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22356877 No.22356877 [Reply] [Original]

The Gentleman's Drug of Choice Edition
Previous: >>22353189

>> No.22356894

hopefully you'll find a way of regaining that sense of mutual passion between the two of you rather than being enticed by the idea of an alternative life you could've or could still have without her. don't let your fantasies detract from what you can still do today. godspeed, lad.

>> No.22356911

wow i wish i had that good of an attention span. i watch like 3 minutes of bg3 and then do sth else.

>> No.22356916

shitting without a bidet is barbaric.

>> No.22356956

How are such horrors allowed in America. I feel pity for parents in these times.

>> No.22357064

I give up on reality. Fantasy is the only thing that makes me feel alive.

>> No.22357069
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I feel like so much of what determines your life is set in stone at birth.
Imagine Cobain anywhere but Seattle in the 80s.
Imagine Isaac Newton today.
Imagine being born into North Korea.

>> No.22357122

Which came first, crack or the crack pipe?

>> No.22357278

I’ve been there.

>> No.22357292

I'm at a point in my caffeine addiction where I don't even have a cup of coffee. I just fill a mug with 4 or 5 shots of espresso and drink it like a cup of coffee. I wish I was still smoking cigarettes, because the flavor and nicotine buzz went really nicely with the espresso mug.

>> No.22357293

I think it’s rather that being born into a certain time and place implies certain possibilities. It’s not a fatalistic sort of thing. Curt Conain wasn’t fated to become who we know him as. Neither was Isaac Newton. It’s rather that Curt Cobain becoming the Curt Cobain we know him as was one of the possibilities unique to his time and place. The same for Newton. We could probably say these possibilities can be analogous with one another across times and places, but never the same. That to me makes more sense than supposing it was fatalistic. If anything is fatalistic, it’s strictly the possibilities.

>> No.22357295

Guess what I'm doing right now ;)

>> No.22357297

I’m thinking about smoking cigarettes again. I’m a cigar and pipe smoker because I stopped inhaling years ago, but it’s not the same. There’s no stimulant and appetite suppressant quite like cigarettes.

>> No.22357328

I desperately need to manage my time better and start laying the foundations for my adult life, but I’m too apathetic and lazy to get started. I don’t think I’m going to make it.

>> No.22357331

Yeah I stopped smoking last week and realized that my morning smokes and coffee is how I grt through the day without being hungry all the time. A big problem with day laboring is that I'm either hungry through work, or I eat and I feel too heavy to work. Plus, that nicotine buzz makes me work more efficiently.

>> No.22357371

If I were you, I’d try chewing tobacco, snus, zyns, cigarillos, cigars, a morning/afternoon pipe, whatever before I resorted to cigarettes again.

>> No.22357450

I'm finally beginning the pre-writing for a novel idea I've had for a while. Due to the nature of the novel, it's gonna be a lot of work in the pre-writing for the book to actually land properly. In addition to this, I haven't written anything prose for years now. I'm planning on writing a short story a week for as long as I can just to get all the shitty stuff out of my system before I tackle the big one. Has anyone here had any luck with this sort of strategy? I don't know if a story a week is too short a time and I don't want to have to change the rules as I'm doing it.

>> No.22357454

>tfw you believe in survival of the fittest and then you lose the war

>> No.22357537

>be me
>hideously ugly
>lazy eye
>wear glasses
>birthday is one day after Sartre's
>think existentialism is pretty cool
How do I become him?

>> No.22357543


>> No.22357546

You gotta molest some children and join antifa

>> No.22357552
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I hate midwits so fucking much
>OMG I agree this is so fucking cringe!
Shut up you're as retarded as the people who watch this stuff, you just have a different temperament, that's all.

>> No.22357695

>you're as retarded as the people who watch this stuff, you just have a different temperament
You too

Once went fishing with this guy who ran out of zyn and turned into a huge bitch almost immediately. Never saw a clearer illustration of nicotine addiction in my life. Pure consumption of the chemical, completely removed from any ritual, near instant signs of withdrawal. Fuck that shit

>> No.22357704
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>this statue comes into your room and says that you are inadequate and inferior

>> No.22357746

I have 362 open tabs in my browser (including this one).

>> No.22357748


>> No.22357869


>> No.22357871

I need to acquire critical mass of knowledge and everything will make sense.

>> No.22357945

I got 25 tabs on my browser, yowsers

>> No.22357955

How do I become a caffeine addict? What’s the latest time you have a cup of coffee? Do you drink before bed?

>> No.22357966

Finally left my shitty soul destroying job and have an entire week of neeting it up before I start my new job. I know there's a chance this job will turn out to be no better but it's nice to celebrare the good times while they're here

>> No.22358012

I drink RedBull, it tastes good and gives that instant sugar+caffeine boost. Also has taurine which in recent news has been linked to longer life

>> No.22358098

I think, therefore I am, therefore I am me, therefore I am not God.

>> No.22358108

Why only a week of neeting it up?
I would have taken at least a month

>> No.22358161

Everything I want to do feels like a cope.

>> No.22358172

You must change your life

>> No.22358244

I never have more than three tabs open at a time or it feels too cluttered. #minimalism

>> No.22358334

I drink shit loads of caffeine, but I would never touch coffee past 3:30pm.

>> No.22358372

Should I get a Steam Deck?

>> No.22358374

I really regret studying economics and starting my career in finance. It hasn’t exactly worked out like I expected it would.

>> No.22358380
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My mom is Bella

>> No.22358385

I wouldn’t. I have a PlayStation 5 and a Nintendo Switch. I don’t think either of them were worth it, but it’s nice to to have something to play with the family when we’re all together. That’s something I don’t think the Steam Deck can do.

>> No.22358389

It could be worse. Your mom could be a combination of Bella, Luna, and Sheryl.

>> No.22358400

Could be better. Could be Emmeline. The whole meth addiction and trailer park setting wasnt great for me.

>> No.22358409
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I’m feeling very demoralized at the moment. I’ve been looking for a church to join but haven’t been able to find one that has normal, young people. I was raised Catholic, but I don’t agree with the Catholic conception of sin and dislike how narrow and dogmatic their theology can be. At first, Anglicanism really interested me - it was very similar to Catholicism but with a more open theology. However, when I went to my local Episcopalian church, it was literally all old people. And when I say literally all, I do mean literally all. I was the only person there without grey hair. I felt really awkward about this, so I tried the Episcopalian church in the next town over. Slightly better: it had a few middle aged people thrown in there, but I was still the only person in my twenties there. On top of that, the views of the church were insane. They had a pride flag outside and the priest spoke of the God of the Old Testament as being somehow distinct from the God of the New Testament and said the God of the Old Testament deserved our criticism. Like I said, I prefer a church with a more open theology, but it’s wild to have a priest openly preaching what is essentially Gnosticism. As for the pride flag: I’m not homophobic (I’m gay myself) - I just don’t think church is the appropriate place for that kind of stuff. I want to go to church to get closer to God, not discuss sexuality. I can only imagine that’s the tip of the iceberg, since the website for the Episcopal church is full of talk about race and sexual orientation. So I tried an ACNA church (which is the more conservative Anglican branch in America that broke off from the Episcopal Church), hoping they’d have younger people and be a little more sane. They did in fact have some younger people (I was no longer the only person in my twenties), but none of the young people there were nice, normal people. Almost all of them were exactly like trads on the internet: weirdos and losers likely on the higher functioning end of the autism spectrum. They also engaged in a lot of attention seeking, holier than thou behavior that was really off putting. And of course, the topic of politics came up again. They were just as crazy, only right wing instead of left wing this time. Based on what I’ve been reading on the internet, this seems to be the case with all mainline Protestant denominations. The only branches of Christianity that seem to be full of nice, normal, young people are Baptists and non-denominationalists (which are usually just baptist-lite). But I don’t want to be a Baptist or non-denominational - they’re they’re the goyslop of Christianity and they don’t resemble any form of historical Christianity.

>> No.22358433

Makes me feel good to have met a church full of normal young people. My only problem is that they're boring and teetotalers, but at least not autists who converted out of twitter politics. Just keep praying about it and God will lead you to where you should be. Stay patient. Also, stop being gay.

