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22353189 No.22353189 [Reply] [Original]

Giant and Shaman Edition
Previous: >>22343233

>> No.22353274
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Billions must read

>> No.22353306

how do you stay focused & motivated? how do you keep the fire going? how to re-attain thy mojo? i look back at things i once achieved and it feels they were the work of someone else. im languid, indolent by comparison. it wasnt always this way.

>> No.22353316

Is desire not to desire also a desire?

>> No.22353330


>> No.22353366
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>Be in a meme discord group with mostly 4channer people
>Randomly find a YTP from 12 years ago that makes me so nostalgic and happy, still just as funny as I remember it
>Post it to the group
>Everyone ignores- nobody comments or reacts to it at all, nobody else mentions that this was a cherished memory of early internet shitposting for them as well
I'm getting imposter syndrome from this.

>> No.22353386
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>> No.22353406
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I wonder why mentall illness is so glorified these days? Is it apathy or because the state doesnt wanna spend money on it? And yes i believe all faggots should hang.

>> No.22353416

The best intentions of well-meaning if inept progressives of yesteryear became the cult of victimisation as it became apparent there was a perverse kind of positive social attache alongside suffering which the notion of Social Justice catalyses. People naturally look for affirmation and attention from their peers. Thus, we all quickly learned to game the system. It became part of the meta. It's not really that deep and not something worthy of the level of cringeposting you just inflicted us with.

>> No.22353423

It's not "glorified", it is simply not considered a mental illness. However, same as the anti-white sentiment, it is considered more "diverse" then the default of being straight, cis, etc. therefore it is "special" or of its own standing instead of just being equivalent to anything else. It's a core of identity politics nonsense.

>And yes i believe all faggots should hang.
Cringe, you'll look back on being a teenager with embarrassment.

>> No.22353427

>2 mentally ill faggots coping

>> No.22353431

I was here 12 years ago but never liked YTP

>> No.22353432

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22353434

No I'm not and it's the Caribbean not South America.

>> No.22353437
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Yeah, i already know I dont suffer from mental illness and pretend to be something im not.

>> No.22353452

This winter I will have chop down a forest alone. Individualdom is highly valued in this dark corner of the planet and asking for help would only make me loose what I liberally claimed ownership on. Might have to go in debt with a farmer to get a job.

>> No.22353481

So I desire as long as Im alive?

>> No.22353498

>to live is to will
>to will is to desire
>to desire is to lack
>to lack is to suffer

>> No.22353499

give me your coherent opinion on trannies. why do you dislike them? do you rage at people with OCD simply because their brains are fucked and you dislike their behaviour?
don't get me wrong, I'm not the leftist brainlessly defending le trans heroes, but I do think they're needlessly a boogeyman and particularly a vehicle for implementing leftist policy via strongarm tactics - reason being, there just aren't that many trannies as all sorts of media make it out. through anything resembling a somewhat acceptable public education, any kid will learn what puberty is around the time they're going through puberty. I remember also being taught about mental disorders such as OCD and completely unsurprisingly, it was easily understandable around the age of 12. when you teach kids about that too early, many of them begin to emulate it and act like they actually believe they have those issues.
I don't think there's much harm in exposing kids to Doris from Shrek, but there's no benefit to taking kids to drag queen story time, I saw it compared to the "rolling coal" of leftism, one of those pointless things that only serves to provoke the ideological opposite. what is the real basis for your dislike of trans people? I don't really believe that most people want them stuffed into a dark corner, they just don't want their kids being influenced by "experimental" shit the way that ipads clearly have.

>> No.22353519 [DELETED] 

are you dudes watching the livestream of travis scott live at the colosseum on apple music? what the fuck is that robot guitar player? is this a chuck-e-cheese or rome? honestly it's just a black background with no lighting, might as well be in studio in los angeles. now he's smashing a pile of folding chairs? yeah, i'm thinking travis scott jumped the shark with that concert where he let all those people get crushed to death.

>> No.22353535

>to live is to suffer
oh, thats not uplifting

>> No.22353536

Because of all the loony bins being closed down and like what has been said in the posts before their mental illness are glorified like its something normal and because of that they are allowed to spread their degenerate plight to other people and convince them that its a healthy normal lifestyle. In effect they are disgusting subhumans that shouldnt be allowed to be seen in society or allowed to walk near anyone else. Even lobotomy would be a kindness to these degenerates.
> I don't really believe that most people want them stuffed into a dark corner
Yes they do, you are just brainwashed by the media that glorify this garbage to begin with. A lines has to be drawn somewhere before the 80s homosexuality was seen as a mental disorder that should be brought back aswell because its a fucking slipper slope and saying its not is just pure cope.

>> No.22353553

Reading Nick Land while listening to Bladee is quite the experience...

>> No.22353554

Get off 4chan immediately. I say this with the utmost amount of compassion I can.

>> No.22353557

How about you tounge my anus.

>> No.22353597

>be single
>waste all of my time
>spend each day doing fuck all

>get into a relationship
>every day becomes a big deal
>constant up and down
>no time to even waste anymore

>> No.22353598

Social medias are cancer and reason why age we're living is shit

>> No.22353628

>I don't really believe that most people want them stuffed into a dark corner
A proper civilized society would ideally discourage these freaks from coming out in the first place. May they keep their decadent tendencies well hidden from the world. We don't want to see a person strip itself bare of its dignity. Society needs to learn to ignore the screechings and nagging of insignificant minorities, lest its tolerance is abused by ever increasing decay.

>> No.22353639

I really enjoyed this performance
>hell is other people
but what's the deep meaning behind this?

>> No.22353649

Do you think early 30s is too old to make a major life change? It seems like most of the people who change direction in life and achieve success do it in their later 20s.

>> No.22353652

Depends what are your goals

>> No.22353653

I don’t think that should matter, but what’s implied there? That the more lofty the goal, the more hopeless the situation?

>> No.22353658

No for example to become a professional sportist your career pretty much ends in your mid 30s

>> No.22353674

I guess its not really feasable in anything regarding being professional athlete.

>> No.22353689

It's definitely too late if you believe it is. There's hope if you believe there is. Up to you, m9.

>> No.22353713

Agreed, but that’s not what was asked really. We can all agree that self-limiting beliefs will impede you, but that’s true if you’re sixteen and everyone would agree it’s certainly not over at sixteen.

>> No.22353717

Okay, maybe let’s exclude athletics and physical sort of things like that. Let’s think along the lines of education, career, wealth, maybe literary ambition if you like.

>> No.22353738
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By TBR is clogged because I can’t/won’t stop reading V C Andrews’ books.

>> No.22353740

Why would that be unfeasible in the first place? Focus on what you already have and expand on it.

>> No.22353749

I’m asking the question. I didn’t say it was unfeasible. I’m asking the question because it seems to me that pretty frequently people change life course in their 20s and achieve success but later is not common.

>> No.22353764

I’m getting a new apartment this month just so I have a place to live if everything goes south and then I’m quitting my super easy and comfortable remote job. I don’t want to do it anymore. I need to do something else with my life or else I’ll end it. What exactly that is, I still don’t know. I have some ideas. None are really obviously the right choice. I guess I will have to see.

>> No.22353782

I don't want to have a job

>> No.22353793

Have to point out to someone that "until X ceases" is not the same as "two weeks". I also have to point it out in such a way that correcting them doesn't point out how much of an idiot you have to be to confuse the two.

>> No.22353826

What are you looking for?
Is your job really the issue or something else?
I'd say make a list of pros and cons and what exactly you expect out of life for the coming year/5 years

>> No.22353840
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I made a thread asking for books on fifth columnists and sabateours and got no replies. :(

>> No.22353842

I don’t think there’s an issue. The job is actually very, very good. It’s just not what I want to do with my life so I have to choose to let it go and do something else or sit and rot in comfort and idleness and I’m not getting any younger. What I would ideally do right now, I can’t do. So I have to choose between a few sub-optimal but nonetheless desirable options.

>> No.22353844

Some absolute madman of a meme addict has been sending Amber Lynn Reid /lit/ meme books like IJ this year, and my head canon now blames you.

>> No.22353847

Anyone that actually believes in equality is a fucking naive retard. What else were you hoping to understand?

>> No.22353848

The Quiet American

>> No.22353850

Go to trade school. I make 6 figures and my job is pretty cozy.

>> No.22353854

I don’t think that sort of job is right for me based on my brief past experience. I used to work on a farm though and I would do that again.

>> No.22353855

What the fuck did that have anything to do with my post?

>> No.22353857

I got 9 hours of sleep last night and I'M STILL FUCKING TIRED. I'm so sick of day laboring. I cant wait for the semester to finally start.

>> No.22353858

My friend did farm work and now is on disability because his back is fucked.

>> No.22353859

I didnt mean to reply to you, it was suppose to be a general post in the open.

>> No.22353860

Should have specified I wanted nonfiction

>> No.22353861

Oh ok

>> No.22353862

Youre sleeping too much dude, taper it down to 6 hours a night. If you sedate with a pint of liquor it should do the trick.

>> No.22353863

Explain to me what imposter syndrome is because I can never get a straight or clear definition.

>> No.22353864

I was wondering this the other day

>> No.22353865

Go look up Aruba on a map. Thats definitely South America

>> No.22353867

Oh right, that's actually much easier, anything on the Spanish Civil War

>> No.22353870

No way man. I know how my body works. I need a solid 8 or 9 hours of sleep or else I'm a wreck. I'm exhausted because I'm day laboring and all my muscles ache and it's 100 degrees outside.

