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22365271 No.22365271 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22365284

>Westminster Confession of Faith
>London Baptist Confession of 1689
>Heidelberg Catechism
>Belgic Confession
>Canons of Dort

>> No.22365301


>> No.22365307

OP btfo'd by Chad Presbyterian

>> No.22365317

>The Blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven Will See the Punishments of the Damned So That Their Bliss May Be More Delightful to Them
t. Aquinas

>> No.22365324
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>Do not seek a wife. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.” (1 Corinthians 7:27,29-31)
>“The end of all things is near…” (1 Peter 4:7)
>“…the coming of the Lord is near. …the Judge is standing right at the door.” (James 5:8, 9)
>We who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:15-17).
>Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (Matthew 24:34)

>> No.22365327

Ahaha protties and most Chalcedonian Christians are just Augustine worshippers in disguise

>> No.22365340
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>Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
One must imagine him happy

>> No.22365355
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>> No.22365371

The unborn have no personal sin. So, while their abode is technically called hell, it is understood that they would not suffer anything. The reason for this is that the word hell is given to any post-life state in which the soul is deprived of the beatific vision. The unborn suffer this loss, but the beatific vision is pure grace, and so there is no pain in this for them, for it is not to their fault. There are, however, other theologians who suggest (given the Scotian opinion which supports the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, along with some mystic experiences of saints) that God might intervene on the behalf of the unborn; after all, the Holy Innocents have always been recognized as martyrs. The former is recognized as more probable, and perhaps more useful to the living, but either opinion can be held.

>> No.22365378

KEK I think that those babies are baptized after death or whatever.

>> No.22365566

The point is not that you are evil before baptism but that you are still separated from God
Even those who dedicate their lives to virtue and truth pre Jesus such as Socrates were missing something fundamental

>> No.22365646
File: 131 KB, 667x1020, le god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro did you really just suffer so much in this fallen world that you decided to end your life?
>lemme hit you with eternal suffering beyond your comprehension

Such a forgiving, kind and understanding God.

>> No.22365766

Coal Brimstone (and fire)

>> No.22365790

Have you considered that God is real, all-powerful and all-seeing, and he actually looks like this and says this? I'm serious

>> No.22365791

Lol youre probably right from a theological stance but man this shit still sounds stupid. Sometimes christian theology sounds like people playing dungeons and dragons or some shit.

>> No.22365808

Anything you’re unfamiliar with sounds like nonsense.

>> No.22365811

Maybe because it was inspired by theology and religion. Where do you think the word 'mana' comes from?

>> No.22365822

It comes from non-Abrahamic religion

>> No.22365843
File: 431 KB, 702x860, kitachang(re)12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on the front page. I think you're missing the point of the Christian religion, which is understandable given the terrible "marketing" it's been given by conservative evangelicals. The Christian faith is an expression of the basic conviction that evil is accidental to the world, not essential, that it is governed by a God who is love (i.e. the force bringing everything together, the principle underlying our experience of human love is metaphysically absolute). It goes further in saying that that God who is love united his Logos to a human nature making him the one eternal God-man Jesus Christ, who shows us tangibly how that love can be lived in a human life, and that the world's future has been won definitively and absolutely for all of us in that God-man, by his blood, such that no further sacrifice of human blood (through revolutionary violence, for example) is needed, and that that God has commanded us to embody that future he has won for us to the best of our ability in a community of love and forgiveness in this life, committed to the Lord through water and gathered together around one table to share one common sacramental meal. It's a message of hope, brotherhood, and charity. I don't you should get caught up in weird abstract theological debates about how baptism "works," "eternal election," "original sin," or whatever else. It's like Luther taught, don't get caught up in the weeds, cling to the tangible mediums of the divine presence and promise (baptism and the Lord's Super) and to the essential message of love that is the gospel message in Jesus Christ. God bless you.

>> No.22365853

Replacing evil with “separated from god” may make it sound nicer but doesn’t make it any less retarded.

>> No.22365858

>I don't you should get
Why do christcucks always have the communication abilities of children?

>> No.22365863

Sorry I forgot a couple words, I guess. I think my meaning still came across fine.

