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File: 17 KB, 452x355, 1000005985_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22362645 No.22362645 [Reply] [Original]

>7 lbs, 9 ounces
>super cute
>she's wearing a small hat

>> No.22362655

kantbot made it b4 me

>> No.22362661

unironically the fact that nobody killed this fat fag is proof that the "dissident right" is 100% LARP

>> No.22362662

Yay, Kantbot! Thule has risen!

>> No.22362667

he's cucked out of being right wing years ago, sadly. he does like crypto corporate politics or some shit now

>> No.22362669

He is saying BAP would’ve killed his for doxxing him if he stood by his claimed ideals.

>> No.22362671

yeah i was saying that but i was also generalizing, why aren't more e-celebs killing people? fucking kevin spacey has a double digit bodycount but this guy espousing blood in the streets can't even muster up the will to shoot a fat white boy

>> No.22362672
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For what? For being a fat retard with a surface-level understanding of everything he pontificates about?

Kantbot is a lightweight. He's no threat to anyone. Why kill him? It would be murder, and more than that, it would be a waste of ammo.

>> No.22362678

See >>22362669
He very definitely created real world consequences for Mr. Romanian Nazi sympathizer guy.

>> No.22362686

>Dimitri liked
Man of culture detected.

>> No.22362687

You silly shitty little e-right wingers, this is all dumb drama. Are you really going to bicker like girls when there are bigger problems to solve, actual dragons to slay?

BAP, Kantbot, all of those guys, they've either been fully coopted by the state or they're merely useful idiots. Not worth the trouble. Dumb e-celeb right-wing drama. Don't waste your time on them.

>> No.22362690

>zoomer eceleb did a thing, here's the screenshot of his livejournal as proof
Kill yourself nigger

>> No.22362693
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when do we storm vandenberg?

>> No.22362695

theres nothing to do except talk and spread ideas, actually doing shit will ruin your life and thats a fact jack

>> No.22362699
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When the moment of decision comes in the West, we'll all know it. It will be too obvious to miss.

At that time, one must be prepared to act. But in the meantime, one must cultivate one's garden. One must be Cincinnatus tending to his farm.

The moment will come. In the meantime, be peaceful, but stay alert. For "Ye shall know neither the day nor the hour."

>> No.22362702

That’s probably the reason that Nazi intellectual badass wrote anonymously in the first place. Lmao

>> No.22362705

i would respect your post if you didn't choose the wrong girl

>> No.22362707
File: 119 KB, 1272x713, IMG_0191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kantbot is our new boyfriend. We shall suck his hairy chopped up Jew wiener.

>> No.22362715
File: 68 KB, 480x1134, bb860b47512da3778ee6d4969ddd1bb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you must know, Misato is MY girl. I just posted Rei again to maintain a consistent in-thread identity.

>> No.22362721

alkie roastie used up no good w h o r e

>> No.22362724

i apologize

>> No.22362802
File: 790 KB, 1187x1000, 1600171085433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kantbot's Boston Creampie became a little Munchkin

>> No.22362807
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white people lmfao

>> No.22362809

Somebody is going to post Rittenhouse in response to this, probably.

>> No.22362811

I'm a Zimmerman myself

>> No.22362812

Another person I’ve had brief feud with on Twitter along with Delicious Tacos, Academic Agent and Razorfist.

>> No.22362814
File: 87 KB, 678x864, 1000005962_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenosha PD is a proud Kluxer project of rw visionaries

>> No.22362821

Way to go, big guy

>> No.22363269

thinking my return to twitter, recommend pls the current-year frequencies where I should start. preferably with some depth, passion, and a good spirited autism. (less interested in clout wars, more in guarded schizoshitposting)

>> No.22363277


>> No.22363348

Just follow the sincere Christians on Twitter, that is the most utility I have ever gotten out of the website. There are a ton of priests, nuns, monks, and even bishops and cardinals on Twitter and you would be amazed how edifying some of their content can be.

It honestly gives me hope for the Church, we're going to make it. The slow turn of the battleship is happening, Rome is going to get saved after all.

Also follow Nick Land too. Also, follow Good Tweetman.

>> No.22363366

based NPC provider. Being a pussy slave is the true self of any atheist

>> No.22363412

It's fine to act like a retard online but good people generally reproduce.

>> No.22363491


>> No.22363513

Fat people deserve worse than death. I don't care what a fat person thinks. They're total subhumans and should be put in camps and starved of food for a year and also rendered infertile so they can't spread their low impulse control and hedonism.

>> No.22363517

Ugly motherfucker. Kys.

>> No.22363543

TL;DR on the beed with AA and Razor

>> No.22363552

Self-hating fat cope.

>> No.22363701

If if this was the case, that is an appeal to hypocrisy and non argument. A fat person is capable of hating fat people despite being fat himself. And such would not be a cope as a cope is done to deal with the pressures of life, not heighten them.

>> No.22363796

Great work, Kantbot!

>> No.22363799
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please fill me up next, Mr. Kantbot

>> No.22363847

>two more weeks