>> No.22353872

Not that anon but its kind of weird that he feels imposter syndrome from this situation. It just means that you start to doubt yourself and feel like a fraud. Like if you start writing a book and you are very excited about it then once you start to doubt yourself it snowballs into feeling that you are kidding yourself and perhaps others into thinking you have talent when in reality you don’t. It’s a pain in the ass and a feeling that’s usually best compartmentalized and ignored.

>> No.22353875

Sounds like Descartes had that

>> No.22353881

That's why you never do physical work for too long.
I planned on doing it 10 years and then switching to office work or field work without the physical aspect. Ended up switching after just 2 year but the work was really fun desu.

>> No.22353883

I think most writers or artists in general have or have had it. (I know he’s a philosopher but still applies). I think it was Mann who said a writer is someone for whom it is harder to write than it is for anyone else, and updyke said show me a writer who is confident in his work and I’ll show you an amateur.

>> No.22353884

Not him but it's a feeling or belief that you have lucked into something you neither deserve nor have the competence for. Body swap movies or mistaken identity tropes are probably the easiest way to conceive of it, except in imposter syndrome there obviously hasn't been a magical transfer or fundamental misunderstanding by others that led to the sensation of being an imposter.

>> No.22353886

alright. any sort of philosophical justification of the formation of filth column/clandestine activities?

>> No.22353892

I definitely had that a few years after converting to Christianity. I would go to church and think "These are real Christians, I can't ever compare." Fortunately it passed, because that caused me to go on a few month bender, thinking that if I partied hard enough I would find myself, which in hindsight, is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.22353894

I must bring my coffee with me into the bathroom to adequately shit

>> No.22353895

Yeah I get it but don’t put all your hypothetical happiness into your line of work. I remember busting my ass in a hot ass factory, delivering pizzas in the ghetto, working at fuckin firehouse subs and making shit money all along but looking back on those days in a way they were the best years of my life. Now my job is great but life around it feels more or less desiccated. Not saying it isnt important what you do but yano, context

>> No.22353905

Kek yeah I understand that feeling for sure. I grew up catholic and now protestants though are very friendly I cant help feel they are a different breed entirely and that I dont belong.

>> No.22353909


>> No.22353914

Weird, I just had a crazy dream that I visited my old catholic school my protestant church friends. I ended up crying about one of the abusive teachers I had. Catholics really fuck up your head man.

>> No.22353916

*with my protestant church friends

>> No.22353918

poo particles end up in your drink

>> No.22353921

You're surrounded by poo particles everywhere, every day. If you leave your toothbrush next to your bathroom sink, it is infested with poo.

>> No.22353942

I leave it in a drawer under the sink.
When I poo I take an old towel and put it on my lap to not get the smell. I take this seriously.

>> No.22353949

>toothbrush next to your bathroom sink, it is infested with poo.
Anon you don't have to tell everyone you're failing to live the weeb life like this

>> No.22353958

Your friend almost certainly lives an unhealthy lifestyle or in reality can work but would prefer not to. Still, I was really talking about farm labor as a temporary sort of thing, not being a farm hand for 30 years.

>> No.22353964

Try soaking in a bath or even a swimming pool if you can. Hot tub or hot spring would obviously be best. I’ve found that to be more restorative than any amount of sleep honestly. But there is a point where you just can’t recover if you work yourself too hard. I had a job once where I was working physically for 16 hours per day everyday at a pretty fast pace, and that’s just not sustainable. People aren’t meant to be able to do that.

>> No.22353966

ur gay

>> No.22353968

Yeah thats why Idk I just sort of stay away from it all though I think catholicism is better just because the beauty of the cathedrals is a testament to its validity. I moreso am drawn to hinduism a bit lately.

>> No.22353969

Does anyone else get upset when they hear people confirm that God speaks to them or gives them signs. When I’ve hit desperate times in my life, I’ve cried out for guidance from God but I never seem to have received a response, at least not the sort of response that is obviously one from God.

>> No.22353978

In hindsight, there were times that God was screaming in my face, being as obvious as could be, and I was too deaf to hear.

>> No.22353991

I once got epididymitis after just considering the possibility of an affair.

>> No.22354008

People have become millionaires in their 40s starting with a dollar in their 30s. If becoming a millionaire with net zero in your 30s everything is possible, with rare exceptions like professional athletics.

>> No.22354035
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I was molested by my babysitter's son
I just wanted to get him to play mousetrap
I'm now about to become an uncle with a life off the rails
I want to enjoy the beauty of life and foster my nephew, but a spectre looms over us
I feel like any effort will be "too much".

>> No.22354040

Foster him? Is he orphaned?

>> No.22354064
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No. Just want to have him get a better start.
It's not my place to provide an outright conversation about circumcision for example, but I think they're gonna slice the poor bastard.

>> No.22354069

>It's not my place to provide an outright conversation about circumcision
Yes it is. Bring it up.

>> No.22354072

That's fucked up. I would try and convince his parents not to. The kid will thank you when he's older.

>> No.22354077

How did you get to a point were you able to recognize that? In my mind, truly screaming in your face would be perfectly obvious. And many of the examples I’ve heard from the personal testimony of others is exactly this sort of obvious sign and not obvious only in hindsight.

>> No.22354083

I disagree. I think economic possibilities are a lot more possible than for example social, political, or historical possibilities. How many of those rich people have left their mark on history? How many of those which have left their mark on history were nobodies through their 30s? These things seem to be pretty mysterious as far as how they unfold and how they work, but they do seem to show themselves relatively early in life. Julius Caesar was a successful soldier and bringing justice to pirates before he had hair on his peaches and long before he was bringing justice to Rome. These sort of achievements are wholly different than strictly monetary achievements in my mind. The former are about what you do more than what you have, which is the case for the latter.

>> No.22354084

Yes but who cares

>> No.22354088

>I just wanted to get him to play mousetrap
Honestly one of the most depressing things Ive heard in a while. It rewlly sucks how innocent children with nothing more than a fixation on something like a game or movie will be immediately subjected to all the abuses of the world. I wish there was a consolation. Even in my most faithful and devout moments it's impossible to see God's plan in something like that. I hope the pain is alleviated somehow anon.

>> No.22354096

I guess. I’m not a commie though

>> No.22354100

That’s not how back pains work

>> No.22354123

Yeah dude you can have an influence. Not one of my family members has ever even visited my daughters, at least you want to be involved thats a good thing. I work in surgery and have mixed feelings about circumcision. On one hand its obviously fucked and Im generally against it but phimosis is pretty common in adulthood and Ive heard about a patient who shot himself through the mouth as a teenager because he had to get circumcised at that age and felt like he lost something significant. Idk its a tough issue. Im a cutfag so I guess that influences my view but im also very anti semitic. But your opinion should be considered. Do you think they suspect your molestation to have oversexualized you or something? I let my daughters walk around naked in front of people I consider safe and only scratch my head if someone is uncomfortable being around a naked toddler. Seems fucking weird to me.

>> No.22354127

So if I have a physical job, but I sleep on a cardboard mat it doesn’t seem reasonable to you that the cause of my back pain is my sleeping habits and not my job because “that’s not how back pains work”?

>> No.22354210

I'm 41 you retard, that's not a choice for us.

>> No.22354238

I would love to take all of my savings and buy a farm to turn it into a little homestead. I would need my brother to work it full-time, which I think he would be willing to do. I just don’t know if it’s a smart thing for me to do. I don’t know how else to get closer to agriculture without buying farmland outright anymore.

>> No.22354248


>> No.22354294

Yop. How do women manage to cause so much trouble. Then again without her I'd probably just slowly die and would fall back into drug abuse and so on.

>> No.22354328

I talked to my mom in that exact way. She apologized for the second time about it happening to me during that conversation. It was the 90s :/ Hopefully it can work through the grapevine. I'm the black sheep
I am just somewhat estranged from my family.
It's just a hard role to fill.
I had an uncle that was hip and bohemian on my dad's side that hung himself in '94. Never got to meet the guy, so I don't want to ever to that to my relatives.
I want to instill good things in him and help him, but it's hard to know where my boundaries lie, especially with an indelible mark on my history. I've been proven time and time again to be reliable and safe, but there is an undercurrent that I can feel that deeply saddens me.

>> No.22354334

I devolve into hysterics when anyone approaches me about my future. A certain road that’s more accessible than others. I never imagined I would end up as one of those people who get triggered. It’s pathetic.

I want to look at myself and see someone normal going through temporary hardship. The truth is I cannot spare the perfunctory amount of respect for myself to do that. As such, I cannot defend my wants, needs, dreams and ambitions in good conscience.

>> No.22354337

How old are and where are you from?

>> No.22354342
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25 year old thirdie poopie.
Aie. It’s helpless. Can’t even sedate myself. Pharmaceutical shortage. But at least I live near the sea. Silver lining.
Accidentally NEET’d. Even though I had things going marvelously for me. Good momentum. Gone now. Well, I tend to overblow it.

>> No.22354344

What undercurrent are you talking about?

>> No.22354346

Uh ur 25

>> No.22354362
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That I have sinister capabilities.
I'm responsible for killing my step-dads dog at like 12. Went to hop into the carpool for the Boy Scouts and she stared at me all doe eyed. Pic related
"Come on!", I implored.
She just stood there and looked at me.
I hopped in the truck and went away.
She was struck by car shortly after.
I had to apologize later on for something that I didn't even fully grasp was my fault.
They told me to apologize, not why.

>> No.22354383

Yeah good, now maybe you can actually make something out of yourself. If it takes a woman to make you less lazy and complacent, then so be it.

