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/lit/ - Literature

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2235946 No.2235946 [Reply] [Original]

I've compiled a list of creatures from my book... I thought I'd post it so you could laugh. Have you read a book with a stranger combination? What the fuck was I thinking...

Time travelers
Invisible men
Living dolls
Animated Scarecrows

>> No.2235949

do the dracula and the wolfman team up

>> No.2235953

There are lots of both, and mostly no.

>> No.2235982
File: 46 KB, 450x338, 1316896028248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have robots.

>> No.2235987

So you're basically ripping of the dresden files.

>> No.2235989

not OP but you're a retard if you think that Jim Butcher thought up those creatures.

Go for it OP

>> No.2235995

Much love, OP. I write fanfiction, one really fucking long story branching from a canon that includes aliens with superhuman powers that look human, but then I move the whole thing into a wider, expanded universe (since originally the whole canon pretty much takes place on Earth but there are other worlds mentioned in canon and that generally the universe is a diversely populated place). I write about a group of mercenaries that don't make any fucking sense but somehow work as a team and them fending off gangsters/organized crime, crazy political leaders/regimes, rogue militaries, non-rogue militaries chasing them for crimes they committed, and also deal with time distortion (not time travel per se but the canon has time travel in it), psychics/telekinesis, thieves, assassins, and generally any rogue/scum of the universe you could think of.

Is it some earth-shattering, enlightening literature? Nope, and I'm fucking happy as a clam writing it. Write on, OP.

>> No.2236248
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I fucking know. And my next novel will be dedicated to robots only to compensate for this. I'm actually not lying.

thanks guys. I'll put you in the credits page.

>> No.2236442

I would legit pay for this book if the back cover was your OP

>> No.2238242 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 218x252, 1316753240618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, an agent just asked for the first five pages of my ridiculous story. haha...
Chances of success are still slim, but it feelsgood anyway.

>> No.2238386

no ghosts?

>> No.2238528

aw shit
>rewrite book

..so an agent asked for five pages of this after reading my query letter. Feels kind of nice man

>> No.2238548

He didn't think them up but he already has them in his books... so Op is just copying example but seeing as how everything is in some way a copy of something, let us see how you use them OP.

>> No.2238555

Some of your plot is from the Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore and some from other books.

>> No.2238557

it's warlocks...not wizards. newbie

>> No.2238569
File: 66 KB, 497x765, gangsta-optimus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro

warlocks are for nerds. wizards are for mass marketing.

>> No.2238587

OP can you throw in some demons? maybe a succubus or 2? They always fuck shit up. Elves? What about living gods that interfere with people's lives?
Also a biological weapon(some creature) on the loose would do nicely maybe the zombies can be that? It has been done but meh.

>> No.2239127


Sounds like something I'd like to read then. It's not as if any of my ideas are brand spanking new to the world of storytelling, anyway, so if my writing has similar themes and plots to another person's writing I'm not gonna get all butthurt about it.

Actually, way back when I started writing this fanfic (eight years ago, lulz I'm a loser) the initial premise was VERY similar to another fic that I didn't know existed until I had posted the first few chapters of my fic. I contacted the author to let her know, she read my stuff and was like "Yeah it's similar but you take it a different direction than me" so it was cool.

I wouldn't say there is anything specific I pull plot from other than inspiration from all the stories in varying media I've been exposed to over my life (movies, games, music, books, etc.).

>> No.2239130

dude make all of the creatures secret aliens like a secret alien that looks like a mummy it would be a TOTAL SPOOK OUT

>> No.2239831
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that would all be very cool but unfortunately the book is already complete.

That's pretty awesome that an author responded positively to you. Some authors get so bent out of shape over fanfiction. If people wrote fanfics about something of mine I would be honored.

Doing it right now. pic related

fuck, agent rejected it.
>send more queries
>all to that agent
>maybe she will like it eventually

>> No.2239842
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sounds like my kind of book