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File: 239 KB, 1200x1799, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22351660 No.22351660 [Reply] [Original]

>is the most influential Canadian author in decades
How does he do it, /lit/??

>> No.22351665

Never heard of her but there's a canadian who won the nobel so I doubt it

>> No.22351674

>Influential Canadian
>Not Bakker
Come back when your YouTube Zoomer Boomer inspires his own general.

>> No.22351686
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How does he do it?
>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

>> No.22351694
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>never heard of her
She's terrific. Best writer alive right now. You should check her out. A lot of her stuff is available to read online for free through the new yorker or some shit. It's all short stories.

>> No.22351699

He has the eye of the T-Rexes of the 21st Century.

>> No.22351717
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All they have...

>> No.22351726

One has to wonder about the people obsessively posting these threads and how the totally independent and not the op commenters who always make the same posts manage to do so 100% of the time.

>> No.22351734
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Learn how to read the reply count, retard.

>> No.22351736

>its impossible to reply to oneself with multiple IP addresses
How's the weather in Israel?

>> No.22351738

Barely decipherable word salad

>> No.22351739
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How does he do it?
>Creates modern science informed Gnostic Neo-Hegelian philosophy.
>Writes classic series of books that are hands down the best in their genre.
>Runs off into the Canadian north to live innawoods
>Imbibed Nietzsche like so many artistic people today but sublates him in the end.
>Translated Kant into the terms of modern cognitive science
>Side projects into philosophy of AI, predicts the semantic apocalypse
>Turgid member
>Curved phallus
>Rape aliens
>Marmoreal halls running orthogonal to the turgid member, the phallus arcing like a strung bow as the honey of anus wafts through the air
>Collapsed subjective and objective
Still triggered world born. This man is beyond you all. He has attained the Absolute. He IS the absolute.

>> No.22351740
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>the contents of Jordan petersons mind

>> No.22351742
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millennial conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.22351746

>I just happen to post the same 4 copypastas about how it isn't the Jews every single day on 4chan

>> No.22351747

he cries like a bitch.

>> No.22351748
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Reminder that the people triggered by Peterson are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.22351751

You make the same exact posts with the same exact images in the same topic on 4chan every single day

>> No.22351754
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>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repurcussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everwhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]
Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blindspots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travellors of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>> No.22351761

hes hot now, in 4 years nobody is going to remember his name. nobody knows what the public is going to fixate on, or what will be next.

>> No.22351781

for what its worth, i like him. hes probably a great mind of his time, and a public figure in his own time as well, not always easy to do.

But people find their groove, their grind. Things are only ever interesting when they are novel, and right now Peterson is the involved stepdad we need. But 5-10 years down the line, who knows? He gives good advice for people just starting their lives as adults, but when you've had 20 or more years to let the rot settle in, its just like listening to your dad talk about baseball, its like when an adult from Peanuts is talking, all you hear is "wah wha wa wa, wha wa"

>> No.22351785

Brilliant post OP
Fuggem all

>> No.22351787
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>two more weeks
Uh oh stinky...

>> No.22351788

A lot of it depends on what happens the next election / presidential term. A lot of people have hitched their wagons to Trumps campaign, and Jordon is one of them.

>> No.22351790

Normiepol take

>> No.22351795

I'll consider him again after he has rectified both deriding and supporting idpol. He needs to pick one or the other.

>> No.22351797

what? its not his fault. people don't have long attention spans, its amazing hes lasted as long as he has.

>> No.22351804

>the same 4 copypastas
Yeah, he posted the same one at me last time.

>> No.22351805

Every single one of you paid shills should lose the right to communicate in human speech.

>> No.22351811

and you notice hes been very hesistant to engage in actual policy discussions.

Is he for socialized medicine and free education?

Does he want a flat tax? Expand Medicare? I mean I know hes canadian but hes still got his foot in the game.

We don't know.g4rma

>> No.22351844

Even on issues he claims to weigh in on hes an artful dodger. He has all these issues with transgender people, but when it comes to legislation, hes pretty tight lipped, ain't he?