>> No.22365866

>dont think about the details goy, just focus on the feel-good short version

>> No.22365868

Why do you think cuckoldry is bad?

>> No.22365872

Yeah, I don't think religion is a theoretical problem. Theology is a second-order discourse for specialists.

>> No.22365898

>front page
go back and kill yourself faggot

>> No.22365908

Tough but fair

>> No.22365910

Christianity makes a prediction about what will happen after death. Therefore it is a theoretical problem because it does posit something about the world and therefore it depends upon its truth value. It’s not like a painting that you can just look at it. It IS a proposition and no amount “just have faith” will change the fact that it’s subject to the same tests as all propositions, and I will not believe in christianity just because you put a cute anime girl next to your posts.

>> No.22365912

Anon, I...

>> No.22365915

Sure, it has propositional content. It's a message, a communication. But I don't personally believe that all human convictions should be subjected to philosophical scrutiny. I'm not a rationalist. My basic conviction that the world is a basically good place heading in a good direction comes before any further investigation or speculation.

>> No.22365922

>the communication abilities of children?
Says the dude who can only make arguments with soijaks or "christcuck"

>> No.22365933

In other words you’re living in denial of reality. It doesn’t matter if you’re a rationalist or not because there is still truth and whether you believe in it or not it WILL enforce itself on you just like the sun will not explode right now no matter how hard I believe it will. You cannot escape reality, you are just a puny ant, it is the apotheosis of hubris to put your “convictions” up against reality and expect to win. Life is better when you accept reality and I hope it enforces itself upon you one day, maybe it never will while you live, but after you die you will find there is nothing.

>> No.22365936

It used to be the case that few normal people talked or cared about this stuff. Most people just went to church, took the sacraments, understood none of the Latin of the mass and went home. But it's theology (and the bible itself, it was only after the printing press that most people could have one) is readily available to read yourself, and everyone uses vernacular languages.
All the might and mystery is gone, and the whole Christian tradition can be looked at now pretty easily.

>> No.22365943

Yeah, I don't really care if you can give me a persuasive argument that the world is a shit place going nowhere. Sorry if that counts as "denial of reality" in your book. If you gave me a really good argument I should kill myself, I would just tell you to stuff it. Same principle. Don't care, love Jesus Christ and the world he saved.
I don't think the Christian religion is reducible to the theoretical discourse that has happened around it over the centuries. I don't know. I still think there are plenty of people who take the gospel message seriously with some level of awareness of critical bible scholarship and history of ideas. I'm one of 'em.

>> No.22365945

>after you die you will find there is nothing.
How can you be cognizant of nothing? If there's no afterlife you'd just die thinking there will be one but then never discover there's not. There's no "aha" fedora moment for Christians if they're wrong, but there would be for atheists if they're wrong.

>> No.22365969

Yeah there's definitely a real heart to the message that I think I can detect, despite all the different denominations and passing of time. But my point was that because all this stuff is now readily available, it's easier for normal people to question the faith, or pick a different denomination.
Basically I'm saying the nature of the game changed.

>> No.22365978

We can agree on that much. Things're complicated these days.

>> No.22365990

You’re literally a schizophrenic if you somehow think “the world is good” implies that christianity is true

>> No.22365999

There it is again. Communicating like a child with his reddit buzzwords.

>> No.22366003

I think that Christianity is a beautiful narration of the history of the world as a good and wonderful place that has grasped me as a whole person definitively, and I think it's better to have a concrete understanding of the world as a good place than vague sentiments about it, because the thing is that ideas which tend to the demonic/destructive tend to come in and fill the vacuum (revolutionary violence, etc). I don't think that I've proven Christianity must be true in some weird philosophical sense. I'm just trying to present the message as I understand it

>> No.22366033

There's no reason to think God is good, other than that he told us he was good (which is something that an imperfect God could easily do).
Seriously, the faithful of the whole Abrahamic tradition struggle with understanding how God is good, and why there's suffering and life is unfair, it's called theodicy. But the only reason they'd need to rectify that disparity is because they're presupposing that God is good.
God tries to blame us for all the faults and suffering in the entire world. Seriously, that's correct doctrine, that Adam and Eves Sin caused nature itself to fall, disease, death, etc. I think that's ridiculous, and no one really believes it that much, this ties in with the baby stuff. When any normal person looks at a baby they see innocence and simplicity. But deluded men like st Augustine see evil.