>> No.22358437

What does it mean if a qt 19 year old at work starts smiling more around you (she was gloomy and stuff whenever I saw her) and never really said bye but seeks you out a bit more to say bye, sometimes saying my name when she says bye

Breaks crossed paths with her one day and we just got to talking about books, shows, joked about stuff. Now she asks me to help her open stuff, makes jokes with others that I distract her from reading (she is usually a quiet type who reads while on break). Or makes comments smiling like "did you come out here just to ask me that?" Or messes with me a little bit or references things we've talked about in the past

Anyways what does this mean? If it matters I'm a guy in his early 30s, borderline hikikimori (besides work/food) who still looks like in his 20s. How do I use this as practice to talk to females better, I'm usually fine could always be better. Also what other stuff should I talk about that isn't always work related. I feel like my material is drying up

>> No.22358448

Marry her

>> No.22358477
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>> No.22358491

i spend weeks doing research on some idea i'd like to develop into a story just to decide that i'm not really knowledgeable enough on the topic to write about it, and give up. at least with my silly poems i feel like i have the freedom to use the written word however i want & everything goes.. academia has made me forget how to enjoy writing just for the sake of writing, how is this cured ?

>> No.22358498

I can relate to this a little bit, but I'm also thinking a lot of it is your problem. Church isn't some magic place filled with only the kind of people you like.
Go for non-denom and endure the mediocre guitar music if you really can't fit in anywhere.

>> No.22358502

A few weeks of research (actual research, not just googling random shit) is more than enough to write fiction on a given topic, unless said topic is something absurdly complicated like quantum physics.

>> No.22358526

I'm getting tired of 4chan. This has never happened before, this has been my last refuge for many years now. Don't know what is going on.

I'm not feeling good bros.

>> No.22358538

Im in a slump bros. I've been doing day labor work for almost 4 years now. I'm making my return to university now and I really want to get involved in some kind of professional environment. I'm not sure how though. I'm 24 and all I have to put on my resume is experience in construction and retail. How do I land an internship in a white collaenvironment? Where do I even go to look? Am I just doomed to construction work forever?

>> No.22358539

Recommend me a book about a guy who has a perfect relationship with his first girlfriend but one day, he starts to have gay fantasies and realises that he is bisexual.

>> No.22358547

Porn was a mistake, I want to drop trough and feel the ravenous advances of a 6"3 man who has never seen a naked woman before. He probably wouldn't even know what to do, the fucking himbo, I would have to show him

>> No.22358548

buy a Set Lighting Technician's Handbook. Treat it as your bible, try to memorize most of the info and become a gaffer on film sets. Big money my good bro.

>> No.22358551

have you considered reading books?

>> No.22358556

I still read here and there but nothing with consistency anymore. My attention span got utterly fucked few months ago.

>> No.22358563

Get a hobby or start going for long walks
Long walks where you just think make you realize a lot. I think the reason people are so angry and brainwashed nowadays is because they don't give themselves space to just think

>> No.22358587

I'll look into it. The more I hear about corporate and office jobs the more I'd like to just keep my independence by working with my hands. Only problem is that I'm clumsy and really bad with my hands. I'm a natural born bureaucrat and scribe but I could never fit in with the culture's of those industries

>> No.22358596

You have to first identify what sort of profession you want. Nobody can give you advice if you don’t know that.

>> No.22358598


>> No.22358611

just use your bath/shower to wash your ass after you wipe

>> No.22358630

Breathe and accept things as they are and then you won't need to escape anywhere.

Destroy all of your technology and go meditate in the woods for 40 days.

Then you'll feel alive.

>> No.22358636

Oof that actually sounds to be much like it, thanks!

>> No.22358638

>There’s no stimulant and appetite suppressant quite like cigarettes.

Just exercise and eat whole healthy foods and you won't need to suppress your appetite.

>> No.22358640

I have three major options: technical writing, paralegal, or high school teacher.

>> No.22358642

>what other stuff should I talk about that isn't always work related

This is the books board so talk about stuff you've read in books.

>> No.22358643

Adding exercise to your routine is easy enough but eating only healthy Whole Foods when flavor filled frankenfood is so easily available and cheap is pretty difficult.

>> No.22358648

Read books.

>> No.22358649

Yeah I signed up for doordash and it's been surprisingly decent. Would not recommend it if you live outside of a bourgeois area with a lot of commerical activity however. >>22356877

>> No.22358657

Teaching is a profession. Paralegal is not really a profession. They’re more like secretaries for lawyers. Lawyering is a profession. I don’t know enough about technical writing to comment. But I think it’s pretty simple really. You identify a profession of range of professions you want, you get the degree that best qualifies for that profession or those professions, and along the way you get good grades, and if possible, the internship. The internship can be done by 1) finding internship job postings online and applying and/or 2) cold e-mailing a message and a resume to firms that hire interns for the internship you want. This is how I got my finance internship. I found Vice Presidents as relatively small and medium sized firms on LinkedIn and sent them an email saying I wanted to inquire about internship opportunities with my resume attached.

>> No.22358662
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>> No.22358670

Do you think they'll look at my resume and throw it away on account of it only having constructuon experience and a philosophy degree

>> No.22358671

Thanks, I will read ALL of this page.

>> No.22358676

It depends on the job. Philosophy is pretty much a terrible choice if you want a professional white collar job. You’re already screwing up the second step of my prescribed method.

>> No.22358682

Construction experience would only be a plus, if anything. It’s the irrelevant degree program that’s an issue. There are no philosophy firms out there. you should consider a more practical major.

>> No.22358691

But all the professors say philosophy demonstrates an ability to read, write, and think logically

>> No.22358710

Anon, talk to the most high up person in construction that you know and ask them questions about career. This thread will only give you mediocre advice at best. You've said you don't fit into the normoid cookie cutter career plan, having a philosophy degree confirms this. You are probably a lot smarter than most in this thread.
Then talk to some academic consultant or whatever they are called. Find the smart people and ask them. Not this thread.

>> No.22358749

When the semester starts I'm gonna go bother all the professors and advisors about it. I thought the university would have more resources for career and internship opportunities, but all they really offer is a shitty version of indeed.com. I'll go check out the job fair they're hosting and take whatever I can get.

>> No.22358851

I'm at the last straw with my shitty appartment. I dread every moment I spend there. I try to spend all day away from there and I have zero desire to cook in there.

>> No.22358875


>> No.22358880

There I go
It's in God's hands

>> No.22358881

Kek based

>> No.22358885

Ashley and Belle both peak my interest. The rest are absolutely worthless.

>> No.22358886

I feel like I wasted my day but I'm realizing there really isn't anything for me to do.
>go work
>work ends early
>home at noon
>eat, shower, coffee
>chat with family friend there who was babysitting my much younger brother
>go try a burger place
>call a friend (he's busy)
>watch YouTube video essays
That was the last 4 hours. Guess ima go read or something. Wish I had someone I could to meet or some fulfilling task i could work on

>> No.22358899

There’s nothing out there, man. Everyone has a different way of satisfying their vanity. Some use religion but you can just as easily do it by fucking a bunch of prostitutes or weight training or something.

>> No.22358909

Try exercising. Ive been thinking of getting back into the gym myself.

>> No.22358946

My job is physically demanding, so I was happpy for the short work day to recover.

>> No.22359049

Lack of self-control = Lack of free will


You will not prove me wrong

>> No.22359056

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temptation

Temptation and impulsivity is the original sin

>> No.22359060

Going on a second date with a girl out of my league tomorrow. She asked me out through a friend, which is incredibly odd as I am an autistic 5’7 until-very-recently unemployed NEET. I haven’t been on a date other than last week in years. We met at a party, and I have no memory of it, but I think she’s absurdly attractive. Now I’m trying to screw my courage to the sticking place in order to make a move. I’m considering asking if she wants to come back to my apartment and try to guess which object is oldest amongst my antique collection.

>> No.22359066


>> No.22359067

You guys ever unexpectedly run out of toilet paper and have to use a towel to wipe your ass?