>> No.22354387

Your stepdad’s dog, as in the same stepdad whose son is a pedo? Jesus dude gain some perspective. I could beat that faggots dog to death and not apologize. Stepdads are cucks. Why dont you start your own family instead of involving yourself with people who make you feel sketchy for literally nothing.

>> No.22354389

That doesn't sound sinister at all. Just a kid not thinking it through. From that story the step dad was wrong, since it was his dog. And whoever drove the car should have looked as well.

>> No.22354399

Kindle new vs Kindle 10th gen

The 10th gen one is on sale right now. So I was wondering which one should I buy. I don't know where else to ask this.

Major differences seem to be that 10 gen is 8gb while new one is 16gb. Also 10 gen is 167 ppi while new one is 300ppi

My question is whether these differences justify the price difference since the 10gen one is cheaper by 33%. Which one should I get.

>> No.22354410
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>> No.22354411
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>he's not abusing drugs/alcohol while he's with her

>> No.22354417

How much are they?

>> No.22354421
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>> No.22354423

I'm a boring soberhead now but I do think back fondly on when I was with a girl and I went out to go do drugs.
She followed me outside, wanted to just chat while I rolled the joint and went outside in the park to smoke it.
maybe I should do drugs again, they're kino.

>> No.22354425

Get a kobo desu. Same or better in every way. Same screen but software is miles above kindle in customisation, reading options etc unless ofcourse you are an amazoncuck

>> No.22354436

I've only had 2 e-readers (a Kobo and a Pocketbook) but I have to say the Pocketbook is just great.
When I buy a new e-reader it absolutely has to have buttons. To flip pages and go to the menu etc. Only having touch screen sucks from my experience.

>> No.22354438

are you black? Go hiking together or do something that will leave fond and meaningful memories for both of you not some shitty degenarate drugs

>> No.22354444

I meant more of hiding a hard alcohol/drug addiction. I don't think she would care about you smoking marijuana

>> No.22354449

Nah, it was babysitters son. He got sentenced for it when my mom found out. Big deal, but I was a kid at the time.
I have serious contempt for dogs, and having pets around me all my life makes me not want one or have something unconventional. People often think I hat dogs or animals, but I have a different form of respect for them that most people don't seem to give
>Stepdads are cucks
Agreed, it's rough out here. If I just wanted a baby I could go find an ugly fat to go nut in. If I'm gonna have kids I wanna do it right or not at all. No shitmess hoes!
>That doesn't sound sinister at all.
Exactly, and yet I was coerced into apologizing for it without knowing the why.
Like I said, I've been entrusted a lot with valuables, pets etc over the years, but I have never felt trust like the way when I was a kid. There's some sort of dark energy that manifests itself. Sometimes I walk too quietly and my mom screams in terror like I'm a home invader.

>> No.22354450

I'm castizo.
Hiking is fun and all but has no sense of danger really.
Women like having a man who seems out of control, and what better way t give them that idea than doing drugs?
I get your point anon but there's something to say for doing the wrong thing now and then. Always doing the correct thing is boring as shit.
I've done it for 8 months now. Work>Fitness>Hike>Dinner>Reading>Sleep.
It's awful and I feel myself becoming boring. It's not just the drugs, it's the lifestyle around it. Wild and unpredictable.

>> No.22354463

Congrats on the quads.
Hiding drug/alcohol use is gay imo. And it was also mushrooms on occasion as well as the weed. She was a good girl and still lived at home. So I think for her it was kind of a deal when she followed me outside to the park.

>> No.22354467


>> No.22354475

I hate how every secular normie in my country has a buddha statue in their house.
I want to take a sledgehammer to those statues ISIS style.

>> No.22354481

Why do you care what they want? What do you want? Do you want to be a degenerate? Do you want to date a druggie degenerate? You probably don't realize this but while sober, look a person high on drugs, do you like what you see? Do you want to be like that?

>> No.22354484

>goy acts out of line
>diagnose him with depression, bipolar, or some mental illness from DSM-5 to medicate him or see a "state-approved" psychologist
oy vey

>> No.22354488

/lit/'s obsession with the contemporary is pretty funny, because most of the time the most contemporary thing sucks

>> No.22354509

It's worse involving her or other people. Sometimes it's better to hide things like that if you can keep it under control
Not that guy, but I hide my drug use from others. Drugs don't inherently make you degenerate or act out in any way. Mostly that's just irresponsible people with poor impulse control or lower-class people who love to involve everyone in their personal problems

I use stimulants and street amphetamine because doctors are useless and I've never met a physician who can properly treat attention deficit. Currently there's also a ban on pharmacy ADHD medication, national prescription shortages, and the DEA is cracking down on most doctors who provide prescriptions. I don't want to use street amphetamine or speed, but unfortunately my genetics or brain chemistry doesn't allow me to function day-to-day sober. I would say I'm legitimately brain damaged or a drooling retard without stimulants. You and other people may view people like me as disgusting junkies or drug addicts, but I view myself as someone who slipped through the cracks of poor medical practice and psychiatry. If I had ever met a competent doctor or lived in an intelligent country (one without DEA and war on drugs nonsense) I would be a perfectly well adjusted person, and hell, maybe some drugs would even be sold over the counter without issue. I guess it's just a shame because both sides of this argument will never understand one another or reconcile the difference

>> No.22354510

You can have fun without drugs.
The longer you go without drugs the more fun you'll have as your body fixes itself.

The problem with drugs is that they create this false belief that life is better without them when the reality is that they reduce the quality of life you have.

Your ability to experience pleasure will be diminished with every drug that you do (drop in natural neurochemicals)

Drugs steal happiness from the future.

What goes up, must come down.


Another reason why drugs lower your quality of life is because the cravings you get for drugs takes you away from the present moment.

But you can only enjoy life in the present moment.

if you're worrying about the the past, then you're not living.
If you're thinking about the future (when will I get my drug fix), then you're not living.

You can only live in the present.

And drug cravings take you out of the present.

We make this comparison between our high self and sober self.

Our sober self says "I wish I were high".

Just like the poor man says "I wish I were rich."
The ugly man says "I wish I were handsome."
The short man says "I wish I were tall."
The lonely man says "I wish I had somebody."

But desiring these other states won't satisfy you.
How rich do you need to be?
How handsome do you need to be?
How tall do you need to be?

As long as you crave these things, then you will not be able to enjoy life, because you are stuck in your mind, just thinking and telling yourself "I am not good enough."

But you are good enough.

Life is good enough as it is.

The trees are good enough.
The sky is good enough.
The grass on your feet is good enough.
The wind blowing through your hair is good enough.
The birds singing are good enough.
The smell of the earth when it rains is good enough.

If you don't try to enhance things, and accept them as they are, then you can be very satisfied with life.

>> No.22354515

You feel hatred when you see a statue? Why?

>> No.22354516

>Do you want to be a degenerate?
Sometimes yeah
My drug use wasn't actually a big issue. I have fond memories and the only time when I had what you could call a friendgroup.
Now I started using it less for reasons and now stopped completely since I switched countries.
I used to believe what you believe. Get sober, work out, get a lot of sun, build a career etc etc.
However it hasn't really worked out so far. It's a boring life. I don't think it's a grave sin or something that completely fucks up your life if you have a drink/smoke a joint. Maybe even every night like I used to do.
At least I had something to look forward to. I don't have that now. It's all work. literal work and fitness. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

>look a person high on drugs, do you like what you see?
If I recorded myself and my friends high on mushrooms it would probably look bad. But I had fun and we have stories about that time. Is that not worth anything?

>> No.22354522

I hate to say this, because I'm >>22354509
But you really aren't seeing the day-to-day perspective of a drug user like me or someone else. Sometimes there's legitimately nowhere else to turn to. I've tried religion and living completely sober, even labelling myself as a recovering addict at one point. But I legitimately cannot function with the use of some drugs/chemicals. It affects everything in my life from the ability to provide for myself, live alone, write, or even hold conversations with others

The platitudes spewed by anti-drug and rehabilitation culture won't change my biology or my fucked up cognitive function. I hear a lot about paying your dues and contributing to society - sadly I can't do that without taking chemicals or medication to change my cognition

>> No.22354529

Not any statue, just buddha.
It's such a basic bitch thing to have. When I was looking at homes to buy I shit you not 80% of the homes had a buddha.
Would put money on none of them knowing anything about Buddhism. It's just annoying that people gravitate to that when you have so many other interesting things you could put in your home. It's the unoriginality that annoys me. Has no root in this culture either. Doesn't belong yet it's here.

>> No.22354530

A friend of mine introduced me to a tech startup who paid me good money as a "consultant".

I've never felt excited like this in years. Since I got my office job in this field that I hate, I've been just sitting at home idly until it's time to sleep. I am jealous of the guys at that startup, it seems really fun to risk a huge amount of money on some idea and work day and night planning and coding and meeting at coffeeshops and shit. Meanwhile I have nothing, all I do is sit on my ass doing passive things like reasing or watching TV.

I pray to God every day to make my life a little less boring and lonesome.

>> No.22354533

Oh thats right you said babysitter sorry. Well idk man your family seems pretty fucked up. Don’t let them get you down. Everyone has a dark side, in a way its a good think. Take it easy on yourself, old boy.

>> No.22354536

We build upon previous works.

So the most recent works have more influences.
If an incredible book came out in the early 2000s, which was based off of works from the 50s or early 1900s or 1800s or whatever, then someone now can base their book off of that book. They have more fuel to work with since theirs more works. There's more scientific understanding of things.