What's simpler; that God is perfect and creation was perfect, until me and you fucked it all up. The entire thing, it's my fault that there's suffering.

Or; that an imperfect God made an imperfect creation. I mean imperfect morally. I think he's just a magnificent bastard. It also makes more sense how we're created in his image this way. It's not out fault there's disorder and suffering in the world, it's clearly God's.

>> No.22366040

Different person, but you're saying it well and I basically agree.

>> No.22366045
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Thank you (Japanese for thank you)

>> No.22366051

Christcuckery is proof that Eurotrash are not a superior peoples. I would have expected a superior peoples to have embraced a much more enriching tradition. Original Sin has literally been turned into a reality with the Anthropocene. Empedocles and Ludwig Klages were better prophets than Jewsus, damn him and all his followers to the bottom depths of hell.
All Abrahamists are metaphysical forces of pure destruction, pulling people into their endless worldwide drama in the name of "progress" and "renovating the world". Every single last cathedral, mosque, and synagogue should be burned to the ground. All Bibles, Korans, Talmuds, Kabbalahs, Old Testaments, and so on burned. The priests, imams, and rabbis decapitated with their heads on pikes. A Deep Learning bot released on the Internet deleting every single trace or mention of Abrahamism. Every single Abrahamist slaughtered without mercy, their historical legacies completely eradicated and completely forgotten. People wouldn't even remember what a Christian or Muslim was.
They are at war with the Earth. They are at war with the multiplicity that defines life. They chopped down countless holy pagan trees and broke man's ability to communicate with the Earth.
Only a blade to their necks can be an effective means of communication with them at this point. The Holy Spirit is a malevolent force where nothing good has ever originated. I place superior idols like the ancient groves and streams to bar myself from Allah. I curse Elohim and say every single last one of you Abrahamists will suffer for trillions upon trillions of kalpas. Your eyes will be gouged out a billion times over until you look inward and forsake your jealous and angry god.
All Caucasoids have undeniably failed by embracing Abrahamic schizophrenic garbage. If you are not Anti-Abrahamist at this point in history, then you do not deserve to live. The cancer of industrialization was born from the vileness of your logocentric nonsense. The continued cancerous presence and relevance of Abrahamism is by far one of the biggest problems in this day and age.

>> No.22366053

are these pagan anime grills going to hell?

>> No.22366058

>broke man's ability
severed man's ability*

>> No.22366060

I think God has told us that being brought into the Christian church is a sure way to have confidence of salvation, but that he has also expressed his saving intent for all people through the life death and resurrection of Jesus, by whose blood he paid for all our sins. I don't exactly know how universal salvation or something close to it would "work," but I know that God is good, perfectly good, and that whatever happens in the end will be for the best

>> No.22366061

To be fair Christianity required huge boons to conquer europe. It basaically attacked at the weakest and most depraved time in european history, but still soon enough that the Roman empire still had it’s power to spread it. Then it persisted as generational trauma. It’s honestly impressive that we escaped it at all considering it is one of the most deadly mind viruses ever invented… only the language barrier saved the east.

>> No.22366070

>every baby is a sinner
That's true though. The world is in a fallen state.

Humanity perpetuates its suffering and vanity by default. It is inherently evil and vain in most ways, but that's the human condition. By acknowledging our mistakes and failures (sin) we can change them and forgive the people around us

>> No.22366078

The best thing you can do right now is embrace a new tradition like revive a Greek mystery cult or just become Buddhist, while encouraging eco-conscious behavior. Then encourage anti-Abrahamists to join your movement and use your technological prowess to end Abrahamism worldwide before proceeding to help organize global de-industrialization.

>> No.22366083
File: 228 KB, 648x545, kitachang(re)22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? This is supposed to make more sense than Jesus?

>> No.22366111

Stfu, you retarded Christcuck piece of shit.

>> No.22366114

Take a chill pill, anonymous ideologue.

