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22354270 No.22354270 [Reply] [Original]

I asked Taleb what's Latin or Greek for "Lindy" and which classical authors mention the concept and he blocked me.

>> No.22354288

That Lindy guy on twitter is also very fast to block. faggot

>> No.22354320


>> No.22354350

I asked Taleb what he thought about a paper presenting a statistical analysis of German excess deaths and he blocked me

>> No.22354355

It’s one of those days where it feels good to be an Anglo, stiff upper lip and everything

>> No.22354363


>> No.22354365

You either die a young flaneur or live long enough to become a iyi

>> No.22354373

Him, chomsky, sam harris, all exposed as cowards, sheep, and frauds by covid

>> No.22354391

No, Hitler, that's James Lindsay and he has no relation to the concept

>> No.22354608

Tell him it's about when Germanicus taught snowniggers their place and he'll unblock you

>> No.22355928

not talking about james lindsay

>> No.22357104

he got BTFO by some of the latest Roman Empire DNA results. esp the Balkan one that showed how transitory and ephemeral the heavy "East Med" ancestry was. literally a perfect example of farm equipment being brought in to work on the latifundia combined with a parasitic middle-man market class. once the empire started to stumble they left to the next victim or died off.

>> No.22357402

Actually, no one cares about that
Everyone in that sphere is a huge faggot and will either be shot, sentenced to hard labor or made into cannon fodder in any decent country

>> No.22358150
File: 46 KB, 585x659, taleb masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to him with this pic and he'll mos def block your imbecilic ass.

>> No.22358163
File: 82 KB, 651x833, taleb iq 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Taleb if IQ means nothing then why Baltimore public schools, the 3rd highest per capita student spending in the country, have a 5% literacy among graduating seniors.

>> No.22358203

I saw the Chomsky interview where he was stumping for deathcamps for unvaccinated people. What did Taleb and Sam Harris do?

>> No.22358206

Arabs are temperamental people

>> No.22358248
File: 58 KB, 800x1200, deveroux_ferguson-inline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's a social issue rather than a genetics issue?

>> No.22358411

Paul Skallas? He is unironically one of the most important contemporary writers, funny too. Original thinker. Better than 99% of sociology academia pumps out.

>> No.22358419

I don't get the hate for this.Yes he looks silly in retrospect but at this point no one knew how dangerous (or rather relatively benign) covid was. Caution, even paranoia, was warranted. Btw let's not forget basically the entire right-wing was pro-lockdown in the early days of the pandemic, while the left encouraged people to go hug Chinese people. Positions flipped 180° as it became increasingly clear covid wasn't airborne ebola.

>> No.22358424

Taleb has been very smug and certain about the vaccines’ safety and efficacy and pushed for them, saying something in the vein of “the risk-benefit analysis favors it and you’d be an idiot not to get them,” unless I’m making that up completely, but I think I remember it. Harris, no clue and IDGAF, I try not to keep up with these Internet pseudo-intellectual grifters, I know he’s a smug liberal bastard in general though.

>> No.22358571

Thanks, bro. I was never big into him, but I remember him striking a chord with me on something - that I will likely never recall. I was not aware that he was retarded. I have the Sam Harris book ''Lying'' that I got from the free library. Is he so retarded that it is not worth the read, even for free?

>> No.22358606

>basically the entire right-wing was pro-lockdown in the early days
Just the RINOs. The real right has been very consistent straight through, with maybe a bobble at the very beginning. It was very simple to see through the haze.
>news program reports mass casualties overflowing from hospital
>look down street one half mile
>see no activity
>walk to hospital
>see jack shit
>know that it is a sham
We were already in tune with Fauci from before COVID. The NIH were the same folks that gave us the VD experiments at Tuskegee, the radiation experiments at Rochester, the VD experiments at Johns Hopkins, the falsification of reports on toxicology related to fluoride poisoning of miners, etc. These are all admitted incidents uncovered by FOIA reports. The NIH already had zero credibility from before COVID. Yes, the talking heads at Fox may have been telling us to go get a shot, but we were not falling for it. The slightest effort at investigation revealed the nature of the propaganda.

>> No.22358639

He is the perfect example of a fat fag. Looks like shit and so his soul is shit.
Bit too tryhard. Nothing more nothing less.

>> No.22358678

The most important thing is that all of them dismissed the origin being a research program implicating widely used genetic engineering methods (which are patented among various research institutions)
At least with anons in the early days they (we) were certain about it being the product of lab animal experiments and logic states that one should avoid being infected by some lab generated bug. But not long after (we) were all psyoped into thinking viriuss are fake and your gay if you were a mask. So it was quite an effective psyop indeed.

