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22368052 No.22368052 [Reply] [Original]

Are the bugs meant to represent non-whites?

>> No.22368062

Probably not. In the work the bugs are defeated, in reality nonwhites (mostly hispanics, not nigs) defeat whites

>> No.22368066

We call them asians now, okay.

>> No.22368077


>> No.22368087

The protagonist isn't even white

>> No.22368093

Argentinians are white

>> No.22368120

Isn't he a filipino?

>> No.22368136

Argentinians are 2/3 Italian and 1/3 Indio, their skin is literally light brown

>> No.22368144

Italian people aren't white. Neither are Spanish people

>> No.22368145

That's my point, they don't have white (pinkish) skin on average

>> No.22368174

Isn't the main character a Latino guy?

>> No.22368369

Pure ones do. Its only the ones who are descended from the hordes of Arabs and Semites (not Jews) that continuously migrated to Italy over the course of the last 2000 years and then got vored by the locals that are darker than normal.

>> No.22368414

I am married to an Argentine that is entirely French Basque and Spanish ancestry.
Germans and blonde hair are all over Buenos Aires.
Just giving you actual information since you all seem retarded.

>> No.22368430

Movie fags pls go and stay go

>> No.22368437

Never seen the movie.
If you are using the geographical location of a person, especially in a future setting, to determine their race or ethnicity, then you are retarded.
Buenos Aires is FAR FAR FAR whiter than London, NY, LA, Miami, Paris, and etc.
Lots of chinks.

>> No.22368443

He's Filipino in the book and it's doubtful his family are from Buenos Aires because his dad isn't also dead in the attack. This is like if you got stabbed in Azerbaijan, you wouldn't suddenly become an Arab.

>> No.22368445

Argentinians are Turks, my friend.

>> No.22368502

Yea, phillipino is whiter than most anglos as far as culture at this point and white has always been a label and not a color.
There were literal "white" negros in the US.
Irish weren't "white" etc.
Italians still aren't.
It's not a color thing.
So he's white by all measures then.
Got it.

>> No.22368530

Retarded bait

>> No.22368535

No, he’s Filipiino.

>> No.22368538

It’s all of humanity vs alien bugs. Stop trying to look for Nazi shit, leftist.

>> No.22368588

>Germans are all over Buenos Aires
>this is relevant to Italians
Bravo retard

>> No.22368668

It's not though if you are well read.
"White" means good. "Black" means bad.
The literate societies labeled as such and the illiterate ones had no choice but to go along.
The connotations LOOOOOOOONG, as in thousands and thousands of years, ago were established.
>white wizard
>white hat
>black magic
>black hat
IRISH WERE NOT WHITE despite having the most blatantly white of all skins.
It's effective psychology that is so strong it will forever cement pale skins as superior.
But it was not and is never about actual color.

Hence white people "acting white".
How do you act a color? No, it means they read and are basically good members of society.
Again the Irish. Illiterate, drunk, and bad members of society.

I'm white, kids have blonde hair, I'm anglofrenchgerman as many midwesterners tend.
But I'm white because I'm very good.
Simple as.

>> No.22368669

Follow the thread. We are talking about if a character was white and the basis for discussion was his location in Argentina.
There are a lot of Germans in Argentina.

>> No.22368678

Also, calling it "retarded" doesn't mean you didn't get hooked by the bait.

>> No.22368686

White is not a culture, it’s a race. Saying Filipinos are ‘whiter’ than anglos is just retarded b8

>> No.22368689

So you agree it’s bait. I accept your concession.

>> No.22368697

He was Filipino. Stop dickriding argentines.

>> No.22368699

Bait doesn't mean it's not true.
Sorry this is cope.
Most anglos are pathetic weak and covered in tattos.
Filipinos are far more white than that.
AGAIN, white is a connotation and a representation.

Address why the Irish weren't considered white or gtfo and concede.

>> No.22368707

Read the thread. An Argentine literally rides MY dick.
I've not read this one but have read a lot of Heinlein. The above, not at all well read, retards were discussing and pontificating using the location as an indicator.
My comment that this is NOT an indicator at all goes right along with him being Filipine.

