else

>> No.22378658


>> No.22378659

Concession accepted.

>> No.22378661


>> No.22378662

Glad you've accepted you're a bugman. Hope that helped

>> No.22378664

They were the only people allowed to read and write for a long time. Hope you find your god somewhere between the self congratulatory bullshit of those theological pages. Took years for me to untangle myself from that circular reasoning.

>> No.22378665

Really... all it comes down to... is.. Just "Bee" Yourself...

>> No.22378666

lmao, christcucks can't answer a direct question to save their lives

>> No.22378670

Trips confirms your a bugman lol

>> No.22378674


>> No.22378677
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>> No.22378682

>asking questions equals satan
christcuck logic
sheep logic

>> No.22378683

begone satanic bugman

>> No.22378685

Numbers dont lie lil bud
you sound worked up :^)

>> No.22378688


Anything to avoid explaining any part of the mystery cult eh boys?

>> No.22378689
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>> No.22378692
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>mystery cult

>> No.22378694

Doestoyevsky before his seizures. Intensive prayer. Drugs, psychedelics, meditation, dreams. They are intensely individual and indescribable.

>> No.22378699
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Yet another instance of Satan trying to make Christians doubt their faith. Nothing to see here, pals.

>> No.22378713
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Mildly. But I don't see you answering my question at this point, so i'll take my leave and hope that any lurkers get the point- that christfriends never ever stand and defend when the going gets tough.

poo poo pee pee

At least this isn't an outright deflection, even if "indescribable" basically renders the post meaningless.


>> No.22378720
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Same vibe fr fr no cap

>> No.22378723

Wish I could describe it. It's just hard to be an atheist after you've felt the presence of God. It's a total paradigm shift.

>> No.22378726 [DELETED] 

Retards will think Nietzsche hated Christianity, when he only hated its peasant G*rmoid offshoot, Protestantism:
>All spirit finally becomes visible. - By the spirit which it has thus given to European humanity—in conjunction with the power of abnegation, and very often in conjunction with the profound conviction and loyalty of that abnegation—it has perhaps chiselled and shaped the most subtle individualities which have ever existed in human society: the individualities of the higher ranks of the Catholic clergy, especially when these priests have sprung from a noble family, and have brought to their work, from the very beginning, the innate grace of gesture, the dominating glance of the eye, and beautiful hands and feet. Here the human face acquires that spiritualisation brought about by the continual ebb and flow of two kinds of happiness (the feeling of power and the feeling of submission) after a carefully-planned manner of living has conquered the beast in man. Here an activity, which consists in blessing, forgiving sins, and representing the Almighty, ever keeps alive in the soul, and even in the body, the consciousness of a supreme mission; here we find that noble contempt concerning the perishable nature of the body, of well-being, and of happiness, peculiar to born soldiers: their pride lies in obedience, a distinctly aristocratic trait; their excuse and their idealism arise from the enormous impossibility of their task. The surpassing beauty and subtleties of these princes of the Church have always proved to the people the truth of the Church; a momentary brutalisation of the clergy (such as came about in Luther's time) always tended to encourage the contrary belief. And would it be maintained that this result of beauty and human subtlety, shown in harmony of figure, intellect, and task, would come to an end with religions? and that nothing higher could be obtained, or even conceived?

>> No.22378730

>Names the three most overrated authors of all time

>> No.22378731

barely rated

>> No.22378738

Chesterton was a buffoon

>> No.22378743

Easy now.

>> No.22378749
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for you

>> No.22378764

Torquato Tasso
de Tocqueville
John Henry Newman
Ernest Hemingway
Gene Wolfe

>> No.22378768


>> No.22378770

If you could define it, it wouldn't be a spiritual experience. Dante's ~1000 pages of cantos are one possible definition. It can't be abbreviated.

>> No.22378797

A grasp of the universal conditions of human experience and our deepest longing as a race. To reach the spiritual you have to stop thinking analytically and sorting mental entities into pockets of reality. Existential crises becomes more real than the most concrete object in front of you. Unironically read Nausea by Sartre to see how an artist/writer errs in their attempt to capture the essence of a subject matter.