>> No.22358708

Okay Paul, if you say so.

>> No.22358713

>stumping for deathcamps for unvaccinated people
Based. Lock them all in a bat cave.

>> No.22358739

lol he plagiarizes Reddit posts

I have to admit he has good taste though

>> No.22358772

>Btw let's not forget basically the entire right-wing was pro-lockdown in the early days of the pandemic
Perhaps in the first three months of non-response when all we had were those weird (fake) videos from China of people dropping dead in the streets, which was the time of the "hug a Chinese" campaigns. By March 2020 at the latest the nothing burger was obvious. I don't think anyone blames people for being uneasy in January 2020 but there were no repressive measures at the time. The virus regime came later.

>> No.22358775

>March 2020
more like June 2020. we didn't really see what was going on in the West until we got the end of the first surge + George Floyd riots

>> No.22358793

Perhaps for the semi-braindead normalfags. The initial wave of lockdowns was already in full swing in April, there were no excuse then. Anon made reference to the "right wing" and I distinctly recall them making fun of corona virus long before. If memory serves right there were some funny pieces in the Mises Institute and in another wing of the right the Daily Stormer made a 2020 April's fool joke about taking corona virus seriously while pushing flat Earth articles. Or course 4chan archives could also help. Those attitudes were already the norm in any remotely based spheres by early spring.

>> No.22358802

>April 2020
maybe if you liked taking dumb risks and had a kneejerk reaction against everything the establishment pushes. but for those few months, there was no plan or plandemic or whatever. people at the top were genuinely afraid and clueless on how to handle anything. people thought that maybe we were gonna have SARS or Spanish Flu en masse.

I mentioned June-ish 2020 because that's when there was enough time to realize that this thing had a sub-1% kill rate, only killed the old, fat, and sickly, and also was apparently not important enough to cancel the social justice hysteria of the day. after then there was no excuse.

>> No.22358914

I think Skallas is a natural high-IQ shitposter at heart. I've followed him for a while and it feels like an elaborate piece of performance art how he's gracefully pivoted from talking about wanting to commit rape to being a benign plagiarist minor e-celeb. He'll still say spicy stuff then delete it five seconds later, knowing that "this Tweet has been deleted" only makes it funnier when contrasted with his newer Lindyman persona.

>> No.22359091

Are you really still triple masking after all this time?

>> No.22359132

Yeah him.
He made a ridiculous argument that if you laugh more than twice a day there's something wrong with you.
I told him that if you take advice from someone on the internet about how much you should be laughing, you're actually in trouble.
Then followed a quick block.

>> No.22359306

He lifts entire posts from low follower accounts you tard go look it up

>> No.22359348



>> No.22359643

>Btw let's not forget basically the entire right-wing was pro-lockdown in the early days of the pandemic

Thanks to Trump.

>> No.22359649

There was never any evidence masks work. And now that lack of evidence is deafening. Arab Taleb is a retard, plain and simple.

>> No.22359669


>> No.22359726
File: 116 KB, 1024x780, maske probleme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is evidence about masks, though - just the other way around. Some german doctors had the balls to buck the system and publish this in the early masking days.

>> No.22359862

How did the virus start?

>> No.22360093

God created it as punishment :^)

>> No.22360167



>> No.22361162

>I recently visited my brother
The absolute state of retards.

>> No.22361538

Shitskin cope. Your skin is the colour of shit. Whites are totally superior to you and your stinky immigrant family, go back to your toilet country and stay there, worthless parasite.

>> No.22361556

That's cope. Niggers/shitskins in London commit violent crime at roughly equal rates as in the US. Canada too. Or look at niggers in Sweden, they've turned areas of cities into warzones. Also, poor whites and other poor ethnic groups commit crime at nowhere near the same rate as niggers.

Idiots like you have been saying this for decades, while tens of billions of dollars have been spent/wasted and the problem just gets worse. Also, the photo you posted (btw, anomalies don't disprove a trend, did you know that?) obviously has other genes than subsaharan, he looks indian or something, maybe sudanese.

Look at blacks left to their own devices in africa, it has always been a shithole and always will be unless Whites are allowed to rule it. The fact is that subsaharans are biologically different. Their IQs are significantly lower, they also have poor impulse control and lower empathy.

>> No.22361557

It's shitty impulse control as a result of being nigmutts. Indians are no different.