>> No.22368709

Fuck off trying to divide WHITE people with your bullshit fucking kikes, everyday its arguments about the Irish, Italians, Argentinians or Chileans. They’re white and you’re not filthy fucking bloodsuckers

>> No.22368717

>covered in trash tattoos
>can barely talk
Look dude, sorry. That's not white just because their skin is pale.
Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell however are clearly white.

>> No.22368718

Argies and Chileans are not automatically white, though. Some are, some aren’t. Same like Americans.

>> No.22368731

My wife's WHITE family, the grandmothers, are always talking about Indian Chileans moving the border at a night and how much you have to watch them.

>> No.22368775

>There are a lot of Germans in Argentina.
This is what brown Argentines like to think

>> No.22368782

That's because there isn't any genetic research to define what "white" is. So if you don't by literal color, the definition is arbitrary and does not justify the use of the color term "white".

>> No.22368787

>inb4 PCAs
That's defining ethnic groups. Also PCAs are informal tools, and Fst is better for genetic distance and similarity.

>> No.22368799

>shitskin cope

>> No.22368801

Well when I say "argentina" I mean Buenos Aires. The surrounding countryside never has many Europeans.
But have you been there?
All you have to do with look around. The blonde hair isn't coming from the Indians.

>> No.22368809

Most of them are. Northern Italians often have blue eyes and white skin, there's also a lot of Italians with red hair.

>> No.22368810

But it's true anon. Spics colonize your states and 90% of whites cheer on while the rest do nothing besides seethe online. That's defeat in absolute Darwinian terms

>> No.22368818

The average north italian phenotype does not have white skin anon, they're med beige
Also are you saying race is only skin deep? A ginger arab or semite is white? Ok lol

>> No.22368823


>> No.22368829

Race is a social construct. And this thread supports that idea.

>> No.22368833

Define race

>> No.22368846

Race is not a construct, you can see it in DNA.
Being "white" or "black" or "not white" is ENTIRELY a construct and history shows that very clearly.

But what we have here is a bunch of newfag readers from /pol/ that haven't read ANY books from before 1970 probably.

>> No.22368850

> Race is not a construct, you can see it in DNA
No, you can’t. Because the groups that are considered white are arbitrarily chosen.

>> No.22368856

>But it's true anon
No it isn't, retard. Spics and other 3rd world garbage run away to white countries to be more comfortable, they aren't colonizing. They aren't bringing a new form of a civilization, they're adopting the secular liberal Western culture, i.e., not colonizing, you pea-brained shitskin. In a generation their children will be collecting funko pops and taking tranny hormones like you probably do. They become the biggest city-dwelling subhumans.

The 3rd worlders help to drive up housing prices and become new debt slaves and whites move to a nicer 1st world/White area and retire.

What you're referring to is more like a parasitic infestation than "colonizing". I also don't see how they're winning anything. These 3rd world idiots are buying into the ponzi way too late, whites are selling their bags to them and moving to another White paradise after realizing how soul-destroying secular liberal "culture" is, meanwhile these idiot shitskins think they've won the lottery when they work their ass off for no money living with 10 people in a 2 br apartment.

>> No.22368862

That's what he said, "white" "black" etc are arbitrary.

Sounds like a cope. Foreigners control your lands, own your space, and take it away from you. You can call that whatever you want but it doesn't change

>> No.22368875

(Not that I disagree with you that spics aren't achieving anything substantial)

>> No.22368877

>The average north italian phenotype does not have white skin anon, they're med beige
Yes they do, you stupid tranny. Every single person I've met from Northern Italy has white skin basically the same as mine (English/German) and often has blue eyes.
>Also are you saying race is only skin deep? A ginger arab or semite is white? Ok lol
No, are you mentally retarded? White means they come from Germanic tribes you fucking idiot. Any 15 year old on /pol/ knows this.

But yes, originally those areas were much more white, settled by whites from the north thousands of years ago. Ancient Iranians were blonde and blue-eyed, for example, some still are today. Who knows how they relate racially to modern whites, but they were certainly more beautiful and less of mutt garbage than they are today, which is why the civilization was so great but isn't anymore.