/lit/ likes to praise old philosophy, but an actual philosophy professor said on some philosophy podcast (on stoicism i think) that you're better off reading modern books for trying to better yourself since they do a better job than the older philosophical texts.

And personally based on what I've read I agree that modern books are better for understanding things, since they take from the past, and also include stuff from the present.

>> No.22354541

>ADHD medication, national prescription shortages, and the DEA is cracking down on most doctors who provide prescriptions. I don't want to use street amphetamine or speed, but unfortunately my genetics or brain chemistry doesn't allow me to function day-to-day sober. I would say I'm legitimately brain damaged or a drooling retard without stimulants.
Wtf are you on about? Adhd isn't real, it doesn't exist, there is no such thing. Fuck have you been living under a rock slurping jewish doctor lies

>> No.22354553

>At least I had something to look forward to. I don't have that now. It's all work. literal work and fitness. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
Go gave fun without drugs

>> No.22354555

This is how I feel when I stop drinking. Its not just how i feel when drinking its all the time. The cyclical nature of the nightly routine and daily hangovers is a rhythm I pace my life to. Last time I quit was for about a month and I went into a manic episode and when I relapsed I was in a state of dark depression bordering on panic for over a week. Ive become pretty successful abiding by my routine the inly downside is the possibility of cirrhosis.

>> No.22354556

same. the light dies so quickly

>> No.22354559

You aren't aware of the biology behind this. It absolutely does exist and my brain is severely damaged, or my central nervous system at the very least.

I've alternated between a state of catatonia to near parkinson's (unable to move, lack of motor function, cognitive deficits) half of my life. My brain lacks the fundamental chemistry yours has by default. Norepinephrine, adrenaline, dopamine and other neurotransmitters are responsible for most of your day-to-day functioning and ability to physically move around and accomplish goal-oriented behavior. On the outside, it's very frustrating, people overestimate me and believe I'm perfectly functional. I am nearly narcoleptic or catatonic when I am fully sober. It's difficult to hold a job or socialize with other people because my memory is so awful. I'm not sure exactly what happened in my genetics and it could possibly be an autoimmune/neurodegenerative disease, but it's the truth. There are days when I feel like a legitimate dementia patient. There are also many doctors who deny anything is wrong with me at all. I don't know how to reply to these people, because I cannot hold a job, I cannot talk to anyone, I'm unable to even move around and complete basic tasks unless I take amphetamine

>> No.22354560

I feel you lmao

>> No.22354575

I try.
I hike, I go swimming, I read, I watch movies etc
All those can be done on drugs as well, and it would add something to it.
Just to clarify, I smoked very little when I did. Could last a week on one and a half gram.
However I enjoyed the ritual, I enjoyed having something to indulge in and something that could make me enjoy a video game or whatever.
Living life without indulgences is fucking shit I find. Compare it do a diet.
Someone who eat the perfect things, drinks only water, never smokes, not a drop of alcohol etc. It's just boring. You want (and should) indulge yourself now and then. Have a cake, get drunk a few times a year.

>> No.22354588

And also, even if my brain and body were cursed with awful genetics or disease, I firmly believe I would do a better job than most physicians whose job it is to diagnose and treat this shit. Maybe only a serious neurologist or doctor trained in diagnosing brain injuries could help me, but I seriously believe most doctors are fucking haughty arrogant retards and most of you could even do a better job

Not to mention, what about the SSRI and SNRI craze going on in pop-psychiatry the last 10 years? These doctors, these people have no clue what the fuck they're even on about, neither do most med students. They study medicine because their family forced them into it, the paycheck/status, or to stroke their egos because it's easy to cram for so many tests and never commit any real medical knowledge to memory. God forbid some of these stupid fuckers were in charge of helping real people with their problems. Anyone on 4chan could become a doctor, honestly, and they would be better than 90% of most physicians

>> No.22354591

This amount of lethargy doesnt seem like it could be simply from ADD. Have you tried taking an ssri or some shit? Youre right, youre not releasing dopamine and shit properly but drug addiction also causes this. Your trouble started in early childhood?

>> No.22354594

There's some cart before the horse in biology going on for ADHD. To defend ADHD being a brain disease, ADHD medication advocates use brain scans of kids in treatment for it, with absolutely no sense of irony that the images just show amphetamine use.

>> No.22354600

>pop-psychiatry the last 10 years?
The ssri/snri craze started in the early 90s. This is the tail end of it, not the peak.

>> No.22354604

When I avoid the internet, porn, etc and stick to simpler stuff like books and walks, I am much happier and capable of doing things.

I was addicted to caffeine from like 2011-2017 and then quit. Realized that I didn't need it. Became less stressed and have more consistent energy overall without it. (rec "Caffeine Blues") (r/decaf)

Porn I realized was having a negative effect on me. I've gone back and forth multiple times, watching it daily, to avoiding it completely, along with limiting masturbating, and it has a very clear effect on my energy and mood. I just feel so much better when I avoid it completely. (https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/miscellaneous-resources/start-here-evolution-has-not-prepared-your-brain-for-todays-porn/))

The internet can have a huge negative effect on your mental state and energy. (dopamine deficit from too much novelty). Multitasking (listening to music, while browsing, and watching porn, and watching a movie/show, and playing games, etc. TOO much dopamine leading to downregulation. (r/nosurf)

Alcohol I would drink on occasion but realized that I felt worse when I would do it often, and better when I would avoid it. (recommend "This Naked Mind" by Annie Grace) (r/stopdrinking)

Weed - same story. (r/leaves)

Video games - same story. (r/stopgaming)

Music, especially loud intense music, and listening to it for long periods also had a negative effect.

And on and on.

Eating healthy nutritious food also makes a difference.
If you're not eating a variety of vegetables, then you might be severely lacking in many nutrients, which can cause brain fog and fatigue.

I don't know how much time you spend on this website, or how much drugs you do, or whatever. But in my experience, I've found that the more I try to stimulate myself, the worse I feel. But the less I indulge in stimulating things, the better I feel.

In person interactions.
Going outside.
Healthy food.
Calming music.

Simple stuff is good.

>> No.22354605

I worked with a jewish neurosurgeon who would constantly go on about the covid vaccine being a scam and how doctors are the stupidest people in the world because their egos dont allow them to question anything, lest god forbid they find out they are wrong.

>> No.22354617
File: 7 KB, 204x187, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know your personal InHerSight score?

>> No.22354622

>Someone who eat the perfect things, drinks only water, never smokes, not a drop of alcohol etc.
>It's just boring. You want (and should) indulge yourself now and then.
You are just dumb. Being sober is a normal state of mind, there should not be an issue being and staying sober 100% of the time, if you can't function and have to use drugs then you are an addict and therefore you are an idiot.

>> No.22354623

What's that?

>> No.22354626

Buddha was a good teacher and is very inspirational for many people. It's understandable why many people would want to pay respects to him with a statue. He has changed many lives for the better.

>you have so many other interesting things you could put in your home

But would they be as beneficial for that person in terms of their well-being, etc.
A buddha statue can act as a reminder to stick to the eightfold path.
It can act as a reminder for all of the teachings they've learned from monks.

>Has no root in this culture either.
Buddhism is for anyone, anywhere.

>> No.22354630

I can't attest for most normies who claim "ADHD". For all I know, they're fucking lying just for attention and people like me deal with the aftermath

Normies lie about shit all the time. I'm mostly just angry because I'm caught in a double bind situation. When most people view you as a drug addict, but you NEED the drugs to function normally in society because you have shit genetics/brain damage, it creates a very weird psychological dilemma. At this point I'd rather just buy hard amphetamines off the street and take them. I don't think any religion should hold it against me. I don't think any doctor or person should hold it against me either, provided I contribute to society and all that. It's just fucking stupid man. I've dealt with this my entire life and wasted years trying to be sober, but my body just won't allow me to be like everyone else
I've tried a few SSRIs before and they made me slightly manic. Never understood the craze behind them. Then again, the current medical scene and pop-science tries to sell people the idea of "depression" to prescribe them as many pharmaceuticals as possible

In my eyes, THOSE doctors and those normies are abusing drugs. Some people like me were born legitimately brain damaged and incapable, yet doctors just handwave it all away and the DEA prevents good doctors from treating their patients
They truly are some of the stupidest motherfuckers in the world. I'm not even trying to exaggerate, it's just mind blowing how some physicians act so egotistical and overly confident.
>see a doctor
>they explain to you, in the most basic sense, "you have no disease, because I say so"
>they explain nothing in terms of science or use any studies
>it's a literal power-struggle for them, "dominating" a patient or anyone they view as a potential drug addict
It reminds me of literal redditor fedora tier shit. I have never met so many insufferable fucking morons with such hubris and I can't believe how awful medical care is in the US

>> No.22354633 [DELETED] 

People who study something for years know more about it than those that don't.

>> No.22354636

i feel like this bpd girl i know has reached a new layer of hell in her obsession with the columbine shooters. imagine relating to and admiring the retarded nihilism both were spouting before their one act of 'meaning'. this bitch is unwell.

>> No.22354638

Dumb faggot, people from all times have found ways to get high and drunk. Why do you think that is? Because life needs some spice now and then.
You have fun living on water and dried bread like a queer. Normal people enjoy getting fucked up now and then and eating something unhealthy yet tasty.
It has nothing to do with functioning, moron.

>> No.22354643

>appeal to authority
egotesticle medfag detected

>> No.22354646

sounds like my type, she cute?