>> No.22361568

>let's not forget basically the entire right-wing was pro-lockdown in the early days of the pandemic, while the left encouraged people to go hug Chinese people.
That makes sense though, once we found out what the disease was people realized it wasn't too dangerous. Meanwhile leftard leaders like Pelosi were encouraging people to go hug chinese even though they might have some crazy virus that could have been really bad. Leftists are just stupid and foolish people in general. Only comfortable weaklings who face no adversity or have no real-world experiencr are left wing. Also spiritually they are inferior.

>> No.22361571

Maybe so, but honestly you just have a hate boner.

>> No.22361578

God would never reveal his will to someone like you. Viruses always come from China, these people in general have bad hygiene and live cramoed together.

>> No.22361623
File: 161 KB, 1024x640, shitskin garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe so
It is so. New videos like this come out every day, where blacks or other 3rd worlders (often in packs) brutally assault an innocent person for no reason, usually just because they're white or asian, or because they'd make an easy target to rob from. The media never reports on it, in fact they ignore it and gaslights whites into thinking they're evil and that it's their fault that these people are so vicious and violent, always portraying these shitty people as the victims.

In the UK there are multiple examples of white children having their throats slit in the park for no reason and it's barely news, but nigger crack addict george floyd swallows a speedball in the US because the cops came up to him and he's portrayed as a saint and a victim for a whole year on the front page. Small towns in the UK with no crime are suddenly full of these 3rd worlders who have minds below those of medieval peasants. They prey on children and the elderly, making it not safe to go out at night, they catcall little girls or just abduct and gangrape them, or bully old people for fun. The people complain and the leftist media calls them racist and say that they should welcome these monkeys.
>but honestly you just have a hate boner.
Lol and? btw, it isn't hate so much as disdain for these monkeys and for idiots like you, as well as self-preservation/defensive instinct. You are incredibly naive.

>> No.22361630
File: 1.11 MB, 360x640, aznh8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops meant to post this

Videos like this come out literally every day, idiots like you just have no clue and blame white people for the actions of these savage primates and bully any working class people who don't want them in their towns. Fuck you.

>> No.22361633
File: 144 KB, 1280x772, black crimes matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh social issues
>they dindu nuffin!

>> No.22361639
File: 141 KB, 997x1280, shitskin savage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sorts of stories come out almost every day from Europe and the UK, the media ignores it and anybody noticing a pattern is just called a racist by the bourgeois leftist media who hates white people and the working class.

>> No.22361645
File: 131 KB, 796x788, nigger garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact is, blacks and browns simply ruin the quality of White countries. Nobody supports it either, the overwhelming majority want immigration shut off completely, but the bankers need more retards taking out debt, so every politician gets elected by paying lip service to the issue and then ignoring it.

Why does the media ignore this and always portray these "people" as victims? the crime stats and mugshots speak for themselves.

>> No.22361651

This mooslem boomer faggit is pure cringe.

>> No.22361671

Regardless of the behavior of the assailants, the victim should have noticed three dudes staging on him.

>> No.22361688
File: 44 KB, 561x680, nigger soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, it's his fault that he has to be out in public surrounded by nigger subhumans who savagely attack for no reason and get let out of jail with no punishment. That guy on the subway who choked out that nigger murderer is probably going to jail, despite being a hero. Quit making excuses, you shitskinned monkey. You "people" belong in civilized society and it gets more obvious every day.

>> No.22361696
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1682399460184177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I go check twitter today, and there's more niggers acting like monkeys again, this time chimping out and looting stores in London because social media told them to!



>> No.22361700

Calm down and re-read my post. It was qualified.
>Regardless of the behavior of the assailants
Preferring people to not relax around blacks does not make me a nigger. He should have seen it coming. Often, one can mitigate the damage if one is more aware. Just because monkeys belong in a zoo does not mean that I am not going to be careful around monkeys that run wild in the streets.

>> No.22361712

>What is the common denominator?
>Fatherless communities!!
I expect nothing more from the press.

>> No.22361745

Not even remotely true there was the hazmat suit Pepe guys when it was cool to be racist and anti-chinese.

Do your homework boy

>> No.22361756

The true right has been on to these government charades for a long time. COVID was predictable on some fronts because the groundwork was laid during SARS. I know jack shit about your based stickman pepe ant-sjw warriors.

>> No.22361825

You dumb nigger

>> No.22363142

Ouch... I guess the truth hurts...

>> No.22363621

This guy never walked back or admitted he was wrong though and continues to be a prick about it