>> No.22368882

>biology is a social construct
Modern humans come from several different hominids, the different races reflect that in their genetics.

>> No.22368896

The racial groupings are a social construct, more like.

>> No.22368900
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LMFAO keep coping Calogero med monkey

>> No.22368905

>Foreigners control your lands, own your space, and take it away from you.
How? I refuted you. These people are lowest class garbage, they work on farms picking berries below minimum wage in sweltering heat. They work at gas stations in their 40s. They drive up the housing prices in/around big cities and White people just move somewhere nicer. They're inheriting this shitty civilization, they aren't colonizing anything. They're adopting secular Western civilization, their children are fat trannies who collect funkos and take SSRIs. You literally have no argument lmao. U mad shitskin?

>> No.22368910

North Italians have nothing to do with Germanics. Go look up Clemente et al 2021 and Lazaridis et al 2017 genetic studies. They are basically exactly like Greeks in autosomal composition albeit from different sources+drift

>> No.22368916

I'm ethnically English and German, you're probably a shitskin angry that I'll defend darker Europeans as White while calling you a dirty shistkin.

>> No.22368918
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>> No.22368925

Ancient Greeks come from Germanics originally, as do Northern Italians. I don't literally mean Germanic tribes, I mean the original ethnic stock of Germanics, einstein.

>> No.22368926

>white means they come from germanic tribes

>> No.22368936

Why do Hesiod, Homer and others describe all the Gods and Heroes and Royalty as having golden or yellow hair with grey or blue eyes? Meds just became muttified over time.

>> No.22368942

Define "racial groupings"
And where they are used. In politics? Or in genetic journals?

Oh you mean that they are basically subordinate to their government, like India under BIC? I don't see that, plus I see spic politicians increasing. The people who profit from spics are jews, not americans of european descent who keep having their culture and birthrayes decimated in these states. Moreover there's no ideology about treating spics like an underclass among said americans let alone elites (unlike India).
With that argument btw, chinks run the show in america (highest paid). Do you think that's true? I don't

>move somewhat nicer
Forced to move and abandon their homes? Not exactly an indication of power lol. Although most stay right where they are. How much leaves, 5%? Appalachia is still pretty empty.

>> No.22368943

The Greeks saw pale white skin as feminine, too.

>> No.22368946

Post your shit-coloured hand so we can laugh more when you say that race doesn't exist

>> No.22368949

50% french/iberian and less than 40% anglo-saxon
50% slavic rapebaby

>> No.22368964

Literally doesn’t exist. All arbitrary views. Also you sound like an unhinged faggot, act civil or fuck off.

>> No.22368967

But my profile from 23andme is 99% from Northern Europe.
You're the one that is this butthurt that white people exist. I guess I would be too if my skin was the colour of shit and all the attractive people with money were white and all my ancestors were irrelevant 3rd world slaves who sold out to whites the moment they arrived. Sounds like you're the one coping.

>> No.22368969

The original ethnic stock of germanics was 20% steppe, 70% anatolian and 10% iranian neolithic? Interesting!
They don't though, Zeus, poseidon and hades, or heracles, or kings aren't mentioned and depicted like that. In fact all heroes and gods are depicted overwhelmingly as brown eyed and haired, see theoi.com for several depictions
And their overall phenotype is not germanic. Why do you think race is only skin deep? We have had neolithic anatolian farmer samples with blue eyes and blond hair for a while, and also minoans. Germanics aren't even the fairest dipshit, Finns are.
Did you somehow miss all the genetic studies of the past 10 years?

>> No.22368974

Only if you also group science as a social construct. DNA companies have been able to show the race of the person for decades; there was even a case involving a serial killer in the South that used the DNA of the killer to create a profile of him and it showed his race. They can currently approximate an image of the person from the DNA -- which does include race. There's also the existence of haplogroups, which further ties into racial profile.

I don't know why people agree everything about a human is expressed genetically... except one aspect of physiology. Why? How? I get the feeling the only people unwilling to accept it do so because of projection about racial differences when there's not necessarily any conclusion to be drawn from race simply existing.

