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/lit/ - Literature

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22372006 No.22372006 [Reply] [Original]

I read by curiosity about subjects that I know nothing about, when I was a kid I used to watch documentaries ... it's fun to discover useless info that'll never serve you

>> No.22372040

It's a matter of elimination. Games suck, anime sucks, movies suck, TV shows suck, music sucks, the arts suck, and the handful of works from these mediums which are truly worth your while are extremely few and far between. With the exception of music and the arts they are also extremely limited in how far back you can go.

>> No.22372064

I actually don't know.

>> No.22372074

To impress women

>> No.22372076

Information of things of interest is something I naturally need and books are one of the most convenient means to satisfy that need.

>> No.22372137


Also true most other hobbies dont have the same quality

>> No.22372145

I love movies for the same reason. I learn a little about myself every time I read or watch a film. I also get transported into another world and see new perspectives that I am certain I never would have.

>> No.22372148

Because it's fun

>> No.22372149
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I love making myself some tea and read on my couch by the window. Perfume, taste, relax, enjoying life and taking the time. Beautiful hobby.

>> No.22372152
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I'm an empty shell. Books distract me from the fact that I don't feel anything.

>> No.22372160

This for me as well. Fell out of gaming, movies, tv, music, and art.

>> No.22372379

To trick my brain into thinking my life has a narrative structure

>> No.22372382

I feel like I am wasting my time less than by browsing internet or watching movies, but it's hardly true

>> No.22372398
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I don't read, reading is for nerds lmao

>> No.22372401

Idk readings just kinda been ingrained in me since I was a kid. I was more of a country kid with only a couple neighbors so I spent most summers alone, and my mom would take me into town once a week to get some books from the library. This was during the age of dial up internet and limited video games so it was a lit easier to get bored. The habit took I guess and I still read to this day.

>> No.22372512

Yeah it's basically the same, except there are many more great books than there are great games or movies

>> No.22372520

so I can talk to other people about what I read. on the flipside I'm a cartoonist and do all my own writing so more information is good for my purposes. Same with film, tv, etc.