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/lit/ - Literature

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22355160 No.22355160 [Reply] [Original]

I had such high expectations for this one but it's really boring.

>> No.22355228

Purgatorio is kino of the highest order.

>> No.22356339

Well, Seven has Brad Pitt. This only has paper pulp. (ps. I'm a lyrical genius, read my book).

>> No.22356345

Which translation?

>> No.22356346

I didn't even laugh once.

>> No.22356420

literally 0 visual imagination

>> No.22356427

The divine comedy is a really shitty, bordering pedophilic, self-insert fanfiction with most of the general ideas not even being his own.

>> No.22356434

its better than literally anything in the young adult section though

>> No.22356444

>This shit is in the Young Adult Section? lmao It belongs with all the other trash in there I suppose.

>Aside from my bias, the Divine Comedy isn't as horrific as a lot of young adult novels nowadays. The writing style was a decently impressive boon. I just have a personal grudge against the book as I was forced to read it when I was younger for some English class bullshit.


>> No.22356452

no I was just saying its better than anything being written today in my experience. Demons and hellfire and tortures beyond human comprehension are badass /shrug

>> No.22356479

It's hard to know how to extend the conversation further when you merely describe the work as boring. When you are bored while reading, it can mean a couple of things. The boredom can be an indication of some flaw in the text, or the boredom can be grounded in a fault of the reader's. That's why it's not particularly helpful to say that you found a work "boring" when critiquing it. Try to find the flaw in the work that is making you bored. Sharing that observation can foster discussion.

>> No.22356488

Stylistically, it's an impressive book.

The story itself it tells is garbage. If you care about fancy wording and you enjoy the style and tone it's written it, all the more power to you.

I would argue that there are a few modern books that are just as impressive stylistically while telling a more orchestrated story.

That said, what we both look for in a book seems to be inherently different. Literature is inherently going to be a different experience for everyone.

However, if you're experience is mostly Young Adult stuff, I think you are missing out on a lot of great novels. Young adult novels tend to be complete trash, with a few noteworthy exceptions here and there.

Check out some eldritch horror/ gothic literature novels, that stuff sounds like it might be up your alley.

>> No.22356490


Apologies, I forgot to ping you in my previous post.

>> No.22356581

Well, >>22356488 put it better than I ever could. To me, the story and characters are nothing special.

>> No.22356614

NTA but what other gothic literature novels would you suggest?

I've read all the standard ones like Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde etc.