>> No.22366130

Anime girl posting Christians are the same as fedora atheists

>> No.22366148
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I dont wanna make a thread to ask this but does the bible ever adresses false humility?

>> No.22366153

Take a break, anon. You're getting too worked up.

>> No.22366157

>one of three denominations
That is being way too generous

>> No.22366159

I don't know, I started watching the cartoons on Cartoon Network when I was a kid and never stopped.

>> No.22366178

Pretty much this. Like 1/3 of all Christian theology is overtaken by le power fantasies and epic second comings. If the God of the Old Testament were real judgement day would have been the day of the mcmartin preschool case

>> No.22366182

>false humility
I looked up the term to make sure I knew exactly what you meant and the first thing that came up were bible verses about false humility, Colossians 2.

>> No.22366187

Yes. Jesus says something to the the effect of "don't pray in public, don't make it an aim to show how you are faithful or good, instead do it in silence and expect no recognition or reward for your work."

>> No.22366213
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Thanks, I just saw a video of a person, during the video he promoted a book about "how you shouldn't masturbate your ego". The video was 20 minutes long and he listened every charity or social program he did or was part of.

I'm really considering going back to catholicism.

>> No.22366219

I meant to to write "listed" instead of listened

>> No.22366222

Altar-centered worship does keep you from being subjected to too much Pharisaical prattle on Sunday.

>> No.22366241

Christcucks tongue my anus and enjoy it

>> No.22366246

That's not true you're lying
Say sorry you shouldn't tell lies

>> No.22366252

Can anyone address this?

>> No.22366275

The patriarch of constantinople just gave me a housecall to tongue my anus

>> No.22366292

Peak discord tranny thread

>> No.22366306

i just created my own religion, it's the only way to not be a larper

>> No.22366308

This can't be true
Simply impossible
It's Friday, no meat on Fridays
Silly anonymous
Are you sure that wasn't just a male prostitute in a funny hat?

>> No.22366315

>for it is not to their fault
At what exact age does original sin kick in?

>> No.22366326

Ignore 4chan theologians, trust in the statement of universal love that is Jesus

>> No.22366350

Arguments God is good
-Sacrificed himself for our wellbeing
-Made a system in which good is rewarded and evil punished
-Made a world in which people acting good makes it better and acting evil makes it worse

>> No.22366398

>-Sacrificed himself for our wellbeing
>-Made a system in which good is rewarded and evil punished
>-Made a world in which people acting good makes it better and acting evil makes it worse
Proof of any of this?

>> No.22366456

They have original sin, not personal sin. Once a person is able to reason, then they begin to be culpable for sin. This happens usually somewhere between four and seven.

>> No.22366550

Sounds gay

>> No.22366560

Really? If (You) are in heaven, you would be happier because you get to watch the metaphysical equivalent of goreposting in the afterlife?

>> No.22366602

What is this absurd strawman? This entire thread is full of anons acting like a few reformers speak for all of Christianity. A significant chunk, possibly a majority of early Christians believed in Universal Reconciliation. The idea of infants burning in hell is most commonly associated with Calvin as well. Gregory of Nyssa, Origen, Basil of Caesarea and many more prior to Augustine would laugh at this nonsense.
It's like anons here actually learned about Christianity from reading Dawkins or some nonsense, disappointing for this board.

>> No.22366621

Infants burn in hell. That is the Word of God. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is letting Satan speak through them.

>> No.22366626

You're a psychopath.

>> No.22366639

I’m a follower of Christ.

>> No.22366645

Turning the letter against the spirit and glibly preaching the "gospel" of eternal fiery infant torture is not being a follower of Christ.

>> No.22366648

Ok, I’ll listen to Jesus, you listen to Satan.

>> No.22366651

You come in here preaching a message of infinite horror and despair and tell other people Satan's words are coming from their mouth. Ridiculous.

>> No.22366653

False flagging doesn't work on christians, fedoranon

>> No.22366660

Lord, I am in the den of sinners in imitation of you. Though I have the strength, which comes from you O Lord, to not be swayed by his devilled-tongue, I ask only that you give others the power to not fall for his demonic teachings which he has warped and bent from your own to better lead astray Your followers. I ask this in Your name. Amen.