So you shouldn't let kids cut off their junk. Thats a no brainer. But what about hormone treatments, breast and hip implants, cosmetic surgery? 16, 18? one or both parents, or neither? Hell even 13 for kids you know aren't going to make it as a boy or girl.

What if your an adult? should you be allowed to lop off your junk or fill a athletic sock with sausage made from your vage and staple it down there? Is it an informed decisision or mental illness, is it self harm, or self expression, like if you decide to cut off your hand with a chainsaw near a public fountain for performance art?

Everything is theory crafting, the ins and outs of the morality of the decision, but never anything concrete, no rules, no policies.

Is he going to address transhumaism at all? Changing your sex is one thing, what if I want to install a nuclear reactor where my gut used to be? I'm kind of interested in his take on it, because I'm almost sure he'll fall back on the naturalistic fallacy then flounder when someone mentions genetic treatments or genetic engineering in vitero.

>> No.22351852

He's commented on all the stuff you mention regarding encouraging kids to change genders. He even cries about it. This is one of several things he's correct about which is part of his purpose and role as a disinformation controlled opposition media asset. The man was more heavily platformed by the media than anyone on Earth when he was thrown into the public consciousness

>> No.22351857

I think deep down peterson is still very much a catholic when it comes to things like this, they believe the human form and the human mind has peaked and that no hardware or software upgrades should be allowed, or even considered.

Without the evolutionary pressures of the natural world, we are at a dead end, evolutionary speaking, we can only regress and modify our social behavior, there is no discussion to be had of nootropics or genetic engineering, and we DEFINTELY don't want to have a discussion on capitalism and its effects going forward on transhumanism.

>> No.22351881

commented? yes.
given his official position? no.

he only knows what people 'should' do, right? they should do this and they should do that, and hindsight is 20/20. But what 'should' the LAW do? What should the RULES be? We know people are just going to do this shit anyway, so there is going to have to be some legislation in that regard, and there are going to have to be punishments and fines and the like going forward, but when it comes to particulars hes pretty damn quiet, isn't he?

>> No.22351883

>desperate to deny or at least try to hide his conservative christcuck views while gaining fame
>now he's established, has a bible study show on The Daily Wire
He wasn't honest from the start, he can fuck off.

>> No.22351886

you lop off a kids dick NOW, and you won't even lose your medical license. Our system won't allow people to sue for malpractice. So what should the reform be then?

You see? Crickets. Its all should should should.

>> No.22351906

Hell, do we even know what level it should be addressed at? Federal, state, county or Municiple?

And again, for someone in 'the know' he sure doesn't want to insinuate that there is definetely some occult doctrine going on here, and that it has roots in our government and business elite, cause thats a whole nother minefield isn't it?

Sure way to destroy your credibility is to mention bahaumut in a podcast, might as well start wearing a tin foil hat at that point, right?

>> No.22351919

Ah yes. Well for me it's pretty clear that all of these doctors need to lose their licenses and serve a prison term. Same for everyone who performed or contributed to any circumcision.

>> No.22351925

ahhh thats a crapout, hes been platformed by indie setups and people have had him on so they could strawman him and make him look bad from the editing room, but most normies still don't know who he is.

Hes ran a very successful guerilla media campaign and I'm very glad for all the things hes said and done, but like noam chomsky, he identifies the problem but then refuses to elaborate on what we should do about it.

>Capitalism kinna sucks
>I know right? what should we do
>I dunno

>> No.22351931

I think you're wrong. He was set up as controlled opposition, that's why it appeared the massive media companies that made him famous were "antagonizing him for being le reasonable man."
>indie setups
Like The Daily Jewire?

>> No.22351939

Well, yes, performing a penectomy or castratiom on a minor should necesitate it, but can you do the same for hormone treatments?

and you see how that just plays into the libertarians drug policies and the right to self.