>> No.22359087

literally fucking me

>> No.22359100

I just watched a YouTube video where people were asked to give their hot takes and one guys hot take was "I'm 26 and I don't think it would be weird if I dated someone as young as 19" and there were a bunch of comments on the video that were calling him disgusting and shit but honestly, it's not even that bad, I really don't think that big of an age gap is that bad. She's a consenting adult, no? She's old enough to make her own choices, no? I think people have been programmed to think that's bad but they don't really know why. I even saw some chick in the comments use the argument "She still has "teen" in her name" which I thought was really dumb. I also think that if it was a woman saying that in the video then people wouldn't care, maybe there would be some people commenting that it's just as bad but that would just be virtue signaling.

>> No.22359105

That's not even that big of a gap. My grandfather is like 22 years older than my grandmother.

>> No.22359108

Crazy to think I'm getting closer to death everyday. It doesn't feel like it at all. If I had to die today I would die having done literally nothing of the things I wanted to do.
Some anon here once said everyone should live like they've already lived once and this is their second chance. I'm not sure what I'd change. I'd probably do the exact same things I'm doing now, which is to say nothing

>> No.22359115

That's a bit crazy.

>> No.22359119

Maybe. He's 100 years old so it really was a different time when he married.

>> No.22359121

Sounds like a cute idea. If she likes you she’ll probably enjoy whatever quirkiness you provide.

>> No.22359130

I've never liked the "It was a different time back then" argument, just because it was OK then doesn't make it OK in general, slavery was also OK back then but we condemn it now and for good reason.

>> No.22359134

And it was
I don't know if the universe is telling me to give up or if it is telling me to keep going on
I just want to die I just want peace

>> No.22359138

A second date seems like a bit early to be asking someone to come back to your apartment because we know that you don't just want her there to have a look at your antiques. But what do I know? I've never been on a date before.

>> No.22359145

If they were both adults why wouldn't it be OK?
Are you comparing a consenting marriage to slavery?

>> No.22359151

I’m stuck smoking a pipe. I’m congested so I cough every now and then.

>> No.22359155

Not rich enough to own one

>> No.22359158

>If they were both adults why wouldn't it be OK?
I agree with this argument. I still think the age gap is a bit weird because whoever is older clearly isn't pursuing the relationship because they think that someone 20 years younger than them could love them better or have more in common with them than someone their age, there will always be an ulterior motive with an age gap that large.
>Are you comparing a consenting marriage to slavery?

>> No.22359161

I clicked on the 'new tab' button and stared into the blank abyss using my tab homepage disabled browser setting, and I thought to myself, "Every action running through my motions is only subjective", this impacted me negatively, and in the back of my mind, I know I will forget and or ignore this within the hour. This nihilistic reality oh so depresses me.

>> No.22359172

Just got reminded of the three times I was in a car accident. All times we’re with drunk drivers and I was at the mercy of them because everyone was too busy to pick me up.

>> No.22359185

This might be a sign to get your motorbike licence.

>> No.22359196

What the FUCK was his problem?

>> No.22359205

Back then peoppe didn't "date" or perform casual sex. The reason people don't like age gaps now is because they intuitively see that casual sex is exploitative but also refuse to accept that casual sex is wrong. They have to then come up with an over engineered system (half your age plus 7!) to rediscover that there's different functions at different stages of life.

>> No.22359236

>Back then peoppe didn't "date" or perform casual sex.
Of course, they did, they actually had sex more than we do, what gives you the idea that they didn't?
>they intuitively see that casual sex is exploitative but also refuse to accept that casual sex is wrong.
It's not exploitative nor is it wrong.
>half your age plus 7!
It's so dumb, I never take anyone seriously that says that.


>> No.22359243

I'm really lonely. When I find something interesting I have no one to show it to. When I want to talk about my day and unwind I have no one to speak with. I haven't hugged someone who wasn't a family member in years and I've had no real physical intimacy with anyone, besides one time a girl was dared to quickly kiss me on the lips when I was 14 and she seemed like she'd been forced to kiss a goat.
I'm also afraid of making connections with other people. I imagine going on a dating site or something, going to meet up with someone at a cafe, sitting down, and watching my date get up and leave after finding that I have nothing to offer and that I'm about as interesting as drywall. This thought leads me to a further series of thoughts in which I examine my hobbies and interests, life experiences, education level, speaking and thinking style, body language, and physical features, finding numerous flaws with each one, and concluding that I might as well not even try. I mean, I'm below average in height, make $30k a year, have no degree, and spend most of my time indoors alone - what kind of person would want to spend time with me? What kind of person would accept my sense of humor, my manner of dress, my approaches to personal space, communication, my career aspirations? Does such a person even exist, and if she does will I ever meet her, and if I did would I screw it up?
I guess you could classify me as an "incel" if you want. I don't care so much about losing my virginity - I'm in fact strongly opposed to casual sex and the like - but as I get older the need to have someone else in my life has become increasingly harder to ignore, and with it the factors making me a very unattractive mate seem ever more obvious.

>> No.22359246

I'd marry her if I had the money to buy us a house

>> No.22359248

Why don't you both put some money up?

>> No.22359249

I feel I’m constantly in the state of metaphysical cuckoldry. Imagine pouring your life story to some girl you’ve met recently, just to later acknowledge she’ll be ravaged later on? I’m so isolated I’ll take even that, but simply “owning” a random body is disgusting.

>> No.22359262

Are you young? Youll learn to be more reserved, and if not fuck it. Im used to opening up to people too much but just because I tell you my life doesnt mean it will mean less to someone who will care more in the future. Your soul might just burn hot and not everyone likes that but who cares.

>> No.22359345

There was a boom in casual sex after the sexual revolution, and then an inevitable decline. I'm refering to a pre-sexual revolution time, which I presumed the 100 year old belonged to, but I suppose we're a quarter way into the 21st century now. And yes, casual sex is exploitative and wrong.

>> No.22359347

You can tell me about the interesting things you found :3

>> No.22359352

>casual sex is exploitative and wrong.
What's your reasoning?

>> No.22359364

He's probably just going to regurgitate Kant at you

>> No.22359401

There's a certain class of social climber that I can't help but find repulsive. Maybe it's jealousy on my part. Maybe it's just how the the game gets played and I'm no better, but there's something distinctly disgusting about this type.
I've a facebook friend, someone I vaguely knew in high school. I don't know much about her personally, but she posts a lot and almost all of her posts are about herself. Flawlessly taken model-tier shots, images of her on magazines, or photo shoots.
Her family is from Africa but a ton of her posts are about black pride or black issues. Which seems disingenuous somehow given her background.
She strikes me as the type of person that presents herself as super caring about social issues, but would actually sell you over the river in a heart beat. Like a character on VEEP or something.

>> No.22359494

You sound like a fucking loser. You're too much of a pussy to talk to women but if you did they'd drop your ass for someone better the second you opened your mouth. Fucking kill yourself already, a woman who understands you isn't waiting to fall out of the sky and if she even existed she'd date Chad instead.
Drop dead.

>> No.22359500

That's a really fucked thing to say to someone, Jesus man you need to chill.

>> No.22359516

somebody has to say what we're thinking

>> No.22359517

>a monument of granite struck a beam into my eye

>> No.22359522

when i was his age i had better abs than him so i tell him to gtfo

>> No.22359551

Maybe you ya psycho. Don't kick a man while he's down.

>> No.22359565

>what we're thinking
Speak for yourself. You're just upset because you relate to everything he said, what he said hit a little too close to home for you.

>> No.22359571
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I was reading Fatal Strategies and taking notes when I mad pic related. Then I went on 4chan and posted this post.

>> No.22359595

i'm just bored of whiny ppl

>> No.22359598

Casual sex is using another person's body and emotion for pleasure.

>> No.22359601

I dunno dude, my family is from Ireland but I'm American born. Is it disingenuous for me to partake of white American culture?

>> No.22359608

>to a pre-sexual revolution time
People have been horny forever man. The myth of waiting until marriage is only affordable once there's a large middle class. For the majority of western human history, getting married was a business contract either between rich people, or between a parish and the unlucky couple who were forced to marry to take children off the parish books.
The reason why marrying before you had kids or sex became popular is because it's the equivalent of a middle class flex like having a Tesla. It's saying to the world, look I got dowry money.

>> No.22359609

So is sex within a relationship? It really took you this long to come up with that? And even if you don't believe that it's the same thing in a relationship, why is using their body for pleasure a bad thing? I refuse to believe that there are ever emotions during casual sex so I didn't include it.

