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22362505 No.22362505 [Reply] [Original]

ummm what the FUCK did houellebecq mean by this??

>> No.22362508

our fate is in your hands ameribros.

>> No.22362514

He's completely correct, but you're misreading him. He expects the European race to die, correctly. He's commenting on how much control the USA has over their culture and how doomed they are. Read Submission its very clear

>> No.22362559

Overpopulation fetishists have priors that prevent actually efficacious countermeasures (literally stop subsidizing cheap grain for neolithics abroad to multiply like rats with).

>> No.22362572

Europeans pretending to still be relevant is so cringe. What if they all become africans overnight? Nothing changes.

>> No.22362641

America IS a white supremacist country. Read Dugin. White elites have always diligently, mercilessly culled the surplus white population and have often enough manipulated nonwhites to be the middlemen in this eugenics program. You have no idea how over it is.

>> No.22362756

holy shit, he just keeps getting more and more based.

>> No.22362759

Bully all Duginiggers

>> No.22362768

Sorry, friend. We cucked ourselves to the Jews. We have hard times ahead.

>> No.22362784
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>France spends literal CENTURIES bragging about being a safe haven for black people and how the USA is so awfully racist unlike them
>Now the French are bitching because apparently Americans forced them to have immigrants and they want the US to be racist again
You know what? I say we give Algeria nukes and let them launch them towards Paris

>> No.22362795

You cannot be this dumb.

>> No.22362820
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>> No.22362939


>> No.22362945

Asian tourists won't give them money anymore = economic collapse because they produce nothing else.

>> No.22362997
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>> No.22362999

Why do they always blame America for "exporting" things but never themselves for importing it? Are they so mentally cucked that America has mind control over the French?

>> No.22363019

Comparing the situations of the US and France doesn't make sense. The Brits are to America what the Muslims are to France. An invading culture.

>> No.22363237

>The Brits are to America what the Muslims are to France. An invading culture.

>> No.22363292

It's pretty self-explanatory. Houellebecq hit the nail straight on the head again. Only the French permit their authors this kind of latitude in making statements like this, if he was in America he would have been cancelled into oblivion. Sorry mon amie, when France falls, the rest of the west won't be standing much longer afterwards.

>> No.22363311

The agricultural subsidies in Europe are in place to prevent west african agriculture from becoming more viable. Land in Europe is worse for cultivation and French farmers fear the competition. Read Serotonin.

>> No.22363314


>> No.22363577

Rudeposting won't save Ukraine you know

>> No.22363596
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>> No.22363611

America has economic, military, and political control over Europe. It is a province. A place without an army is never actually independent.

>> No.22363663

each european country has an army

>> No.22363670 [DELETED] 

this is actually an insightful analysis. earlier in the summer i was at one of those places where wealthy whites spend the weekend sailing boats and riding jetskis and shit and they were all in shape, good looking, educated, well mannered. to them the fat ugly uneducated unprofessional "we wvz romans" losers on 4chan are nothing but an embarrassment. they don't need a majority to be successful. they don't care about you, and why should they? you contribute nothing.

>> No.22363683

>earlier in the summer i was at one of those places where wealthy whites spend the weekend sailing boats and riding jetskis
Nah, you weren't

>> No.22363686

Based noble upper class letting their country be flooded by millions of Corteses and Shaqueeshas

>> No.22363690 [DELETED] 

believe whatever cope makes you feel better my flyover friend.

>> No.22363706

all of which combined couldn't pose a threat to any actual power

>> No.22363709

are they reproducing above replacement rates?

>> No.22363722

so? europeans obviously put more importance into bicycles, gay marriage, "alternative lifestyles", feminism, climate protests and refugee accommodation than into military and combat culture. that's not america's fault. in fact, american tax payers are financing NATO and thus co-financing european security while they themselves are busy pursuing a bohemian lifestyle.

>> No.22363759

Wait? Frog people are white? Aren't they just funny talking medishits?

>> No.22363891

How are americans this delusional about the repercussions of the world wars while having delusions that they saved the world?

Every day I become a little happier that this already more than half-nogged country is going to fall apart under its own competency crisis while 80-90% White European countries still have a shot.

>> No.22363929

neither am i american, nor is my post about america "saving the world". it's about europeans refusing to acknowledge that their decline is tied to them having their heads too far up their own asses and then blaming the usa for everything that goes wrong in their own backyard. and the part about nato being financed by american tax payers is a plain fact.

>80-90% White European countries still have a shot.
very optimistic, most western euros prefer cosmopolitanism over tribal particularism and eastern euros have high emigration rates and abysmal birth rates while their own upper classes have just recently come to enjoy the advantages of importing cheap labor from south-east asia and africa.