Race exists, and that's that. Anything you concoct after this is really on you.

>> No.22368983

Yes, because that ancestry profile is apparently common among moderns. You are apparently all mutts
See the study here on ancient anglo-saxons and moderns

>> No.22368985

All Europeans are white, with the notable exception of Moortuguese.
>Pukui states that the original meaning of the word haole was "foreigner." Therefore, all non-Hawaiians can be called haole. In practical terms, however, the term is used as a racial description for whites, with the specific exclusion of Portuguese. Portuguese are traditionally considered to be a separate race in Hawaii.

>> No.22368996

You misunderstand what is being said. Yes, if you and your wife have certain genetics, your baby will come out a certain way. However, it’s the grouping that is arbitrary and socially determined. You could make as much groupings as you wanted it, given the haplogroups. The limits are like the political border of countries: imaginary. The fact that some people question the whiteness of Anglos or Meds or Slavs or whatever but others don’t means there’s an arbitrary social aspect to it.

>> No.22368998

>, plus I see spic politicians increasing.
>The people who profit from spics are jews, not americans of european descent who keep having their culture and birthrayes decimated in these states.
How is white culture being "decimated" by a bunch of spics moving into toilet cities, you fucking idiot? White culture hasn't ever really been a thing in America unless you're in rural areas, which are still 90% White. Birthrates going down has nothing to do with shitskins coming in, you retard. The most accurate correlation to birthrates changing is religiosity changing. Spics come to the US and in less than a generation they have completely adopted secular Western culture. Again, you simply have no argument for this. They come in to work as slaves and drive up the white landowners property.
>Moreover there's no ideology about treating spics like an underclass among said americans let alone elites (unlike India).
Hahahaha you stupid shitskin. There's no ideology needed, unlike in india, where the caste system (originally from whites) was a joke. These people work as slaves, under minimum wage, doing jobs nobody wants to do, renting shitty apartments, living in bad areas in cities, etc. etc.
>Forced to move and abandon their homes?
Not at all you dumb 3rd worlder. My area is still 90+% white but housing prices have gone up 4 or 5x, because of all the shit-tier, shitskinned 3rd worlders (you) they let in.
>Although most stay right where they are. How much leaves, 5%?
No. Once an area starts turning into a stinky 3rd world toilet, white people all leave and go somewhere white/better. Oh no, they leave a shitty suburb and have to go to a town that used to be more of a summer retreat but is now thriving? hahahaha.

You still haven't explained how shitskins are colonizing, presumably because you can't and I BTFO you.

>race doesn't exist, it's all arbitrary
>act "civil" to a shitskinned 3rd worlder on 4chan
You fucking retard. Humans emerged from different species of hominid and the different races reflect that. For example, Asians have a lot more Denisovan in them, whites have very little or none. Subsaharans/blacks get 20% of their DNA from a "super-archaic simian hominid" not in the fossil record, that no other race has. So yes, scientifically or biologically there is quite obviously race. Or why don't you try using your eyes, you stupid faggot? You can even just look at the shape of skulls and tell if they're black, white or asian. Stop coping.

>> No.22369000

Im Filipino lol we orefer to be black as BLVCK as the BLVCK Nobility. Very humble and penitential color. Its like how the Priest dons Imperial Purple but its also the color of Lent, Fasting and Sacrifice.

Give me that crown of thorns deny of tht crown of gold after all the Crowns are only immitations of the Halo.

>> No.22369007
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Poor shitskin, don't be so upset that you're not white hahaha

>> No.22369017

Still the point stands.

>> No.22369018

>believing in racial purity in 2023
lol absolute state of /pol/tards
Sure, go against anthropology and common sense.

>> No.22369026

Not really, no. Filipinos don’t speak a Latin language.

>> No.22369027

Obviously, this thread is full of anti-White shitskins

>They don't though, Zeus, poseidon and hades, or heracles, or kings aren't mentioned and depicted like that.
Try reading Homer sometimes, or many others like I cited. They routinely describe the gods as having Golden hair or blue or grey eyes, same as with the Heroes and Royals.