>> No.22378940

I wouldn't know because I only understand English and all the best writers are Protestants.

>> No.22378947

Shakespeare was crypto-Catholic.

>> No.22378948

>Every notable Russian, Ukrainian, and Greek writer
>All not Catholic
Explain this without coping

>> No.22378955

I don't buy that. I agree with Carlyle that he represents an afterglow of mediæval Catholicism but the theories about his personally being one don't convince me.

>> No.22378957

school starts soon bud. time to go to sleep

>> No.22378962

If you mean the ancients, the Catholic argument is that they were proto-Catholic.

>> No.22378971

Guys.... You were supposed to explain it without coping

>> No.22378975

>greatest writers of all time are all europeans
explain this without coping

>> No.22378978

Lmao has to be bait

>> No.22378982

It's a false premise to begin with.

>> No.22378988

This fag sneaked in Ukrainian writers in an absolute GOATs list.

>> No.22378989

I just did.

>> No.22379001

Yes, I know you coped, the point was not to.

>> No.22379011

>Explain a mediocre writer like Steinbeck without coping
It's a trap

>> No.22379038

>notable Russian
Doesn't exist outside of Dosto and Tolstoy
>notable Greek
Doesn't exist post-antiquity
>notable Ukrainian
Doesn't exist

>> No.22379044

Catholicism is for faggots and cucks.

>> No.22379046

>autistic logocentrism is a display of "sensitivity to spiritual experiences"

>> No.22379049

opinion discarded

>> No.22379052

Catholicism was and is the ultimate gateway to sterile bugman rationalism and secularism.

>> No.22379066

Protestant writers?

>> No.22379076

That's Protestantism. Best exemplified in the US and the UK. Once soulful nations, now the home of secular bugmen. That's what Protestantism evolves into.

>> No.22379078

The Anglo Menace

>> No.22379101

>other races weren't as focused on literature as Europe
>focused on literature
Just say vastly illiterate tripfag. And the literate elites were reading European literature. Must be the status quo, that magically manifested itself.

>> No.22379405

why'd we have to end up like this, anglobros?
in my heart I yearn for green fields, mountains, seafaring, and to live and die by the sword
why did anglos lose their souls and become corporate bugmen? why did they industrialize so excessively and lose all sense of spirit in the world?

>> No.22379428
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Britons will never be slaves

>> No.22379449

List for the curious
>John Kennedy Toole
>St. John Henry Newman
>St. Thomas More
>Gerald Manley Hopkins
>A. Theroux
>Graham Greene
>Evelyn Waugh
>Fr. Rolfe
>Flannery O'Connor
>Eco (albeit not believing was baptized)
>Heinrich Böll
>Iris Murdoch

>> No.22379477
File: 184 KB, 1170x1424, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the greatest writer ever and I'm Orthodox. Checkmate.

>> No.22379479

The Britons were replaced by us, and we did nothing with their fertile soil but drive it to ruin.
The Welsh and Irish are the last surviving Celts.

>> No.22379482

You literally call yourself Catholic in the creed.

>> No.22379483

what a shit list, the only good catholic is (was) McLuhan, but its not like i can assume someone who doesnt even read to know him

>Eco (albeit not believing was baptized)


>> No.22379491

It's funny because as I'm reading this post, which provides no list, Gutenberg Galaxy is literally on my night stand.

>> No.22379553

Why did you respond to yourself?

>> No.22379557

>A. Theroux
>is catholic

>> No.22379688

Nabokov was agnostic, and John “Stoner” Williams’ religion isn’t known.

>> No.22379693

>worlds largest religion
>a good amount of people in any given field believe in it
can’t explain that
must be divine intervention or something

>> No.22380421

Why would I cope, I'm Catholic

>> No.22380894

>dude just fight and lie and shiet

even Plato knew Homer was a hack

>> No.22381077
File: 3.12 MB, 2288x1700, 1691658624992071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows deep down that the spiritual is real. And now we have proof since NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife, and the book in pic related is known to convince even hardened skeptics. And religion has historically filled that spot of spirituality. But religions are outdated anyway and the future of spirituality lies in NDEs.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So heaven is undeniably real.