>> No.22354648

>you NEED the drugs to function normally in society because you have shit genetics/brain damage,
Unfortunately, these only exist because of amphetamine use. Any of the conditions which produce the same kinds of brains without drug use are exacerbated by amphetamine use, not treated by it.

>> No.22354654

Yeah, but you forget, these patients seeing doctors are real, physical tangible people - most people seeking medical treatment have no idea what's wrong with their body. They're seeking answers, medication or a solution

I really doubt it's difficult to become a doctor in most countries. The entry exams for medical school, barring the pre-requirements for university education seem very easy. Most of these med students are just cramming biology answers and quick medical trivia. Physicians are "juniors" in every sense, most have absolutely no real world experience or detailed medical science understanding because their scope is so general. They can diagnose anyone with a rough level of accuracy, yes - but they do far more damage by dismissing patients and legitimate medical issues out of egotism. These physicians are young people mostly and they usually go off of "feeling". Since when did opinions help anyone? They'll dismiss certain illnesses or diagnoses just because they heard about it online and "disagree" with how the symptoms sound

>> No.22354656

The person I am now is disgusted by the person I wanted to be

>> No.22354657

People who study something for years probably know what they're talking about more than people who haven't educated themselves on the topic.

But a neurosurgeon isn't an expert in virology.

Person A has read 50 books on a subject
Person B hasn't read one

What makes you say that Person B knows what they're talking about?

>> No.22354666

>appeal to authority, restated
do you base all your opinions on logical fallacies?

>> No.22354669

What do you say to her?

>> No.22354672

>Normal people enjoy getting fucked up now and then and eating something unhealthy yet tasty.
It seems like your opinions and beliefs are based on experiences of other "normal people". First they aren't normal, I can't speak about others but western world is fucking addicted to alcohol and drugs. Secondly do you, not what other people do or think, do you need drugs?
Regarding food, tasty food is basically food with (extra) sugar, sugar is not a drug, it is calories, energy, too much sugar might be unhealthy in long term, but having food with sugar is still is beneficial due to extra calories you get which give you more energy, alcohol and drugs do not have any such, they are literally poison with no zero benefits

>> No.22354684

Look man, you're right. Experts generally know more than laymen about a given subject. But these guys are complaining about the quality of care they've received from doctors, and that's sometimes a reasonable complaint. People are smart enough to know they're getting fucked, no matter how lofty the authority figure who's fucking them.

>> No.22354687

>Regarding food, tasty food is basically food with (extra) sugar,
This isn't true. Most of the taste of food is flavonoids (which are nutrients, often vital ones for the prevention of death and disease) and it's fat and protein profiles. The addicted to sugar thing is a consequence of processed foods, and most companies which deal with highly palatable food engineering are using sugar to modify those profiles, not to make the product taste as sweet as possible. You're more often concealing the amount of sugar in product's taste profile, because tasting the raw equivalent in pure sugar is sickening.

>> No.22354688

of course. she wouldn't get away with her bpd shit if she wasn't. but honestly you must be a loser if what i described is 'your type'. unless you already have a ton of money and status, these bitches are not worth being around.

nothing anymore. i used to see her at certain parties but i stopped going because of how its all drug addict trust fundie faggots.

>> No.22354689

Right and the leading virologist from the 80s who discovered HIV was anti covid vax and they covered it up. My appeal to this neurosurgeon was more to the fact that being jewish and successful he has a general understanding of how the world works and knows that public opinion, including physicians, is formulated by political influences moreso than by scientific research. Anyone who doesnt understand this at this point is a herd retard

>> No.22354693

New one is 120$ while old one is 80$

Kono and pocketbook don't sell in mu country. Would have to import one and would get too pricey

>> No.22354697

Yeah at least admire someone like Omar Mateen or some shit who actually had a specific resignation, not some edgy teenage faggot loser shooting people for literally no reason. Their diaries are blatantly stupid, and anyone who thinks they were somehow independent of mind misses the fact that the west has been tampered with to cause this kind of poisonous mindset for a long time. Theyre the exact opposite of based, theyre the very voltairian rats they think they are stepping on. Butch sounds like a nightmare and also what a masculine quality in a woman to admire any figure of violence.

>> No.22354698

Fallacy fallacy

If the options are

>A) Trust hundreds of thousands of people who study this stuff for a living because they actually care about it
>B) Trust the hivemind of a billion clueless idiots who aren't educated on the subject and just don't wanna be told what to do

Then yeah. Going with A makes clear and obvious sense.

>> No.22354706

>because tasting the raw equivalent in pure sugar is sickening.
I don't what kind of sugar you have tasted that made you sick, but try simple white refined sugar (cane or beet) and it tastes fine, it will not make you sick.

>> No.22354708

To be fair, hiv is a wild west, so even those who are good at treating it are still cowboys and pariahs, and the ones who aren't good at it aren't seen as bigger cowboys. There's a lot of latitude in some diseases, and hiv probably wouldn't have got any viable treatment without the kind of doctors willing to play fast and loose on a very sick population.
It's not a viable alternative approach to medicine. Mostly what medicine needs is more skepticism from its clients because that's one of the few things that keeps snake oil low. There's a reason people used not visit their doctor unless fanciful or genuinely near death, and that reason has stood the test of time since Hippocrates: for most people doctors can only harm a system which is largely healthful.

>> No.22354712

>First they aren't normal
You are not abnormal for getting drunk. You are not abnormal for smoking weed.
If you take
>50%+ of people doing something makes it normal
As the standard then a lot of things are not normal. Face it, all throughout history and currently, people like getting intoxicated.
>do you need drugs?
Need no, I have stopped doing it many times and am currently very sober for 8 months.
Have I enjoyed drugs in the past? Yes I have. Problems?

>literally poison
Ah you're a fucking moron.
There's more to life than being as healthy as possible. You're exactly the type of fag I'm talking about.
Let me guess, if you inhale a single puff of smoke from someone else's cigarette you throw a fit?

>> No.22354713

Try eight spoonfuls of it and tell me it tastes as good as an engineered ready meal.

>> No.22354714

>the leading virologist from the 80s who discovered HIV was anti covid vax and they covered it up

Name? Source of this confession?

And what about the vast majority that weren't against?

Being against whatever the government says is herd mentality too.

>> No.22354717

You've never heard of Kary Mullis?

>> No.22354727

>Died August 7, 2019 (aged 74)

Is this the anti vax guy? Because that was before covid.

>> No.22354734

>bpd girl
>obsession with columbine shooters
Does she post about it on social media or tell you about it specifically? It sounds like she's just trying to get attention

Some girls are psychotically obsessed with criminals/murderers, but I think they're attention whoring too. Serial killers and shooters are usually boring virgins
Girls say stupid shit like this and pretend to care about it just to seem quirky or unique

>> No.22354736
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>to taste something
>I need to eat 8 spoonfuls of it

>> No.22354739

>I don't understand what a comparative is
Yeah explaining food engineering might be a bit of an ask then

>> No.22354742

I'm not the guy who said that but he wasn't anti covid vax (though he very well might have been if he lived)
His invention of the PCR was misused by people to diagnose people with covid.
He has videos talking about how people misuse it to diagnose people when the chance it big that they don't have anything.
I'd post it if I were at home, look it up.

>> No.22354752

>Ah you're a fucking moron.
>There's more to life than being as healthy as possible. You're exactly the type of fag I'm talking about.
>Let me guess, if you inhale a single puff of smoke from someone else's cigarette you throw a fit?
It is not about being obsessed with healthiness, it's about not fucking ingesting literal poison that has no other use but to poison you or inhaling ash, for what fucking reason would you voluntarely put effort and go out of your way to inhale burnt matter/ash into your lungs?
you are genuinely retarded just because 99% of people are retarded shit does not mean you have to do it too

>> No.22354766

Cigarettes have a lot of attractive elements (appetite suppressant is a whole genre of smokers) and your description fits alcohol, except alcohol is generally not an attractive smell compared to tobacco. It makes more sense humans would investigate tobacco as a food or drug source than alcohol. Everywhere that could get reasonably clean water starts avoiding alcohol as soon as there's an alternative drink that doesn't kill you.

>> No.22354767
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>burnt ash!
Get a grip you incel loser. Try talking like that to any normal person and you'll be laughed out of the room. If you have autism I can forgive you for it.
There's no point explaining it to someone who has never done any of it. You don't get it.

>> No.22354773

My highschool was hardcore progressive. It was populated by peoole who would outright laugh at someone for even mentioning God. When the pledge of allegiance was said before school events, the students leading it would regularly omit "under God." The really interesting thing is that it was there I met three of the most devout Christians I have ever encountered. They came, one after another to me. With each one the subject of God would arise. I was atheist at the time. I didnt believe or understand at the time but they each said all the things I needed to hear at the time. I didn't realize that these were messengers from God until years later, after I was baptized.

>> No.22354776

doesn't sound right, just buy it from foreign amazon site, at most you will pay extra shipping

>> No.22354785

It's boring human-made technology that makes scientific understanding of the world boring.

>> No.22354794

I don't understand those people and I also don't understand people like you. Why would anyone at school ever mention god or anything to do with religion? Same way if anyone did say something so random and offtopic why would anyone laugh at them for saying something so unexpected and irrelevant.

>> No.22354798

Most people live their lives toiling away in prisons of their own design.
They build a life for themselves and spend decades upkeeping a facade.

>> No.22354800

Because smoking makes me cool and attractive to women. It's also a very pleasant buzz that makes me more efficient in the morning. It's also a social ritual that cements me as part of a group. It also has negligible impact given that I only smoke two a day max, and still do cardio.