>> No.22366664

Yeah, definitely false flagging with the weird performative prayer. Get lost, weirdo.

>> No.22366675

Lol, these redditors have taken God’s Holy Word and persecute Jesus’ true followers.

It’s Ok. I walk with God on His light. You will burn in the afterlife.

>> No.22366680

Wow, mocking a prayer. What churxh dod you learn that in? Get lost, satan worshipper.

>> No.22366681

I'd like to believe that no matter how hard I fall God will still be able to forgive me. I don't want to use it as an excuse to sin without regret. I just know that I'm not strong enough to be like God wants me to be.
Reading the bible or talking to other christians just makes me even more confused. It feels so hopeless thinking about never being able to get there. Like my feelings don't matter anymore because I'm a failed human being. I'd rather just get to hell faster if that's all there is for me.

>> No.22366691

Jesus wouldn't have spilled his blood for you if it were pointless. Put faith in God's work, not your own, where he makes his promise visible, in your baptism, and in the meal you partake in which shows your participation in his church and Kingdom, the Lord's Supper.

>> No.22366696

That's a pretty dumb objection. The only one that is remotely provable is the third one. Societies that follow good morals obviously do better than ones that don't. The closer societies get to following biblical morality the better they do.

>> No.22366701

If you are not of the Elect, then you’re a part of the preterite. Take comfort tgat before you were born yournlot was chosen.

>> No.22366703

Paraphrase the nicene creed for us (demon worshippers can't do this)

>> No.22366708

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

You next, satan worshipper.

>> No.22366724


>> No.22366728


Oh look, the follower of Satan can’t even continue it. Let everyone reading this thread see who professed their faith in the Lord and who couldn’t bring themselves to even say they
believe in God.

Stop false flagging and get out of here.

>> No.22366730


>> No.22366734

there he goes again! false flag redditors got a lot of time

>> No.22366760

You seem to be radically confused and responding partly correctly and incorrectly. It's correct to find St. Augustine's analysis objectionnable and misguided but it's incorrect to throw out the idea of original sin with original sin and damnation. Original sin is merely the explaination for why humans have a life they do not like yet with, for all empirical evidence's purpose, having no other better reference point.
Many Christians agree with you.

>> No.22366761

>Such a forgiving, kind and understanding God.
The Church does not teach that anyone has been damned and is explicitly open to the possibility that everyone will be saved. As such, you're responding to a characature of dogma and not dogma.

>> No.22366765

Why bother OP? Anyone remotely smart knows that even if a God exists that religion is bullshit.

>> No.22366769

>God tries to blame us for all the faults and suffering in the entire world
You're getting at the core tension of West and East. The West says that we are sinners and God is good and the East calls God a liar by creating samsara and illusion. The West is totally correct and to not see that humans are evil is very simply to not know yourself.

>> No.22366771

>B-But thar's not real christia-
Why do people use this excuse so much. Islam uses it, Christians are now using it too.

>> No.22366774

How old are you and are you in mass public education?

>> No.22366777

There are substantive differences in understanding of the Christian faith on issues people feel are of central importance. It's not an "excuse," it's a reflection of the real difference that exists between different kind of broadly Christian outlooks.

>> No.22366778

Expressing that any individual is damned is heresy. It's not about genuineness it's just that most churchgoers are very comfortable with the idea of damnation in a way that detracts from God and the Church.

>> No.22366783

How old are you and are you in mass public education?

>> No.22366788

It's ironic to see something that was not meant as an insult used as an insult.

>> No.22366790


>> No.22366796

How are we evil? Aren't we just capable of evil?

Didn't He define good? Isn't the alternative that good is a spook.

>> No.22366804 [DELETED] 

> Didn't He define good? Isn't the alternative that good is a spook.
Read Spinoza. Unless you think god could define being pedo as good and you’re ok with that.

>> No.22366809

>How are we evil?
1/5 people are raped before they're 18. Mass wars are the norm. Slavery is a historic rule not exception. Wife and child beating is a historical norm. Banks would go out of business without fees that punish the poor.
>Aren't we just capable of evil?
The question isn't where is the capacity from but the capacity and the willingness to do evil. It's an explaination that our ancestors made a theological error against the perfect good and thus we suffer. It claims the suffering is justified because of Christ not because the suffering is good in itself but in with the context of the Saviour Jesus Christ Who is Lord.

