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22372183 No.22372183 [Reply] [Original]

chilling in thailand edition

previous >>22364680

>> No.22372226

Did your parents set you up for success in life? If not, did they try but fail? Did they not even try?

>> No.22372262

Having untreated adhd is like having your mind be an old train going full throttle but not moving an inch. Only sparks and smoke. The noise gets tiresome. Wish I could read for longer periods of time in one sitting.

>> No.22372280

... to forge the uncreated conscience of my race...

>> No.22372315

They tried halfheartedly. Overall, they did not but I don't know if that's on them or because I had better plans and rarely accepted anything. My father wanted me to take over his business (a market stall) and I went to college instead. It's free in my country but I had no education whatsoever regarding superior Ed and I had to sacrifice a lot and go through a lot of struggles to get where I am now. I'd say internet set me up for success at 90% and my parents did the bare minimum so maybe 10%. They did raise me seriously until I was 11 (they divorced and just fed me afterwards) though so I owe them a lot for being alive.

>> No.22372321

i wonder if my air conditioner is making me sick somehow. i feel ok during the week, but then on the weekend i feel tired, weak, chills, etc. at first i thought maybe it's some new covid strain but this happened at least two weeks now, maybe three.

>> No.22372325

Dang I really miss Thailand, need to head back there.
Anyone been?

>> No.22372333

What is even the point of studying law if law is just the pretext under which the elites enforce their will and codify their interests? I never understood this angloid sentiment that law is this sentient, autonomous thing that exists on its own. It is made by the elites to serve the elites, any other thing it does is completely coincidental and secondary to this primary purpose.

>> No.22372334

where can I legally and safely try opium. which countries are safe for a westerner to visit in which they can legally consume opium

>> No.22372367 [DELETED] 

you can't "understand" because you doubtless live in some corrupt cleptocracy probably catholic. of course you won't understand how northern european protestant law works.

>> No.22372372

What is the point of studying anything?

Artificial intelligence will do all jobs soon

>> No.22372375

llms are just glorified let-me-google-that-for-yous.

>> No.22372381

Not sure what llms means but that anon's point about AI is correct, we're all fucked

>> No.22372385

if you don't know what an llm is you might not be qualified to talk about ai

>> No.22372386

The real trouble is finding people who aren't let-me-google-that-for-yous.

>> No.22372388
File: 212 KB, 750x1000, fcp,small,wall_texture,product,750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the dank depths of the darksome woods,
Where fearful whispers breathe the glooms,
There lay a hallowed ground once tread,
By maidens, matrons, crones and brood.
A cabal of hagcraft queens ensnared,
Tried by the gallows hand of law,
Scented blossoms filled the airwaves,
As mandrake root writhed on the floor.
The hangman's knot did tighten its grip,
Then softest snores within the gloom,
Shadows flickered 'neath moon's silvery cup,
And stole away before the dawn.
Night's veil fell; alchemists convene,
Permit signed, and secret rituals begin,
Lifting skirts and plucking mooncups,
Seeking balms beneath the pyre's brim.
Copious, acrid yet fragrant loams,
Flowers and roots and dreams intertwine,
In potions, tonics, philters bright,
From midnight's fruit of death's design.
A whimsy cure of acrobatic provenance,
Ambergris of witches now proclaimed,
From pallid haunches in the moonbeam sky
This sometime gift from cauldron'd sigh.

>> No.22372391

We're all qualified to talk about AI's broad implications dw + relax

>> No.22372397

Enlighten me, how does it work. Law always serves those who have the power to dictate it and enforce it. People with the power to dictate law and those who are subject to said law are two completely separate groups who never overlap. How could they overlap? Who would judge the judges? On what basis?

>> No.22372404

Just forget about it dude

>> No.22372409

Upon the gallows tree, where ten
Were duly hanged, their bodies swaying free,
The townsfolk shuddered with fearful awe,
But 'twas not just death that brought them here.

For those who sought to brew strange potions
Knew well the power of an executed
And so the alchemists did come forth,
With spades and buckets ready at hand.

In darkness, guided by lantern light,
They made their way through streets still wet
From recent rains that left each step a squelch
As if to warn them off their quest.

But no delay could they afford
Lest others take the rich rewards they hoard
And so with practiced haste they came
To where the dead were now proclaimed.

With gentle touch and soft apologies,
They tended to the ladies fair,
Whose bodily offerings they must use
To brew remedies rare and spare.

Oh, how the scent of daisies filled the air,
A fragrance sweet and pure, divine,
Yet mingled with another, ranker smell
That marked the night as truly mine.

For here upon the grassy sod
Lay offerings most unusual yet od,
Executed witches whose fates are sealed
By moonlit sky above.

With care they searched beneath each skirt,
Discovering secrets long kept hidden there,
Nightsoil, aromatic, ambergris
Of alchemists most rare.

Each blessed sponge, designed for use
To capture every precious drop
Of ambergris was drawn and spread
Across each lady's lower half.

And though some may deem their trade unsavory,
These seekers know the truth we bear:
No flower nor fruit holds magic quite
Like the essence born from mystery.

So let us raise our cups and cheer,
For alchemists near and far,
Who gather secrets yearned for clear
Through the realm of earth and star!

>> No.22372410

grow up dude

>> No.22372421

In the land of smiles, where beauty hides,
A tapestry woven with contrasting tides,
Thailand's grace may not be for all to see,
But deeper truths lie in its complexity.

Amidst the chaos of urban sprawl,
In hidden corners where shadows fall,
Ugliness may seem to have its sway,
Yet look beyond, let perceptions sway.

Landscapes marred by progress' march,
But glimpses of charm still leave their mark,
From bustling streets to tranquil shores,
A kaleidoscope of contrasts pours.

Ugliness, a label too harsh, too bold,
For in Thailand's heart, stories unfold,
In ancient temples, history's embrace,
In humble smiles that light up the space.

For in the end, beauty's woven thread,
Resides not just in sights, but what lies ahead,
In cultures rich, traditions deep,
In unity that surpasses moments bleak.

So let's unchain our eyes from fleeting glare,
Seek the essence that's beyond compare,
In Thailand's soul, the heart's true art,
Discover the beauty that resides in every part.

>> No.22372441

i hate these dudes who ruin the wwoym with their shitty poems no one is going to read

>> No.22372445

In the realm of the digital domain,
Where anonymity shields, and words rain,
There lurks an angry commenter, fierce and bold,
A virtual warrior, his tales untold.

With fiery words, he takes his stand,
His keyboard his weapon, his reach at hand,
In the dark abyss of the online night,
He spews his anger, his words ignite.

His comments, a torrent of venom and ire,
A relentless assault, like a burning pyre,
He hurls his grievances, his rage unbound,
A tempest of words, as chaos surrounds.

Behind the cloak of anonymity he hides,
A faceless avenger, where civility subsides,
His words a storm, a tumultuous sea,
A reflection of his inner agony.

What drives this anger, this fury so raw,
A story untold, a wound that still gnaw,
Perhaps he's a victim of life's cruel sting,
Or a soul who's forgotten how kindness can sing.

In this vast digital landscape, he roams,
A lone warrior in the midst of online homes,
His anger a shield, his words a sword,
Yet deep within, a cry for connection is stored.

For underneath the bravado, the rage,
Lies a heart seeking solace in this digital age,
A reminder that behind every screen's glare,
A complex human story, hidden layers to bear.

So as we encounter the wrath in his tone,
Let's remember that empathy's seeds are sown,
Behind the anger, a soul lost in its plight,
A chance to extend understanding, bring back the light.

>> No.22372466
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พูดไทยได้ไหม ไหนพูดไทยให้ฟังหน่อย ถ่ายจากจับหวัดไหนหรอ have a good trip

>> No.22372643

almost caught hypothermia last night by setting the thermostat to 40 F.

>> No.22372679
File: 1.06 MB, 2207x1895, IMG_5114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just been contemplating my own mind. i feel as though i spent a lot of time in my life looking for a role-model/idol/ideal to emulate. of course people are flawed, so i always would see the lack in even the greatest people and then continue the search to find someone worthy of emulation. In reality i should have just focused on making myself the person i wanted to discover, i can’t fully describe it and it sounds very strange i am sure but that’s what’s been on my mind. also i am considering only reading and not having any video or audio stimulation for a few weeks, i feel that the constant bombardment of music and tech distractions does actually make me have less unique thoughts. It’s like the constant noise forces my brain to just constantly work to juggle the stimulus and not be able to have any peace of its own.

>> No.22372958

I think my new female coworker spends all her time shitting on me when I'm not around. I've made sure I only opened my mouth to say nice things about everyone for the past 6 months so I'm not sure if I'm being fired at or not. No one really told me she is being a hypocrite but it's just—I don't know. I know she hates me. I just know it. I see it every day with how she's always criticizing everyone and sometimes whispers with my other coworker. Last week a secretary asked me what I thought of her and I said she's competent and nice, which is also true. Not sure if this is my lack of confidence talking or whatever. The office feels like middle school sometimes and since everyone hates outliers and I'm one (I'm on 4chan) I just feel a target on m'y back every time I walk somewhere.

>> No.22372980

>i spent a lot of time in my life looking for a role-model/idol/ideal to emulate
me too. I havent achieved individuation myself. I see others as better than me because somehow they manage in this society without any anxiety or dread and on top of that score friendships and relationships.

>> No.22372983

I postulate two types of telepathy: active and passive. Active telepathy is telepathy proper: the standard definition (an unproven phenomenon). Passive or fossil telepathy may have a predominantly material basis in so far as it is not an energy or force in itself, but rather a potentially exceedingly complex system of subconscious cues or cues that act on the subconscious, much as non verbal music, but whose content is gramnatico syntactical, lexical, gestural and tonal (in the case of spoken language), and creates a subconscious effect in the receiver that is akin to telepathy, but not a crude or caricatural force that is beamed into a receivers head independent of the content of any message that may coincide with the hypothesized telepathic phenomenon proper.

>> No.22372986

You may have some paranoid symptoms that are manifesting. Even if she is, a lot of people wouldn't care in the way you are caring here, they'd be more mundane and normie about it. You should keep an eye on these thoughts because paranoia is one of the most insidious forms of delusion, because it always seems 1000% irrefutable and makes you think 'okay this actually proves I'm not just being paranoid' when you suffer from it. That doesn't mean you have to slingshot in the opposite direction and assume nothing is going on. It just means you have to remain agnostic and do a lot of self care like checking things with other people and having people you can trust and confide in so they can give you reality checks and bring you back down to earth.