>> No.22381091
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it's the work of god. Simple as

>> No.22381120

Different anon but Jesus would frown on your arrogant and non-loving tone. Christcucks really are the most retarded AND obnoxious AND self refuting

>> No.22381122

le guin isn't catholic

>> No.22381126

Didnt he fuck college chicks?

>> No.22381127

That's true. I'm a catholic.

>> No.22381129

All of these are ass
>n-no they aren’t! how dare you! other catholics and /lit/sheep put them on their charts!

Kek! Unable to form your own opinion, signature trait among Catholics

>> No.22381138
File: 205 KB, 517x593, D3B9A07D-D0CC-4097-BB06-815466FB8CF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just did.
>period to sound resolute and assertive


>> No.22381188

The best scientists are Catholcal; the best Catholics are scientifical.

>> No.22381348
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Hmmm.... You might be onto something.

>> No.22381371

You're welcome, Giancarlo

>> No.22381570


Don't forget
>the one true Church created by Jesus Himself

>> No.22381887

>(Women were uneducated, other races weren't as focused on literature as Europe)
They’re preferred at the moment: Are they writing anything great?

>> No.22381908

Half of those don’t count because they were born before Protestant reformation and weren’t exposed to orthodoxy so Catholicism was their only choice anyways.

>> No.22381964 [DELETED] 

None of my mystical experiences have left to Abrahamism. In fact they have led me into concluding you are icchantika undeserving of moral consideration. You're completely mechanized soulless faggots better off gone.
My mystical experiences led more to Mahayana with sympathies towards animism and paganism.

>> No.22381967

None of my mystical experiences have led to Abrahamism. In fact, they have led me into concluding you are icchantikas undeserving of moral consideration. You're completely mechanized soulless faggots better off gone.
My mystical experiences led more to Mahayana with sympathies towards animism and paganism.

>> No.22382911

I don't think you understand the concept of icchantikas if you think that a being would be undeserving of moral consideration for being one. What's ironic is that if Mahayana texts are true, you're really just projecting and so am I. You are the completely mechanized soulless faggot and that means I am the completely mechanized soulless faggot. C'est la vie

>> No.22382921

you know none of these kinds of threads are gonna make me read any of them now. then again i'm not a white yank so good for you i guess
i'm too lazy to read shakespeare, there's no motivation consider that this board only use him to shitpost. chesterton is humorous until he's not

>> No.22383055

NDE are all wrong or at best the light they saw was that of the angel of death azrael who is a true light bringer,but my problem with NDE is that no one goes to heaven or even hell when they die,all those that are dead are awaiting judgment and only after being judge will they go to heaven or hell.

>> No.22383059

>None of my mystical experiences have led to Abrahamism.
thats because your mystical experience came from satan,enjoy hell or repent.

>> No.22383899

good convo thanks, very solid argument you got there

>> No.22383983
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x2880, Christianity vs Catholicism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest writers
Catholics didn't write the Bible though, because those 40 authors who wrote 66 books are the greatest authors and the Bible is the best-selling book every year and the King James Bible is the best-selling version every year (even if they'll parade "studies" that only poll catholic and modernist publishers and disregard others as well as publishing churches). The Catholic church didn't give us the Bible either. That's just a bunch of Roman cult lies.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Making graven images or likenesses and bowing to them violates the second commandment. Being loved by the world is a sign that you're wrong, Christ said woe unto you when all shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets. Being a friend of the world is enmity with God, being an enemy of God. Jesus Christ is the Rock, not Peter.

There's no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, not Rome and neither is Mary a co-redemtrix. Further, all sins are mortal and the sacrifice Jesus Christ gave is fully sufficient. Good works are a fruit of true faith and your salvation can be known right now rather than being confused and wondering what is your fate.

You should study to see whether the things you are told are true or not, the Scripture even tells you to do so and comments those in Berea who did so.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II. Timothy 2:15)
And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming [thither] went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (Acts 17:10)
All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (II. Timothy 3:16)

The Roman catholic church isn't Christian, they hate questions especially regarding why their church doesn't teach sound biblical doctrine and they used to torture and murder people for questioning them and their false claim to authority over God's Word and their false claim to sole authority to interpreting Scripture by their own private interpretation.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.(II. Peter 1:20)

A cross won't save you, only repentance and beliefe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Already are for turning away from God.