>> No.22351946

Yes you can and should do the same to those who prescribed hormone treatments and puberty alterations of minors.
>doesn't that contradict libertarians
I don't care. Children don't have the same rights as adults do and they need to be protected from what they believe are their own choices in ways adults do not.

>> No.22351950

everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame, anon.

>> No.22351956

If you can't stop your kids from scoring herion at the park, the fuck makes you think your going to stop them from scoring hormones off of alibaba or some canadian website? Or worse, getting sold some bad shit same way people cut cocaine with detergeant?

>> No.22351960

>How does he do it
He flaffs about saying a bunch of long, smart sounding words that never really reach a conclusion and brainlets interpret this as highly intellectual.

>> No.22351973

Heroin is not massively pushed as a beautiful and legitimate lifestyle choice by the children's parents, doctors, teachers, and all media figures. You can't prevent everyone from destroying their lives but you can make it illegal for Healthcare and education "professionals" to encourage it and provide the means to do so. This as an issue has also exploded within the last decade. You can't stop everyone from doing meth but you can and should stop doctors from prescribing meth lite drugs to generations of children for fake behavioural issues.

>> No.22351976

13, in some cultures, your a man. The mujahideen had no problem having kids go around slitting fallen soldiers throats and collecting their gear, african militias lowered children down on ropes to stuff live hand grenades in tank barrels, and as recently as vietnam communists were putting ak-47's in the hands of 14 year children and giving our GI's nightmares.

You're going to tell an emancipated 16 year that they don't control their own body? Some people been through more hell between 12 and 16 than you will see your entire life, and they don't cotton to a bunch of goonie regulations but uptight waterheads who think they can regulate peoples behavior with a peice of paper.

>> No.22351984

Stfu you subhuman piece of shit
Literally kys evil socialist bastard

>> No.22351989

Not him, but should there be significantly different penalties for murder by poisoning versus murder by stabbing? Is this issue significantly different for the analogy to not apply?

>> No.22351990

so whens the cutoff, then, if we are taking responsibility for peoples actions? 13? 16? Or should we just say anyone who is 18 or older who wants hormones is necessarily mentally ill and lock them away to protect themselves from the consequences of their own actions?

Oh, and to make it even more complicated, hormones are most effective when taken at the ONSET of puberty, right when society puts you a legal grey area where you aren't an adult and you aren't a child, and have less rights and protections that either.

>> No.22351996

>you're going to tell an emancipated 16 year old they don't control their own body
I'm going to tell them they can't take hormones until they're 18 in the same way noone has any issue with legal drinking ages even if there's no global standard.
>some people have been through more hell
The grizzled child soldiers you're talking about aren't too likely to be seeking hormone treatments to change their gender. This is about what schools are teaching kids, what doctors are teaching them, and how early these treatments start. For all the incredibly wise and hard lived 16 year olds you apparently think occupy the world there are a few thousand who don't have a clue and don't know anything. At 16 you're too old for puberty blockers as well.

>> No.22352001

there is no fucking way that prescribing hormones and conducting a penectomy are even in the same ballpark, don't be facetious, there is no crowd here to win over and fall for that kind of crap.

Hormones are a drug like any other fucking illicit narcotic and you damn well know that opens up a huge fucking can of worms that nobody wants to deal with because the answers might make them uncomfortable.

>> No.22352010

I have no problem dealing with it.
>don't prescribe any hardcore life-altering addictive drugs to any kids unless there's some life threatening need
>if I don't transition I'll kms
Doesn't qualify

>> No.22352012

>The grizzled child soldiers you're talking about aren't too likely to be seeking hormone treatments to change their gender.
No, but the child prostitutes that live on the fringes of society might. If they are more comfortable living on the streets than they are trying to find shelter in the foster care system then maybe you should ask why.

Or why you care so much what they do to their own bodies.

>> No.22352029

hormones aren't addictive, and the people taking them are making an informed decision. Maybe it bothers you because there is no magic age at which you suddenly become an adult and that you feel that people who want to take hormones, get breast implants, etc, aren't captable of making their own decisions are mentally ill because doing so makes you 'uncomfortable'.