>> No.22354801

damn pass the puff bro

>> No.22354805

At the end of the day, addiction is addiction. Social stigma and cultural ideals get fucked up by all this anti-drug, pro-porn, pro-obesity propaganda in the US and first world countries
It's more degenerate than most care to acknowledge but it's just because propaganda is profitable

Substance abuse, alcoholism, eating disorders, gambling, even falling in love takes effect in the same regions of the brain and central nervous system, literally with the same mechanisms and withdrawal effects occurring with chemicals like dopamine and adrenaline. Getting addicted to crystal meth, in some ways, is no different from falling in love - just like gambling addiction is no different from binge eating and nationwide obesity problems. Money is the only constant in all of these situations. That's why big pharma makes money pumping Americans full of SSRIs, that's why obesity and fast food is profitable, that's also why the DEA and joe schmoe the physician is allowed to hike up the cost of your FDA-approved medications whilst pedaling propaganda about evil drug users and junkies subverting wholesome communities.

Social standards and culture have been subverted by anti-drug propaganda and zero public health information standards
Porn is very profitable too. That's obviously an addiction for most young men nowadays but no one gives a fuck because it's jewish porn producers making millions of dollars
It's a shame how easily you can subvert people's ideals and make them believe in boogeymen, urging sheep towards a slaughterhouse because this is clown world era

>> No.22354806

Why wouldn't people talk about their personal beliefs or subjects they're interested in?

>> No.22354809

Welcome to the hotel california

>> No.22354810

As I said, anything $200+ is outside my budget

>> No.22354814

Increase your budget

>> No.22354817

I get it people had to use alcohol because it was unavoidable, but why or how people got idea of smoking that is just so dumb.

I do, in fact quite often talk about it to other people. Try not hanging out around drug addicts and alcoholics. I know that drug addicts think that everyone else is into drugs that is not actually the case. Many people don't drink or do drugs, it's just those people and addicts live in different worlds.

>> No.22354819

Why the fuck are you on a literature board if you dislike drug users?

>> No.22354820

Because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.22354821

It just seems legitimately exhausting.
There have been people that have abandoned me in life that I now pity

>> No.22354824

Because fuck you, that's why

>> No.22354827
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>> No.22354832

Luc Montaigner

>> No.22354834

>Because smoking makes me cool and attractive to women.
Try not smoking for longer period of time (months maybe) until your sense of smell readjusts and gets back to normal then have a cigarette, afterwards smell your clothes and your skin? You will immediatly notice that you stink badly. U doubt very much women are attracted to that kind of bad smell.

>> No.22354836
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I miss cigarettes

>> No.22354840

You sound like you just got out of one of those anti smoking, motivational speeches they gave at my middle school

>> No.22354841

I mean nothing wrong with being a teatotaler. Could never be me though.

>> No.22354844

What kind of highschoolers are interested in god and religion? Out of all things to be interested during high school, god and religion is not even on the list

>> No.22354854

Why not? Why can't I be on literature board when I dislike drug users?

>> No.22354856

Because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.22354857

Virgin detected. Two smokes a day won't leave anything near a lasting smell.

>> No.22354858

Are you retarded? Its literally the time when youre most intricately navigating your identity and the way you see the world. God/religion should be on your mind every day in your formative years, be you an atheist or whatever else. Unless you are a fucking cow. How wide-set are your eyes, may I ask?

>> No.22354865

>how people got idea of smoking that is just so dumb.
It was originally used as a hallucinogen. Humans love hallucinogens. I mean, tobacco smoking supplanted the arsenic smoking habit Europe had until its import.

>> No.22354873

My biggest regret at this point in my life is not writing more poems and publishing them for the last several years.

>> No.22354874

All your favorite authors and writers were drugged out of their minds

Or obliterated by alcoholism

>> No.22354879
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>God/religion should be on your mind every day in your formative years, be you an atheist or whatever else.

>> No.22354880

Your sense of smell is messed up. One cigarette is enough to leave lasting smell.

>> No.22354881

Do you ever write song lyrics?

>> No.22354882

Better get to that the muses are harsh mistresses

>> No.22354886

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.22354889
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The universe is conspiring to stop me from losing my virginity. For the past two months illnesses, family emergencies, cockblock friends, and all kinds of other random events have prevented me from sticking my peen in my gf.

>> No.22354892

This is how its supposed to be. Once you do it the first time it will get easier. Just pick whichever home is more dysfunctional and fucking do it in the bed. I had to sneak over for the night so her parents weren’t on guard, you might have to do that.

>> No.22354893

Might have something to do with those "doomer wojaks" saved on your phone, pal.

>> No.22354903

And dont forget condoms, your unconscious is working to make excuses to pussy out since you are nervous. Dont let that dumb bullshit hold you back.

>> No.22354904

I don't understand what does navigating your identity have to do with religion? you live in a real world, interact with real people, whatever conclusions you come to regarding religion, they have no effect on you or your life, maybe when you go to church then you might have some new insight or whatever but its nothing to do with real life. Obssesing yourself with religion at any point in your life (and especially when you are young) is just stupidity

>> No.22354914

There's nothing wrong with it except that a lot of them have cringe opinions.
Imagine calling alcohol just poison and smoking as 'inhaling ash'.
Total retard missing the point.
You know nothing about it and I know both people who don't do any and those who do use.
You're unconvincing and come across as autistic. Go enjoy a glass of water with the boys you complete oddball

>> No.22354916
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This is good.

>> No.22354920

*adjusts glasses*
Well actually, that's just poison, nothing more to it.
Why are you le poisoning yourself anon? Are you not satisfied with dried bread and a glass of water?

>> No.22354924

I just smoked one a few minutes ago

>> No.22354925


>> No.22354928
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>> No.22354930

I’m ex straight edge, for the record. Grew up listening to Minor Threat and Earth Crisis a lot.

>> No.22354934

The dried bread is fine, but you can't take water when you need to dry out your humours, so it's arsenic or tobacco for asthma.

>> No.22354935

I tried getting into Alan Parsons last year. It’s okay, if a bit sterile of music.

>> No.22354936


>> No.22354940

I wouldn’t say my high school had a general sociological theme, but most students weren’t right wingers, that’s for sure. It’s probably why I was so isolated growing up.

>> No.22354943

Ok bro I didn't know thanks for telling me that to become a Caesar you need to, hell, be fucking born from the right vagina know what I mean? Even if you want to make a political career aiming at getting a managerial position at work (assuming that you've had a steady job for the last 10 years or at least gathered the necessary experience and knowledge), invest your money and get rich, then try to candidate for some governmental position in your city of residence. It's not something gigantic like being a president but once you achieved all those things by your 40s getting voted into the statal parliament becomes a realistic goal. I hate this stupid postmodernist pretension that everything that someone could have possibly achieved ends like when you turn 30 because it's absolute fucking bullshit. Not that the previous instruction is something that is 100% achievable because you might fail already in the first steps, but neither is it something completely far off the odds.

>> No.22354946
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>> No.22354955

They have a lot of variety between albums. Some are pretty basic while others are weird as fuck.



>> No.22354960

Cringe, blaming external factors for your own failures.
Ah yes, the basedpilled impulse to reduce things to a more granular description of the phenmenon as if it were both an explanation and a self-clinching argument.

>> No.22354965

>Imagine calling alcohol just poison and smoking as 'inhaling ash'.
What is it then? Alcohol is ethanol, it is poison. It does nothing else but poison you. The alcohol drunkessness is literal poisoning. There is no other way to describe it.
What is smoking? It is inhaling ash, you burn plant matter, paper and probably little bit of that filter also gets charred, and then you inhale that burned matter - ash into your lungs. Do you know how lungs? They require clean air, the cleaner air the better, and what you do is the very opposite of what your lungs need.

>Go enjoy a glass of water with the boys you complete oddball
you are addicted but another reason you drink is a misplaced sense of achievement. You are confusing getting drunk or high on drugs with doing something dangerous (and surving the real dangerous situation, genuinely achieving something) and getting that natural adrenaline boost. You go with the boys to get drunk, that is all you do, that's the manly thing to do, at least that's what it looks like from a drunk person perspective. For one time go out but don't drink (or get high) and see how retarded everyone becomes and acts when they get drunk, that is also you when you are drunk. Those people and boys you go out with are pathetic and so are you.

>> No.22354971

You're not inhaling ash off a cigarette. You're inhaling smoke. It's sort of in the name of the practice. Ash isn't a bad thing either. Without ashes we don't get a lot of things like fertilizer and soap.

>> No.22354972

You don't have to create your own world. Just use the Cthulhu Mythos or whatever.

>> No.22354973

>Getting poisoned is not a real dangerous situation
I think you lost the thread of your metaphor a little.

>> No.22354989
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>> No.22354990

Drugs are a double-edged swords. Nootropics are fine, alcohol, weed, cigarettes, they'll get you confused or addicted at worst if you know the limits, but I'd never do hallucinegons or hard drugs.

>> No.22354992

Had this real bad after I turned in my first big boy paper. I was scared to open up the feedback and so I ignored it for a couple weeks.

>> No.22355000

I will add to this that one should never accept the high. If you don't accept the high you can do as much nootropics as you want and all you'll feel as a strange sort of transfusion that you know isn't real and that you know will go away. It is also important to not forget to breathe when you smoke weed, because that shit is an abyss.

>> No.22355012

Never take snuff tobacco from a stranger.
Drugsters are evil people, and I learned the hard way.

