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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 148 KB, 1200x1805, bloodyrules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22368365 No.22368365 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe I let myself get memed out of reading this for so long. I'm a communist, but I agree with so much of what is said here. So refreshing to see a modern psychologist mention Freud and Jung with the respects they deserve also. You want an antidote to the charade all around you without slipping into retarded chud territory? This guy right here.

>> No.22368373

Reminder that Peterson is a zionist and all slander against him for "misogyny" is to make dissidents read him and thus normalize zionism is RW circles just like BAP does

>> No.22368379

Important to separate Peterson and his psychology from his politics. The former is interesting, latter is garbage.

>> No.22368381


>> No.22368384

It's just a book that tells you to fix your posture because it makes you look like less of a defeated lobster lol.
If you're going to be annoying tankie I guess it's better to leave that behind. It doesn't mean we're still not left with the question. How would a society work without work? Keep in mind most of us might make it past the year 2050 even. Will the world resemble the current world then? I don't think so.

>> No.22368391
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>> No.22368392

as far as I'm concerned, basically as far leftist as you can get, I'm keen for sjw and their ilk to stop tarring the entire side of the spectrum with their nonsense. I'm for clarity- seems this guy is too. Seen him debating with Zizek? Worth a look

>> No.22368393

>takes Peterson seriously
You're 14 years old aren't you

>> No.22368395


>> No.22368396

Yeah I want nazis to fuck off too ;)

>> No.22368397

Peterson as far leftist? Nah. He's basically establishment liberal, with a dose of Christianity and 1800s conservatism.

He just dared to be critical of trans people and that turned him into darling of the Internet right back in 2016-ish.

>> No.22368400


>> No.22368401

That is pretty funny lol

>> No.22368402

No he spergs out after misinterpreting law because he's not a lawyer

>> No.22368404

this is Pynchon. why have you posted this

>> No.22368407
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Because they won't shut the front door

>> No.22368412
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At least pynch is literature

>> No.22368416

That's not really an answer, I am not American and in fact want America to be dominated by far left types for the foreseeable future. Why do you want Nazis gone?

>> No.22368419
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>> No.22368426

stop shitting up my thread, fool.

>> No.22368428

he's not critical of trans. Read the book.

>> No.22368429
File: 42 KB, 680x613, 210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thread is shit

>> No.22368432

YOU are shit

>> No.22368433

OP here, I'm trans btw

>> No.22368434
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OK petardson still sucks

>> No.22368440

your reaction folder is shameful, even for a glowie

>> No.22368448
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>> No.22368452


>> No.22368461

imagine saving this image before posting pynchon in the peterson thread, even though you haven't read either

>> No.22368469

Nah I've read gr, that's why it's so funny

>> No.22368470

>Important to separate Peterson and his psychology from his politics
they're all worthless. Peterstein is a UN/WEF cog and his purpose is to herd disaffected young men back into roles of comfortable mediocrity (despite a a failing society) until they become too old to give a shit and just want to grill all day. (so like 35, at best)

they don't want virile young men rocking the boat.

>> No.22368474

and then immediately making your "pynchon is jewish BTW" thread. honestly, kys

>> No.22368481

maybe that time could have been more profitably spent bolstering your embarrassing reactions folder so you could derail threads in a more aesthetic manner

>> No.22368489
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>> No.22368522

It's probably already occurred to you, but if Thomas Pynchon was in this thread, or met you, he would initially be unsure whether to pity or bully you, but either way would feel ashamed that you had read his book, and posted that excerpt here, for this purpose. He would wonder where he had gone wrong.

>> No.22368529
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he tried to warn him

>> No.22368552

urging men to be virile and rock the boat is exactly what 12 rules does. Your disinformation won't fly

>> No.22368571

Nice try jordie

>> No.22368759

What's wrong with comfortable mediocrity?

>> No.22368841

It destroys your freedom by allowing you to be manipulated and controlled, violently if necessary.

>> No.22368852
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end yourself, my man

>> No.22368868

>'m keen for sjw and their ilk to stop tarring the entire side of the spectrum with their nonsense.
It's honestly impressive how the establishment has managed to rebrand leftism as technocorporatist liberalism (which is basically fascism by another name) in the public consciousness. So the hoi polloi can feel progressive without the powers-that-be while functionally remaining slaves. Insidious shit

>> No.22368873

*without the powers-that-be becoming the powers-that-were

>> No.22368878

Nazis are dangerous to the well being of society

>> No.22368961

After you ;)

>> No.22368981

I'm not sure it's a rebrand, I honestly think we've done this to ourselves. The cancel culture to group-think pipeline is certainly expediated by the ease of communication we currently enjoy(?), but it is, I think, at the point now where gender politics, however outlandish, have become something that cannot be questioned for fear of reprisal- discourse is being closed down, and certainly this is a state of affairs that will not be discouraged by tptb- I would hesitate to say that they have created this, though. I must make pains to point out that I am not anti-trans. I am anti sensationalism, anti blackmail, and pro clarity. It takes a brave one to stick their neck out and say these things- people are so concerned about being publicly crucified as a terf that they would rather disengage or shut down the discourse than risk it. A dangerous ideological position for a society to be in; and by that I mean our global society, such that it is.

To your point about the man on the street feeling progressive without any substance, we continue to chew the dry bones we are thrown, and are allowed if not encouraged to revolt to the precise extent we are allowed by our various states. Getting dead drunk, and shouting slogans. Marching in the streets, smashing windows, sitting in our living rooms knowingly laughing at satirical programming. It is masturbation, and after we've done it, we don't want to fuck.

>> No.22368986

no really. I mean it. You aren't welcome, and we don't need you, you're wasting my oxygen

>> No.22368987

>deserving respect
you didn't have to tell me you were a communist.