That's just if you are being paranoid, which may not be the case. The tone of your post just matched how it has manifested for me and other people I've known. Especially with noticing the whispers. That's a common one. Sorry if I'm totally off base in suggesting this.

But if it's not the case you should still investigate the how and why of your caring about this. You may be overthinking it out of autism, even if she is doing it. If she's doing something like that, she's just a bad and immature person. Those abound in offices because they have empty lives and petty resentment and rivalries are their only form of entertainment. You can't always control the situation when there's one stirring up shit. Offices always feel like middle school and you are right the people there are turbonormies who have evolved throughout their lives to notice oddballs and destroy them. I remember some guy I watched in a video once saying he could tell right away that all the women hated him in any office he started working at, even if he tried to be meek and agreeable, just because he was a fat nerdy archetype of guy and he could feel like they wanted someone to hate. He's the lowest on the totem pole. Offices suck ass. I think a degree of acceptance of this can help you maintain a strategic distance from it, and strategically manage it the best you can, while also accepting that you can't stop every crazy petty cunt from spreading rumors or causing a problem sometimes.

>> No.22372987

To become a genius add up all the intelligence of your past.

>> No.22372993

if a genius adds up all the intelligence of his past, it would be exorbitantly greater than if a non-genius did, and in fact it would actually increase the gap.

>> No.22373003


>> No.22373018

I propose two types of lebrygthon: bilmuck and rextrip. bilmuch lebrygthon is lebrygthon proper: the standard definition. rextrip or hurgen lebrygthon may have a predominantly frexcock basis insofar as it is not an elmicke or heverd in itself, but rather a potentially exceedingly bleft bliz of bruplodge hons or hons that act on the bruplodge, much as non verbal music, but whose plink is bhargeto linxasifal, brentil, perfid, and limeal (in the case of trex), and creates a bruplodge effect in the slapto that is akin to lebrygthon, but not a crude or caricatural heverd that is humorded into a slapto's bimin indpendent of the plink of any tippo that may coincide with goorgedized lebrygthonic wipro proper.

>> No.22373106

I'd like to think this proves my point in a way, but in any case your response is over the top in that's not even funny, it just reads as engrafted hysteria.

>> No.22373149
File: 53 KB, 604x370, 9EB3B2A9-AD58-4EA6-89AF-7957B1ECDCFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it. who deleted the nostalgia feels thread? anyways here's my reply:

depressing thread bros. can relate tho. hit the 30 threshold. the old me is dead. he's never coming back. the people I knew then are dead and gone, the places are still in the same space, but not in the same time. but that's life. just reminds you to-- oh idk-- damn OP why'd you have to give me these feels?

>> No.22373158

I’m thinking about distancing myself from my father. It wouldn’t be the first time we had no contact. I’m just not sure if I can get over my grievances with this relationship and I think it might be better for me to cut ties.

>> No.22373166

what he do?

>> No.22373281 [DELETED] 

it's weird my 20s are a total dead space of memories. it's not like i didn't do anything. i was involved in sports, activism, did a bachelors, etc. but i'm rarely nostalgic for it.

>> No.22373291 [DELETED] 

ok this does bring me back, used to listen to this shit on my way to class on my weird autistic mp3 player since i obviously couldn't get an ipod like a pleb

>> No.22373417

Why are daddy issues such a common occurrence in these threads? We should collect some data to see if they’re more common than mommy issues.

>> No.22373463
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Life is pretty rad, and I hope it continues this way. Just quit my job for being too easy (Unironically) I'm nervous as fuck because it's been my life for a good amount of years. Excited too. I really hope I get to keep living a good life for a long time yet. I think it would be a shame to not see another sunset

>> No.22373470

I love mommy, I resent daddy for raising me with libtard boomer maxims like "be urself", "respect women" that terribly hampered my development. I don't blame him because he didn't know better, I still love him and get along with him but he's really the quintessential libtard boomer so there's not much to talk to him about.

>> No.22373476

Willy Wonka called. He's missing a Loompa.

>> No.22373530

>I resent daddy for raising me with libtard boomer maxims like "be urself", "respect women"
Hey man it worked for him

>> No.22373535

I'm severely autistic.

>> No.22373601
File: 197 KB, 1080x1920, 6101767-diablo-3-games-pc-games-xbox-games-hd-warrior-wings-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paladins are like marmite, you either think they're absolutely awesome. Or you hate them and think they're cringe

>> No.22373611
File: 323 KB, 1034x1058, Metagame_Theory1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My righteous fury at the ongoing destruction of the future of everything I care about due to the rule of nihilistic power-addicts continues to grow.

My rage is absolutely murderous.

I hate the Earth-destroyers more than you can possibly imagine, because the magnitude of my hate necessarily matches my endless love for life, humanity, and Earth.

This isn't a fucking game to me, and never was.

This is war, the true war to end all wars, the war against all the lifestyle warmongers in the world who make a living by creating conflict where none exists so they can exploit it, because they only know how to play zero-sum games.


>> No.22373712

Why am I so addicted to this place? Weed and alcohol, I went off them no problem, but for some reason I feel compelled to come back here every day. I can't even explain the draw, I actively hate it. I come here and argue and call everyone retarded. Maybe I need somewhere to vent my spleen but good god why must it be here?

>> No.22373714
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same brother. I think it's the (you)s.

>> No.22373715

i was just thinking the same thing. the people that post on here are so fucking dumb or pretending to be. just a major waste of time. this place truly sucks ass man.

>> No.22373722

and yet, here we are.

>> No.22373735

i need to get one of those cisco firewalls they have at work that blocks all the shitty sites like this, i wonder how much they go for on ebay, surely some defunct startups must have dumped a bunch of them on the refurbished market

>> No.22373738

I've accomplished nothing today.
I woke up at 6, drank a protein shake, then went back to mindlessly scrolling on various websites. The most productive thing I've done today is chop down a fallen tree with a chainsaw and move the wood into a pile, and that took less than 30 minutes.
Just got done making a very mediocre chili con carne, it wasn't worth the 'effort' and now I want to toss it out.
I think I may have low grade depression

>> No.22373743

trust me, addicts will find a way. what we need is full rehab.

>> No.22373744

4chan anonymous 12 step program

>> No.22373755

the most difficult part is answering the question: so what? I've been productive for long periods of time and accomplished things I didn't think possible through sheer will power and determination and then, when I'm done, I'm like "ok, now what?" It's a never ending hamster wheel and the alternative is that corrosive feeling of emptiness.

>> No.22373769

the truth remains that I experience the world more than she does, feel it more than she does
if we marry I will enjoy it more than her, if we have children I will enjoy them more than she can
it's not because she doesn't try but because she simply cannot experience deeper motions as I can

>> No.22373771


>> No.22373776

dump her bro. it's for the best.

>> No.22373794

its ok its a metaphor about my relationship with booze, I'm still a virgin

>> No.22373799 [DELETED] 

this song is number 2 on apple music trending after some urban latino shit

>> No.22373843

What do you think will happen to the sons of daughters or parents who never had real professions but were mere middle managers and symbol analysts for corporations? History seems to love the sons and daughters of lawyers, professors, civil servants and army officers but not so much the sons and daughters of branch managers or general managers at a chain of restaurants.

>> No.22373853

I want this family to be better but sometimes I worry that not only will I not achieve anything but my descendants won’t even have the ambition to achieve anything. I confess that I’ve come to resent my parents a little for merely not sharing my concerns.

>> No.22373961
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After about half a decade of believing in god I have realized that there's literally no reason to believe in him. I was an atheist most of my life, i had what I thought was a divine experience and spent the past half decade thinking i really did feel God's presence when really it was just material phenomena happening in the brain. and since that is most likely the case there's just simply no reason to assume there's a god. everything in this world can be explained. Maybe not by us, there is the problem of epistemology but ultimately with enough resources and computing power literally everything can be explained as the result of pure material existence, untainted by any metaphysical notions. I mean basically i have just as much reason to believe in god as a flying spaghetti monster, essentially. I can't believe i wasted a good part of my twenties and alienated myself over nothing, but oh well. time to actually start living life to the fullest, something a god, if one could even possibly exist, would want me to do anyway. I've never felt such joy in my life, honestly.

>> No.22373976

and this goes along with it, but there's no afterlife either, at most you may experience conscious phenomena when the pineal gland excretes that dmt just before one dies (or after, i can't remember nor even know if its true at all anyway, i've just heard it before).

>> No.22373998

Congrats you are now losing

>> No.22374005

losing what lmao

>> No.22374131

Boomers ruined my life

>> No.22374141

?? Most of the early civil service grows out of
>mere middle managers and symbol analysts for corporations
The British and Dutch Indian companies were just too large to not legitimise. Half the time these guys got legitimised in retrospect, like the time Britain invaded Hong Kong because that was more profit than catching British drug smugglers
>not so much the sons and daughters of branch managers or general managers at a chain of restaurants.
Lloyd's of London literally starts as a coffeehouse.

>> No.22374217

The odd thing is that I don't feel at all compelled to spend time on any other board. I used to spend time on /mu/, /b/, /r9k/, /tg/, /x/, and /ck/ but I eventually left them all for various reasons and never looked back. This is the only one I can't shake, and I don't know why

>> No.22374274

how do I decide between playing call of duty and reading ulysses?

>> No.22374452 [DELETED] 

i find it helps to just think about how fucking stupid a lot of the regular posters are. i remember when gardner was trying to make a youtube channel and he was spamming videos and i watched some and it was like woah these are the kind of absolute morons you post with on /lit/. i stopped going on /lit/ for like two months but then idk i had a bad day at work or something and started using again.

>> No.22374458

gardner is an outlier

>> No.22374466 [DELETED] 

ok how about that fat kid who calls everything "goyslop" god what a fuckhead

>> No.22374480

>that fat kid who calls everything "goyslop"
literally who? I only recognize guenonfag, kantposter, and the other guy

>> No.22374482

>but ultimately with enough resources and computing power literally everything can be explained as the result of pure material existence
You didn't stop being religious, you just swapped faith in God for faith in scientism.

