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22363013 No.22363013 [Reply] [Original]

After reading this book (not because of fucking wendigoon fuck you) I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. People call it the greatest American novel ever but I don't see it. I'm not bashing McCarthy No Country is my favourite book of all time but blood meridian just didn't work for me. Maybe I'm a retard who got filtered by the writing style and how nothings dwelled upon in any detail (toadvine and davey brown are hung, next sentence). Also the violence isn't nearly as descriptive as people say so that turned me off. I opened this book with my dick in my hand and it kinda disappointed. And I don't get the ending either.

>> No.22363022

I mean yeah it's not going to work for everyone. It's not the greatest book ever written either, but I still think it's a damn good book, especially compared to other contemporary writing. I love the ensemble of characters, the poignant scene, the philosophy, The Judge, all the allusions to classic literature, and honestly the writing style though the reasons i love it i know is the point of contention for alot of people. On top of that I like the cowboy and general western imagery. The ending is great too

>> No.22363027

>People call it the greatest American novel ever
I see they’ve never read Moby Dick in their life.

>> No.22363040

shit anon thank you for reminding me im going to go read that now.

>> No.22363083

Moby Dick is a great gay interracial novel about a depressed talented 10th new yorker, but it has nothing on the whaling in Cities of the Red Night.

>> No.22363151

fixating on the the "gay interracial" aspect is a great indicator that someone has only read a beginning fraction of the book

>> No.22363679
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>> No.22363784

The Judge is literally me and did nothing wrong

>> No.22363820

>didnt like bm
>ncfom is his favorite book of all time

>> No.22363825

Im a major pseud, what was the point of the Judge getting the preacher lynched? Was it just showing how easily swayed humans are or was he trying to make a point that traditional religious institutions cant overcome Gnostic archons?

>> No.22364255

who is that guy? why does he look like a zombie ghoul thing?

>> No.22364280

>A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.

>> No.22364293

bruv he had to sacrifice the whole gang in his striving towards the philosopher's stone. Rubedo = red = blood. c'mon now.

>> No.22364344

>I don't get the ending either
maybe you are retarded then, that shit is pretty laid out bare

>> No.22364361
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>black guy murders a white guy for no reason
>gang applauds him
>the judge personally takes it upon himself to save the black guy more than once
yeah its an "american" novel alright

>> No.22364376

It's that and more. Pointing out the hypocrisy of the preacher, pointing out that he's both "illiterate" as in unable to truly perceive the word of god, and a criminal fraud, as in against the laws of man, and that's enough to make the town bastardize him. Then you find out he's just trolling. Corruption is just one of this qualities.

>> No.22364410

>gang applauds him
McCarthy makes a point to how they don't care which one of them died or that they died at all

>> No.22364459

>getting filtered by simple race dynamics

>> No.22364485

>you dont understand, the frontiermans in the 19th century worshiped blacks too

>> No.22364533

>the devil saved a guy so that means that guy is a good guy
Are you, by chance, retarded?

>> No.22364578

They find it funny that the nig chimps out on his superior, it was inevitable one would kill the other. It is the primal will to power, since he's white Jackson's "shadow." Judge also keeps him alive because at the tarot reading he reads "in your fortunate lie our fortunes all", which is to ultimately die at the yuma massacre. He knows things must run their course. That's why black jackson gets got while trying to get a stuck coin specifically.

>> No.22364629

That scene actually highlights the teue nature of the gang's partisanship. They do not really care about race so long as you are fighting with them. And if you are dead, you are immediately forgotten. Point is that saying they are "racist" is superficial. They even have other natives in their gang. Also they don't applaud him, they just don't care, white Jack is dead and of no use to Glanton anymore, and the Judge clearly buck breaks black Jackson when he tries to dessert.

>> No.22364652

It's veiled gay propaganda. Accept gays, get in touch with your feminine side and become a fag yourself, that is the message in the book.

>> No.22364655

>death hilarious

>> No.22364672
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>like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.
W-what regions is he talking about?

>> No.22364884

The deep and mysterious region between my butt cheeks

>> No.22365593

You wouldnt get it, Hylic

>> No.22365603

I imagine he was referring to the regions beyond right with those vaporous beings in them who know where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools

>> No.22365757

That painting sucks lol. Is he holding a fucking flashlight under his face?

>> No.22365798

Maybe you are a bit young to know this, but before the flashlight was created, people used bonfires in the ground to create light, and if you were next to the bonfire this effect was created.

>> No.22365994

Yes, of course, a perfectly white bonfire

>> No.22366006

Also, a bonfire is a big fire, it wouldn't light your face from below.

>> No.22366032

>he doesn’t see the vaporous beings

>> No.22366108

I thought no country for old men sucked in comparison to Blood Meridian or TheRoad

>> No.22366109

I liked the part with the filibuster.

>> No.22366112

You..did read it out loud.. right?

>> No.22366125

What percentage of cowboys were black?

1 out of every 4 cowboys was Black. Historians estimate that between 20 to 25% of cowboys in the American West were African American.

>> No.22366173

To be fair those are literal cowboys, as in the guys who just did grunt work on farms and just rounded up horses, not actual gunslingers, mercenaries and frontiersmen. That said it's not unbelievable a black guy would be in an outlaw gang and that Anon is retarded and probably hasn't read the book because they hardly worship Black Jackson. They call him a nigger constantly, and their indifference to him killing White Jackson is due to their indifference to violence in general.

>> No.22366355

Forfeited himself performatively by his blaspheming. It was too tempting as a practical joke not to.

>same name no less
Left it to fate to decide, and decide it did. We're in a cosmic wood chipper and such fine distinctions are nothing ultimately. Then again, White Jackson is vindicated in his own view satisfactorily as to the nature of Black Jackson either way. Not that it matters in the grave.

>> No.22367089

The Judge is like an avatar of war, murder, and violence. He played the people like a fiddle and they all danced to his tune.

>> No.22367508
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>> No.22368200
File: 2.56 MB, 3030x2160, Nicolas_Poussin_-_Et_in_Arcadia_ego_(deuxième_version) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The judge is the **ENTROPY**. He is the 'ego' in 'arcadia'. World wouldn't exist without entropy. Put humans in a crystal palace and it would be entropified.

>> No.22368210

>People call it the greatest American novel ever

>> No.22369460