>> No.22355014

Honestly my few experiences with a light dose of lsd or psilocybin was better than anything else I've done in my life. Especially psilocybin which always just seemed to make me more present and expressive, a joyous and humorous enabling experience that is capable of shedding anxieties. Weed can really suck though, I've had many times where I just felt anxiety, dread or unending schizo tier thoughts. Alcohol obviously I've had the most embarassing and ridiculous of experiences where I did things I absolutely regret, especially when I was young. Alcohol is devious in I think it creeps on you subtly. I'm older now and not as stupid so in general I can handle it but even when I drink a small amount I notice it gives me a bit of an edge, hardly noticeable but it's there. Cigs and tobacco are great to just sit and think on but obviously the lasting effects aren't wanted.

>> No.22355025

Drugs are a hindrance to clear thinking and understanding.

Uppers make you manic and think you know everything when you're just riding a dopamine high.
Downers make you slow.
Psychedelics delude you into thinking you know anything by showing cool shapes and colors that you derive pseudo meaning from because that's the effect of the drug. But it's just an illusion.

>> No.22355028

I don’t necessarily think that external factors can be ruled out entirely. Like no one chooses to be born poor.

>> No.22355035

That’s some zany ass shit on par with The Residents. Why wasn’t I informed of these albums

>> No.22355037

The reason I'd never do hallucinogenons is because I'm not interested in the effects for one and the other more important reason is that I've read many forums about hallucinogenons and all the people say exactly the same. "Whoaaa so enlightening whoaa" or some shit like that. I don't believe it. I believe they got actual irreperable brain damage from it. Not that I don't think I would be in the state of not believing the high. I think I'd actually fall in coma for not believing the high and wake up 12 hours later, not remembering shit. There comes a point where the upkeep of the engine at full power becomes too expensive. Believing the high is one way, not believing the high the other, more dangerous way. I handled it quite well when I took nutmeg, but then again, I made the fatal mistake of not calling my parents. Police caught me three days later while walking home in a perfectly clean state, dry clothes etc, but my parents had actually called me missing. I regret it. I wish I could have finished the 12 hour hike during the cloudy day and I'm sad about living in stupid modernity with it's phones. But it was worth the three days of semi-psychedelic, semi-amphetaminic experience of hyperawareness paired with lightly, non-hallucinogenic psychedelic insight.

>> No.22355042

Hey mister scientist. Describe what love is.
Is it chemicals at work? Certain brain neurons activating?
I don't know what board you flew over from but it isn't /lit/ the way you describe certain acts.

>> No.22355043

Shit tier drug experience, just do shrooms you huge pussy

>> No.22355044

I can’t because I’m on medication for autism. I can smoke weed just fine but the shit had an adverse effect on me when I was on stimulants

>> No.22355057

Oh well, getting into a hotel after a rough 15 hour hike, completely wet and with 40+ ticks all over your legs to take them off in the hotel bathtub so I don't get lymes, wait for the clothes to dry, get dressed again in the morning and get the fuck out, spent the day watching movies in the cinema, went to a bar in the middle of the night, played darts with the barista, then started hiking again in the morning to go home, ahhh, sweet sweet days, fuck the police and fuck the mobile phones they ruined everything but yeah, that was life at it's rad. My one and only drug trip, the most possibly cheapest ones, I just rammed the entire package into the pasta and went to a party with my friends. Yeah, that was life.

>> No.22355058

Yeah those are people who just do a ridiculous amount, and I wouldn't be surprised if they screwed something up in their brain either.

>> No.22355073

>You're not inhaling ash off a cigarette.
>You're inhaling smoke
what do you think smoke contains?
yes ash is fine as long as it's not inside your lungs

you can have fun when sober, in fact when sober fun, excitement, feeling of danger is a a lot more ...fun and rewarding.

Why is not the /lit/ way? Where is the rule that says being sober is not /lit/ way

>> No.22355081

It's not the being sober part, it's your autistic way of describing the act of drinking and smoking.
Do you describe the love of a mother in the same way? or other emotions?
Just chemicals at work or is there more to it?

>> No.22355093

>Smoke is ash
It's not. If it were ash and inhaled, the results would be much less pernicious.

>> No.22355098

of course it is all chemicals, your brain and glands all over your body secrete many different chemicals, some of which are responsible for different emotions.
Though I am not sure how its relevant to the drug use, the normal operation of your body is fine. Ingesting, inhaling, injecting garbage is not.

>> No.22355104

Kek nothing against the anon youre arguing with but we need more of this mentality. Explaining away all of humanity with causal scientific observations is fucking cringe.

>> No.22355112

You are autistic.
What use are books to you? Why are you on this board?
I'm not mad when I say this but you might really have the autism

>> No.22355116

I think that hallucinogens (including weed) are the only thing worth doing sparsely (as I meditate more and read nourishing books I'm on the fence with this), and in the right environment with the right mindset (play some positive affirmations before and during the trip). The purpose of these drugs should be to rewire your brain for the better. To change your mindset so that you don't fear things and can enjoy life. Watching scary movies or anything that can potentially traumatize you is a bad idea. Read books, watch stuff, or listen to music that put your mind in a good place. If you've had a trip and you feel great, and it changed the way you view things for the better, then stay away from drugs and just ride that good vibe train.

Everything else is just highs, followed by lows, followed by cravings, and a reduction in the ability to feel pleasure.

If any drug becomes a frequent habit, then you're going to suffer the consequences of tolerance, dependency, craving, reduced pleasure, and so on.

>> No.22355131

But I can change my brain wirings without drugs. Idk. I consider myself fond enough on the subject and it's always the same but the people who did can never quite actually explain what *exactly* hallucinegons do to them. Sure, I could microdose LSD, but what would that give me besides the literal effects of a joint? Probably the same. A fuzzy vision, louder thoughts, and nothing else, maybe I'd laugh five minutes later about some absurdity with my friend, and then it would just go on plainly but with fuzzy mode on, and then I'd grab a drink, and it'll feel good, and then life goes on. Idk.

>> No.22355140

>What use are books to you?
What do you think? Doorstoppers! or I just stack them on my desk, on the shelves and on the floor because I have no other use available space in my apartment. What a retarded question is that

>> No.22355149

Why read a book on love or adventure when it's all just chemicals firing off in your head?
Why read over watching a tv show?

>> No.22355155

Believe what you want, it's free country and free world but having a conversation, dealing with real world problems etc use logic and reason, it will be much more effective and easier for everyone.

>> No.22355156
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Nigger crackers cracking the heads of cracker-niggers while I finish my whopper and enjoy the spectacle.

>> No.22355204

The chemicals are constantly firing in your head regardless if you read or not. I read not because of the chemicals but to learn what is written in book.

>> No.22355251

It’s also racist too. Which makes it based

>> No.22355262
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>visit home for the first time in several years
>start to notice fucked up hands and gibberish text in old family photos

>> No.22355288

I've noticed I was a very cute boy, but now I'm an ugly monster. Also my father was a chad and mogs me.

>> No.22355296

People drink/smoke not for the ash or 'poison' either.

>> No.22355308

Same here.
My dad was something of a real-life harem anime protagonist when he was in school - apparently he took two girls to his senior prom at the same time, and in college he had up to five different women orbiting him at one point. I wonder if he's disappointed with how I ended up.

>> No.22355356
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My brain is constantly looping on 4 thoughts : "Fuck, why am I not dead already?", "I wish I could speak with my ex but she ignored all of my previous messages (from months ago) and I don't want to harass her", "what the fuck, I'm so dumb" and finally "must do some work after work today" this is unironically the whole résumé of my existence for the past two years. the person I was? poof gone. remaining friends? poof gone. my ability to feel empathy ans care for others? in the process of being eliminated. while others are becoming better versions of themselves, I'm running towards doom. also have been getting fat and ugly (not a woman, these niggers can't get depressed) lately

thanks for reading my journal

>> No.22355361

I was like a real life harem anime protagonist in college at one point. this thing just falls on you. now I'm an ugly depressed fuck and a loser in life. pretty sure winning is about being happy with what you have Anon, don't resent yourself for stupid stuff like that

>> No.22355375

You can read peoples experiences on reddit or erowid.
If you want specific effects here's an example

I've only done weed, so I might not know what I'm talking about when it comes to lsd,shrooms,etc. I've just read a little bit about some psychedelics in the past.

Obviously on psychedelics you see and hear unusual things.

But the important part I think for the effects of psychedelics (including weed) is increased suggestibility and meaningfulness. So whatever you're doing while high can potentially leave an imprint that lingers after the drug wears off.
Increased suggestibility is like if you have the thought "I am a good person" or someone says to you "You are a good person", that idea will be amplified while on psychedelics and you're more likely to believe you being a "good person" as true. There can be thought loops where you're repeating words or phrases over and over again, so whatever you got going on in your environment or subconscious can have a big impact, since repetition is the mother of learning. Filling your mind with positive things before the trip and after is important to prevent a bad trip.

You can develop an association between things, because the drug has you feeling good (or bad), and so if you feel good and you're doing something, then that thing feels good, and it leaves an impact.
Or it could go bad and then you have a nasty lingering feeling where things just feel terrible. If you trip while it's raining you might form a strong positive connection with the rain and then every time it rains after you trip, you're brought back to that wonderful moment. If there's something that spooks you then it can seem terrifying. You can draw connections between things that normally wouldn't be associated with each other. Memories can resurface. There's increased introspection, so wherever your mind is before the trip, then that could be where it ends up going during the trip. So, a good mindset and a good setting with good people is important.

