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/lit/ - Literature

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22376379 No.22376379 [Reply] [Original]

When people ask what you read how do you answer you read controversial authors or books without looking like a pseud or a chud? Like, how do you tell normies that read YA your favourite book is Genealogy of morals and your favourite authors are Nietzsche and Stirner?

>> No.22376385

No because I don’t read chud authors

>> No.22376398

is this really a big problem to you

>> No.22376402

there's nothing chud about these.
it's true you're a pseud though, the only way out is to read Montaigne instead

>> No.22376404
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The key is confidence. Just say that you genuinely enjoy it in a way that doesn't make you sound like the deranged extremist that you are. Just mention the title and what it's about and leave out the more provocative parts, but don't make it sound boring, name drop some other books you read before and or recommendations that prompted you to read it so that you don't sound like you just randomly grabbed the fancy boring book.

>> No.22376405

You say:
'Anything that sounds interesting. Have any suggestions?'
There, now you've gotten them to talk about themselves and have started a conversation. People don't want to talk about the really complicated things. They want to feel safe, secure, happy, content. If you can appease those feelings in others, you will be well liked, perhaps loved. But you must accept that you will be alone with your deeper thoughts. Some things just cannot be communicated.

>> No.22376411

Solution is to just not be a pseud. Reflect on why you like it, tell them about it, and if they respond like you're a pseud you already know what sort of person they are.
tldr is this really a thought worth dedicating your time to

>> No.22376412

I was at a class at UNI and professor asked what you read. Everyone was saying normie shit and I've only been reading Nietzsche and Stirner for the past year so I sperged out and just said I was reading Homer

>> No.22376425

nietzsche and stirner? where have you even heard of such esoteric and unknown authors?

>> No.22376430

Tell girls on Tinder that you read the Bible and Anna Karenina.

>> No.22376440

You think Nietzsche and stirner are controversial? Just tell them you are angsty and you have unresolved existential questions about yourself, otherwise go full neckbeard and start wearing a fedora and tipping it in people's direction and saying shit like m'lord and m'lady.

>> No.22376443

One time, in a job interview, they asked about my personal interests and I answered reading as one of them. They asked what books I was reading at the time and I told the truth and said the brothers karamazov. I dont think he believed me and he stated how his wife taught a college course on dostoevsky and knew those were hard books. I just said something like "yeah, but i enjoy them."

>> No.22376447

Just own it. I tell people about Houellebecq, the ones that've heard about him ask if he’s a racist / misogynist / islamophobe / whatever, I shrug and say those claims are overblown and his writing more than makes up for it.

>> No.22376456

Nietzsche is a proto-nazi chud and Stirner is dude who literally tells you no institution nor ideal is worth it. Also I did mention these people are normalfags not that deep into literature, so it can be considered controversial authors for them

>> No.22376509

>all this autism
The humans are trying to make small talk with you. They don't actually want to know what books you have been reading. The correct response is whatever makes you seem a nice approachable person and allows the conversation to continue.

>> No.22376517

how old are you

>> No.22376530

The correct response is whatever makes you seem like an aloof person and compels them to stop.

>> No.22376600

>/lit/ - Literature
I tell YA reader girls that i read Mishima, John Milton, Mikhail Lermontov, and that one of my favorite books is Theologus Autodidactus so i can seem cool to them and that they will ask me about it.

>> No.22376610
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