>> No.22359611

Nah dawg, it's all to do with the invention of birth control. You fugg before marriage, BAM, pregnant. Now? Women go their whole lives without ovulation

>> No.22359614

>I refuse to believe that there are ever emotions during casual sex so I didn't include it.

>> No.22359615

It's also a religious thing but yes, what you said is true. It's the same as when people say that women are bad these days because they're so promiscuous at a younger age now, as if teenagers fooling around with each other hasn't been a thing since the beginning of time.

>> No.22359621

Yeah, you're right, people do feel emotion during casual sex, they feel happiness. My bad, anon, you're right and I'm wrong, god forbid someone is happy during casual sex, how exploitative of them.

>> No.22359623

Truly soulless. I bet you have the thousand cock stare.

>> No.22359626

You know the pill isn't working on most of those bitches because obesity is smothering their hormonal system anyways. Fat bitch fugs back in the 16th C with vitamin deficiencies, she ain't getting pregnant either.

>> No.22359628

It's a way more modern religious thing. Even attending any religious service regularly is a modern thing because you couldn't make people walk that far every weekend.

>> No.22359629

>obesity is smothering their hormonal system anyways
Well thats a whole new layer of disturbing I wasnt ready for

>> No.22359630

That's why they don't recommend morning after pills to fat bitches anymore because it's more likely to kill a bitch than any babby.

>> No.22359634

lmao but man FUCK this civilization lmao the absolute state lmao

>> No.22359638

>Truly soulless.
Yet you can't explain why.

>> No.22359642 [DELETED] 

you've never had sex with a human so i think you might be the one with soul problems

>> No.22359738

The partaking in black culture isn't by itself what's dishonest. To state it more clearly, she seems like someone capitalizing on the perception that black Americans are oppressed to further her own goals/ambitions, despite coming from a wealthy immigrant background.
A more analogous example would be if you as someone with Irish heritage made constant posts about the plight of Irish-Americans, but every single post actually seems to center on yourself . "Irish Americans are loud, proud, and we are embracing our voice and our power. I LOVE my IRISH body!".
It's the posing as a victim, reaping all the advantages of the label to your own advantage.

>> No.22359848

I remember my old barber. I must have seen him once a month for nearly 20 years. I never really thought about our relationship before, but it was always comforting to see him. He had lots of awards and pictures hung up for hair styling competitions I guess. It made me feel really special to get his service as a kid. He was so chill, and he never really said much. But he always had good advice when he did. I miss him.

>> No.22359855

>I LOVE my IRISH body!
>plight of Irish-Americans,
you can't do this to my sides, anon, this is the most anglobrained thing I've read all day
>posing as a victim, reaping all the advantages of the label to your own advantage.
this is the only realistic bit of irish culture in your example, and you're saying it like it's a bad thing

>> No.22359872

This is just how dopamine works. You have to develop the habit of taking a breath and stepping away when you find yourself getting into a pointless/inefficient/frustrating search. I know how it feels anon, trust me.

>> No.22359878

>you can't do this to my sides, anon, this is the most anglobrained thing I've read all day
It was meant as tounge in cheek. Obviously the "plight of Irish Americans" doesn't make much sense (may it would in the 1800s), I was translating over the kind of rhetoric this person uses to your ethnicity to show the absurdity of this kind of rhetoric.
>this is the only realistic bit of irish culture in your example, and you're saying it like it's a bad thing
I wasn't actually talking about Irish culture.

>> No.22359887

>wasn't actually talking about Irish culture.
the fuck is wrong with you that you're going around making mad libs of cultures and then getting in a huff when you happen to get the facts straight? no pleasing some people

>> No.22359896

Don't know if you're trolling or just retarded, but either way I have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.22359898

oh right so we're not even worth talking about, i get it

>> No.22359908

It's kind of unnerving how the history of philosophy is fundamentally guided by what is the trendiest around in particular milieus, and what is "usable" from a political standpoint for particular classes rather than anything else. How this dominion of thought most think to be very serious and rational is still a story of trends coming and going rather than dialectical advancement of arguments, the "great conversation" as some have called it.

>> No.22359911

Sure, I just honestly can't make sense out of your posts.

>> No.22359915

it's fine don't listen to us i'm sure it doesn't matter why would we matter anyways

>> No.22359917

definitely the crack. unless you want to ask the question: "which came first, the crack or the pipe that can also be used for crack?"

>> No.22359924

>My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.

dont try to be someone else or youll lose what you have to offer the world

>> No.22359970

Let man….contemplate the whole of nature in her full and lofty majesty, let him turn his gaze from the lovely objects around him; let him behold the dazzling light set like an eternal lamp to light up the universe, let him see the earth as a mere speck compared to the vast orbit described by this star, and let him marvel at finding this vast orbit itself no more than the tiniest point compared to that described by the stars revolving in the firmament. But if our eyes stop there, let our imagination proceed further; it will grow weary of conceiving things before nature tires of producing them. …Nature is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere. In short it is the greatest perceptible mark of God’s omnipotence that our imagination should lose itself in that thought.

Let man, returning to himself, consider what he is in comparison with what exists; let him regard himself as lost, and from this little dungeon, in which he finds himself lodged, I mean the universe, let him learn to take the earth, its realms, its cities, its houses and himself at their proper value.

What is a man in the infinite?

But, to offer him a prodigy equally astounding, let him look into the tiniest things he knows. Let a mite show him in its minute body incomparably more minute parts, legs with joints, veins in its legs, blood in the veins, humours in the blood, drops in the humours, vapours in the drops; let him divide these things still further until he has exhausted his powers of imagination, and let the last thing he comes down to now be the object of our discourse. He will perhaps think that this is the ultimate of minuteness in nature.

I want to show him a new abyss. I want to depict to him not only the visible universe, but all the conceivable immensity of nature enclosed in this miniature atom. Let him see there an infinity of universes, each with its firmament, its planets, its earth, in the same proportions as in the visible world, and on that earth animals, and finally mites, in which he will find again the same results as in the first; and finding the same thing yet again in the others without end or respite, he will be lost in such wonders, as astounding in their minuteness as the others in their amplitude. For who will not marvel that our body, a moment ago imperceptible in a universe, itself imperceptible in the bosom of the whole, should now be a colossus, a world, or rather a whole, compared to the nothingness beyond our reach? Anyone who considers himself in this way will be terrified at himself, and, seeing his mass, as given him by nature, supporting him between these two abysses of infinity and nothingness, will tremble at these marvels.

>> No.22359974

…For, after all, what is man in nature? A nothing compared to the infinite, a whole compared to the nothing, a middle point between all and nothing, infinitely remote from an understanding of the extremes; the end of things and their principles are unattainably hidden from him in impenetrable secrecy.

>> No.22359984

Honestly I don't get how people take philosophers seriously. The only one I truly agree with is Protagoras because he understood that words are just words, you can argue one side of an argument or the other into oblivion but the only proof that something is true is to see it for yourself IRL. Anyone who makes fun of Christians for believing in God but then they also believe in some ideology like Communism or some philosophy is just retarded to me, it's the same sort of thing deep down, you're putting faith in some abstract idea with no evidence

>> No.22360008

>Ireland's # 1 Hobby: Complaining
>Ireland's # 2 Hobby: Malicious Compliance

>> No.22360020
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Most of you guys have tried self-improvement shit over the years, I'm sure. Start a new hobby/routine, do great for 3-28 days, then you just stop caring and relapse into old ways.

But a few months ago, I tried something new: I made a youtube video about video games and shared it (not posting it here). Somehow people enjoyed it, and it got a few hundred views. So I made some more. Now when I upload videos, they get 100-200 views each and a small pool of comments. And it feels good, so I do it again.

And I realized this is what was missing the whole time. When I tried to learn banjo, or programming, or 3D modeling, the amount of pleasure these hobbies gave me just wasn't worth the effort. They weren't fun or rewarding, so I stopped. But when I upload a youtube video and see it get views, see the likes and comments go up, it feels genuinely good. So even though I quit all those other productive hobbies, I'm still making videos.