Psychedelics just have a strong ability to rewire your brain in a good or bad direction because of the "amplification" of things and the novel experience of being in this dream world, which is why what you're doing before and during a trip and who you are with is very important. People you like means good vibes. People you don't like saying weird stuff can put you in a bad headspace.

I know from my experience with weed that I can end up liking things I wouldn't normally like. I can like some shitty song I wouldn't normally care for sober because that's the effect of the drug. It just makes things seem good. That also can be seen as a problem. The drug deludes you into thinking things are a certain way when they're not. Whereas, simply being sober and mindful helps you see things as they are in your natural sober state which is more reliable since you're in that state more often then you're high.

>> No.22355389

Okay ive officially decided you’re a faggot

>> No.22355404

Amplification isn't something that requires a high. If you want to amplify a thought sober you just do it, dissect the thought, analyze it from every perspective, and come to a conclusion. This is a reasonable time to take some drugs: maybe someone realizes he just can't get through it completely sober so he drugs himself up and repeats the process. Also what you describe about the environment being more influential and liking songs you don't like sober only happens when you believe the high. It also only when you believe the high that the high can make you happy. If you don't believe the high ever, it will never influence your emotions, rather, you will be in some sort of controlled, stoic, pure-minded state where the drug just changes perception slightly without ever touching into it's corner. But for now I haven't come to "an edge" with my sober philosophies so until I didn't find a goal do to while high I see no reason to do that. I'd probably just feel bored on psychedelics. Nothing whoaa. Just plain boredom. This is because I control the high.

>> No.22355408

The phenomena are not real. They pass over the awareness like a stream over a stone. Pain, pleasure, sensations, emotions, thoughts, the will, and the sense of identity are all equally unreal; the awareness is the only thing that can be said to exist. Are you living your own life, or are you watching the most elaborate movie ever made? There is no way to tell the difference between thinking and willing and passively experiencing the sensation of thinking and willing.

>> No.22355435

Why doesn’t God just tell me what i’m living for?

>> No.22355440

Beat you 30 seconds to it

>> No.22355455

God, sometimes I just love life. I get to write what’s on my mind, read wonderful books, smoke cigarettes, watch the sopranos and play yugioh. Yes, I’m poor, and lonely, and sometimes it’s hard and sad and all inbetween. But it’s also good, and simple. And I’m happy half of the time, which is just enough.

>> No.22355460

pray for good health. anon all it takes is one bad injury or illness to take away all that.

>> No.22355463

>play yugioh
also you have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.22355493

Pretty based, I was just telling my wife about how life is considered shitty by most people when at the same time they enjoy countless things. Like some shit as random as south park, I dont give a shit about south park but if someone was to bring it up id be like yeah dude its fucking hilarious. There are so many gems. You dont have a gf though? I need love or I fucking fall to shit.

>> No.22355495
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I’ve been off the booze for a while and I’m not sure sobriety has made my life any better. Geriatric and juvenile at once, I’m barely able to relate to anyone and am almost certainly going to die alone. I may be in love with a friend but only because she’s the only person I see and speak to regularly. It wouldn’t work even if I actually wanted her. My passions are long gone. It’s embarrassing to give a shit about anything and it’s also embarrassing to be this apathetic. I’ve only read 1 book this year but waste tons of time with articles and podcasts. Totally lost but too cowardly and comfortable to kill myself. Knowing how cliche this nonsense is only makes it more depressing. I wish I was a fucking ghost. Thank you for reading my blog!

>> No.22355501

Me but with weed and the only friend is a guy.

>> No.22355503

me but with cocaine and my only friend is a turtle

>> No.22355507

You must be fun at parties

>> No.22355510

I’ve had much more trouble staying away from weed. What motivated you to quit and how are you finding sobriety?

>> No.22355517

me but with 4chan and my only friends are you retards

>> No.22355519

I probably post more on this board than anyone else.

>> No.22355528

I moved from the netherlands where it's legal to a country where it isn't.
I'm contemplating smoking again but not seriously.
A few months before leaving I did smoke less. I didn't like it so started smokoing more before leaving.
Sobriety has it's upsides. However the nights are dull when you have no friends and the women you meet don't interest you.
It's something people who used to drink/do drugs often say. Becoming sober doesn't seem to fix anything. It's not dramatic like you would imagine when you do drink/smoke.
It's mostly dull. But when i did smoke I wanted sobriety for some reason. I forgot why

>> No.22355543 [DELETED] 

some guy killed himself and had been apparently telling his family he worked for our company cuz i got a call from a boss like two tiers up asking about his time working for our department and i'm like uh ya we have no record of that dude as an employee, customer, nothing. maybe that's why he killed himself, his whole life was fake.

>> No.22355575


>> No.22355584

What if aliens had their own TikTok zoomers

>> No.22355621

He probably lost his job and lied to his family about finding a new one. Eventually killed himself because he couldnt get employment. Or maybe he was depressed and suicidal, didn't care to work and lied to his fanily about working so they wouldnt worry.

>> No.22355634

Imagine tiktok after it has a million years to develop as an artform

>> No.22355687

We have TONS of Pippin's Fear left and quite a lot of Gondor Pride, some of Smeagol's Ecstasy too. But yeah man Gimli's Might sells out fast, same with anything Orcish, all our Orc strains go pretty much immediately.

>> No.22355692

Farewell, internet. I'm going. Not voluntarily, there's no internet in the place.

>> No.22355719

>Jack Levine
I like your post for this
t. Getting high and doing fun dumb shit as often as possible

>> No.22355732

Does not making the right choices 18-22 and having a great college experience bother anyone years later?

>> No.22355737

The single biggest motivator I had to quit weed was looking up and realizing everyone around me that smoked was a loser. I didn’t want to be like them.

>> No.22355738

you're probably projecting insecurity and malcontent about your current way of life onto shit you did years ago

>> No.22355742

What’s a while? It took me a few years totally sober for things to start to click.

>> No.22355750

Nigger I asked this same question last month. Are you stealing my material? And yes, I regret it every single day.

>> No.22355752

back pains, asshole

>> No.22355757

nevermind wrong post
meant for >>22354100

>> No.22355759

I never went to college, personally

>> No.22355763

I was wondering lmao

>> No.22355779

I’m a fucking loser sober and my drug-using friends are successful and productive.

>> No.22355781

I'm 21 and about to do an old fashioned Robinson Crusoe

>> No.22355808

No shit, everything in your perception is an illusion. Do you think colors exist objectively outside your eyes too

>> No.22355815

I hate the scifi trope where aliens are all peaceful and steer clear of earth because we're violent and have wars and thats why we haven't met any
In general I hate how many people assume human beings are some special ideal form of life
We just fucking are what we are

>> No.22355826

I like the lister explanation from red dwarf where we're considered an infectious species like herpes so all the aliens avoid earth because it has cooties

>> No.22355834

Im so tired agter work that I cant do anything. I end up just laying around. staring at my phone until its kate enough to go to bed

>> No.22355885 [DELETED] 

i still get nostalgic for my college years even tho they sucked ass at a sucky school. nostalgia makes everything better.

>> No.22355897 [DELETED] 

ya man it's not like my job is hard i mostly just browse the web and read, but when i get home i still just want to take a nap and lay in bed listening to audiobooks. i force myself to get a little exercise, and force myself to do some sideproject programming/art and then force myself to read at least 2-4 pages of something canonical before bed. then i put on an audiobook and lay there till i fall asleep.

>> No.22355904 [DELETED] 

yes, that's right 2-4 pages. some of this pomo shit that's a bitch to read make me happy just to get through 4 pages in a row. sometimes i stay up all night reading but usually not.

>> No.22355939

Im attracted to my wife but I’m no longer enticed by the idea of her “letting” me smash. I get men and women are different but if you arent actively attracted to me then I simply wont be satisfied and will long for a woman who wants it. Feel like an asshole cause shes a good wife but at what point am I justified in being uncomfortable with the idea that I’m not considered attractive even though I know I still have some youthful years to offer?

>> No.22355948

aww shit new 猫 シ corp. just dropped

>> No.22355950

Hitler is more real than Jesus

>> No.22355981

I've already watched 2 full playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3. I have no life.

>> No.22356204 [DELETED] 

I feel every little pain acutely. tap me on the shoulder and I yowl in pain.

>> No.22356571

>falling in love is as bas drug addiction
Are these AI bots trying to manipulate human minds?

>> No.22356632

To become a tranny there is a necessity that you think something as hollow and meaningless as your perceived gender role in society is a fundamental part of your soul. Not only that but you have to have an immense amount of narcissism and self consciousness to take such drastic measures just to be perceived a certain way by people you don't know. Again, I must stress, this is a prerequisite, there are no 'good' trannies, though some are cute, I guess.

I wouldn't say I hate them in the sense that their existence affects me emotionally or I go out of my way to try and cause them suffering but I do think they are a very visible representation of the degradation in morality/spirituality of our society/world and as such they should be called out for what they are, mentally ill freaks. I understand it's not entirely their fault, they have been force fed endless propaganda from a young age and we can't expect every kid to be able to resist the temptation for a perceived easy path in life but forgiving people this hard is not pragmatic, we have to discard and give up on these now defunct humans as a warning to others that transitioning is not the solution to your problems. That's another thing, it's just plain delusion/dumbness to think transitioning will solve the core of your suffering, it's mental illness every way you look at it, we need more men to realise the fundamentally suffering nature of reality and strive to bear it in order to recover our fallen world.

>> No.22356734

I do. I dont want to desire anything anymore.

>> No.22356879

Successor: >>22356877