>> No.22374489

what happened to the cute jewess thread?

>> No.22374491

Not really what I meant. I literally meant the sons and daughters of modern people that have weird symbol analyst and middle management jobs. You don’t find an analogue to these people in history books and even in modern day they don’t seem to do anything remarkable.

>> No.22374549

>go into gas station to get drink
>walk up to register
The attendant is just smirking at me, like I'm the most ridiculous sight he's seen all day. And he must see some crazy sights, yet I'm somehow more ridiculous than a grungy man who digs through the trash for food.
Wtf is so funny about me? I notice this all the time and I don't get it.

>> No.22374552

I was thinking of becoming a heroin addict. I hate my life right now

>> No.22374559

Atheists deserve the rope

>> No.22374561

Most people don't do anything remarkable. I know a family where the parents are both decorated generals who went on to work in the state department. One kid is a failson, the other works some dull office job.

>> No.22374574

Zulu woman is seducing me on college campus despite me being
What happens if I tell her
Rhodesians never die?

>> No.22374590

This one guy keeps hacking my computer and installing spyware on my phone. He did it to all the devices in my house and messed up my tablet. Then he hacked into all my accounts and deleted all my data.

I don't know him anymore but I'm sure he's a nice guy. I just want to watch TV
How do you guys deal with rude people?

>> No.22374594

that's what's supposed to happen in a meritocracy

>> No.22374595

Dude check out Girard and his mimetic theory. If you're interested in biology or psychology it makes a lot of sense

>> No.22374611
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I solved Buddhism

>> No.22374613

Dad didn't care, grew up without him.
Mom had 4 kids to take care of. All of them high maintenance. She tried but is also at fault for leaving my dad.
So no and I don't feel at all guilty to them for not making them proud. Me and my brothers are a disaster in different ways and it's no coincidence.

>> No.22374619
File: 66 KB, 500x262, tumblr_inline_nwkj43juVl1ttbdeg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old people swiping at candy crush on the same smartphone that has all the money of millenials and zoomers that they needed to start families years ago is what a meritocracy looks like right.
Bonus points for elderly tech support that never accomplishes anything.

In pitbull we trust

Nothing prohibited everything is permitted, except for eugenics NOW THAT'S ULTIMATE EVIL i mean cmon!

>> No.22374621

Where do I sacrifice my babies, PitGODD?

>> No.22374630
File: 133 KB, 1920x1040, MV5BODU4ZTE2MmYtMGQ2MS00MzQ4LTlmMzQtNDJlZjVmNzRmMjRjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjczOTE0MzM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22374645
File: 667 KB, 800x1041, 1686692459244835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon closer examination, one can see how Bikini Bottom is an allegory for the destiny of Faustian Europe. Squidward represents the Apollonian Aryan man. Stern. Cultured. Full of the creative Hyperborean SOVL and solar aristocratic character. And yet...there is a tragic aspect to his character. In that his spiritual and creative passions are given no place in the degenerate modernistic kosher bachannal that is KRABS run Bikini Bottom.

>> No.22374654
File: 325 KB, 654x482, 1683318537925498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spongebob represents the Dionysean aspect of Aryan culture. He js the unawakened gentile who has sucoombed to cultural marxist brainwashing: always maintaining a cheery carefree demeanor, yet fawning and servile for the semitic crustacean power structure.

>> No.22374672

But Squidward is terrible at every creative thing he attempts

>> No.22374675
File: 182 KB, 500x282, Tumblr_lq0j52Fbxg1qg4m1u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrick represents the indoctrination to integration of primitive negroidic blood into the formerly HUWHITE pure ethnos. He is an UTTER BUFFOON: an unproductive antisocial drain on society and yet the good goy SpongeBob has been conditioned to accept his friendship (unaware of how his own way of life is gradually suCOOMING to the chtonic subterranean negroid elements)

>> No.22374684

whats wrong with being yourself and respecting women?

>> No.22374687
File: 45 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I'm sure you're all aware...well aware...
Mr Krabs represents NONE OTHER
As while not only a filthy money grubber,
it is shown in Season 1 Episode 12
that he is pushing RACEMIXING on the racially unaware Spongebob by trying to set him up...
on a date...
with his ball busting whale of a daughter, Pearl!
Clearly, this show was ahead of its time.
Thank you for joining me today.
This was yet another episode of American Dissident Voices with Dr William Luther Pierce. Thank you for the support by viewers like you

>> No.22374696
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What 40 hr workweek and wage slave poverty does to a mf

>> No.22374698

My extended family has been part of the Mormon church for 5 generations. Their faith has been a source of comfort, a community, a pillar of support during tough times, a refuge, a source of purpose and meaning. My mother and father believe that I am a believing Mormon like they raised me to be, that I will eventually marry in the temple and thus prove that they succeeded as parents in rearing me in a Godly manner.
I'm about to inform them otherwise. As a consequence I expect that my relationship with my immediate and extended family will become strained, that my mother will be deeply saddened, that my father will wonder where he went wrong. I expect my sister and older brother to attempt to convince me otherwise using the persuasive techniques they learned as missionaries, my grandparents to write and call with concerned words. I halfway expect to be written out of the will or even disowned, based on what I've seen happen to others. Doing this may strain my already strained family beyond repair; the tensions hidden under the idyllic image of family-centric Mormon life which we have all tried hard to project onto ourselves and each other will come to light eventually and this will be an excellent opportunity. I will likely become significantly more isolated and atomized by going through with this, and find myself lonelier than I previously thought possible.
I can't stop myself. What can be destroyed by the truth deserves to be destroyed. It has to happen.

>> No.22374701

honestly i wasn't sure where u were going with this shit until
>This was yet another episode of American Dissident Voices with Dr William Luther Pierce.
lmao my abs got a workout

>> No.22374702

That's grim.

>> No.22374708
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230725_174811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally tried the infamous avocado toast and it SUCKS,I'm convinced its popularity is just a Boomer meme, no one can like this tasteless piece of bread that much

>> No.22374711

Ripped from the evocative meditations I had today on the original spot on impersonation impression bit linked below

>> No.22374714

Drown it in lime
I just do guac and chips like a regular human bean

>> No.22374715

you probably just had a bad avocado. the bad ones are tasteless, like you said. the good ones are very flavourful.

>> No.22374720

I’m jealous when I see people able to look back on their college years and twenties fondly, and they can share pictures of themselves young, handsome, in great shape, never did anything embarrassing.

>> No.22374723

assuming you're a real person and not a creative writing exercise why don't you move to the west coast or whatever and tell them you still go to church but you're really busy working at a startup and can't get married. eventually they'll miss you and won't care what you're doing or they'll get old and die off. no need to have some weird apocalyptic show down.

>> No.22374725

Two words:
White wives

>> No.22374727

Real tired of dealing with abuse and bad behavior from niggers. I am naturally a nice person but I am beginning to hate niggers.

>> No.22374729

examples? i have no blacks where i live so i have no experience with them.

>> No.22374733

Dragon Ball is a Superman ripoff.

>> No.22374746

>weird apocalyptic show down
Well it wouldn't end up that way if they didn't believe in weird apocalyptic space Jesus nonsense in the first place. Deviating even a little from the "acceptable" life path for Mormons already makes one an outlier in their communities; someone from an old Mormon family quitting the whole thing usually ends up being fairly painful for everyone involved.
I could always just lie, go to church with them a handful of times a year when I visit home, and make them see what they want to see, but for one I refuse to live untruthfully or in a way that does not align with my values and for two I would eventually end up in a situation where I have to reveal that I haven't attended Mormon services in years anyway. I narrowly missed something like that last year but it was by sheer luck alone. I figure it's better to lay it all out myself than let my parents find out in a backhanded way later - I still love them even if I think they raised me in a cult.
This isn't meant to be a writing exercise, it's just me ranting because I have no one else to talk to.
It's not worth it. If I married a believing Mormon girl I would inevitably end up divorcing her or I would lose my mind pretending to be something I'm not. I'd rather become a wizard than live a lie.

>> No.22374754


>> No.22374755
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Only at Z when they rebooted the martial arts for space man baby.
Goku is all about nature over nurture. American dub ruined this. The Legendary Super Saiyain is when Goku realizes WHO HE IS
Not who he thinks he is
You got this lion. He's the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He's laying under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He's so big, it's so hot. He doesn't want to move. Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn't do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They're barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that's in his domain. They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder. Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. Runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.

>> No.22374756

i'm just surprised cuz for the last couple years /lit/ has been filled with dudes who love culty religious stuff like that.

>> No.22374761

Im a fake christian for the sole purpose of grifting boomers, Gringo. I prefer to be colonized by Jeets than by Anglos

>> No.22374765

oh fuck that ruled

>> No.22374766

Okay maybe god exists but I really feel like that’s just coping and eventually science will solve consciousness and thus literally no reason to believe in a god. But then again I can’t help but think maybe he does and that I should have faith. I don’t know what to do I’m losing it

>> No.22374768

lol how did i miss this

>> No.22374777

>unemployed grown men standing around all day chitchatting, smoking weed, screaming
>women constantly screaming
>trashy fights in street constantly
>constant fender benders, imagine a child driving a car and trying to do "cool" shit constantly
>random schizos looking for a fight with a stranger make up 10-20% of them
>bitch has a screaming fight with someone on her phone underneath an apartment building window from 2-6AM so hundreds of people have to listen to her
>if you glance at any of them doing anything annoying, they start shit with you because they feel you judging them
>incompetent service everywhere they work, they massively resent having a job, literally feel entitled to saunter around leaving 500 customers waiting while they chat with eachother
>retarded incompetent entitled behavior in every job, managers can't stop them and have just had to learn to tolerate it even though it's killing their business
A sample of living in a "middle class" black area. If you want to know what a ghetto is like, it's sort of like living in a fever dream where you die and don't wake up

>> No.22374781

That's life, baby

>> No.22374785

I live in the hood and like 90% of my black neighbors are really nice

>> No.22374792 [DELETED] 

one classic for me was when one of the neighbors across the street start shouting out the window at some dude knocking on her door "you gave me AIDS you mothafucka! i got AIDS!!" oh no also even better there was a guy begging to use the toilet "cousin, let me use the bathroom real quick bro BRO why u gotta do me like that BRO" someone shouts back from the second floor window "go to dunkin donuts" "i can't go to no dunkin donuts they never have no toilet paper PLEASE bro!" i mean sometimes you just have to listen like wow

>> No.22374795 [DELETED] 

ya there's a small homeless encampment behind an abandoned building down the black and they keep it super clear, always sweeping it and keeping the place tidy.

