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/lit/ - Literature

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2237608 No.2237608 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested.
What is the general consensus for Harry Potter on this board?

>> No.2237611

Good first three or four books, then it tried to "grow up" and turned into anime.

>> No.2237612

a sly marxist satire on fin de siecle british consumerism

>> No.2237616

It's exclusively for children. Don't read it unless you're a child, and even then don't read it.

>> No.2237615

Decent movies, children's literature, not teen, not young adult, children's. There are better things to do with your time then read the books.

>> No.2237617

The only good movie is the third one

>> No.2237619

you're don't come here regularly?

/lit/ summary
90% of people here make threads where they post their amateur drivvle and they'll bash anything successful
I like HP Rowling did an amazing job creating kid characters
I'd read it again gladly but I fear the plotholes would bother me, maybe not even those, I'm very gratefull to have grown up reading these.

>> No.2237621

It is given that they are children's books.
However they are very well written children's books.
And there is nothing at all wrong with that, some of my favourite books are children's books.

>> No.2237630


"but you see huck finn must be a children's book because huck is a kid in it"

>> No.2237641

why? - dont answer

>> No.2237643

I enjoyed them as a kid, the first four or five might've even been what first turned me into a bookworm, although my memory is hazy so I can't say for certain. I moved onto bigger and better things before the series' completion, though, so a couple years ago, for completion's sake, I got ahold of the Stephen Fry audiobooks for the last couple books and listened to them. I found them really comforting and enjoyed the experience, but that may have just been Fry's voice. So yeah, I don't really have a bad word to say about Harry Potter.

>> No.2237645

No, it's not that they are about children. They are written for a child audience. Even the later books barely make it to a pre-teen reading level. The Once and Future King is about children (mostly) and yet no one would suggests that it isn't a literary masterpiece.

Harry Potters popularity among adults just demonstrates the fact that the average reading level is around 8th grade.

>> No.2237646


yeah definitely sage the thread rather than question your blind assumptions, thats a good idea

>> No.2237650

keep at it you're really improving the quality of the thread

I'm saging so it doesn't bump for no reason since I'm not adding to the discussion

what the fuck is wrong with you, if you have an opinion say it and be done with it stop shitposting and implying things that make no sense and putting words in people's mouths


>> No.2237652


"reading level" is a completely unsuitable metric for judging "literary masterpiece[s]"... look at the old man and the sea, for christ's sake

the harry potter series is a near surgical exlporation of marcusian objectification and if it is couched in simple language that hardly detracts from the message

>> No.2237658

This, basically.

The first four books were really good, and then Harry went through an angry teenage phase. After that, I found him really unlikeable but I saw the series through.

If you like the movies, yeah, go read the books.

>> No.2237660

Harry Potter is no literary masterpiece, but it's extremely enjoyable even for those of us who can appreciate "better" things as well. Don't let e/lit/ists convince you it's not good, OP, it is.

>> No.2237665

My opinion exactly.

>> No.2237669

It's only as enjoyable as any other fantasy book.

>> No.2237671

They're brilliant, well written books that were ruined by retarded fans and asshole who never read them.

>> No.2237674

>Decent movies

you have horrible taste in movies.

>> No.2237682

>It's only as enjoyable as any other fantasy book.

This, OP. It's basically just a mass-appeal young-teen series that got a bit out of hand in the box office. Modern equivalents would be twilight, or the hunger games. If you can enjoy those types of things, then you'll be entertained, but don't expect anything above mediocre prose, it's just not that type of book.

>> No.2237692


lol it's wayyyy better than fantasy

>no painfully stilted diction
>no painfully detailed descriptions of medieval weapons
>doesn't gratuitously slaughter characters as a crutch
>no rape
>no hodor saying his own name

>> No.2237694


None of those criteria advance your claim that it is "better". it just says you don't like ASOIAF.

>> No.2237695

HP is way better than Twilight or The Hunger Games, though -- let's be serious now.

>> No.2237710

Seems to me they're equally mediocre.

>> No.2237711

that's just a case of my barf smells way better than your turds though. let's be serious now.

>> No.2237715


great argument, dude, you must be the coolest guy in the 5th grade

>> No.2237864

Started reading it when I was a kid. Even thought I'm a bit more critical of the quality now, I still love the series. It has that christmas feel to it.

>> No.2237887

Yea this is a pretty big deal. I'm not sure if I'd call them plot holes but it seems like certain spells and magic don't work when it would inconvenience the plot. The worst offenders are the time turners and apparating but there are tons more.

That said, they're part of the reason I became such an avid reader and I really enjoyed them.

>> No.2237898

As far as young-lit goes, HP is pretty fucking fantastic.
Hunger games is nothing special(though slightly above average) and twilight is absolute garbage.

Objectivly, harry potter is very well written. Its only when you compare it to more mature stuff like Lord of the Rings that it falters.
That said, if you're a kid you should deff. seek out LotR's ahead of harry potter. If you're not a kid, you can skip it all together but dont be a dick and try to equate it was shit like twilight.

The series does not appeal to me at all, but i have friends who are younger, who read it growing up, and in their opinion its something that works better as a movie than book series... So it might be a better idea to just plop down and spend 14 hours(hopefully over the span of a week and not all consecutively) watching the movies instead.

>> No.2237992

why are all of the people who defend this book literally retarded

>> No.2237999


that it is not literature, therefore you are in the wrong board.

>> No.2238038
File: 681 KB, 2185x2964, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literature is simpy an idea expressed in words you pretentious fuck
some lit is more complex
this doesn't cheapen less complex lit

>> No.2238060

Not bad. Better than Twilight by many times, at least, take that as you will.

It's a shame the movies attracted the sort of squealing fangirls that like Meyer's anal seepage to the books, I wouldn't be surprised if it influenced Rowling. Might be why HP turned to shit in the last couple of books.

>> No.2239110

I could never get into the LotR. Hobbit was good, but then it just got steeped in itself, and I really can't stand Tolkien's prose, even though I know that if I don't rein myself in I get the same way.

Huck Finn *was* a children's book, though...

The strength of the Harry Potter series was it's ability to grow with the core audience. I only wish other series did the same.

I recently rewatched them all, and the only one that really even compares to the book is the Deathly Hallows. And even then it leaves out huge bits, that just feel awkward.

One thing that struck me was how in 4 and 5 they barely ever mention the word Auror, but then in 6 McGonagal says to Harry "didn't you want to be an Auror, Mister Potter? You'd better take Potions even though you failed it like a shithead last year" even though in the movie they never made a big deal out of him wanting to be an Auror.

>> No.2239112

Fun books. No reason not to read them. The first few are kids stuff but it grows up. It's all about bad ass wizard battles dude.

>> No.2239113

Also Snap is one of the greatest tragic heroes in literary history.

>> No.2239115

Harry Potter is crap.

But /lit/ has been discussing Eragon lately, so I bet you fags all love Harry Potter.

>> No.2239117

Pretty good, how the fuck have you not read it?

>> No.2239118


Never read any Eragon, but I love Harry Potter.

What now?

>> No.2239119

Harry didn't fail potions. He got exceeds expectations. Snape would only accept students with an outstanding but the new teacher slughorn was fine with exceeds expectations.

I like the Harry potter series. In terms of childrens literature, one of the best examples ever. Great books.