>> No.22363935

France literally has its own nuclear arsenal and military industrial complex and kicked out all American personnel over 60 years ago.
Also, Japan is LITERALLY an American vassal state and somehow they avoid 99% of this culture war shit that only Euros seem to import and impose on themselves. Funny how that works.

>> No.22363951

>80-90% White European countries still have a shot.
>He really thinks any western European country is "80%" white
Hint: a big chunk of that white population are in fact sterile and retiring Boomers. The actually youth under the age of 35 is a different matter altogether.
Anyhow, he is 100% correct about Europeans themselves being largely "left wing" in social matters. To anyone who touches grass, the USA is blatantly a more religious, conservative, and yes even racist culture, in contrast to a place like the Netherlands or Ireland or France. Europeans have proudly bragged for decades that they are more secularized, that they are less racist, that they are more LGBT friendly, etc. This is not a recent phenomenon, this has been the case since fucking Ronald Reagan was president in the 1980s and everyone in Europe thought he was a Fascist Reactionary Warlord.

>> No.22363964

>Hint: a big chunk of that white population are in fact sterile and retiring Boomers.
As long as you have a genetically viable population of people young enough to breed you can repopulate a continent in a couple generations. Also mass migrations are the norm in history. If European governments told the invader populations to leave, and used incentives/penalties for leaving/not leaving respectively, within 3-5 years probably 80% would leave. The rest could easily be concentrated in ghettos and areas and managed humanely. It's not hard to fix Europe, it's just that we've forgotten what real states are capable of. That's part of the liberal rot: make everybody lose faith in politics, so that only "economics" and "society" remain. Make people think that politics can only ever "steer" or "react to" economy and society, over 50 year periods, with plans full of corruption and with no correspondence between intent and result.

Give me dictatorial control of a major European country and I'll give you a healthy 98% white population universally employed and loyal to the country within 20 years, with no massacres or your money back.

>> No.22363970

>with no massacres
unironically a bad idea, western people are filled with repressed rage and desperately need to vent. keeping it pent up while you build your political lego set will only lead to further psychological damage.

>> No.22363976

Sure, it's *theoretically* possible. It's also theoretically possible that the USA will build a network of MAGLEV bullet train across North America and then land a man on Mars, but we know that this is not going to happen in any realistic manner.
Fact is, Europeans themselves are by and large not racist or "racially conscious" or anything of that sort. They not only drop Christianity, the traditional religion of their grandparents and beyond for the last 800+ years, but they outright despise it. This is a symptom which reveals much about present day attitudes and and ideas concerning heritage, ethnic ties, nation states, etc. Funnier still, for the 18-30 year old European youth (at least certainly here in Berlin and in my native Edinburgh), the whole notion of even being patriotic or proud of your tribal identity is considered "American behavior" and therefore bad. Religion is for Americans, nationalism is for Americans. Enlightened Europeans are "secular humanists and rational thinkers".

>> No.22363993

That farmland in Africa won't be producing anything unless its given to a non-African lol

>> No.22363997

How long would it take to raise African average IQ by 10 or 20 points if Europeans just controlled the continent

A hundred years? I bet you could do 30+ points

>> No.22363999

why are whites so obsessed with torturing niggers by giving them the curse of consciousness? just leave them alone dude

>> No.22364010

They deserve better. Have you ever talked to a nigger? They have thoughts and ideas and a soul, just like we do. It's simply buried in weed-induced schizophrenia and a Jewish death cult ("hip-hop") manufactured in a CIA lab.

In Africa itself if you just managed their production and sanitation for them, a little bit of policing too although that would have to be managed carefully, they could relax a little and spend a few generations developing their consciousness.

>> No.22364070

All can be fixed if you have absolute no tolerance on crime for about 50 years.
Anyone stealing, killing, being a nigger gets thrown in jail forever.
Out of the gene pool.
Eventually you end up with black people who can behave and have a higher IQ.
This is the only way. No one will ever do it but they should.

>> No.22364136

Yes, harsh punishments breed submissive slaves. Once you've bred them who's going to rule them? Words on paper? Or will the slaves rule themselves, and to what end?

>> No.22364159

Is this board suddenly filled with wellbeck experts?
And what happened to his sex tape?

>> No.22364164

shelved due to creative differences

>> No.22364173

his books are short and comfy, you can breeze through his top 5

>> No.22364710

They wouldn't be slaves.
The ones that are high IQ or can go through life not committing crimes will be finally freed from those niggas.
I'm just saying this is how you can crank up the IQ. They're not going to be first world any time soon but if they start humbly by locking up and taking the worst out of the gene pool you will see growth.