The addicting part is not chasing le youtube clout, but being praised, really just being liked. Do something -> get praise -> feel good -> do it again. Maybe it's dumb to you, but if this feedback loop causes you to become a better person, isn't that 10000% worth it? We need to figure out what our brain's reward system desires most deep down (Money, power, fame, respect, admiration) and play into it really hard. I'm convinced this is the only way self-improvement shit can work. I chased so many dead-end hobbies, not realizing praise is all I needed. But now that I know this, I can build everything around that.

>> No.22360026
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being in a community of like minded individuals with shared ideals/hobbies would be nice

>> No.22360049

God dammit, I'm literally a depressed sexless middle management loser houellebecq protagonist traveling around Europe.

>> No.22360102

King. I get up to 100 views. With half of them being my own. Still it feels nice like private property that grounds you in reality.

Why you don't want to share it here? If more people would be open it would create a network of mutual recognition, sort of. Buffing each other in a parallel society type way.

>> No.22360108

Every time I feel stupid about myself I just go on /v/ or /a/ and see how dumb people actually are, it makes me less sad

>> No.22360179

No phone no pussy. and that's
le bad

>> No.22360186

This is what 0 self-esteem does to a mf

I mean, that's what it literally means: SELF-ESTEEM - your capacity to evaluate what you do and what you are and derive pleasure from satisfying your own standards and requirements. Of course you become terminally dependent on external input if you flat out don't have it.

If seeking praise is a feedback loop for self-improvement, then self-esteem is gaming that loop by making it making it way shorter, faster, reliable and more efficient. This is why people who actually have it are much better at everything,

>> No.22360256
File: 20 KB, 480x360, freezing rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a new laptop for my daughter, to learn her writing but she stains the keyboard with her bloody bandage ova and ova again.
We call her violet cause of the eary glow in here eyes caused by Neotronium poisoning.
How ever i dont want to sell her again to the sex robot but its hard to come by in the sibirian antimatter mines.

>> No.22360284

you can get even more praise by going to a gay bar and sucking everyone off in the bathroom

>> No.22360294

He's not going to put his whole ass into that, anon, and even if enthusiasm weren't a large part of it, why would you expect anon of all people to give great head?

>> No.22360295

>just be yourself (genius) xD

>> No.22360329

i actually like some of the video game boards because there are less religious nuts and seething political guys. of course there are always some, but it's not primarily about that unlike /lit/.

>> No.22360361

>and derive pleasure from satisfying your own standards and requirements
You don't get it. The bulk of the pleasure comes not from achieving the goal and accomplishing whatever it is, but from the praise you get for accomplishing the goal. And by you I mean I.

Honestly I'm skeptical of the idea that modeling all self-improvement after the pleasure you get from completing a goal is the right idea. If it works for you? Great. But it's clearly not working for a ton of people, otherwise all these self-improvement books wouldn't keep selling year after year. What I'm saying is categorically different. I'm saying, each one of us has some kind of drive deep down that unconsciously propels us. Billionaires want money, presidents want power, celebrities want fame, artists often want praise.

Instead of constantly fighting against our dopamine/reward systems, why don't we instead adjust to them and tweak our habits so they naturally play into our unconscious drives? For example if you want money, you need to find some new habit that does 2 things: (1) Rewards you in bursts with money for continuing the habit, and (2) Makes you more skilled at obtaining money over time.

Now let's swap this with the other drives for an experiment:
>This role rewards you with power, and makes you more skilled at getting more power over time
>This role rewards you with fame, and makes you more skilled at getting more fame over time
>This role rewards you with adoration, and makes you more skilled at getting more adoration over time
The arts
>This role rewards you with sex, and makes you more skilled at getting more sex over time
Exercise/"""looksmaxxing"""/socializing more

It's not about self-esteem, it's a reward mechanism for your brain. If you don't play into it, you're making a mistake. Positive feedback is the definitive way your brain is wired to establish habits. Fighting the current is not gonna work, you have to understand how your brain is motivated and build your life around that.

I would but my videos are pretty shit so far. If you still wanna see you can email me and I'll link you later

>> No.22360365

wow so alphabet corporation got you addicted to youtube by having a couple bots praise your shitty videos lmao

>> No.22360376

Whatever floats your boat, anon

>> No.22360391 [DELETED] 

you should switch to tiktok, their algorithms are even better at getting guys like you addicted. the first time a new user uploads a video, instead of the pathetic 300 views youtube gives you, tiktok will promote the video so it will get like 10,000 views, maybe as much as 50,000 if it's isn't total shit. then the rest of your videos get the usual treatment which is to say just tossed into the void for a couple hundred views, but after that first dopamine rush of feeling like you're going viral, guys like you are hooked for life. of course, tiktok algorithm has a system called "heating" where the administrators can pick the stuff they want to go viral for example content from their partners or maybe something political the chinese government wants you to see etc. but that is not for your videos which are bad.

>> No.22360427

Youtube is completely transparent about how your videos perform in the algorithm, they give you a full set of analytics with all the user data it has, and if a high % of people watch your videos, it will get promoted, that's just how it works. On my channel my first videos did poorly, but each time I put in extra effort to have good thumbnails/titles, my click-through rate and watch-time increased and the videos performed better. The more people click, the more the video gets promoted. It's basic stuff.

>> No.22360442

>The addicting part is not chasing le youtube clout
>but being praised, really just being liked
That's what clout is

>> No.22360457

Clout is for guys who want to feel like big shots, successful, powerful, respectable, walk into a room and people take notice kind of thing. Admiration is just wanting to be praised, even if it's from some random poster on 4chan and it has no effects on your social status.

>> No.22360464

I think you're just making up a distinction so you feel better about making youtube videos

>> No.22360472

Whatever you say m8

I try to post one motivational thing ITT and 4 of you jump down my throat and tell me to suck dicks in the bathroom, making youtube vids is for losers, god damn. It wasn't for my own benefit, I thought it could help some of you since I've struggled with it myself, but all you guys want to do is argue about pointless bullshit. Have fun I guess

>> No.22360483

I will stop at nothing to prevent more youtubers from coming into the world

>> No.22360490

No one told me Dracula was a Scooby Doo mystery novel, why is Van Helsing such a pompous cunt?

>> No.22360494

Sexy child

>> No.22360525

How valuable is building a wholesome and fulfilling life with someone who is morally upright? How valuable is true love? I have always valued these things and lived by these virtues. But I find myself increasingly just wanting to indulge in sex and wantonly damaging encounters.

>> No.22360529

>morally uptight
might as well go gay

>> No.22360534

Believe it or not I've met someone who is to a tee. Let's just consider it as a hypothetical though

>> No.22360544

Wanting to feel like what you do is worthwhile is a normal thing. Don't mind the seethers.
A lot of the criticism you get is people who wish it doesn't work the way it does. Sure it would be good if you could be satisfied by playing the banjo in your room alone. Would be nice if you could make a 3D model and be satisfied without showing anyone.

However this is not how people work. In their mind they have a view of how people OUGHT to do things and for certain specific reasons.
Reality is knowing that humans want to feel like what they do is appreciated.
As long as what you do isn't simply for the validation then you're good. It's one thing to make clickbait and trash content for clicks. If you can get engagement by making content that's good and without the tricks, it's just fine.

>> No.22360580

Man it sure is reddit in here

>> No.22360701

I can hear your accent through the screen

>> No.22360702

>Pronounced as dett
I hate this

>> No.22360705

Same but with ragebaiting for (You)s

>> No.22360745

I met a girl the other day and I saw her again today, she's the most stereotypical human that you'll ever meet and it kind of threw me off even though it shouldn't. When I first met her she told me that it was nice to meet me when I was walking off, of course I reciprocated, but today she called me and asked how I was doing and just stayed silent until I answered and her question sounded really genuine too which is weird considering I've only ever interacted with her twice. When I told her how I was doing I could sense that I had to ask her the question back or she was just gonna stay silent for a little until it got awkward. This may seem normal to you guys but she threw me off guard with how "human" she is.

For context, she is a lesbian so I don't know if this is just a lesbian thing or if I'm not used to people being nice to me or whatever but it's weird. I told her mum about it and she laughed so I guess this is just how she is.