>> No.22374799

I'd say 1/3 younger blacks I met were good considerate people, while a lot of the older ones were extremely good Christian folks. But the vast majority of young ones were entitled, trashy, dangerous people and you did your best to avoid them. Even when they weren't ruining your day personally, let's just say black people feel entitled to play music really loud until 3AM outside a building filled with retirees, and they feel entitled to throw their fast food out their car window at a red light. They also make driving a constant hazard.

It should be mandatory to be a Christian if you're black.

>> No.22374800

damn dude how do you live in such a bad neighborhood are you on section 8 or something?

>> No.22374804
File: 35 KB, 678x381, American-flag-waving-with-the-Capitol-Hill-in-the-background-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to realize that for history to progress any further, the United States is going to have to be destroyed.

America is a clog of hair in the drain of history. It's holding everything up. If we want history to get moving again, someone is going to have to get the United States out of the way. One way or the other.

>> No.22374805

The US has to be revived on a racist Jeffersonian basis

Imagine no niggers from sneed to shining sneed

>> No.22374836

It's amazing how superstitious people can be. Even powerful and supposedly intelligent people aren't immune to believing stupid shit. If you're a non-believer not only are you free, you also have power over the believers' minds.
But being the shepherd must be draining. A life long commitment to lies and manipulation, making your existence a negative contribution to the world, your legacy a cancer. You really sell your soul to the devil.

>> No.22374852

I've only ever managed to burden the people I know and care about.

>> No.22374862

I don't think so, honestly. They tried their best. But ehhh, both are old boomers and often I felt like my mother smothered me and wanted me to act like my age simultaneously while my dad is a superboomer with the advice I suspect might be outdated, although he did try to teach me his craft, still does. Occasionally, I take him up on it, but only when he wants me to help him actually do something, I don't care for theory much. Doesn't help that he treats me like I'm a non-functional retard. Although I do understand he doesn't do it consciously most of the time.
What language do you think I should learn, /wwoym/?

>> No.22374914

From fuck to sucking fuck

>> No.22374918
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I am this phantom in the opera

>> No.22374932
File: 45 KB, 640x476, MV5BYWQ2NTlhNDYtNDExNC00NWMxLWE4MGUtMWM4MDgyMDc5YjYwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgyODE4NTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love church organ
>love gregorian chants
>love dreaming about biblical dramas and horrors especially from the brutal old testament
>go to sappy white people suburbs church to escape my solitude
>feel far more alone surrounded by my neighbors
>antiquity buried
>worse, dejected
>I just want to sing, play, paint, and sculpt like the old masters
>I venerate the yearning sting in my hands alone
>depart from me for I never knew you

>> No.22374935
File: 33 KB, 640x384, the-simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus rock and roll
>power point slides
>casual dress
>never any KJV
I was born in the wrong timeline

>> No.22374940
File: 179 KB, 500x500, 1689976400247214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gargoyles, sulfur brimstone and flames replaced by
>generic royalty free corporate powder blue pamphlets
>feminist mom jeans

>> No.22374947

Just go to an Orthodox church if the old style of liturgy is what you're after.

>> No.22374949

Why do south east asia street food stalls are mostly comfy and hygienic and south asian ones (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) are filthy and disgusting? What's the essential difference between those territories?

>> No.22374956


>> No.22374967
File: 16 KB, 250x186, download (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sheep is told his whole life to fear the coyote only to be eaten by the shepherd

Gotz Mit Uns

>> No.22375007

It's always interesting to study from afar. I've always been fascinated by cults, specifically the ones that actually mobilized to try and grasp power.
More so for the ones that survive their leader and transcend into a genuine religion.
I'd go as far as to say highly cohesive and organized cults subverting and converting others might be a defining feature of the coming millenniums.

>> No.22375019

While I'm not a Christian, I do relate when you speak of the old testament, it's one of the greatest works ever written. All the legends, the heroism, the horror, the tragedy. All those tiny little details.
A favorite part of mine is when the king of Israel tries to resurrect a dead prophet to give him advice, maybe because he knew deep inside that he wasn't enough. A very tragic figure, king Saul of the Israelites.

>> No.22375025

There's only two paths for me.
Either I live vicariously through art.
Or I

>> No.22375031

how do i summen a

>> No.22375078

I gave up a long time ago. I shouldn't have been alive the past 5 years. God doesn't care. He left the building.

>> No.22375086

How do I summon a sucu

>> No.22375087

nah nigga hes still there you just feel sad

>> No.22375262

I wish to express... what? Bitterness? Regret? Contrition? Yearning? What? what. what.
Something new. I want something new. I'm cornered like a rabid mutt slobbering up the walls of my kennel. Even the pressure on my eyes is old and tired and familiar. My breath is catching in my throat.
Old dreams. Old perceptions. The world looked different to my juvenile eye. And the future seemed impossibly expansive. But now it's suffocatingly constrictive. I needed to engage in something methodical. Outside of myself. It's hard to breathe, and Ihave the inexplicable urge to cry. I'm really tired of being me. I'm tired.

>> No.22375265

I got rejected by a fat ugly girls i met off tinder twice in a row. this is my lowest point.

>> No.22375278

I have a phantom itch in my soul im so fucking restless nothing I do produces the desired effect (pride, joy, just regular ol peace of mind, not venting or overconumption not nothing i want to bash my head against concrete

>> No.22375314

What is stopping you?

>> No.22375331

>tfw realized culture is just a distraction from reality and serves no other purpose
think about it, unless you're working/studying/reproducing you're just distracting yourself in elaborate ways, there's no depth or substance to anything cultural

>> No.22375336

t. an ant

>> No.22375355

Spoken Iike a true bugman, you probably won't even understand this when I put it into your terminology but the way to think about these things is 'working on your soul'.

>> No.22375359

I want to rip off my skin

>> No.22375391

>just a Boomer meme,
No it's a millennial meme but a late stage terminal one. I grew up eating avocados because they're top tier, but I'd never bother to put them on toast. They taste better in untoasted sandwiches.
But I know people my age who now eat avocado toast regularly as a hip and cool millennial thing who also would leave the fucking room in vocal disgust when I ate them as a kid. I am highly suspicious about any of them actually liking it. For example, they only seem to buy it out. They never have avocadoes at home unless vegan, and even then it's more usual for them to order it out.
I think they're buying it publicly to be seen spending money, not because they like it.

>> No.22375393

and I don't mean that culture is bad or should be gotten rid of. It's just a tool to distract you from life. Like you can't solve all your problems in one day so watching a movie to take your mind off things is a good thing to have.

But it's also not that deep, like if you seek out "deep" pieces of art you're probably just incredibly miserable and need incredibly intricate piece of art to distract you from your life, like a porn addict needing increasingly fucked up porn to get off

People think humans progresses through culture because everything else if fixed, well no, humanity can only change by changing our material conditions. Like the environment we're in, our genetic code, the technology we use or the food we consume. Culture is relatively fixed when you realize this, most stories/pieces of art just rehashes of meta-stories people have been telling for decades. The games we play are just simulated combat and have been the same since forever. The conversations we have are all the same more or less (philosophy was mapped out almost entirely by the Greeks).

Like unless you're working to keep civilisation functioning, or studying to learn how to do that or even how to improve civilisation through new technology/scientific knowledge, or having babies you're basically just going around in circles

>> No.22375402

>literally meant the sons and daughters of modern people that have weird symbol analyst and middle management jobs. You don’t find an analogue to these people in history books and even in modern day
They literally did have those jobs, and still do. Why are you assuming they didn't? It seems like you're hoping if you say stuff it becomes history, like history is your personal fanfiction project.

>> No.22375414

People don't like the idea they are not some pinnacle of history, good or bad. Anon likes to imagine being paid to go to India to set up a network and work out the trading platform with the locals, only to have it all scrapped on a whim and redesigned from above and all your analysis disregarded, is something you can't do until post 1985, because if people were doing that in 500BC then maybe anon is not living in an especially progressive age with room for superfluous jobs but just getting the normal experience of middle management since the start of civilizations.

>> No.22375419

Yeah, but the two companies I listed are direct progenitors of those jobs in the civil service. I'm not saying there aren't analogues before those companies, I'm saying those companies created job titles at that level which are still being filled by the same families as in 1600, but now the companies are owned by the state directly as its official civil service.

>> No.22375446
File: 90 KB, 388x446, 1646841510552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humidity: 62%
I fucking hate this shit.

>> No.22375539

Culture, economic factors

>> No.22375563

i felt slightly sick all week but last night i forced myself to go for a run and now i got those covid achy balls. it must be that new strain that just came out.

>> No.22375573

>Culture is relatively fixed when you realize this, most stories/pieces of art just rehashes of meta-stories people have been telling for decades. The games we play are just simulated combat and have been the same since forever. The conversations we have are all the same more or less (philosophy was mapped out almost entirely by the Greeks).
Goddamn what a blackpill.

>> No.22375605

Why is that a "blackpill" for you? People find the same stories appealing over time, so what?

>> No.22375625

>get well enough to form proper immune response
>get cold immediately

>> No.22375636

Too late to enroll in classes this fall. I’d rather do something else anyway. But what?

>> No.22375640

I’ve never felt good about the way I look in my entire life. Its always held me back.

>> No.22375642

4chan and porn binge lol

>> No.22375758

I got sexually assaulted a lot I don't mind being fat anymore.

>> No.22375781

It's wild how certain people think it's just fine to talk over you.
Simple conversation, back and forth. Then the other person decides to cut you off multiple times. I've thought about what to do in these situations. It happens often, is it for a reason?
Anyway I've thought about just powering through it, man talks through me? I just ignore it and now we have two people speaking at the same time. Until he consneeds and let me finish my thought. I've done it before and some of them have the gall to look insulted.
I am the one who should be insulted. I'm not a huge talker but god damn when I do can you shut the fuck up for one second? Why even talk to me at all if you're going to word diarrhea the entire time.

>> No.22375794

Gee. Co-workers?

>> No.22375801

co-workers, family, you name it.
It's not every day but happens enough to the point where it really annoys me.
How can people not feel rude when just talking over someone else?