>> No.22369044

Are you sure Blonde Hair occurs naturally among the Solomon Islnders and Filipino Negritos and the Denisovans spread it to the Chinese Indians and Nattive Americans. But I dare not allow these to pollute the Casta, Casta in its original term meant "Chaste". Chastity, self control. Watch as Mystery Babylon erupts and another Tower of Babel emerges if we dont stay fauthful to the Casta, Chastity. Limited conrollled rational International Marriages are good as Kins tend to marry internationally but dont get ut out of hand Abraham had to flee to the the Levant to escape the madness of the Babylonian Tower of Babel..

>> No.22369048

>getting this mad that White people don't want to mongrelize themselves with inferior brown genes

>> No.22369057

Europeans are mutts already. There is no such thing as racial purity.

>> No.22369076

All modern humans are mixtures of different hominids. Europeans aren't 100% cro-magnon, but they're less mutts than arabs or africans and most other races. It's why their skin is pale and why they have coloured hair and eyes instead of all brown like every other race, which is what happens when you mix. Whites should want to preserve their genes, probably moreso than other people too/

>> No.22369088
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Alot of Tagalog is Spnish. However we write it in. Latin script. The other ethnic groups have other languages and scripts of their own Malay-olynesian modified Brahmic called Baybayin Kultitan modified by Chinese and etc..

You do the research each ethnic group has relations and coujters for each. .)

Chavacano es la lengia Latina. We use Crusader Sabir whenbwe contract it to "Sabi" and Kabalo to invert Spanish Habalo and refer the opposite the Kabbakah. Oh fuck...

The Leaves for the healing of the nations grows from the tree of life.

>> No.22369096
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Europeans are mutts alright. Stop living a fantasy.

>> No.22369108

>a lot of Tagalog
ah yes, the famous Romance language, Tagalog. Filipinos are not Latinos, get over it.

>> No.22369115


Lol Eurooens for being obssesed with Racil purity are given rare features because theyre mutts, Eurooeans have Cro Magnon and Neanderthal and Asians and Native Americans have Denisovan.

The rest of humankind has variou but limited admixtures of other Hominids but the purest Homo Sapiens are the Africans.
I miss Mr. Melondhead. :)

>> No.22369116

That isn't even an argument. We've already established that all modern human races are really mixtures of different hominids to a lesser of greater extent. So? That doesn't mean Whites should go mongrelize themselves with genetic garbage like your nobody ancestors did.

>> No.22369123

Azeris are Turks dumbass.

>> No.22369134


How about the Chavacanos? My cousins speak an undeniable Romance Language. Dear Godo old Christian want me to make your Casta dance in it's head? The Saint Thomas Christians of India are more Old Christian than the Spanish and most have Hazel or light brown eyes which means they carry the blue eyes gene but not expressed. You want help against the Old Christians who supress the Native Americans? I hold the counter cards. Be good dear Godo.

>> No.22369137

Africans are the biggest mutts of all. Subsaharans get 20% of their DNA from a simian, probably the missing link.

Mutts aren't given rare racial features, if a white mixes with someone from another race apart from white the result is usually just another brown-skinned, brown-eyed, black-haired fag like you. You're common garbage, whites are rare and pure. They make you feel inferior.

>> No.22369140

Texas comes to mind. I member that spic chick

as for the rest of your post you are in denial. I am not saying spics cause these things. I said they own your land while your culture is basically nonexistent (just look at 1920s). Which means european americans are not in a dominant position, unlike brits in india with pajeets.
The land is owned by banks that are anti-white so idk what your point is with that. You, and your side, are persecuted. Only the cucked americans are allowed some power but they already defeated slaves
See my point?

>> No.22369143

Europeans are already mutts and mutting more every day. It’s not a question of what they should or should not do.

>> No.22369148
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>shitskinned 3rd worlders itt insisting races and White people don't exist while also insisting they themselves are technically White or "Latin" because they speak a Romance Language

>> No.22369154

Based. This guy gets it.

You sound like trash and, as usual, are extremely resentful of some outgroup like the Jews. You sound like a disgusting little cockroach.

