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/lit/ - Literature

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22377606 No.22377606 [Reply] [Original]

>open book
>translators notes

>> No.22377629

>addendum to the prologue
>hate speech warning and catalog of misinformation, itemized and annotated
>table of contents

>> No.22377644
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>this page deliberately left blank
>table of contents
>list of contributors
>list of abbreviations
>translator's notes
>editor's notes
>series editor's notes
>preface to the fourth edition
>preface to the third edition
>preface to the second edition
>preface to the first edition
>thirty straight pages of the word nigger in hypnotically alternating font sizes
>book begins
>"Greetings, reader! I hate niggers."

>> No.22377650
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>chapter 3 is a flipbook of actual images of the author beating a nine year old black boy to death

>> No.22377655
File: 84 KB, 700x700, grief2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flip to back
>no index

>> No.22377685

>preface to the fourth edition
>preface to the third edition
>preface to the second edition
>preface to the first edition
this shit always trips me out, like I'm traveling through time or something

>> No.22377690

Name one minerology textbook that does this

>> No.22377724
File: 348 KB, 1920x1076, bonk-ai-art-pepe-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this page intentionally left blank
>author's portrait
>author's biography
>timeline of historical events
>genealogy chart
>foreword by a famous author
>foreword by a not-so-famous author
>editor's introduction
>publisher's note
>list of previous works by the author
>list of recommended reading
>list of banned books
>endorsements from contemporary authors
>prelude to the prologue
>index of themes
>index of characters
>index of places
>index of motifs
>glossary of archaic terms
>glossary of fictional terms
>glossary of made-up words
>glossary of invented creatures
>footnotes (with footnotes of their own)
>acknowledgements from the author's pets
>alternate ending suggestions
>author's playlist for writing the book
>fan art gallery
>fan fiction highlights
>excerpts from rejected drafts
>deleted scenes
>interview with the author's imaginary friend
>interview with a time traveler who read the book in the future
>crossword puzzle based on book references
>word search puzzle of character names
>translator's introduction
>alternate title proposals
>a heartfelt plea to not spoil the ending for others
>list of book club discussion questions
>recipe for a dish inspired by the book's setting
>recipe for a drink inspired by the book's characters
>critical acclaim and praise for the book that hasn't been published yet
>collector's edition catalog with commemorative merchandise
>author's apologies for any inaccuracies or anachronisms
>bibliography of sources the author didn't actually use
>QR codes linking to hidden online content
>author's horoscope predictions for the book's characters
>author's predictions for the stock market, unrelated to the book
>excerpt from a travel guide to the book's fictional world
>quiz to determine which character you are most like
>trivia about the book's cover art
>timeline of the author's writing process, complete with procrastination milestones
>dramatic reading instructions
>a plea to leave a positive review on various platforms
>survey asking readers to rate the author's handwriting
>predictions of the book's impact on future generations
>an elaborate and unrelated joke told by the author
>encouragement to read the book in a specific reading nook for maximum enjoyment
>author's conspiracy theories about literary awards
>excerpt from an unauthorized biography of a secondary characterhistorical >events timeline related to the book's era
>explanation of any cultural references in the book
>preview of critical reception from notable figures
>analysis of the book's use of allegory
>discussion of the book's reception in different countries
>author's insight into character development
>acknowledgment of financial support from patrons
>exploration of the book's social and political context
>excerpt from an academic essay about the author's style
>note on any autobiographical elements in the book
>explanation of any changes made in subsequent editions
>author's thoughts on the significance of

>> No.22377748

you know you don’t have to read them right? just fast forward to chapter one.

>> No.22377771
File: 508 KB, 1920x1076, bonk-ai-art-pepe-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invitation to a virtual reality tour of the book's setting
>holographic reenactment of a pivotal scene
>handwritten apology from the author for fictional deaths
>the author's favorite recipe related to the book
>dream analysis of the main character's dreams
>code for an exclusive online book club forum
>crossword puzzle solving a mystery in the book's plot
>fan-generated conspiracy theories about the book's world
>hidden map leading to a fictional treasure
>text message exchanges between characters
>transcript of a fictional court trial from the book
>author's list of rejected alternate endings
>author's collage of visual inspiration for characters
>interactive online personality quiz to match readers to characters
>weather forecast for the book's fictional world
>endorsement from a renowned psychic predicting the book's success
>themed playlist for each chapter's mood
>live chat with an AI version of the book's protagonist
>pop-up illustrations revealing hidden book secrets
>decoding key for encrypted messages within the text
>virtual scavenger hunt for Easter eggs in the novel
>QR code for a virtual reality book reading experience
>performance art piece inspired by the book
>dramatized audio version featuring celebrity voice actors
>live-streamed interview with a character psychologist
>confidential dossier on the book's antagonist
>interactive app allowing readers to choose plot directions
>live interactive theater experience based on the book
>3D-printable models of key book locations
>author-hosted virtual reality book launch party
>pop-up book version with miniature movable scenes
>augmented reality overlay showcasing historical context
>coupon for a discount at a café mentioned in the book
>app to explore the book's fictional city in augmented reality
>limited edition scratch-and-sniff book with scents from the story
>holographic author commentary during certain passages
>author's predictions for the future of the book's world
>participation in a global synchronized reading event
>virtual art gallery featuring fan interpretations of scenes
>subscription to a newsletter from the book's protagonist
>exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary about the book's creation
>encrypted message leading to a secret online forum
>offer to join a virtual book club with the author
>author's curated Spotify playlist for immersive reading
>real-time updates on characters' social media feeds
>access to an interactive timeline of the book's events
>virtual reality reconstruction of a historic event in the book
>limited edition annotated version with handwritten notes
>option to customize character names for a personalized read

>> No.22377779
File: 418 KB, 1170x991, 1675319131935182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>title page
>page 1

>> No.22377795

good post BUT
>glossary of fictional terms
past this you're making shit up

>> No.22377833