>> No.22375805

Same. What I like about this place is people speak their minds. Unlike the real world, where everyone pretends to be something they're not and hate themselves for that.

>> No.22375810

With covid I redpilled my mom and I regret it ever since.
Sure it made her not get the vax and stopped her from believing regular news.
However now I have to deal with her completely going off the track.
She's sending me flat earth stuff, how Hillary got executed at Guantanamo. Wouldn't be surprised if she thinks these fires are done by space lasers at this point.

I made a mistake and I moved far away so I can't talk her out of it like I could.
Would like a regular mom back. Boomers are not fit to receive even slight redpills. I'm mostly afraid that she will alienate people she likes with this nonsense. Family, co-workers, friends etc.
I want to kill these frauds on bitchute and the likes.

>> No.22375811

Why are you jealous? Aren't you're partially responsible on making the best of your twenties?

I mean if you really regret it, better make the next second and the next and the next second (until you die) worthwhile.

>> No.22375818

>America is a clog of hair in the drain of history
I don't think so. America have many of its values imitated because people agree with it.

>> No.22375824

Idk, I did notice that too, I suppose it's just their urge, or the fact they didn't know manners or that it never occur to them as rude.

>> No.22375835

Bring her to a nice restaurant and talk about childhood or something? I was there once, like your mom, it take me a fun day, a new hobby, and a walk on the memory lane to get out of the "tinfoil hat" phase. I do think once or two about the conspiracy theories to remind myself the world is not what it seems, but I try to enjoy it too.

>> No.22375863

I can't anymore, I live a 9 hour plane ride away.
However I do talk to her about anything but that stuff on video call. She only works a couple of hours and has other hobbies. However one of those hobbies is listening to con men. All I can do is just debunk that trash, I don't know what else. She's normal outside of that stuff but I can just imagine the looks she gets if she ever brought up that nonsense with regular people.

>> No.22375940

Lol serves you right dumbass

>> No.22375947

It usually boils down to they think their thoughts are more important and urgent than yours. That's why people say things like
>If I don't say it now I'll forget it
While also showing no awareness that could be the case for other people too. They just feel their needs more than other people's.
You can call it out, but generally it's a sign the person is going to be selfish in other ways too, so you can also just take it as a hint to get that kind of thing out of your orbit as much as possible.
Sometimes if I've already decided that I have no reason to keep an interrupter in my life, instead of calling it out, or talking over them, I go with
>Oh yeah I stopped listening when you did, you'll have to repeat all that back.

>> No.22376039

>Boomers are not fit to receive even slight redpills.
there's a reason initiates were sworn to silence. it was actually for the best.

>> No.22376041

>What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9

>> No.22376042

me too. I knew that there was something about my looks and I figured it out using lookism

>> No.22376292
File: 34 KB, 399x541, Arno_Breker_werkend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember one day, maybe was the first day of my life...

>> No.22376308

Year: 2071
Golnar waits his trial.
It's a bath of blood and he knows it.
Sentenced to death for the 48 Geegiack murders.
7 years ago it was a nature of war, now it's treason.
The motorcade finally stops, and with a loud crash the car doors open and he's dumped into bright light before thousands.
Auto-Shackles disengage, and he's able to look around.
The dust settles as the cooling hiss of the door hydraulics ring out behind him.
Then begins the terror.
Scrambling, he looks around for something, anything. Only a pillar.
Within seconds, he is taken and split top to bottom by the insectoid to the crowd's delight

>> No.22376320

drinking on monday
what a life

>> No.22376338

Not that bad imo. Then again I've also gotten drunk while at work so maybe my opinion is a bit skewed

>> No.22376375

its first time for me drinking on the work day

>> No.22376386

I'm physically impaired. From a shit country. Have no friends in real life. Will never get away from my family. No philosophy speaks to me. Somewhat passionate about art and programming but I'm mediocre at both. How am I supposed to live like this?

>> No.22376403

Lmao, meanwhile, my mom:
>hates marxism, Frankfurt School (doesn't know anything about them, just hates them lol), George Soros, feminism, woke stuff, etc.
>obsessed over Hitler and nazis, almost admires him but doesn't know why he hated jews so much
>loves jews/Israel because boomer
All it would take is a little push... which I'm not doing because I don't want a chud mom

>> No.22376409

>How am I supposed to live like this?
You're not

>> No.22376450

Well it doesn't seem like I can do anything about it if that's what you're suggesting

>> No.22376479

Fuck I love Thai massages
The massage in itself is good on it's own but god damn, those women know the penis as well as the back of their tiny, nimble little hands
A 60 year old woman just jerked me off so good I ejaculated onto my forehead
I know I'm probably coming off as some kind of aged sexpest writing this but I'm really not, it's therapeutic, I always come out of there feeling like a million bucks, they're so good at raising confidence, I've become infinitely more comfortable with the size of my junk, my sexuality and being nude with others after going to those places, I think I may be ready to start pursuing a sexual life free from compensation.
God bless those women.

>> No.22376504

I'm very interested in financial independence and early retirement because I want to be left the fuck alone unless I absolutely have to interact with others. I don't want to work for the next 4 decades to realize this when I'm 65, I want to find a path to becoming a NEET in the middle of Bumfuck, Montana and live out my life like that. I'll interact with people as little as possible and act like a rude asshole when doing so in order to prevent any possible relationships from forming.

>> No.22376513

Same but then i matched with a 10/10...
She said she fell in love with me...
She banged 5 dudes...
She still met me...
And then ended up being a fat as fuck fridge body hooknose goblin with a MEAN ATTITUDE AND ROTTEN TEMPERAMENT

If God is good why WHY did God create this?

>> No.22376536

I’m on a path to retire by 50 if I want but I just feel like I’m wasting my life by pursuing that.

>> No.22376539
File: 458 KB, 580x704, 1684290578938064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nutted on a Japanese woman's big tits going into one of those places. First time touring a Chinese grandma immediately hopped on my cock in nearly uncontrolled lust.
I had a Thai woman at the scrubs wearing sign posted "legit" places frot my cock so much with her feet and the second I moaned she moved on to the rest of the massage.
Then ran into a latina masseuse...massage went well but when i got flipped over I still had my shorts on and a condom flew out of my pocket. She kicked me out without a word.

>> No.22376541

I bet you’ve not really worked that hard at art or programming thus far.

>> No.22376555

Like I said, it's not that big of a deal. Don't make a habit of it though, it's easy to just end up getting drunk every day after awhile.

>> No.22376595
File: 376 KB, 979x788, AA218BBE-2E98-4567-9C34-DE74F20D54CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found a way to read faster without losing comprehension.
>inb4 reddit

>> No.22376597

yeah, thats what I'm afraid of.
>kill time in the work to get into afterwork
>afterwork is just killing time until the work starts tomorrow

>> No.22376621

The next few year are unironically crucial.
Either I find a woman, have kids with her and do that whole shtick in the next 5 years.
Or I don't manage to do that and I would have saved a lot of money by waging like a slave for 5 years. And then I just quit my job and spend a few years being stoned, watching movies, playing games, reading books and lifting.

>> No.22376626

As long as you have something to do this isn't really a problem

>> No.22376632

What you actually want to do? You're leaving a lot up to circumstance here

>> No.22376648

But how do you not read everything aloud and not move your eyes over each individual word

>> No.22376659

Trying to relax in my room in the mental ward. I've been put in after another suicide attempt. I gave it a real go. Maybe I wrote about it on here before, I don't remember, possibly. I jumped from a bridge, fell 25 meters at least and hit a kind of a concrete quay. I am in some ways proud of this, I'm not sure why but I seem to feel like this make me bad-ass or.... something. I don't know. So now I'm in a mental hospital since a few weeks. I'm Zelda ALTTP randomizer racing on twitch. I'm finding it harder to relax here. You more or less have to interact with the other patients and it's getting harder for some reason. In a sense I suppose the hospital becomes like your home (I've been here for 5 weeks), and you need to be able to let your guard down in your home, and obviously all the other people in here are mental and I did not choose their company.

I spent most of today reading about poststructuralism in preparation for going for a bachelors in poli sci in the coming fall. I largely enjoyed it, I find thinking like that interesting. I also made the dubious which isn't to say plainly bad decision of searching my ex on face book. She had posted pictures I hadn't seen. It felt like this was good for some reason though, it gave some kind of finality to something. My relationship to her is not healthy.

>> No.22376661

Nigga what? I thought they just jerked you off
What kind of places are you going to

>> No.22376677

I want the first. However I might have fucked myself by moving to a small caribbean island.
I'll try my best, I want a kid more than anything else.
However I must be realistic and keep in mind that it might not work. I've been single for 4 years so I can imagine the next 4 single as well. Women are hard to find here. Most are tourists and 70% of this island is obese. And then you have the Spanish speaking ones

>> No.22376690

I actually technically live in a group home

>> No.22376696

It will continue to be the protagonist of history just like Hitler was for 20th century history, and the Roman Empire for all history

>> No.22376707

At least you’re not surrounded by mudsharks here in Ohio

>> No.22376709

I worked in one of those places, mostly schizophrenics
Been thinking of applying to one that hosts the autistic, reckon I'd be able to contribute a lot more with them, I don't have the first idea about how to aid schizos but each time I meet someone with debilitating autism it feels like I've known em my whole life.

>> No.22376722

The women that come here are most definitely getting freaky with some brown people.
Not mudsharks per se but into latino people.

>> No.22376723

My parents gave me the foundation to succeed, but it was more of them showing me what not to do in life versus what I can do to get ahead I’ve always been independent, though, and prefer to win/lose on my own terms. Same with my wife, who received little to nothing from her parents, but had supportive grandparents. It’s paid off, since we’ve had periods where we need to be caregivers to our parents and her grandparents. I hope to raise my son to succeed at his strengths instead of avoiding my failures.

>> No.22376725

I really dont. Thats the problem.

>> No.22376732

anybody else have that thing where you're infected with the author's prose, style, viewpoint? After a particularly inspiring read, all my writings adopt a shoddy poor stylistic imitation of the work. After finishing Lolita, I was whipping out thousands of paragraphs of verbose descriptions. Words I would normally never use. Objectively poor of course. Nabokov was Nabokov.

