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File: 233 KB, 750x1000, germs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22375528 No.22375528 [Reply] [Original]

You have no idea how incredible Germans really are. Germans are to whites as whites are to niggers. They do everything with maximum autism. Now they are all dead of course, today's Germans are as related to real Germans as today's Greeks are related to Plato and Aristotle. But the joy of reading pure German autism in the original autistic German language, if you have autism, is indescribable. Even their engineering and architecture is perfect, every line is perfect, everything they do has the same mechanical precision emanating from Bach-like autistic powers of immanent abstraction.

>> No.22375789

worthless literature. subpar poetry at best. everything that remains of their philosophy now has only historical value. great music. nowadays, comatose and cultureless country. the end.

>> No.22376011

>t. normie

>> No.22376018

You didn't understand Faust Part Too Electric Boogaloo, did you?

>> No.22376020

du solltest mal an meinen eiern lecken

>> No.22376105

kek, this is so wrong in many levels. if you would told kant that he was an idealist in his lifetime, he would probably chase you with a stick.

>> No.22376137

>transcendental idealism

>> No.22376146

>he hasnt read the anglos
lol. Keep trying little buddy.

>> No.22376149

transcendental idealism and german idealism are entirely different concepts. Kant isn't a textbook idealist as according to his system knowledge is still derived from an object of a possible experience where he holds them as real.

>> No.22376157

Dont bother with this schizo. He thinks that Kant had a vision of the absolute and knew intellektuelle anschauung was real but wrote the critique of pure reason to “troll normies.”

>> No.22376158

I seriously doubt that OP is unaware of every writer shilled incessantly throughout the literature of the language this thread uses.

>> No.22376167

He thinks anglo philosophy ended at hume because hume was the last anglo to influence the german idealists. He isnt so much unaware as willfully ignorant due to his autistic tunnel vision.

>> No.22376182

the concept of absolute exists in Kant but it's completely unrelated to his transcendental philosophy and more related to his critique of aesthetic judgement.

>> No.22376216

>it's completely unrelated to his transcendental philosophy
not if you read between the lines

>> No.22376644

as Hegel wrote in the foreword to Logic: all contemporary philosophy is founded on Kant's philososphy

>> No.22376872

That doesn’t mean thatHegel was a kantian dude.

>> No.22376992

he called himself a kantian, retard.

>> No.22376995

That doesn’t mean that he was a Kantian.

>> No.22377016

ok.. true. no one was a kantian except for Kant

>> No.22377021

Correct. Kant’s philosophy was so bad that everyone who cane after him had to rework it fundamentally.

>> No.22377027
File: 17 KB, 212x300, KantiusMaximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>system knowledge is still derived from an object of a possible experience where he holds them as real.
no the thing in itself, for us human beings, is a only void concept necessary for the satisfaction of reason, in the same way God is. But in the same way Kant leaves the question on God (as distinct from our concept of God) as unanswerable theoreticallly, he leaves the question of the thing in itself (as distinct from our concept of the thing in itself) as unanswerable theoretically. The thing in itself as thing in itself is an object of rational faith grounded on practical reason, not theoretical reason, and so he is still an idealist, a transcendental idealist.

>> No.22377031

Falsch. I am a Kantian.

>> No.22377032

>I am a Kantian
>knowingly contradicts kant with the cope that he was “trolling normies”

>> No.22377054
File: 1.63 MB, 1698x1170, IntellektuelleAnschauungeren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The letter of the law and the spirit of the law are two possible ways to regard rules, or laws. To obey the letter of the law is to follow the literal reading of the words of the law, whereas following the spirit of the law means enacting the intent behind the law.

There is a difference between the rote form of a philosophical science and its subjectively incorporated understanding, or what Fichte (following Kant, following St. Paul) referred to as the relation between the ‘letter’ and the ‘spirit.’

>> No.22377097

Ich bin doch stark der Meinung, dass Ausländer die Finger von unseren Denker lassen sollten.

>> No.22377104

fucking kek

>> No.22377111

I agree.

t. Anglo

Anglos are just shittier degenerated Germans. Brits should have allied with the Nazis instead of fighting and destroying themselves for the bankers to win in the end.

>> No.22377119

>You have no idea how incredible Germans really are.

In being delusional? Haha i agree 100%

>> No.22377133

Are you even white?

>> No.22377311

you dont know german, you havent read anything outside Goethe , Mann , Rilke.

>> No.22377358

Yes, Germans are great.

— Great engineers
— Great musicians
— Great cake-makers

I only hope they manage to throw off the shackles of guilt that have bound them for the past eighty years. Then once again they can BECOME WHO THEY ARE.

>> No.22377519
File: 196 KB, 797x1200, german octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because Nietzsche argued the great Germans were probably not German enough and that this was why they were great, and he always criticized the Germans as being basically uncivilized hicks who were too serious, depressed, and militant without true fullness of life, being instead in usual denial of life. If it weren't for the psychological conditioning that Germans did on the whole world via WW2, people would actually agree with Nietzsche more. Even calling them "Germans" is a disservice. They are Deutsch, from Theodiscus or Theudis, meaning basically "those folksy people who don't speak the Latin" back when it was devised as a term. These Deutsch are only a subset of the whole German family, and in the old days, it was actual Germans (Franks and such) calling them Theodiscus for being too backwater and uncivilized even during the middle ages. The Germans who had civilization (like the Franks) adopted Latin and now speak Romance languages or Romance-inspried like the Norman-altered Anglos. The Germans are hicks. They didn't even have a country for centuries, they were a bunch of little merchant republics. People today forget Central Europe's geographical distinctness before the late 1800s was that it consisted in a bunch of subdivided princedoms without unity or any heritage of unity proper, specifically the Italians and Germans as well as the Swiss, Dutch, and arguably even the Austrians (their non-Austrian holdings aside). This was a transitional stage of backwaterness only slightly better than the Latin Eastern European stage of Hungary and Poland and Sweden and their possessions like Finland, Croatia, and Lithuania, and the even further Orthodox Easterners (Russians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians) who achieved nothing because Mongols and Turks ruled over them too long. If it weren't for Hitler Nazi WW2 psychological propaganda brainwash, everyone would still view Germany like another Italy: some second central European backwater country, on the edges of Western Europe, whose proper western countries like France and Britain actually had a long tradition of national identity and colonialism/imperialism.