>> No.22368990

room temp opinions incoming, oh boy

fuck off

>> No.22368999

I don't specially craft my opinions to be interesting or insightful. go back to your pastels and anal beads and leave thinking to the adults.

>> No.22369009

I wouldn't be so confidently proud of being mediocre, ye wee scamp. It's not that you're not interesting, it's that you're thick. Pastels and anal beads? Are you calling me gay? Is that an insult? Is that honestly the best you can do? Why don't you put just ever so slightly less effort in to be worth a damn to anybody, and rope yourself

>> No.22369014

holy seethe

>> No.22369020

holy pointless comment by brainlet

>> No.22369025

everything you've ever posted online has been pointless lmao. don't act like posting about jordan peterson on 4chan is meaningful. >>22369009

>> No.22369030

thanks for the insight, smoothie
the rope, boy, the rope. it's not going to loop itself

>> No.22369033

why are you replying to my pointless posts which lack all insight?

>> No.22369036

cause it's hurting your feelings, silly

>> No.22369041

i have nothing invested in this, you're the one who thinks you are intelligent in this conversation.

>> No.22369045

cool cool, keep replying then, as that's probably the most intelligent thing. Do you have anything cogent to say, or not?

>> No.22369046

yes: I WAS calling you gay, and it was an insult.

>> No.22369053

ah ok. nice one. you should read "12 rules to life" by Jordan Peterson. It might help you become less of a towering disappointment

>> No.22369061

I read it 5 years ago when it came out, seeing as you like it so much perhaps you should follow some of the rules. Rules 9 and 7 seem pretty relevant right now.

>> No.22369067

uh oh, you don't know what expedient means. And I see no evidence of that, sorry. You strike me as being particularly unintelligent, and aren't saying anything that's changing my mind

>> No.22369078

you're still replying to me? well, if I strike YOU as particularly unintelligent, then I must be - since I can see by our conversation that you have a dizzying intellect, in fact, I'm on my way to read the complete works of Marx, Freud and Jung, just because of how much you have inspired me.

>> No.22369086

ok, don't accidentally an hero while you're struggling with all those confusing words

>> No.22369092
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Oh let me breath harder

>> No.22369095


>> No.22369100

>Marching in the streets, smashing windows, sitting in our living rooms knowingly laughing at satirical programming. It is masturbation, and after we've done it, we don't want to fuck.
Well said. to quote the goncourt brothers, "one tames a people as one tames lions. By masturbation"

>> No.22369114

>one tames a people as one tames lions. By masturbation
huh, had to google that, didn't consciously plagiarise there, attributed to B.F Skinner, that one, from a quick look. He's a fucking dude, too

>> No.22369122


>> No.22369209

yep, he was quoting them

>> No.22369214

quite literal masturbation, there

>> No.22369434

what's wrong with wasting your life being disproportionately exploited by a corporate welfare state in exchange for glorified funbux to trade for frivolous status symbols that never sate, and only serve to increase one's appetite further? Is that what you're asking me? The future is female, chud, so I say let the future be female. I'm good.

>> No.22369447

>Is that what you're asking me?
No, i asked something completely different you dumb spazz

>> No.22369450

Lol ok. Go ahead, you virile young man, rock the boat. I want to feel it shake

>> No.22369452

no, you didn't, is the point. Do you know what a rhetorical question is? (don't answer that)

>> No.22369528

>get memed
>I'm a communist
Seems correlated.

>> No.22369545

cool contribution

>> No.22369564

Zionism is already mainstream and popular among right wingers in the western world, as well as India for some retarded reason. Almost all serious anti zionist literature and political efforts come from left wingers and Arabs.

>> No.22369571

being pro-Palestine is shitlib and leftist. No shit global right wingers love Israel.

>> No.22369573

because india also has an ethnoreligion that constantly beefs with muslims

>> No.22369574
File: 36 KB, 367x451, 1682582024668716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a communist,

>> No.22369583

do you know whose picture that is? If so, well done, good b8

>> No.22369586

If everybody held the views of the average white man on /lit/ society would change overnight

>> No.22369615

if not, and I suppose (you) are the only one that knows that for sure, then you might have just made the stupidest post that has ever been made

>> No.22369620


>> No.22369623
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You have to go back.

>> No.22369627
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It's not a bad book, and as far as life advice goes, his knowledge as a clinical psychologist does shine through.

But a good way to tell if someone has or hasn't read the book is if they ever mention how much Jordan talks about the Bible. Like holy shit, in every other paragraph, he's comparing what he's talking about with a Bible story.

I don't even know if Jordan is Christian or if he just likes the pious aspects of it.

>> No.22369633

hahaha you said le 4chan ebin trole
fuck you you fucking faget

>> No.22369638

You don't pass btw

>he's comparing what he's talking about with a Bible story.
I thought that was the point.

>> No.22369643

yeah, I was surprised at that aspect, it does lean heavily on scripture. I think it was well used to illustrate his points, in general, and although not traditionally religious, I do believe religion, when not used as coercive control for the masses or as extremist justification of means to be a force for good in general

>> No.22369646

you're quite possibly medically retarded, I'd get that checked, and leave forever while you're at it

>> No.22369900

>gets refuted
>y-your retarded
the absolute state of dysgenic leftist cucks

>> No.22370054

what refutation? to what point? did you mean "you're"? are you ESL, or simply semi-literate?

>> No.22370074

I mean, you type like a literal mongoloid. Like, an actual mentally retarded person. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you're a laughing stock, and every time you type something, anywhere, people prejudge you on your non existent grammar and ignore what you're trying to say. How does it feel to be literally doomed to irrelevance due to a lack of intelligence?

>> No.22370111

mom, I posted it again :D