That sense of replication used to be more pronounced. Intuitively, I knew the first step of getting better at anything was to surround yourself with the jargon before delving into the substance. My initial leap in any learning curve is attributed to that special mimicry. After that it's a well deserved decline to steepville. The paraqueet's uptic. It's funny because I perform best at fraudzone of the curve. After that the more I learn the more stumped and the duller I get. Isn't knowledge meant to illuminate the mind?

The summer i turned 11, my mother would give me a list of words to look for in the dictionary, to decipher, to memorize. She shoved French books in my face, and would force me to read (I hid books in Arabic/English within the large spines).

>> No.22376741

Just as a housekeeping measure, most people will not enjoy Thai massage where it's the non-sexy kind. It's rarer than the sexy kind, but that's because almost nobody enjoys intensive physiotherapy. It's worth mentioning though because some countries have none of the sexy kind, and the Thai massage places in those countries will just forcibly fix your posture and prescribe you tea.

>> No.22376748

anyways, my brain hurts. It's swollen or something. I'm overstimulated. When I'm understimulated I'm sad.
When I was on the psych meds, i floated around cowed, culled, placid, indifferent. this is a different indifference. real life's eluding me. no, no, i'm the coward hiding away from reality.

>> No.22376751

How do you know when a Thai massage place is one with a happy ending?

>> No.22376755

They're normally called pretty spas in Thailand

>> No.22376794

Hang in there bud, be careful not to over narrativize or become solipsistically/narcissistically fascinated by your own troubles and travails. Try to imagine yourself occasionally as a robust, complete, good person in 10 or 20 years, at least once a day for a minute or two, to balance out your unconscious mind's sore of "possible yous." When people go through mental illness crises and drug crises and general dramas of youth etc. there is a real risk of your unconscious mind fixating on this exciting 20something "punk/grunge" version of yourself, as the only plausible "you." When that happens, even when your deeper soul is tugging you toward more a more mature and stable way of life, you may find your psychology rebelling against it and trying to reassert your 20something grungy lowlife self, trying to drag you along for one more "adventure" even though you have outgrown such things and they have become self-indulgent. Those are the sorts of people who OD on heroin at 32 because their brain just doesn't contain any images or notions of themselves beyond 30. Their whole reason for existing is bound up in being a 20something secretly hip and cool fuckup who's always on some drug thing or having an exciting psychotic episode that secretly reveals their brilliance etc.

Try to actually integrate this experience and move on from it. You can have some self-indulgent quasi-literary appreciation of what a character you are, but try to see that character in the rear view mirror. Do new, fresh, organic things when you get out of there. Throw yourself into your studies and make a vow not to think about your ex or look her up for at least your first two years of school. Make a vow not to react to the inevitable difficulties and faltering first steps of attending uni by doing self-indulgent druggie dropout burnout meme shit. React to challenges and setbacks with something new, not with this old persona.

Sorry if I'm presuming to know too much about you. I'm talking more to an archetype of person than to you personally.

>> No.22376799

I've had this bump under my right pec for 8 months now.
Had no idea what it was, tried squeezing, tried poking at it with a needle. Nothing. Was almost accepting the fact that I had something that looked like a third nipple.
Until today. At work. Suddenly when squeezing it stuff came out. A lot. It felt so good pros. But so nasty that it happened at work. I didn't get everything because people are back in office. Can't wait till I get home and kill this once and for all.

>> No.22376803

You can tell by the amount of obstruction of the windows as well as how late they're open.

>> No.22376812 [DELETED] 

This my Emily Dickinson poem about aliens:

My brain feels at its -- barest
When domed above the stars --
Receiving -- I conjecture --
Encrypted Rays from Mars,

Or brighter rocks -- flung further
In black Galactic chill.
This Earth that whirls -- Velocity! --
To you must seem -- stood still.

I stare -- no learned Astronomer --
My head -- tilts back -- to space.
"Disclosure" is the strangest word
For secrets none can face.

On plains -- they say -- your shuttle swings --
It hovers -- unidentified.
Delightful must that motion be --
To dodge Knowing with a Glide --

>> No.22376813

go to a doctor you fucking retard

>> No.22376823

It's just a cyst it turned out.

>> No.22376826 [DELETED] 

This is my Emily Dickinson poem about aliens:

My brain feels at its barest
When domed above the stars --
Receiving -- I conjecture --
Encrypted Rays from Mars,

Or brighter rocks -- flung further
In black Galactic chill --
This Earth that whirls -- Velocity! --
To you must seem -- stood still.

I stare -- am Astronomical --
My head tilts back -- to space.
"Disclosure" is the strangest word
For secrets none can face.

On plains -- they say -- your shuttle swings --
And hovers -- unidentified.
Delightful must that motion be --
To dodge Knowing -- with a Glide.

>> No.22376834 [DELETED] 

This is my Emily Dickinson poem about aliens:

My brain feels at its barest
When domed above the stars --
Receiving -- I conjecture --
Encrypted Rays from Mars,

Or brighter rocks -- flung further
In black Galactic chill --
This Earth that whirls -- Velocity! --
To you must seem -- stood still.

I stare -- am Astronomical --
My head tilts back -- to space.
"Disclosure" is the strangest word
For secrets none can face.

On plains -- they say -- your shuttle swings --
And hovers -- unidentified.
Delightful must that motion be!
To dodge Knowing -- with a Glide.

>> No.22376837

Found my og post

>> No.22376845

This is my Emily Dickinson poem about aliens:

My brain feels at its barest
When domed above by stars --
Receiving -- I conjecture --
Encrypted Rays from Mars,

Or brighter rocks -- flung further
In black galactic chill --
This Earth that whirls -- Velocity! --
To you must seem -- stood still.

I stare -- am Astronomical --
My head tilts back -- to space.
"Disclosure" is the strangest word
For secrets none can face.

On plains -- they say -- your shuttle swings --
And hovers -- unidentified.
Delightful must that motion be!
To dodge Knowing -- with a Glide.

>> No.22376850

>I can save her
it's a meme. don't try it irl.

>> No.22376865

>don't try it irl.
why not? I can save her after all.

>> No.22376883
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I dont understand how people can write huge fucking tomes about some social or cultural phenomenon.

>> No.22376903

What's there not to understand about it?

>> No.22376949

Does anyone know if there is a general or place that anon's gather that talk specifically about journaling and productivity? I having problems with my Bullet Journal that I can't really figure out for myself.

>> No.22376952

I’m one of the few high functioning ones. I’m supposed to do a class on the functions of language for a group of other disabled people

It’s endemic here. Hard to find a woman who hasn’t fucked one.

>> No.22376965

Sounds fun. I always wanted to be put in a mental ward.
Maybe one day I will be so lucky.

>> No.22377084

I am drowning on a metaphysical level and no one can help me.

>> No.22377088
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>> No.22377122

'Twas thus that twain young Amazon girls set forth upon their trek 'cross the unforgiving expanse of desert outback, bound for distant home and village unseen by wider world of male folk. Though they may find safe haven and shelter there, they must first conquer the savage land in between, stalked by the fearsome great tuskers, rapacious for flesh and life alike. But lo! A secret method did avail against such brutes -- naught but Nature's ancient lures can allay their murderous might. So shalt thou hear the rite I lay before thee now, as plain as truth itself and nought else -- A maid's surrender shall appease the boar's ire when offered from box confined; Her "bower" denuded awaits, in ebb and flow divulgence unabridged. For she whose fertile flush has drawn nearth other, soon embraced by fate, doth find succor close to ground and boon companion shared. Behind some rocky boulder stack or shrubbery close laid low, each Amazon maid coaxes the great boar sire to take his fill. Harken how the creature, drawn by siren call as much as sight or smell, doth yield to virgin charms of tender frame, its seed imbued and mind enflamed. Therefrom ensues a lengthened intercourse complete, as many times repeated as begets familiar ease within the union's heat. Together then they tarry, with boisterous moans and squishy tones while time does fleet. The maids grow wise and strong beneath the watchful eyes of swollen and contented tuskers. Thither may these same young warriors hence dispatched, returning swiftly hence as though propelled by winds of purpose newly acquired. Their skills and cunning thus augmented manyfold, behold now how their sisterhood swells anew with every successful tryst. These verses true yet keep the secrets known amongst the Amazons, for prying gaze they hold at bay, their ancient knowledge safeguarded 'til the bitter end.

>> No.22377565
File: 36 KB, 360x360, gsdfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why won't god put me out of my misery already
why am i am too much of a pussy to do it myself

>> No.22377575

I'm thinking of giving up on my friend who seems to be beyond saving. He refuses any help and is actively making his life worse.

>> No.22377633

Amazon has weird prices for Library of America sometimes, like underpriced. There is a Jefferson that usually sells for $50 listed for $13, brand new. I’m tempted to pull the trigger because it’s a hard deal to pass up but I’m not exactly interested in reading it atm

>> No.22377760
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I haven't had a drink in two (2) days.

>> No.22377897

why should one accept being treated without decency? why should one accept coercion? it seems to me that if someone submits to such treatment once, then they will be obliged to do so from then onward and cease to be a respectable person. at best one would be a crony, at worst a traitor and a tool. one has exactly as much liberty as one is willing to fight and possibly die for. or rather, if one does not have some standard of self-respect, and is always ready to debase themselves then such a person is a prostitute.

>> No.22377928


this is how i have reasoned in the past, and still now it makes very good sense. it is good to reflect on something and find that one's judgement hasn't changed too much.

>> No.22377938

There have been plenty of famous or semi-famous skinny people that got fit, like Yukio Mishima, but I can’t think of any that were fat and got fit.

>> No.22378054

Thanks for the effortpost anon. I think you may have touched upon something because I noticed I was being paranoid more than a few times before.

I'll follow your advice. Today at work was okay. You had me grounded. I realize I'm just a minor part of her life right now and that she may not even care about me that much. Thanks.

>> No.22378121

How did you find your literary girlfriend?

>> No.22378139

Americans are all brow-beating morons that will piss, shit, and cry over pedophilia one moment then openly advocate for turning a third world country into a sex tourist racket like Thailand. This new, young species of oversocialized zoomer pissants needs to be exterminated ASAP.

>> No.22378140
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Why does everyone on this website have friends now? Why does everyone on this website have a girlfriend now? Where did all the normalfags come from?

>> No.22378149

4chan is just a dumping ground for insipid retards now. There's not a single genuine thing you can find here.