Don't worry, it's not terminal; you can be truly saved. The sacrifice Jesus Christ gave is sufficient for all sins. You don't need to keep doing mass, and that's not Christ, it's just a wafer.

Christ isn't dead on the cross or a helpless baby in Mary's arms nor is Christ a wafer and wine; Christ is at the right hand of the throne of God.

>> No.22383985
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>so Catholicism was their only choice
Uh... anon? People didn't just all of a sudden start disagreeing with the Catholic church because Martin Luther made the Ninety-Five Theses. There's Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Montanism, Catharism, Waldesianism, and the list goes on and on. These guys wouldn't be remembered as Catholics if they were of these sects, but heretics or proto-protestants. Hell, even Dante is remembered as a proto-protestant rather than a Catholic by anyone who actually reads and isn't interested in some Deus Vult larp where they never actually read Dante, but push their ridiculous misconceptions onto cool paintings of the guy. Though, I suppose Augustine avoided that treatment, despite how much the Catholic Church hates some of his views which line up quite perfectly with Calvin's on topics like TULIP, though the acronym wasn't utilized in Calvin's time (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints (arguable)).

>> No.22384045
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>anons frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of Steinbeck
Schools really do poison classic authors, huh? This must be, if not Edgar Allan Poe, the American equivalent of hating Shakespeare because you had to read him in school. Let me guess, they thought Grapes of Wrath was boring or too long (or worse, they were in an anti-socialist pro-capitalist phase at the time of reading it, and all of the nuance went over their head, because lives and realities cannot be defined by economics alone, and a teenager's understanding of a world they have not lived in is insufficient), or they didn't understand Of Mice & Men and just wrote it off as a children's book. I'll admit I didn't get Grapes of Wrath when I was younger, but it really is a book that completely transforms as you get older. Re-reads are very rewarding. Unless these anons really do not live their lives and just stay inside all day shitposting, it's hard to imagine someone, especially an American, not getting at least something out of Steinbeck. I'll just say this: More than practically any other author, Steinbeck empathizes with the American life though Faulkner is a close second. I love Faulkner..

>There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.”

>> No.22384052


Clueless Protestant

>> No.22384419

Most white people were catholic

>> No.22384728

He means well, but honestly those are the most dangerous kind of people.

>> No.22384918

Hey anon, you look like you having interesting knowledge about Christianity. What is your opinion on that? Theism/ateism? Give me some book recommendation about that topic, because i want to know the truth about that please

>> No.22385163

Plato wasn't Catholic

twitter and reddit are the other way

>Most powerful aesthetic
neoclassicalism that they imported from pagan Greeks
>Most iconic imagery
Renaissance artwork inspired by the pagan Greeks
>Most followers worldwide
appeal to popularity fallacy, most of those aren't white either

midwit tradcath larpers who can't answer a simple question

>> No.22385190

Still figuring that one out myself. I want to believe, but I'm in a constant loop of falling in and out of faith. All I can do is ask others to pray for my unbelief to be taken from me, because my prayers are empty, and either way, I don't pray anymore. I'm afraid to. The most I can say for sure is that the concept of divinity in the general Christian sense is inspiring to me, and that I'm deeply interested in reading theology and church history. If I had to lean to one side, I'd say theism makes the most "sense", what with the perfect beauty of the universe and all (really, if anything is going to convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that any sort of god exists, it's going to be mathematics). Then again, there are plenty of people who'd just say I'm falling into "God of the gaps" type thinking, but I've never really seen a problem with that, and there isn't much I agree with Nietzsche on anyway.
>Give me some book recommendation about that topic, because i want to know the truth about that please
Can't say they'll lead you to the truth, because I'm still unsure about it all myself, but I can just point you towards the books I've read myself.