>> No.22364737

Yea, the US is a more religious, conservative, and even racist culture. The first two parts of that are deliberate checks upon the third and ensure that it is unable to manifest in any politically relevant way. Once again Europe is ahead in having a tradition of racialism with meaningful application. And relative to the US those factions are far more serious and substantive.

>> No.22364822


>> No.22364854

This. French faggots love talking the talk and are disgusted at the prospect of walking the walk. It's why they constantly riot for small bursts whenever given the chance; resistance is an aesthetic for the French people.

>> No.22365342

>blamed the US
For gods sake just SAY JEWS


>> No.22365591

They're run by kikes

>> No.22365599

he's written a lot about how American cultural trends are soon adopted by Western Europe and the nigger and faggot worship is no different

>> No.22365622

he's a kike lover sadly, typical boomer

>> No.22365768

Even in France and even for Houellebecq that would be suicide

>> No.22365871

(you) there you go anon don't feel bad

>> No.22366689

But it literally is the US
Is Biden, Pelosi, Harris etc jews? no. So saying "america" is more technically accurate

>> No.22367143

Not even in Chicago I saw this many niggers, holy shit

>> No.22367272

he means that he's either retarded or a liar, because deliberate, systematic, coordinated non-enforcement of laws or obligations is per definitionem a conspiracy, in the same way that selective, coordinated over-enforcement is a conspiracy

>> No.22367281

Submission isn't about the European race dying. It's about a cultural take-over from a unified, religious group of the liberal, status quo. Europeans get to join in, convert (or stay Christian). And the new president has Julius Caesar vibes. Christians are allowed to move freely, only the jews and atheists are discriminated against.
Only thing that dies in submission is liberal democracy.

>> No.22367284

Demographic changes are facts. You can just look at the birthrates of different demographics in Europe and you can see that the white population is being replaced and an increasing rate. There's no need for a conspirary theory when this is a fact (it's still orchestrated by the Jews of course)

>> No.22367296

>Anglo utility calculator dialect
Shut up.

>> No.22367464

The "conservative" element here is really English political culture and republicanism which did not grow out of or incorporate explicit racial struggle or thinking. It doesn't rise to a political category naturally except implicitly as allowing and furthering or interfering with the culture. But clearly you can recognize the particular historical, ethnic contributions to the making of this culture and problematize it racially if you feel outside it somehow. You can reduce it to a majority carrier of it like haploautists do and regard it as a relatively stable, finished product of that carrier, bracketing out the desirability, goodness, revisability of the culture as a product also of spirit. But at this point maybe the question is whether those of us who have been here for hundreds of years or at least have identified with what America is or can be, or those who have not or do not, or who have betrayed their loyalty no matter how long they have been here, are the stronger.

>> No.22367478

Really pathetic how these people try to play the victim, who is running the country? Your people. Just stop immigration, but you wouldn't because you love cheap labour.
>Inb4 Jews
Pathetic excuse. Your government is run by your people.

>> No.22367533

except nobody votes for or supports this and these people aren't working

>> No.22367974

Working on it; but I wouldn't get your hopes up. The woke facade is crumbling to a degree as the realities become undeniable and start to affect people's everyday lives; but we still have to deal with serious inertia and copium addicts who are still chasing the purple dragon they saw on acid in some New York field in the 60's.

>> No.22368134

the people voted macron.
zemmour was the anti-great replacement candidate and he failed miserably.
others preceded him, as Le Pen predicted exactly what would happen in the 70s and he was never elected.
the people have chosen this fate.

>> No.22368153

>80-90% White European countries still have a shot.
Lol? Over 2/3 of children under 5 in germany, uk, france and so on are immigrants now. even slav immigrants (white niggers desu) are few
It's over

>> No.22368154

Two more weeks collapsebros...

>> No.22368158

>the traditional religion of their grandparents and beyond for the last 800+ years
a tradition foreign in origin and non-integrated, though. They drop progressivism in religious form and adopt secular progressivism. Same shit

>> No.22368301
File: 825 KB, 1616x3264, IMG_20230812_174357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel: Die Zeit des Weltbilds

(12) Der Amerikanismus ist etwas Europäisches.