>> No.22378156

baby i need your lovin~~
got to have all your lovin~~~

>> No.22378193

this site is so over

>> No.22378213

How do you deal with this type of situation in an argument?
>position A
>rebuttal to a strict version A
>have to go to B
>"moving the goal posting"
Example to better show this
>there's always a butt to a joke.
>Counterpoint, puns, absurd and (I hate to type this out) "wholesome" jokes. These are jokes, yet nobody is being made fun of
>Change position to "there's often butt to jokes"
My argument has moved the goal posts. Despite my statement being factually correct (or at least, you guys think it's correct. I mean, come on, look at how many times we say nigger), I'm logically incorrect because I tried to slip out of my original argument. It's unfair to my opponent that I'm changing sides, or making a new position to take down. However, it's still unfair to my own position, that I'm left with a choice to either defend something I don't believe in, or have to try and change it to something I do believe in, despite it being bad sportsmanship.
How do you deal with this? I feel I gotta choose my words really carefully, and the opening statement is much more important than what my argument even is. All this can be avoided if I just avoid using all, for example

>> No.22378220

Just fucking admit you were wrong or
>All this can be avoided if I just avoid using all
you said it yourself, use better phrasing.

>> No.22378226

You're problem is that you're oversocialized and you feel forced to concede out of politeness.

>> No.22378237

maybe they grew up and got more well-adjusted. i used to go on here as a teenager with friends and currently i am an adult without them though.

>> No.22378247

I'm drinking some nice hot cocoa. So good.

>> No.22378311

Options for lonely guys:
>have impersonal casual sex with strangers
>grind personally, professionally, financially, and physically until someone feels like you're worthy of being her provider after she's done sleeping around
>240 pound single mother
>anime body pillow late 2000s nightcore eternal escapist dreamland
>the find someone who doesn't sleep around, isn't nuts, isn't overweight, and doesn't have impossible standards challenge (impossible)

>> No.22378313

Just want to find better ways to express myself, or at least deal with the situation better. Cause I will probably end up in this situation again out of bad habits.
I just avoid the argument all together if it's the type to get emotional. I just want to know, in the ideal, what should I do? I want to get better at debates, not just finish them. Cause I will just not have a debate about a topic, if I think the other person is a retard, like most of 4chan

>> No.22378327

My very fat friend has recently got very into 'nutrition' and has become increasingly invested in the notion that common sense ideas about diet are wrong and that in fact he is perfectly healthy at his size and skinny people are the unhealthy ones. It is genuinely quite sad to see the level of cope, because I can tell it comes from a place of insecurity. I don't know how to tell him to pull his head in though.

>> No.22378331
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>>have impersonal casual sex with strangers
How do people just have sex? Ideally I would want a loving relationship with a girl but casual sex with strangers is infinitely better than withering away as a virgin with no friends. I haven't tried Tinder but I've been on the internet enough to know that my chances of getting anything out of Tinder as an average male are abysmal.

>> No.22378346

Don't ask me, I'm unironically saving it for marriage (>implying I'll ever get married).

>> No.22378383

>No option to get a house in the country and live the hermit's life via an early retirement where you read, write, self-improve, and walk on your acres of land alone, happy, and fulfilled
Why must you choose all the worst options when being alone is the true hero's journey?

>> No.22378402

mandarin, i just picked it up and am having foon

>> No.22378410

>and am having foon
Calling the police right now, you deserve it for stating such an illegal activity on an internet social cafe.

>> No.22378422

A small minority of men will be able to do this and be satisfied doing it. For most, living alone for the rest of their lives would be fairly soul-crushing, and claiming to be satisfied that way would be something close to sour grapes - "see I'm not actually lonely, I promise, I'm totally satisfied living alone by myself with no one!" - and on top of that not many are in an economic situation that would allow them to buy a rural property and disappear.
If you can do this and be happy doing it, I salute you, but telling lonely people to just stop feeling lonely and be happy by themselves isn't a solution to the problem. Most people aren't heroes on a journey; they want the standard boring stereotype of life where you have a family and grow old together with someone.

>> No.22378430
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Been getting these ads here on 4channel all the sudden. This seems like a datamining operation at best and a straight-up scam at worst. On their website they want a bunch of your personal information, and at the top it states
>We offer this service for free for women. It is a paid service for men. Pricing is customized per client. For men to qualify they have to be stable enough to travel and eventually support a move. All applicants must be 18 or older.
The lack of defined pricing makes me certain that they will ask for a bunch of money from desperate anons just to match them up with some AI that will pretend to be a girl so they can chat for a few weeks before the AI "bails out" of the fake relationship. Hell, the fact that they are asking applicants to move makes me wonder if it's a human trafficking operation. No one will care if a few NEETs go missing.
As much as I would like something like this to be real, it feels extremely predatory.

>> No.22378451

>grind personally, professionally, financially, and physically until someone feels like you're worthy of being her provider after she's done sleeping around
idk if this is maybe more typical in certain parts of the world or usa but i think the idea of women all want to sleep around is a false one desu. there are definitely ones with mental problems that do this but then they project it so it seems like the status quo. 1st world non-religious women probably won't openly condemn it because it's considered slut shaming these days but i think intrinsically most women desire to have a sole long term partner.

>> No.22378466

Thinking about going back to school. I miss having something to work on that's productive.
Don't know what to study though, if I went back I'd probably study something stupid/useless.

>> No.22378519

Who cares what people think? Men and Women alike can point at someone living that way and say all sorts of things, the point of the matter is that the Man alone will never hear them and likely never thinks of these people or what they say about it either, so I don't see how this is any sort of compelling argument.
As for "Not a lot of Men can live alone and be satisfied." I really disagree, they whole axiomatic dialect you are coming from is one made by extroverts and it is one pushed by extroverts, companies, and governments to get you to buy things within the economy and to "be around" for the extroverts to interact with. I think you'll find that a lot of people, even extroverts, could not only adapt to being alone, but thrive in it. Problem is not a lot of people are willing to give it a chance because they live in a culture of fear where living to 90 on a breathing machine is for some reason more preferable than living to 60 or 70 and falling asleep for the last time in your chair after chopping fire wood or some other strenous activity.

>> No.22378526 [DELETED] 

dude it's probably joke site making fun of arranged marriage sites like "desimatch" or whatever, or maybe it's a real arranged marriage site, no way in hell i'm clicking that shit tho

>> No.22378579

Dawg if we're discussing possible solutions to male *loneliness* then telling dudes to just psyop themselves into not being lonely isn't a solution.
Your ideas of relationships are based off the introvert-extrovert dichotomy, which is a modern invention, and you view that dichotomy in a very black-and-white way as well. I don't think you have any fruitful advice for the common lonely man.

>> No.22378612

Been a week for me. Honestly the first few days were the worst. I was irritable, and also anxious that real withdrawal symptoms would kick in. Much better now.

People here have always had friends

Do you expect to grow all your food by yourself?

>> No.22378652

how do you nofap guys do it? seriously?

i'm on week 2 of nofap and i feel like i need to explode. it was kind of easy at first since i was distracted by other things for the most part, but today was a particularly stressful day, i'm at home, and i just think to myself just one quick hit. can't even lay down on my bed without perverted fantasies rushing through my mind from years of porn (which i've also stopped). this is impossible. i can't focus now, i'm distracted, it feels like an itch i need to scratch in my pants, like a fully loaded rifle and i'm got my finger on the trigger. but i know i'm just not supposed to shoot, i've had such a good record

holy smokes am i mad at the situation i've placed myself in

>> No.22378669


i suppose i'll find out what these people want with me. i don't suppose i'll like it, nor do i suppose i'll oblige them. certainly i'm glad to have my principles in order and won't be made into some insufferable two-faced bastard.

>> No.22378680

In't it kind of heavy on rote memorization or not as bad as it's made out to be, in your opinion?

>> No.22378702

Im already a wizard so Im shooting for the impossible option. I have nothing to lose.

>> No.22378708

Twas a frigid night and the old woman sat alone in her cozy little cottage. She had taken in a young street urchin off the streets, hoping to give him a chance at a better life. But she knew that boys could be troublesome creatures, always getting into mischief and causing trouble. So she decided to keep a watchful eye on him, making sure he stayed out of trouble and kept to himself.

But the young lad was full of energy and curiosity, and he quickly began to explore the old lady's home. He peeked into every nook and corner, looking for something interesting to discover. And before long, he found himself drawn to the old woman's bedroom.

He tiptoed inside, eager to see what secrets lay hidden within those four walls. But as he looked around, he saw nothing but an ordinary room, with a simple bed and a few dressers. Disappointed, he turned to leave - but then he noticed something peculiar.

The old woman had left her door open a crack, allowing a faint light to filter through the darkness. And as he approached the door, he heard a soft snore coming from within. Curious once more, he pushed the door open wider - and there she lay, fast asleep in her bed.

She was an odd sight, the old woman, with her round belly and thick legs. Her skin was wrinkled and weathered, and her gray hair hung loose around her shoulders. But despite her unremarkable appearance, the young lad felt a strange stirring in his loins.

He gazed upon her form with wide eyes, taking in every detail of her body. And as he stood there, transfixed by her beauty, he felt a sudden rush of excitement course through his veins. His heart raced as he imagined running his hands over her curves, exploring every inch of her flesh.

And yet, he hesitated. For although he yearned to touch her body, he feared the consequences. What if she caught him? Would she scold him or worse, throw him out onto the streets again?

But as he watched her sleep, he realized that she posed no threat. She slept soundly, unaware of his presence. And so, emboldened by his newfound courage, he reached out and touched her shoulder, shaking her gently awake.

"Wha-what?" she muttered, blinking groggily at him. "Who are yah?"

"I'm the boy ye took in," he replied, his voice trembling slightly. "Ye said ye wanted me ta stay wit ya, but ye never told me why."

The old woman frowned, rubbing her eyes. "Aye, that's right," she muttered. "Don't want any funny business, do we? Ye know what I mean?"

The lad nodded nervously, unsure of her meaning. But as she spoke, he felt a heat rise in his cheeks, and his heart beat faster still. Somehow, he knew exactly what she meant - and he liked the sound of it.

"Well then," she continued, sitting up in bed and stretching her arms wide. "Why don't ye tell me why ye came here tonight? Can't be just fer a chat, can it?"