>> No.22369161
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Laughs in Atlantean.


You have lost your Encomoienda your obviously Germanic Barbarian or Judein to hold such Chosenite Mentlity.

>> No.22369165

Northern euros have significant asian admixture. Did you miss the studies on them?
I still like them btw. I think vikings are cool. I'm not saying it as a bad thing, and their DNA is the same as that of their ancestors I believe.

Wanna post the excerpts? Aphrodite and Achilles are described as such if I'm not mistaken (they are always depicted as brown haired and brown eyed though), and it's plausible since we literally have various ancient samples with blond/dark blond hair from the mediterranean. Minoans, Mycenaeans, Neolithic Anatolians, some Levantines in the Chalcolithic even.

>> No.22369169

It has nothing to do with genes, /pol/tard.

>> No.22369174

Light traits in Europeans occur due to sexual selection after the Bronze Age
Least mixed Euros are Sardinians and Basques
Least mixed humans in general are Abbos and Melanesians

>> No.22369176

Those are two different discussions and two different concepts. Learn to read.

>> No.22369189
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I never said that I prefer BLVCK and I Choose the BLVCK Nibility. And didnt I say we stay faithful to the Casta? And war against Mystery Babylon? But you do you. BLVCK Nobility baby.

>> No.22369197

Checked and you are white from our perspective, but your preference to be "black" in this regard goes right along here.

I would say though that in almost every culture white is good and black is bad.
Our own construct, but still it's the case.

>> No.22369206

No time to parse this comment, but at it's heart it's based.

>> No.22369210
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>Yea, phillipino is whiter than most anglos as far as culture at this point and white has always been a label and not a color.

>> No.22369213

>I said they own your land
No they don't. Spics don't own any land, they rent and 10 of them live in a tiny apartment. Whites easily own the most land in the US, it's not even close.
>while your culture is basically nonexistent
Where are you referring to? there are multiple different cultures. Rural or small town White America has a definite culture and can vary state to state, which isn't disappearing. Cities have always been culturally void which is why 3rd worlders feel so at home in them. hahaha, were you trying to imply that jazz music in the cities 100 years ago was culture?
> Which means european americans are not in a dominant position, unlike brits in india with pajeets.
What the fuck are you talking about you retard? Whites in the US are at all levels of government and every industry. They are most of the upper economic class and middle class. There isn't a racial identity anymore, if that's what you mean, and the bankers who run the system are mostly jewish. There are also tens of millions of shit-tier browns who will never get anywhere because they can't compete with white or asians. In all normal society, there would be a white racial identity, and nonwhites wouldn't even be allowed to become citizens.
>You, and your side, are persecuted. Only the cucked americans are allowed some power but they already defeated slaves
See my point?
You aren't even making a coherent point you shitskinned idiot. You're pointing out the modern Western establishment is anti-white? ya, no shit sherlock, that's what I've been saying the entire time. You were originally saying whites were being colonized by spics, you fucking retard.

No they aren't. Mutt is when a White person mixes with a non-white person. Whites are purer genetically than any other race, and they should preserve their beautiful genetics by not mongrelizing and becoming part of the dirty brown masses.

>> No.22369216
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based indian chileans

>> No.22369215

Did you miss the entire thread?
Because you responded by just posting someone who is swarthy. Which means you are an idiot?

>> No.22369220
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>/pol/tards want me to feel sorry for muh ethnic replacement happening in Yurop and then act like completely shitty douchebags to non-Europeans
Every day I think they deserve to be replaced. They’re evil creatures. Don’t let their victim narrative convince you.

>> No.22369222

Pretty sure they represent communists

>> No.22369221

Collectives like communists and national socialists/nazis

>> No.22369224
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araboid cope

>> No.22369225

Yet Abbos and Melanesians and their Denisovan. Relatives in the Americas have Blondism natural to them

I personally dont want them to mix. The Blondism in Denisovans Melanesians and Aetas are Sun Summer adapted while that of Nordics are Winter Adopted if they mix it willend up plain brown and the Melanesian blonde is rarer anyway.