>> No.22360755

My colleagues at the office keep feeding me bad food.
Cake on Monday cause it was someone's birthday.
Some pastry today left at my computer.

>> No.22360764

Just don't eat it? Are they holding a gun to your head and forcing it down your throat?

>> No.22360792

I used to believe that american historical scholarship was kind of, well, methodologically crude for being so insistent on activist scholarship, but over time I really came around to the idea that the ultimate reason for researching the past always comes down to politically motivated interest, that the past is always researched because of its relevance to the present. I thought americans were way behind us, but it turns out that they were way ahead of the curve all along.

>> No.22360814

they are like 20 bucks anon... easy to install.

>> No.22360818

>someone said hi and asked how I'm doing
>this is so weird guys, I'm really confused
What the fuck bro. Were you raised by wolves?

>> No.22360840

I can't stop reading japanese light novels, sneed help

>> No.22360847

I guess I'm confused because normally when people ask how you're doing it's just because they're running through the dialogue tree that you're meant to run through whenever you start talking to someone and there's never any genuine concern behind it, she seemed sincere when she asked. I also found it weird that she asked considering that was the second time we'd spoken.

>> No.22360849

I get tired of saying no every day.
If some lady from HR comes with birthday cake a colleague bought for us I don't want to say no.

>> No.22360887

>I get tired of saying no every day.
Do you eat it as a group or something? Can't you just accept it with a smile on your face and then throw it in the bin afterwards?

>> No.22360907

Seems like either communism or capitalism both aim to either completely eradicate the state or lower its influence as much as possible
I'm left thinking if the state might actually be that bad and unnatural because it only existed in its current form after a large population boom and the state that exists today really is something problematic

>> No.22360919

Serious question: are you autistic?

>> No.22360927

Where do I start with Marquis de Sade?

>> No.22360952

Fuck I am so bored and it's only 1pm.

>> No.22360956

life's bretty good ngl pos vibes only now lads, speaking of which,

some inspo listening for your journey

>> No.22360985

> nyaa, 4chan, r*dit, troonreads

>> No.22360995

What is the point of dust jackets? I Don't really like them but I also don't know why they exist other than to protect the book from "dust".
Ironic thing about bidets is that even after you shoot water up your asshole and cum like a woman, you still have to use toilet paper to wipe up the shit water around your ass unless your so disgusting you just let it run down your lets as you walk out. So why bother with something that is so dependant on plumbing when you can just take a disposable paper towel and wipe your ass with it?

>> No.22361002

She's either making sure of not being on the list or trying to prevent you from the rope anon

Other than that anything works for the moment. I remember I fumbled at least three qt 3.14's due to my retardation and non-performance. Anything said is better than nothing.

>> No.22361017

>accept it with a smile on your face and then throw it in the bin afterwards?
I've done that with some snacks but I hate wasting like that.
Plus I have a sweet tooth so birthday cake I really like.
I say no like 90% of the time. The issue is they ask 10 times a week so I always end up eating some trash.

>> No.22361037

There's a difference between communism in theory and communism in practice. Marx never really understood that people are fundamentally motivated by self-interest rather than by love for humanity in general.

>> No.22361106

My resume gap is two years and growing. The thought of even opening my resume in a word processor or speaking to recruiters makes me ill. I'm stuck.

>> No.22361108

Just make up something.
Look at companies that went bankrupt in the past 2 years and slap one on there.

>> No.22361143

I wish I was a good liar. I would probably be a better writer.

>> No.22361174

>corncob mccrusty
>lord dem rangz

the list goes on...

>> No.22361221

There is not a single abhorrent element in contemporary western civilization that can not be traced back to the poison of christianity.

>> No.22361228

Why is Lacan so hard to understand?

>> No.22361236

shut up troon

>> No.22361306

It's not my dog..
And my name's not fucking Richard

>> No.22361377

Going into my first year of teaching secondary school. Trying to come up with ideas for how to decorate my classroom. Any ideas /lit/?

>> No.22361378


>> No.22361404

In the anus, usually

>> No.22361420

The image of a knight smoking a cigar popped into my head. I think it's pretty cool.
I'll start collecting a bunch of anachronisms like that and make a short story around it.

>> No.22361493


>> No.22361517
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>> No.22361610

This happened a few days ago, but I just thought of it while opening a beer.

I was on the evening commuter train back from London, and a business bloke sat down next to me and put two cans of Brewdog on the foldable plastic table in front of him.

After her finished the first, he automatically reached for the second, but some kind of self-conscious thought -- like 'don't look like an alcoholic' -- must have halted him, because he suddenly stopped, with his hand on the can, and his fingers just kind of affectedly rapping the top of it for two or three minutes before he went ahead and opened it.

Or maybe I'm projecting.

>> No.22361625

sounds plausible. could've also been some kind of reflux/intestinal thing. or maybe he wanted to extend the light buzz rather than ploughing straight into it. but your explanation seems more plausible than my attempts at devil's advocacy.

>> No.22361626

Maybe he starts at a particular stop and there were leaves on the line so his timing was off

>> No.22361668

The best part of being drunk is the feeling of 'becoming more drunk'. That's what makes it demonic.

>> No.22361676

Costco is a psyop to make Americans even fatter. When you buy in bulk you just end up eating more.

>> No.22361677

Someday in the future they'll design cheap plastic livers and then we can all drink to our heart's content.

>> No.22361691

i thought that was more of a walmart thing?

>> No.22361706

Low self-esteem, self-hating hands posted this.

>> No.22361708

that's just a poor people thing

>> No.22361711

Drop some recs.
I want to read cute girls doing cute things but with actual plot and character development. Also lovey-dovey yuri romance. Also good isekai/litRPG

>> No.22361716

When I'm depressed I comfort myself by telling that either way everything is going to be ok. I might find a woman with whom I would share same interests and hobbies, we would fuck and cuddle, travel, go to social places, on parties, dancing; make a family. But if I don't find one then that's fine by me too. I would spend more time with myself, with which I'm already comfortable, work out, play shitton of vidya, watch any movie/anime I want to, reread fav books and find new ones, perfect cooking skills, write in a diary, write a novel, go on a /nightwalk/ sometime, etc.
Either way it's going to be fine, so stop worrying, Anon - I say in my mind, but another little human living inside of me creeps into my brain and speaks things that still concern me. I guess the most thing I'm terrified of is not which way life will lead me through, but what awaits me after it

>> No.22361721

increase exercise, even just walking. will do more for depression than anything you could tell yourself.

>> No.22361739

>There is not a single abhorrent element in contemporary western civilization that can not be traced back to the rejection of christianity.

>> No.22361788
File: 1.38 MB, 1170x2532, 1691630904219720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name 1 abhorrent element of contemporary western civilization caused by christianity or its rejection. Go!

>> No.22361920

>buy new tires
>one week later one of them goes flat out of nowhere
>shop tells me I violated the tire warranty driving a mile on the flat to get out of traffic
Fuck my life

>> No.22362158

Why did you tell them you drove on the flat

>> No.22362161

Because I'm dumb and make poor judgement calls under stress.

>> No.22362177

we literally live in a clownworld after rejecting christianity.

>> No.22362194

if dust is mostly skin cells, and i found a fan with a "free" sign and took it, and it was slightly dusty, then have i been blowing the previous owner's trillions of nigger feet particles all over my home?

>> No.22362204

Is it really that hard to mention one(1) specific abhorrent element caused by the rejection of christianity?

>> No.22362288

>forced myself out of my apartment
>someone stood next to me at the museum and my glasses literally fogged up
I don’t even want to make friends or do anything creative anymore. I just want to get sun and see beautiful things. I just want to be in control of my nervous system.

>> No.22362335

---- Solaria ----

Thinking about how many other lands in which swamp milkweed
And cattails are unobtainable exotics

There's no growing indoors almost no what,
Those big fat caterpillars desultorily set aside to feed in fields

Of pure circuses, is strange,
If not sweet to see as on a truly pleasant afternoon.

>> No.22362338

The word "Cope" has been thoroughly raped to death. It used to mean "to successfully deal with a difficult situation"
Maybe it still does but the attitude to it has changed. Now, you MUST not let the dead go. You MUST constantly stay in the hellish circle of self-loathing. You MUST be constantly at odds with yourself. You MUST be miserable. If you are not doing these things, then you are COPING!
It's ridiculous honestly, and I'm glad that these people unconsciously choose to be miserable.