>> No.22352030

> Oh, and to make it even more complicated, hormones are most effective when taken at the ONSET of puberty,
This isn't anything complicated when did making surgeries of any sort that aren't medical stop being a dogma to be something you can do when you are 18+ you mentally ill subhuman retard unironically kys

>> No.22352038

So if there is a genetic treatment that allows you to determine the sex of your baby, what, is it just 'gods will' that we not use it? What if its something completely innocuous like determining the eye color? Hell we can already do that with heredity tests, we don't even need retroviral genetic nonsense to make that happen.

Whats it going to be man, are we just going to stick our heads in the sand and hide from the future forever?

>> No.22352041

>don't be facetious
Disagreeing with you is not being facetious. Do not stoop to Peterson level demagoguery. The hormones are a means to an end. I did not dream them up. The transgender community is using them for a specific purpose - within the same group of purposes for which surgeries are being performed.
>nobody wants to deal with because the answers might make them uncomfortable
Another falsehood. Plenty of people are willing to engage in uncomfortable discourse.

>> No.22352042

I care because it's a destructive and ultimately harmful choice to them. You're not selling the procedure by stating it might be something someone who has undergone extreme mental trauma could latch on to. What I mainly care about is the fact that noone is allowed to address any negative complications about any of the procedures in mainstream education or media where it must be presented as an ultimate good, along with the massive campaign to display this to children at various stages of extreme mental vulnerability coming from people they might inherently trust (parents, adults in their families) or should be able to trust (authorities like teachers and doctors). There's no representation of any counter doctrine or examples to what's being suggested is an amazing thing. And those who live with these procedures haven't been around long enough for us to even know what the long term effects look like.

>> No.22352050

A 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 year old kid can not make an informed decision.
>no magic age
At 25 your brain is fully formed. That's where I would personally set the limit.
>doing so makes you "uncomfortable"
It makes me sad.

>> No.22352063

there is no fucking way your 16 year old kid isn't going to be able to buy hormones off of venders online, or ebay, or wherever the fuck. 13 is a little young, I'll give you that, but we've already gone and joined the circus, haven't we? If someone has been living as a girl since they were old enough to dress themselves, your not going to stop them from aquiring them, and you damn well know some of them are never going to be able to function as adults as the sex they were born with.

You want rules, I can give you rules, but your never going to be satisfied until the whole thing 'goes away' which its NEVER going to do because its been happening since the dawn of time.

>> No.22352066

Paff, neckshot. That's how people like you should be dealt with. Literally a medijew securing his profits at the cost of the national health.

>> No.22352071

Kys subhuman retard

>> No.22352074

Massive cultural push towards encouraging transgenderism and demonizing all criticism of this has only been happening for about a decade now. Ace Ventura Pet Detective contains a scene which would be unthinkable today and shows how quickly and strongly the mass campaign has changed the minds of people. There's no way to make sure a teenager doesn't steal a gun and shoot people but that doesn't mean that from the age of 3 they should be taught that's a good thing to do.

>> No.22352080

I mean are you really surprised to learn that people don't always do what their told? Or that the law isn't some magic panacea which is going to fix everything? Or that your moral, ethical and cultural objections might fall on deaf ears? People aren't some herd animal you can just wrangle into what you think are acceptable modes of behavior, not to long ago people were sticking fucking rebar through their bodies as a fashion statement. Sometimes you gotta know when to let the bottom drop out of the bag.

>> No.22352093

true enough, but you didn't address any of my points. I don't think its a 'good' thing whats happenning, but at the same time there is an issue of civil rights and personal freedoms at stake here, which you are just ignoring by claiming children are some sort of sacrement and that they are all innocent little cherubs who exists in a perfectly safe bubble world of cotton candy and bubble wrap.

There are REALITIES you have to wake up and deal with if you want to address this problem, especially if you take it out of the realm of the theoretical and into the realm of the plausible.