>> No.22366831

Why wouldn't it be then?

Yes? but how does that give us the property of being evil? If evil is the absence of good how are we evil if we are capable of good?

>> No.22366860

what does "paraphrase" mean
it doesn't mean "copy and paste"
the point is that demon worshippers cannot affirm Christ in their own words

>> No.22366879

I didn’t want to paraphrase. I wanted to say the whole thing, and let you say it too. But ok:

I believe in God the Father who made all things, his Son, begotten not made who was conceived of the Holy Spirit through Mary, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and Son and in the holy catholic church, and in baptism, only one, for the forgiveness of sins.

Now you, lover of lucifer.

>> No.22366884
File: 3.12 MB, 2288x1700, 1691658624992071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NDErs say that there is no such thing as hell or sin. So religions are outdated anyway and the future of spirituality lies in NDEs as they are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So heaven is undeniably real.

>> No.22366889

Let me guess, you won’t be able to paraphrase again, right? You’re going to have totally legitimate reason why you can’t but you’re totally not a false flag redditor? We should just totally beleive you’re christian even though you don’t want to profess your faith. Totally.

>> No.22366912

Why was this deleted

>> No.22366918

Can’t do it, can you, mr. redditor?

>> No.22366921

are you the false flag redditor who refuses to profess his faith and now trying to change the topic?

>> No.22366927

We’re waiting, mr. redditor

>> No.22366931

where are you, mr. redditor?

>> No.22366932

so the conclusion is maybe maybe not

woah this is after 2000 years of jewish sophistry

>> No.22366939
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The semiotics of this are very interesting
Procedural masters of pulpil

>> No.22366944

>If God good, how come he allow bad thing to happen?

The only solution is Soren Kirkegaard's man of faith: you do whatever God says, even if it makes no sense to you or violates ethics.

I find it highly unethical to bring a race of fools into this world and then blame them for acting like fools, but if you accept that God is real, you logically have to accept His value judgements.

>> No.22366946

Don't you have anything better to do or do christians upset you that much?

>> No.22366948

that's false and the west is ofc wrong since all their method is sterile and never ever made anybody bad being good.
The east has the better tool of meditation, not mental masturbation, and it is thru meditation that we access supramundane knowledge, and spoiler alert, it's not what the jews have been saying.

>> No.22366955
File: 198 KB, 1237x905, IMG_0276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22366957

I am christian, see my lrofession of faith, notice you didn’t profess again, mr. redditor. Why is that?

>> No.22366960

Come on, mr. redditor. Since you love God so much saying your profession of faith should be easy, mr. redditor.

>> No.22366968

I wonder who it makes happy you won’t profess your faith in God? Do you think it makes God happy you refuse to profess your fairh in Him? No, I don’t think so. Must be someone else who would be happy about that. But who is it, mr. redditor?

>> No.22366974

Who, or should I say what do you actually believe in, mr. redditor?

>> No.22366979

Let’s go, mr. redditor!

>> No.22366994

In 2013, atheism was gaining constant ground on the internet. It seemed that all of the web would become enlightened Dawkins fans, but then, the Christians fought back. They invented fedora posting, striking a near mortal blow against atheism

Now, in 2023, the tides are shifting yet again. The creation of the godjak threatens to end Christianity once and for all

>> No.22366995

see >>22366944 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMJc9UMzFSE

The only way to reconcile God's goodness with the allowance of evil is accepting that it's all for a higher purpose. The man of Faith simply accepts the dissonance and ethical objections as something only God has the answer for.

>-Made a system in which good is rewarded and evil punished
Good and evil isn't that simple. "Good" acts can have negative consequences (pathological altruism). Also, one person's sin can scar others and drag them into sin as well. A poor or abusive upbringing can scar a child for life. Who is one to blame the crippled man for walking like a cripple?
>INB4 that's what Hell is for
No man who loves his enemies would be happy that Hell exists. Justice is for the restoration and reconciliation of the wronged. What is gained through the torture of the wronger? One who is spiritually complete has no need for revenge.