>> No.22362358

how do I reduce my self consciousness?

>> No.22362362

The implication when it is used as in "cope and dilate" is that the only way to successfully deal with the situation is through delusional thinking.
More than letting the dead go, you "cope" when you convince yourself that their souls are living eternally in a magical world of peace and happiness and that they look after you.

>> No.22362374


>> No.22362389

without booze, i mean. how do i kill my sense of self and my "character"

>> No.22362403

I feel trapped, I'm completely lost

>> No.22362429

I've been there anon. I don't know the specifics of your problem, but for me, it happened when life pushed me out of my comfort zone and I had to get a job as a fucking cold-calling salesman.
It was an extremely stressful, hostile environment, but I there was no escaping this. I adapted, and after a year of going through hell I looked at myself in the mirror and finally saw a new, better human being.

>> No.22362470

Pretty good day today fellas. Hope you're all well.


>> No.22362516
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I have single-handedly raised the consciousness level of this board by at least three thanks to my incessant kantposting. the master would be proud.

>> No.22362544
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Kant? More like Kunt!

>> No.22362555

---- Solaria ----

The last blue of evening twilight peacefully fades toward a grey
Quite unlike the diamond of three particular drops
Still held, just so, by three particular

Pink foxglove bells, earring Vegas to each one,
Each faint as a firefly flash and
Technically refined

Far as artless chemistry goes.

On a nearby table someone left a bunch of apples for free,
All of them wildly small, all moderately ripe
And ideal for a still-life--

All of them somehow suave as race cars,
Fine as roses can go, but more,
To a Muse I cannot see.

>> No.22362646

What does it all mean, bros?

>> No.22362654

Went out.
Didnt bother with girls since i already have gf. Tried to be a wingman for my gfless friend.
Anyway at some point I started talking to some guy that was on drugs and the problem with these people is they can never shut the fuck up about their drug related experiences.

>> No.22362659

No one can tell you what it means in words but if you strive for it you can glimpse the Absolute.

>> No.22362688
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But what if it can be all accounted for in the brain. I actually have had experiences where I think I did have actual contact with the divine but I can’t help but fear it’s just material brain phenomena and only indicative of my ignorance of the extent of the connection between neurological phenomena and perceived subjective experience.
I know the answer is faith but it’s so hard bros. Sometimes I do weep at the weight of everything. Things have been hard for so long, the idea it may all be hopeless leaves me with a universe of despair beside me.

>> No.22362697

Do you trust the epistemic structures underlying the proofs that all occurs in the brain?

>> No.22362703

As a young man I lived in a kind of gilded cage, but in maturity began to act and feel something like a master: Not all of my friends and relatives are happy with it, but most of them are entertained by how much I remember easily.

>> No.22362736

Realizing more and more how little I know and how dumb I am. It was in a bookstore today that I felt like I finally was looking somewhere other than myself, entirely, for once. I felt like I was a kid in a candy store. My eyes felt hungry for the sights, colors, people, books and so on. I literally felt like I was drinking through my eye sockets. I bought half a dozen books impulsively, and felt almost manic. I feel like I've wasted a great deal of my life only looking at myself. Now that I am actually looking outward, I realize how empty my self is. My self seemed akin to an empty circle. I'm starting to see what it is to take up space.
But since arriving home I fell into old habits with porn, imageboards and other internet distractions. A great deal of our media today seems oriented towards nothing but obliterating our selves and replacing it with addictive algorithmic crap.

>> No.22362738

you raise a valid point

>> No.22362739

*My dad was was like that, only moreso: He wasn't that great as STEMfags go, but My God he could remember everyone and everything, and dish with superiors and subordinates with equal ease.

>> No.22362864

>>shop tells me I violated the tire warranty driving a mile on the flat to get out of traffic
Sounds like bullshit they made up to get you to fuck off.

>> No.22362868

>i thought that was more of a walmart thing?
Not really, buying in extreme bulk is what CostCo's known for.
They sell big drums of condiments, pretty much anything you can think of in bulk.

>> No.22362873

On top of writing (wow on /lit/? big shock) I also dabble in drawing/painting. Thankfully inspiration is pretty easy to find due to image sharing sites like Deviantart and Pinterest. Unfortunately the latter is running to shit. Ai has totally decimated Pinterest's landscape so now every image I see is just the same anime girl portrait. Every single fucking time. Same style, same pose, expression, everything. Pinterest was my number 1 place to find inspiration and now it's borderline unusable.

>> No.22362922
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>> No.22362927

Try Pixiv, they have an option to filter AI-made slop. If you're into anime-style art, that is.

>> No.22362933

The south is catching up to me- that simple thrill of unloading a clip into a strip-mine bank, the pitchers of sweet tea, the moondark deer padding through an overgrown graveyard where all the glass baubles have been drilled right out of the headstones. I traded honeybright fields for the harsh warmth of creosote. You can pass the county line, cross right over until you're blinded with the splendor of glass panes all around- glass and concrete and impassive folk with knives for eyes and outstretched hands. But then, the lingering tang of honeysuckle nectar on your tongue-

aka I'm homesick lads

>> No.22362994
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>Sexting is not cheating. Flirting in person is not cheating. Looking at other girls is not cheating. Finding other girls hot is not cheating. Same with current live-in girlfriend present - is not cheating. Being naked in a room full of naked girls - is not cheating. Same while openly flirting with them - is not cheating. Having photos of naked girls and looking at them while laying in bed with your current live-in girlfriend - is not cheating.

>All of the above is a case of insecurity (jealousy) in the girlfriend. A red flag.

>> No.22363041

can you filter out things posted within a certain date? could remove anything posted within last 3-6 months if so.

>> No.22363075

---- Solaria ----
Pleiades, Hyades, Orion.

Rolling on, I suppose only Debussy or Haydn.


>> No.22363086

I have everything in life I could wish for.
>Good friends that I know for 10+ years and meet regularly
>Work as a doctor in a first world country and earn good money and it's fun
>Looks at least 7/10 and /fit/
>Have good self confidence and am quite extroverted

But me and my gf broke up 6 months ago. I'm mostly over her, but I'm longing for love very badly. All I want is to find someone and fall in love very hard. I need love and I want to give love.
I tried casual sex and it's shit.

>> No.22363164

---- Solaria ----

El Chichon sunsets or this year's fires
Make me wish that Asimovian fantasy more prevailied.


>> No.22363179

I just have to wonder: someone had to invent the bulbous-ended glass smoking pipe, then they had to make them at scale in factories. So, who then?

>> No.22363194

It all seems so trivial, compared, for instance to the synthesis of fentanyl.

>> No.22363209

>>Work as a doctor in a first world country and earn good money and it's fun
>>Looks at least 7/10 and /fit/
>>Have good self confidence and am quite extroverted
Are you my Northwestern Medicine specialist?

I'm happy to see him whenever I do, and sometimes think that I owe him a lot more than he bills me.

>> No.22363228


>> No.22363231

Or, you just accept that they are dead and move on. That's still coping. Idk, maybe everything that you think about is delusional. Like calling out others for their coping as if it means anything. Ive seen people here say it against people who just want to stop worrying about their height or other pointless things. It's like they want to waste their lives worrying about things they cannot change

>> No.22363238

Do individuals who feel sadness or a sense of inadequacy often gravitate towards philosophy?

Are there people who possess both happiness and intelligence?

>> No.22363246

I think the kind of compulsive, ceaseless striving that propels people's towards success in any field precludes permanent happiness.

>> No.22363259

If a person did not receive sufficient love and affection in their early years, they will never be able to find happiness or fulfillment later in life. This lack of early emotional support is likened to a foundation that is compromised.

>> No.22363272

>Are there people who possess both happiness and intelligence?

Yes, which is usually the case. It's not hard to appreciate the finer things in life when they come without without hard labor. This is not to say that philosophy is for losers: Stoics and Epicureans are among the world's greatest winners.

>> No.22363291

Yeah, that's just a demoralizing tactic. No matter what spin you give things you're always "coping" (delusional) over something.
You gave me a new appreciation for the word, it's scary and fascinating how miserable people enjoy dragging others down to their level. That is, if through their use of the word they also see that they are coping, seething, and dilating.