Bible Translations: RSVCE, KJV, DRA, RVR1960, LUTH1545
St. Augustine's Confessions, City of God, The Retractions
St. John Chrysostom's Homilies, Discourses, and Sermons
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
Bavinck's Doctrine of God
Velimirović's Prayers by the Lake
Swedenborg's True Christian Religion
Chesterton's The Everlasting Man
Pope John Paul II's Love and Responsibility
Wesley's A Plain Account of Christian Perfection
Tolstoy's A Confession
Watson's The Doctrine of Repentance
Scotus' A Treatise on God as First Principle
Kempis' The Imitation of Christ
Mather's The Christian Philosopher
Luther's The Bondage of the Will, 95 Theses, Small Catechism
Palamas' Homilies
Justin Martyr's Apologies
John of Damascus' An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
Clement of Alexandra's Stromateis
Balthasar's Cosmic Liturgy
Bonaventure's The Journey of the Mind to God
Teresa of Ávila's Interior Castle
Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
Irenaeus' Against Heresis
Athanasius' On the Incarnation
Basil's Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature, On Fasting & Feasts
Aquinas' Summa contra Gentile (only Books 1 and 2 so far, I really need to read more Aquinas)
Ware Kallistos' The Orthodox Church
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Dowley's Introduction to the History of Christianity
Justo Gonzalez' The Story of Christianity
Tacitus' Annals
Josephus' The Antiquities of the Jews
and a handful of papal encyclicals, the latest one I've read being Pope Gregory XVI's Mirari Vos, On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism

Augustine's Confessions is what got me started down this rabbit hole, so try starting there if you haven't read it already. But really, just try to have fun pondering and journaling on what you read.

>> No.22385197

neurotic shitskin who got raped by Celsus so tried to destroy his works so nobody from the future could read them
English, white
English, white, Anglican

anyways, your entire list is just of white Europeans. that seems to be the common factor, how odd

>People didn't just all of a sudden start disagreeing with the Catholic church because Martin Luther made the Ninety-Five Theses. There's Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Montanism, Catharism, Waldesianism, and the list goes on and on.
and most of those heresies just had their followers mass murdered and their works destroyed with no actual competition allowed, so what's your point?
by your logic, Sunni Islam is objectively superior to Catholicism because there is absolutely no dissent
>These guys wouldn't be remembered as Catholics if they were of these sects
because they'd have been murdered

mentally ill

>Doesn't exist post-antiquity
stopped existing once they stopped being pagan? interesting

>> No.22385214

Ah yes, the Children's author church.

>> No.22385364

I have problem like you anon, my arguments for God are:
Simulation theory
Saint Thomas first mover argumentation and etc
Godel's incompliment theory
Metaphysics and pre Big Bang times, where there was no time. Definition of no time, is infinity and that infinity "pick" to be and also being than not being. Also Big Bang theory was created by priest and in XX century it has much criticism from other astrophysics because it was too similar with Biblie creation story.
Sacrifice of early christians - they die for they faith
Shroud of Turin
Miracles in peoples life
Near Death Experiences relations
Occultism in the world and elites
Many lawyers are up for Christ Resurrection, one lawyer with the Guiness World Record in winning murder case
Bible mathgematic code - that's kinda interesting
Archeology of the Bible

So i have basic arguments for God like deism, but later i got much points for christianity. But my main problem now are book Zenon Kosidowski 1963 - Bible stories. Author shows how old testament was created and etc - that was huge shot against my faith. It's not stupid shit like Zeitgeist or some things what Inspiring Philosophy (very interesting theological channel) btw debunk. I can't find good arguments against thesis from that book.

But well i think i will life as a Christian for values, but in that century that is very hard. I don't talking about degeneracy and etc, but things like transhumanism, neurotech etc - that is the tough one. I think i need to read more books against the faith, but not things like "God delusion", more something deep about that topic. I hear Bart D. Ehrman have ineresting things about that topic, maybe you anons know something about that.

Also being a Christian can literally give you power because you don't affraid that much of death and believe in something more, purpose, hapiness.

>> No.22386319

>type retarded post
>get angry at retarded reply

>> No.22386340

bart ehrman is a mega blackpilled resentful ex christian. definitely avoid.

Read CS Lewis Mere Christianity if you haven't yet. classic book