The lad swallowed hard, trying to gather his thoughts. "Uh... well, actually, I kinda hoped we could... y'know play together? Like you did when you were my age?"

>> No.22378711

The old woman chuckled. "Ah, is that it? Well, I suppose we can have some fun together. But first things first - let's get comfortable."

With that, she slipped out of bed and padded across the room to a large wardrobe. From within, she pulled out a pair of frilly panties and held them up for the lad to see.

"These should fit you nicely," she said with a grin. "Go ahead and put them on."

Blushing furiously, the lad complied, feeling self-conscious as he struggled to pull the delicate fabric over his hips. Once he was properly attired, the old woman led him back to her bed and gestured for him to climb aboard.

As he settled onto the mattress beside her, she wrapped her arm around him and drew him close. "Now then," she purred, "let's get started."

With that, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, kissing him deeply and thoroughly. The lad responded eagerly, his body thrumming with desire as their tongues tangled together.

Soon enough, the old woman broke away, her hand sliding down to cup his burgeoning erection. "Let's take our time," she murmured, her fingers tracing slow circles around the base of his shaft. "We don't need to rush, do we?"

The lad shook his head, lost in a haze of lust and confusion. He didn't understand half of what the old woman was saying, but he knew one thing for certain - he wanted her. Desperately.

So he closed his eyes and let himself go, surrendering to the sensations coursing through his body. It wasn't long before he felt her fingers wrap around his member, guiding him towards her waiting mouth.

As she lowered her head and engulfed him in her warm, wet embrace, the lad let out a low groan of pleasure. He bucked his hips forward, driving himself deeper into her welcoming maw.

For hours, they played and teased and pleasured each other, their bodies entwining in a dance of pure physicality. And as the dawn broke and the sun rose high in the sky, the lad finally collapsed next to the old woman, exhausted and content.

They lay there together, breathing heavily and smiling lazily at each other. And as the day wore on, they talked and laughed and shared stories, growing closer with each passing moment.

Eventually, the lad drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of the old woman and all the wonders she had shown him. When he woke later that evening, he found her still by his side, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she greeted him with a tender smile.

From that day forth, the lad lived happily ever after with the old woman, playing and loving and learning together as they grew older and wiser with each passing day. And though they never spoke of love or marriage or anything so formal, they knew in their hearts that they belonged together - forever bound by the bonds of affection and desire.

>> No.22378729

has shrillness about racism and misogyny spiked in the last few weeks, or does it just seem that way? speculation about what's behind it?

>> No.22378734

Men have only ever done great things for three reasons. Arrogance, boredom, and women

>> No.22378803

There are probably a couple of people who have done great things out of deep seething.

>> No.22378810
File: 111 KB, 479x641, Overimpish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'sharty is gone. Just thought I'd let you all know.

>> No.22378816
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The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

>> No.22378883

What the fuck happened now?

>> No.22379111

I don’t want to just die, I want to retroactively never have had existed.

>> No.22379355

I'm not a fan of avocado either, for fegs and wemen

>> No.22379367

psychopathy and social-schizoids; people got better at concealing their powerlevels than ye autists of olde were

>> No.22379373

I just want to contribute to the social decay in a way that feels meaningful to me. You know? Is that too much to ask?

>> No.22379394

How so? Sounds crazy

>> No.22379413

Hey I don't have a girlfriend or friends.

>> No.22379416

I had avocado toast this morning with my mum, it was delicious, fuck you.

>> No.22379420
File: 256 KB, 500x375, UuxXrHe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a foam padded room to beat your head on things like a retard with other spergs is a nice thing to have. It's been around long enough to feel like it'll never leave and during that time it's been an ocean of piss that you can safely hate on for being shit without actually having to worry about it getting worse. because it's already bad, and always has been. Long story short it's safe, familiar, and accessible from anywhere.

>> No.22379423
File: 95 KB, 730x406, Oregon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never cared about travelling in the past but for some reason, I've wanted to do nothing else recently, I'm only 20 so I've got plenty of time to do it but It's just so overwhelming, having to work for ages just to save enough money and then having to ask for a specific amount of time off just so I can go to another country and stress about having to return home the entire time. Fuck, I wish I was rich so I could just hop on a plane tomorrow if I wanted to, I honestly think just sitting in the middle of an Oregon forest on a cold morning or in the Nevada desert at night would seriously help my mental health issues. I doubt I'll ever be able to do all the travelling I want to do though, it's just too expensive.

>> No.22379429

welp, game over bros. i gave in, broke my nofap streak, watched porn and fapped. felt the tension release, and then immediately got immensely disappointed at myself. it's so over, i don't even know why i bother. fuck i am such a coomer. i cant do anything right, every promise i make to myself, broken. no discipline. no willpower. absolutely mindbroken by coomery

>> No.22379430
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I've done nofap and honestly after the first week I just felt normal, didn't really have a strong urge to masturbate, sometimes I felt like it but it was something easy to ignore?

Maybe I have low testosterone so my libido isn't as strong as other people? Who knows.

>> No.22379432

Oh wow only 7 seconds apart, lol.

>> No.22379433

There are seasonal jobs that pay a year's wages in a few months. They're generally physical labor on a tree farm or boat or some shit but with that kind of job you can work your ass off during the busy season and then fuck off for literal months without anyone coming looking for you. If you go somewhere cheaper than where you live (not hard if you live in the West) you can live well there while you're doing it.

>> No.22379451

My grand father left me 280,000.00 USD and I feel like it's the greatest test of IQ and time preference I've ever had

>> No.22379461 [DELETED] 

i might get a similar sum when my uncle croaks. he had a pacemaker installed years ago, so i will probably be retired by the time he croaks, but i have thought about the situation. i'd probably buy a cheap condo for 200k, do a cheap mba or other masters for 50k, and then put the rest in stocks.

>> No.22379470

Can you give me 20 bucks

>> No.22379474 [DELETED] 

if you put it all in pdi that would return almost $40,000 a year in dividends. this is not financial advice.

>> No.22379488

Surely a good chunk of this is going into an index fund or something similar, right?

>> No.22379492
File: 27 KB, 615x336, 0_EHP_CHP_050620Bo-Selecta_25944JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time at a party i hit on this girl and she rejected me
then she told everyone at her school we had hooked up
triflin as bitches

>> No.22379496

I don't think those sorts of seasonal jobs exist here in Australia and if they do you'd definitely need some sort of qualifications or experience for them, something that I have neither of. I'm also a high school dropout so I'm not getting a high paying job anytime soon.

>> No.22379498

Shorty triflin', she must be from dirty docks.

>> No.22379499

Trying the ios (((neural network))) screen reader for ebooks. It reads commas out loud. Like, literally says "comma" when there is a comma character. How is this acceptable

>> No.22379547

They didn't try, they don't even know how to be successful themselves, they'll both be renting till the day they die, neither of them will ever travel outside of the country and neither of them will ever even see 10k in their bank accounts at one time. The sort of childhood that this sort of environment brings isn't exactly one that sets you up for success.

>> No.22379569

10 months nofap here.
I think spine surgery killed my libido. But just busy yourself with other things and you won't feel like it.

>> No.22379582

You don't need one. Set up NextDNS

>> No.22379596

Are there any other non normie dating services?

>> No.22379756

Sometimes I feel like I fucked up my life by getting lazy in my late twenties. That period seems to be the filter. You either accelerate into the life track you’re already on, drastically pivot and accelerate into a new life path, or you get lazy and miss your chance because your thirties are too late. That’s how I feel right now anyway. I bet this is a pretty common feeling among young men now, especially for all of us in that age range during COVID lockdowns…

>> No.22379759

COVID didnt change a thing in my life.

>> No.22379774

You’re pretty fortunate then because I’ve spoken to more than a handful of people who feel basically that COVID lockdowns delayed or destroyed their plans. If you wanted to go to school in-person, you got screwed. If you wanted to look for a new job, you got screwed. I saw recently that certain school examinations like the SAT and LSAT are just now starting to schedule in-person examinations again. Apparently, certain college freshman weren’t able to take their SAT at all, which no doubt limited the schools they’d be able to get into and ruined their 4+ year plans. Many employers are still on a post-COVID hiring freeze. Things never really went back to normal after the lockdowns as best I can tell.

>> No.22379778

You're a minority in that case.

>> No.22379787

>I bet this is a pretty common feeling among young men now
We're pretty lazy already because we know that no matter how much we work there isn't a lot that we can get out of it, pretty much every single person that wasn't born into a wealthy family from my generation (I'm 20) knows that slogging our guts out at work 5-6 days a week isn't really worth it anymore, simply working a 9-5 isn't enough anymore for the things we all want.

>> No.22379825

The 08 economic crash was similar for millennials. Essentially a group of one or two graduating classes were dumped into something called a "hiring freeze" and there weren't even chipotles or Wal-Mart's hiring...
Eventually things got better for many of them but still there is this generalized distrust in economic life for some. A good number of them simply said fuck it, can't trust anything, and they'd pretty much be proven correct with how things went with covid.

>> No.22379889

My main goal is to disappear. I know that there are many things that I need to do in order to achieve this goal. The worst part is that I'll never be able to achieve this goal, the things I need to do just aren't achievable for a retard high school dropout like me. When I say I want to disappear what I mean is that I want to live by myself, work from home, get all my groceries delivered to my door, never leave my house and only have contact with the bare minimum amount of people (People like my mum, brother, sister, best friend) I want to be able to live the rest of my life without ever leaving the house again. This however, like I previously mentioned, is not achievable for a retard like myself.

>> No.22379891

Sounds like a decent short story for one of the /lit/ mags

>> No.22379894

Just realized that I never got a close friend of mine a wedding gift after I missed his wedding…

>> No.22379900

Sure. That is true. In my case, I did manage to identify things I want to do, I just didn’t identify it early enough. I’m now realizing I really had to have done it earlier. I imagine that’s similar as well as the laziness you described.

>> No.22379903


>> No.22379904

I agree. Economic life is not the only arena of life however. People still get degrees, involve themselves in groups, run for office, have religious conversions, debut their paintings at a studio, compete in athletic events, all sort of other things.

>> No.22379924

thank you, I think you're saying pertinent things. It is a good question, what an actually stable and mature version of me would be.

>> No.22381313

you're a feg