>> No.22363301

I can't figure out if the translation of Houellebecqs 'the extension of the domain of struggle' to 'whatever' is really good or really stupid.

>> No.22363310

We must damage the left hemisphere of our brains.

>> No.22363336


>> No.22363433

Obviously it is behavioral for it to have affected him that suddenly. He's a low IQ moron upset about something else and was using nicotine as an excuse to chimp out. There are many such cases. Next time someone says "I NEED something to eat" or "I NEED a drink" say in response, "no, you don't." Meltdown moment if you don't pull over to McDonald's. You were just dealing with a literal prole. They act like this no matter what. If anything the nicotine bought him about 5 IQ points and you would have picked up on his cognitive inferiority and never went out to fish with him in the first place had he not acted relatively normal on it. His stupidity would have been manifest if he was nicotine naive. Now you're throwing the baby out with the bath water and concluding it's the nicotine and not him thereby squandering a powerful tool.
Nicotine withdrawal begins at about 12 to 16 hours and brain feels a bit foggy and this persists another day or two with a headache that's lighter than caffeine withdrawal headache.

>> No.22363437

---- Solaria ----
Leather Glazed By Steel

Tuesday I'll touch 90 yet again on one of the most scenic drives in the world.
Nothing bad will happen while the air conditioning runs,

While magnificent music plays,
While i lean into it.

It will feel exactly the same in the middle of August as I do in February
When I float astonished, in a piece of sublime engineering,

Outside of which frightening weather is as is.


>> No.22363554

Probably, people have thought so for my entire life, why do you ask?

>> No.22363562

>I've done that with some snacks but I hate wasting like that.
I get that, I hate wasting food too.
>I say no like 90% of the time. The issue is they ask 10 times a week so I always end up eating some trash.
Eating it every once in a while isn't going to kill you or make your situation any worse, anon, enjoy yourself some cake.

>> No.22363654

I think having a porn addiction is a lot cooler than having rizz. Porn is funny and creative and rizz is lower-income coded and autistic.

>> No.22363680

>using forced tiktok slang

>> No.22363733

You need to stop using butane lighters.

>> No.22363776


>> No.22363874
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sWhat If I told you that penises dont actually exist? they are a myth created by bog Viagra.

>> No.22363893

Sometimes I feel like I fucked up my life with the choices I made as a college student and immediately after.

>> No.22363901

How so

>> No.22363914

In college because of the major I chose and my bad grades and immediately after because of a couple of jobs I had.

>> No.22363967
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I was out with a friend and, I can't remember how we got to this topic, but he was saying that cheating on one's spouse is fine if she never finds out. I thought he was joking initially but then I started pressing him on it and he was been deadly serious. I started saying how could you look at the mother of your children knowing what you've done and say "I love you to her". He just said as far as she knows nothing happened and that you can still love her it's just that you needed a release elsewhere for the time being - you've been married for however many years so what? I then said you can be married to her for 50 years and if you cheat it means you never truly loved her. The whole conversation left me with a very disgusting taste in my mouth and I have no desire to interact with them afterwards after seeing them in that light despite having an amicable relationship before. Yet at the same time I feel bad for my harshness in my dealing with them. I myself have deep moral darkness and perhaps it's hypocritical for me to think in this way. Idk anymore

>> No.22363983

All human morality is like this

[Coincidentia oppositorum]
[Normie sewage consciousness that tolerates contradictions/ambiguity/doublethink]

Normies are drawn downward toward the false synthesis (merely tolerating contradictions ambiguities), you are drawn upward (actually trying to reconcile them in higher syntheses). When you are talking to your friend he's showing you his normie sewage brain and you are sensing the normie sewer system he is a part of, in which all normie shit is mingled together and everybody partakes of the muck, and you are trying to show him the higher ineffable syntheses in which contradictory principles like "Duty at all cost" and "Don't people have a right to be happy?" ought to be reconciled

You must remember that most people live at his level, and that life is full of guys like him cheating on wives like his wife and having perfectly happy relationships anyway. Even their unhappiness is happier in a way than your happiness. There are benefits to being sewer shit muckmen. It's a nice existence. Probably in his last life he was like you and lived purely for duty and honor, and in this reincarnation he needs a break.

Your job isn't to immanentize autistic morality by forcing it down into the sewers and cleansing them permanently of all shit. That won't happen for a long time. Your job is to be a beacon and a constant reminder of the higher realities, up on the surface, so that when the muckmen do wade out of their sewage once in a while they do feel pangs of guilt. At the surface he was asserting the rights of the muck but below the surface, probably not even consciously, your disdain for his position did remind him that the destiny of humanity ultimately lies not in tolerating contradictions and peccadilloes, because it's easier and more convenient, but in being more like you, and trying to purge all peccadilloes from reality

>> No.22364009

I feel the same way but for a different reason. I don't think if you're lying to someone you're actually in a good partnership with them. Even if you're lying to them about going drinking with your buddies when you're really going to a park to read, it's a sign you don't trust the person you're sleeping next to, or you don't trust yourself. Either way, bad partner. Only way that's fine is if the girl straight up said to him at the start you can cheat all you like but I never want to know.

>> No.22364011

What major and what jobs and why can you not recover? You'd he helping me to tell me

>> No.22364020

The major was finance, not bad in itself but not from a really stellar school for that and didn’t get good grades. Also not what I want for a career. The job was small investment and merchant bank that basically turned out to be a really shitty boiler room type of place. They had no business, bad reputations, really amateurish unprofessional stuff, but I didn’t know that when I signed up and I tend to think it’s followed me around like a tail.

>> No.22364024

Yeah I grew up in a family which held the same flippant ideas of morality, which all amounted to "everything is okay if you never get caught." This line of reasoning has absolutely wrecked all of their lives in so many different ways. The cascading effects of their decisions greatly affected my life too (I was the youngest and therefore most vulnerble) and caused me to be very reactionary. I always felt different from them that I had a very real inborn semse of right and wrong, and followed the conclusions of their consequences into fundamentalist Christianity. All of my friends now are very moralistic, which can be kind of burden in that they tell me I'm wrong to watch horror movies and drink beer (they won't see the new insidious movie with me :( ) but at least I know they're decent and reliable people who wont backstab me. They're also a bery good influence and helped pull me out of things like alcoholism and whatever else.

>> No.22364067

What I fear from this analysis is the possibility of me falling into pride and puffing myself up by thinking I'm some higher being. Again, I have the same amount of moral sickness as the next man. I do not deny that some men are drawn to worldly things and that others are drawn to heavenly things. However, pride comes before the fall. My righteousness does not outweigh his righteousness. Yet at the same time, I can't help but feel a visceral repulsion from him upon hearing those things.
I don't think this reasoning is mutually exclusive. What we're both seeking I think is a sacrificial commitment from our spouse. Of course, you must also meet that standard.
There's a danger in over-moralising and it's a very fine line between being able to perceive the hidden spiritual cost in certain things and on the other hand, being a sperg for lack of a better term. The better analysis is taking a more teleological/virtue approach to ethics rather than a deontological one. Alas, Glory to God that He has placed people in your life who bring you up to a higher moral standard.

>> No.22364261

I feel like any effort put towards people is wasted. It's only worthwhile if you get internal satisfaction from it.
All effort just goes unnoticed and unappreciated. At best it's a fleeting sense of care that never matters.
I don't know how people do it.

>> No.22364312

>What we're both seeking I think is a sacrificial commitment from our spouse.
Viewing your relationship as a sacrifice rather than a support is another no for me. Being honest with yourself or your partner should not be a sacrifice.

>> No.22364471

Need to remind myself to be more giving to regularly offer things to people. I forget that normies hold it against you if you never do this because for me if others never share their stuff, it makes no difference I don't even notice. But for normies they assume you secretly hate them or something

>> No.22364598

I roam the streets of Portland in the middle of the night with my replica Glock 19 water gun and terrorize the homeless schizophrenics. Open your fucking mouth. I'm going to help you. Calm down, stop crying. Stop fucking crying and stay still and open your mouth. You're dehydrated. Squirt, squirt.

>> No.22364681
