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/lit/ - Literature

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22369268 No.22369268 [Reply] [Original]

Has /lit/ been keeping up with the Hermione Granger series?

>> No.22369278

I know it's a meme but why arent they able to read another book series? There is a lot of fantasy ya stuff.

>> No.22369296

I actually thought about a book series like this as a child, but never had the autism to commit.
These same chicks are watching still watching The Office, nolstagia brain rot.

>> No.22369413

>same story chapter for chapter but from Hermione's perspective
How the fuck does that even work? What boring tripe! She's barely present in the action of the story.

>> No.22369494

At least she put in the effort so I'll give her that. And what have you ever got done you lazy cunts.

>> No.22369505
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So far it's just a subplot about her relationship with some pedo guy

>> No.22369556
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It's bad.

>> No.22369717

Not really

>> No.22370001

didn't some russian do the same thing with Lord of the Rings? from the perspective of the orcs or sauron or something like that? (with the tacit understanding that russians were the acknowledged "orcs" in this scenario)

>> No.22370018

Last Ringbearer?

>> No.22370211

I looked into this for a second and didn't think it was well-written enough to want to read. People shit on Rowling here but she's a great writer. There's a reason millions of kids experience "can't put it down" syndrome with her books and often only her books.

>> No.22370258

See this is just terrible. Harry Potter is written from Harry's perspective but every single page isn't like:
>Harry looked outside, sun was already streaming in and, despite Seamus' assurance that his wakeup charm would get him up before class, Harry had clearly overslept
>muttering a few muggle curse words under his breath directed towards 'that lyin Patty' Harry Potter urged his sluggish body into action, despite the protestations of his sleep addled limbs (Harry potters limbs)
>Harry got up and assessed the situation. He, Harry, wouldn't be making it to double potions with the Slytherins today and that almost certainly meant detention for Harry Potter
>Harry wondered, aloud, if detention with Snape could be managed without the usual dose of sodomy this time while he finished getting dressed
>writing off potions as a loss Harry checked his timetable. Next was muggle studies. Harry groaned. Muggle studies with the Hufflepuffs was the most boring class of Harry Potters day
>as Harry left the dorm, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he tripped over Dobby who had been sleeping at the foot of his bed causing Dobby to wake up and begin shouting the words "Harry Potter," as he did every morning in these same circumstances.
>Harry wondered if he had slipped into the reality of a popular muggle movie called Groundhog Day. Harry's foot hurt. He repeatedly smashed it into Dobby's head until he couldn't hear the elf anymore, besides a few subdued whimpers.
>Harry went downstairs.
>the first person he met said "hello Harry Potter" and he said "hi, Joe"

>> No.22370281

>that attempt to write Seamus' dialogue
He's not fucking Hagrid. This is awful. I also suspect tranny involvement.

>> No.22370284
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>implying Rowling wrote those books

>> No.22370301

What's the theory on rowling not writing them? The way the series gets a bit congested and ends poorly makes me think it was one author and from what I've seen the whole thing seems pretty consistent with who she is. Of course Mr. Mason is mentioned on basically page 1 of book 1 so who knows.

>> No.22370664

somebody post it

>> No.22370848

Why didn't the "wizards" just cast themselves out of the dullest fanfiction in the history of literature? Seriously each book following the girl wizard and her pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when SaraSmile416 vetoed the idea of writing something original; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody—just ridiculously pandering fanfiction for the original books. The Hermione Granger series might be anti-TERF (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Anne of Green Gables series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the prose is good though
"No!" The prose is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched her legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. SaraSmile416's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Hermione Granger by the same J. K. Rowling. She wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Hermione Granger at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Harry Potter." And she was quite right. She was not being ironic. When you read "Hermione Granger" you are, in fact, trained to read Harry Potter.

>> No.22370857

So does the Chamber of Secrets story just have Hermione randomly blacking out and only waking up in the end?

>> No.22370909

While she's petrified she has a long erotic dream about being kept in the harem of an eccentric billionaire

>> No.22370933
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Please tell me you're not joking.

>> No.22371718

Why censor the cover of the second book?

>> No.22371742

1176 lines with harry in the first book alone.

cat ./harry/*.html | wc -w
cat ./hermione/*.html | wc -w
cat ./hermione/*.html | sed s/[hH]ermione/hermione\n/g | grep -i hermione | wc -l
cat ./harry/*html | sed -e s/[hH]arry/harry\n/g | grep -i harry | wc -l

Despite being shorter Rowling uses harry twice as much as bains-miller uses Hermione

>> No.22373258

>Hermione Hermione Hermione
Jesus, just use 'she'. I don't understand how you can turn out four book-long fanfictions and still write like this.

Post more.

>> No.22373340

>femcels aren't rea-

>> No.22373396

>"No need to apologize," Finn said. "It's not me usual route time. But I needed to talk to yeh 'fore yeh left."
good god
"A skippity bippity," Finn added. "Our day will come, Ireland will be free, lassie."

>> No.22374107

Forget that shite, it's time to settle the debate once and for all. Which year is prime?

>> No.22374161

Shakespeare wrote them