>> No.22369230
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>> No.22369236

Mutting is when you mix with a different ethnic group. Euros are are mutts and will continue to mutt.

>> No.22369237
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you're a sea-monkey, stop larping as "latino"

>> No.22369247
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We were unironicaly blonder when we were Purer Aetas.

The price we paid for trading with you.

>> No.22369253

Own as in run, nigger. Not literally own. Yes Blackrock owns a lot of land
>Where are you referring to?
Good question. The general culture one can see in 1920s, or the more rural one in Tennessee or Appalachia. First has vanished, second is dying. You are left rootless, without a living tradition. Do modern american zoomers have a "white culture"? Are tranime and vidya and so on "white culture"?
>and the bankers who run the system are mostly jewish
AKA not you. Can you stop declining birthrates, immigration, decline of your culture? If not then you are not in a dominant position. You could have 100 albino norwegians controlling the entire US but if these are anti-white, as many americans that you listed are, are your people dominant? No.
>You were originally saying whites were being colonized by spics
That's just a demographic and geographical observation anon. In Darwinian law, they win and you lose. Doesn't mean you lose ONLY because of them. Don't be so simplistic in your thinking

>> No.22369255

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22369270

I don't support mixing either. Although I don't care about other ethnic groups mixing (since they're not me)
If for example North Euros were mass mixing with their Arabs, I would find it incredibly worse than demographic decline. At least there's some dignity left in that, imo

>> No.22369271

White are pure = has non homo sapien admixture with Cro Magnon and Neanderthal.

Let me pontificate on my purity when I get my exclusive features from my hybrid ancestors. XD

>> No.22369291

>Northern euros have significant asian admixture. Did you miss the studies on them?
What are you saying? You mean their ancestors came from Asia thousands of years ago? or that Finns are part Chinese genetically? There were people living in Asia who were white, above 6ft and blonde thousands of years ago, "asian admixture" means nothing, you're making it sound like they're Chinese.

>Wanna post the excerpts?
Just read the authors yourself idiot, that's how I found out about it. Going back to the original Greek, virtually every hero in Homer is described in regards to their hair colour as "xanthos" which means golden or blonde. The word commonly used for description of eyes is "glaukopis", which means blue-eyed since glaukos is used by Homer to describe the sea, and which Plato uses to mean blue or blue-green.

>> No.22369322
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Neither. They have additional Siberian ancestry (>1%)
From Lamnidis et al 2018

>Just read the authors yourself idiot
I have Ιλιάδα and Οδύσσεια right next to me in Greek, wanna point me to the stanzas? Also, did you miss that we literally have such people in the mediterranean since the Neolithic?

>> No.22369330
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Im sorry I only control only almost half of world trade yes Im a MERE Seamonkey.

Your lucky we value the silver of Mexico higher than the gold o IOphir.

Also yes exile me from the Latin Communion while I war with 1000x more Chinks and Muslims twho attack us than your massacre of Native Americans. Ako'y Filipino, ako Sa(Sabi)- I(r)ongo.

>> No.22369331
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>> No.22369352
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fake nation with no real identity that has to larp as white because of their inferiority complex

you're asian, you have chinky eyes, your skin is brown, look at the mirror STOP LARPING

>> No.22369353

Kekekeke reading the book or watching the movie was way too hard for the race scientists operating itt

>> No.22369355

Cro-magnons were totally superior. Whites don't even have much neanderthal in them, cro-mag wiped them out.