>> No.22368324

what parties people vote in the circus is still informative from a statistician point of view about what they are worried about
if Macron keeps winning the elections I think you don't need to be Ronald Fisher to conclude these people aren't that worried about it the great replacement, certainly not on principled grounds of rejecting promiscuous social intermingling with the coloreds as long as their bovine shopkeeper existence isn't threatened

>> No.22368362

99% of people are like this, including dissidents. What they do is dissent, not prevent or fix. Faye is one such impotent example

>> No.22368496

>if Macron keeps winning the elections
just like Biden "won" his election.

>> No.22368561
File: 2.42 MB, 1470x1736, Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823)_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are coping if you are arguing percentages are vastly different from the true feelings of ethnic Frenchmen voters due to a coordinated voting+exit polls fraud. If "le people" were so concerned and the real numbers of e.g Zemmour supporters was close to e.g 90% among ethnic Frenchmen you'd know.
Not that I'm arguing Zemmour would've necessarily done anything about it like Meloni in Italy, but it's a very interesting social experiment how a guy so explicit about the issue didn't even get close to be in power.
You have to come to terms with the fact that pic related is a good representation of boomers, even if the system is stacked against you from within. They don't give a shit if their nephews will have to live in something that will make wartime Jugoslavia look like an ethnostate

>> No.22368562

God that wrinkly old fuck is too based for this world.

>> No.22368584

I hate mutts so much it's unreal

>> No.22368803
File: 299 KB, 672x700, dfo6h61-2a1f10ef-928c-42b8-9ac6-017d88d0741f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the utter lack of ethnic nationalism in europe will lead to ethnic nationalism in europe

>> No.22369184

dude, the US controls Western Europe with NATO, don't play dumb

>> No.22369637

>they don't need a majority to be successful
What ever happened to those successful Rhodesian farmers?

>> No.22369662

the dialectic

>> No.22369692

necessity breeds innovation

>> No.22369704

have you all seen the projected birth rates of African countries over the next few decades? it's a tidal wave.

>> No.22369707

It's one thing when the presence of blacks and arabs are in miniscule numbers and the population is 99% ethnic European, and another when they make up the majority of the population under the age of 35.

>> No.22369716

>france forces all of its colonies to use french as an official language
>gets upset when people who speak french move to france rather than places that don't speak french
you did it to yourself?

>> No.22369721

WN is basically mainstream sentiment among white Americans on the right. But they’re 20% of the population and don’t sit in Congress.

>> No.22369727

the united states and soviet union forced them to dismantle their empire after the nazi chimpout, they´re the ones guilty for nigger worshipping

>> No.22369728

I don’t know why everyone ignores that it’s a feature of democracy.

>> No.22369731

Well, they could have stayed in their countries after fighting a bloody war of independence to get rid of the french.

>> No.22369743

Seems to me wokeness is just becoming more and more entrenched.

>> No.22369746

It was retarded in retrospect, but you know they would’ve moved there if they spoke French or not just like how in America there all sorts of immigrants and refugees that don’t speak any English at all.

>> No.22369772

dude we went into vietnam and slogged it out for like a decade to save the remnants of their decrepit empire after that idiot made his military base in the bottom of the valley at dien bien phu.

>> No.22369795

amerishart cope, you only went to vietnam so the viets could avoid communism, remember the french plantation scene in Apocalypse Now? well fuck off



On February 12, 1941, United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met to discuss the post-war world. The result was the Atlantic Charter.[16] It was not a treaty and was not submitted to the British Parliament or the Senate of the United States for ratification, but it turned out to be a widely acclaimed document.[17] One of the clauses, Clause Three, referred to the right to decide what form of government people wanted, and to the restoration of self-government.

Prime Minister Churchill argued in the British Parliament that the document referred to "the States and nations of Europe now under the Nazi yoke".[18] President Roosevelt regarded it as applicable across the world.[19] Anticolonial politicians immediately saw it as relevant to colonial empires.[20] The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, three years after the end of World War II, recognised all people as being born free and equal.[21]

After World War II, the US and the African colonies put pressure on Britain to abide by the terms of the Atlantic Charter. After the war, some Britons considered African colonies to be childish and immature; British colonisers introduced democratic government at local levels in the colonies. Britain was forced to agree but Churchill rejected universal applicability of self-determination for subject nations.

Italy, a colonial power, lost its African Empire, Italian East Africa, Italian Ethiopia, Italian Eritrea, Italian Somalia and Italian Libya, as a result of World War II.[22] Furthermore, colonies such as Nigeria, Senegal and Ghana pushed for self-governance as colonial powers were exhausted by war efforts.[23]

The United Nations 1960 Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples stated that colonial exploitation is a denial of human rights and that power should be transferred back to the countries or territories concerned.[24]

>> No.22370014

Dead cat bounce.

>> No.22371163
