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/lit/ - Literature

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2235620 No.2235620 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,
It's your favourite new(ish) tripfag here.
What are your thoughts on the new autism movement?

inb4 A Clockwork Orange is the best book of all time, OH MY how I love it.

>> No.2235623

inb4 we love you bruhofftop, you genuinely light up /lit/.

>> No.2235629


I think he's alright. Not the best new tripfag.

New Autism is so pointless and irrelevant. It barely exists

>> No.2235631


who are the other new ones?

>> No.2235632


>> No.2235634

you're feeding him, careful.

>> No.2235638

Fuck off tripcunt.

>> No.2235641


Reported. I play by the rules. Stop swearing and being irrelevant or you'll get banned.

>> No.2235647
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>> No.2235648

>New Autism
^^Whuthefu--I don't even know

>> No.2235653

>It's your favourite new(ish) tripfag here.
>Stop... being irrelevant.

Can you smell that? It smells like *sniffs air* HYPOCRISY.

>> No.2235684

My favourite book is A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.2235702

oh my god this is a whole new level of stupidity. just utterly shameful for all of us. thread hidden.

>> No.2235705

My favourite book is A Clockwork Orange personallyy.

>> No.2235708

Clockwork Orange is actually a very clever book I'll have you know. Burgess is a legendary writer of our time.

>> No.2235713

bump for amazing thrd

>> No.2235719


I have no idea what the new autism movement is, but I have no doubt its fucking retarded. HAHAHA.

>> No.2235720
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>I don't even know you
Funny thing there Jim.

Hey op. ur cute wanna fuck?

New Autism is a very small and barely important part of Alt lit. Outside of Steve Roggenbuck and Tao Lin I can't think of other writers I'd put in there.

I mean Noah Cicero, Sam Pink, Ben Brooks, xTx, Ana C and anyone else Pop Serial hypes sometimes fall under that movement, but they really aren't.

New Autism is like Witch House. Good, but very few actual artists and a lot of artists being tossed in due to association.

>> No.2235730

I wasn't aware Autism was a new thing.

>> No.2235737

it's not.

>> No.2235746

New Austism is new like New Sincerity. In other words, Tao Lin is the new DFW and I think that's a good thing.

>> No.2235806

New Autism is nothing.