>Own as in run, nigger. Not literally own. Yes Blackrock owns a lot of land
Spics aren't running anything you halfwit. They are farmhands. Bill Gates is the biggest landowner in the US, he's White.
>The general culture one can see in 1920s,
There wasn't one general culture, you stupid shitskin. You think jazz music in the cities was culture? No. The culture existed outside of the cities, and is still around today. It's varied, you have no clue what you're talking about.
>You are left rootless, without a living tradition. Do modern american zoomers have a "white culture"? Are tranime and vidya and so on "white culture"?
That's what I've been saying the whole time, halfwit. Modern secular liberal "culture" is a cultural void, and all these 3rd worlders buy into it and their kids become the most ardent supporters of it in under a generation, while more than half the whites are aware of how soulless it is.
>Can you stop declining birthrates, immigration, decline of your culture? If not then you are not in a dominant position. You could have 100 albino norwegians controlling the entire US but if these are anti-white, as many americans that you listed are, are your people dominant? No.
I was never arguing that they were dominant, halfwit. Whites haven't been in control of their countries for at least 50 years. They're still above all the 3rd world garbage coming in, naturally, as I've already explained.
>That's just a demographic and geographical observation anon
How are whites being colonized when the 3rd worlders the ones adopting the "culture" and working essentially as slaves while the whites remain economically above them and reap economic benefits from them? lol. Darwinian? Keep coping, you stupid shitskin.

>> No.22369362

Anything to avoid citizenship I guess

>> No.22369365

Obviously he has some ancient Aryan in him, despite being a mutt.

Wrong, the mutt meme comes from brown Americans claiming to be white despite being half spic and a quarter black, aka not white. You can argue whites come from a mixture of different hominids, but that is redundant, because they are human and all humans are.

>Light traits in Europeans occur due to sexual selection after the Bronze Age
That's just conjecture. No other race are as beautiful and pure as whites.

>> No.22369369

Sorry dude. You are a loser good for nothing and having pale skin doesn't make you white.

>> No.22369371

Yup these are not people who could sit through a civics class, let alone how many the infantry would put you through.

>> No.22369374

Mutting predates memes, retard.

>> No.22369375

>joining the military

>> No.22369379

>wanna point me to the stanzas?
No, I don't care enough to. Just find any description of the Heroes. They're routinely described as xanthos and glaukopis, I'm surprised you didn't notice when you read them the first time.

>. They have additional Siberian ancestry (>1%)

>> No.22369385
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asian country with no real history, only exists out of the benevelonce of the spanish and anglosaxon americans

>> No.22369386

>didn't even read the movie poster
Don't worry they take all people with disabilities in the book too, not just the physically disabled.

>> No.22369389

The mutt meme refers to impure whites, or whites who have lessened the purity of their line with browns. It's pretty simple. Like mixing colour type of stuff you'd do in kindergarten. I guess you must be stupid or something, or blinded by your anger at white people for mogging you so hard haha

>> No.22369390

Service guarantees citizenship!

>> No.22369393
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Silence. Camelot does not approve of you to speak Calumnies against the Club the 10000.

Want me to outline thine performance in the Korean War?

>> No.22369396

I am not talking about the mutt meme. I’m talking about mutting in general. You’re aware it predates some 4chan meme, right?

>> No.22369397
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>> No.22369400

>anons hoping their race will give them suffrage
Only way to vote is to put your physical body on the line for the body politic and serve out your term.

>> No.22369406

>Spics aren't running anything you halfwit.
They aren't running spic areas? Proofs?
>Modern secular liberal "culture" is a cultural void, and all these 3rd worlders buy into it and their kids become the most ardent supporters of it in under a generation
I don't disagree with that, however you still remain rootless and spics retain their mesoamerican spic culture because they assimilate less and less, many don't evem spic (heh) english. But that's beside the point. You can't stop your decline because you don't have this power, although you obviously would if you did, no?
>They're still above all the 3rd world garbage coming in, naturally, as I've already explained
I agree with that
>remain economically above them and reap economic benefits from them?
Lmao the average american is getting fucked over by them, not profiting. Rents, taxes for welfare and so on
Colonization comes from geographical and demographic takeover.

>> No.22369407


Genetic studies say Melanesian Blondeness comes from a seperate mutation from Nordics.


>> No.22369409
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I can find endless books saying whatever you want them to about Atlantis.

Meanwhile the Ancient ethnic stock of North Africa (the Berbers) were literally White people/cro-magnon. See the Guanches.

>> No.22369410

Of course the civilians are racialists. Think about it for a second, they're just like the lefty cunts who banned corporal punishment, and seek to undermine democracy with their mediocrity and cowardice.

>> No.22369412

Depends on how you define pure (recency of admixture). But yes north euros are generally above average looking as long as they aren't fat.