>> No.22352096

>these procedures haven't been around long enough for us to even know what the long term effects look like
The short term effects tell a compelling story on their own.
>It makes me sad.
Yeah, and we deal with it anyways. Some dude that I used to work with chopped off his dick and changed his name from William to Wilma. A former friend of mine moved to San Francisco, adopted a niglet, and has subsequently chopped it's dick off. There is an andro right around the corner from me - about 13 years or so of age - and I cannot tell what it used to be or is trying to be. Obesity is a factor in driving the trans culture. Obesity all by itself scrubs the sexual dimorphism off of the human form. It makes sense that someone tries to gaslight us into avoiding a topic because it might make us uncomfortable in a Peterson thread.

>> No.22352103

He’s ass on politics. His biblical series on YT is pretty great.

>> No.22352110
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>> No.22352112

I addressed your points multiple times. I don't think children having the right to do anything they want is regarded as essential to most people in the western world; there are many limitations we place on their freedoms that are completely reasonable.

What I take issue with isn't the individual who commits to taking the steps to transition, though I wish they wouldn't, it's society at all levels pushing it and refusing to allow for counter examples to this being a good and beautiful thing in all cases. I think it's a destructive and regrettable thing and should be treated like that by educators and doctors. That's what needs to change. You can't prevent everyone from making bad decisions but you can stop encouraging them to do so.

It's not that hard to understand
>infant circumcision, should be illegal with all performers thrown into jail
>an 18 year old deciding of their own conscious volition to be circumcised is perfectly fine though rather strange and profoundly unwise

>> No.22352119

Jordan is based, he's just trying to help you you fucking faggots

>> No.22352122

I don't really understand your argument. I want people encouraging children to proceed with destructive experimental procedures to be stopped from doing so and I want the dialogue around the entire issue to allow for the real examples of human misery that are produced by them with discussion about why this is happening and who benefits. I want that to take place all throughout education and Healthcare and I see no reason why it shouldn't. I want those who remove the healthy genitals of mentally ill and vulnerable people to be prevented from doing so as much as possible.

What do you want?

>> No.22352132

Imagine your a male toddler thats been adopted by a couple of lesbians. They feed you, shelter you, clothe you, and so far, have yet to sell you to an arab shiek or pimp you out to a sinister cabal of sex traffickers.

They lay out two outfits for your first day of school, having dressed you in nothing but unisex garments prior to your first day of preschool, one is soft and luxurious and the other is plain and practical. You see your two moms and what they wear and you make the comparison and chose the dress.

Have we just committed some terrible attrocity? or did we just lay bear how stupid the whole thing is? Pants = man, Dress = woman. Except, you know, in cultures where its the exact opposite.

There is a whole segment of people who latch onto this reactionary movement not because they believe its the right thing, but because its fertile ground for hate, its the perfect platform for them to hide behind and push their hateful ideology and you damn well know they are busy undermining whatever the hell it is your stance on the issue is, because so far you've only discussed how its wrong in principle and how we 'should' deal with it.

You start throwing out suggestions that unreasonable or inhumane and they are going to have even more ammo to use against you, because now its not just about abuse or narcissistic neglect, its about personal freedoms and the right to self determination.

You may be the most honest, forthright, moral person in the universe, but when you touch on things like this there are hundreds if not thousands of people with no so good intentions who want to make it platform for extremism and discrimination.

>> No.22352138

>What do you want?
I want to know what the hell you think we should do about it.

>> No.22352139

I doubt that he will ever address Jesus calling the Pharisees a synagogue of Satan. Especially since they have codified their new faith in the Talmud... and they own his platform.

>> No.22352141

There are no cultures where male and female gender roles have not been largely the same and this holds for all known human history. Kimonos and kilts are one thing, child rearing and war fighting are examples of where the actual lines are drawn. If you can find me a civilization within which the primary caregivers of children were men and the primary fighters of wars were women that isn't a mythology I'd like to know about it.

>> No.22352144

So i mean what, whats your strategy here? Just 18+ no exceptions, then hold fast until you lose because you know thats not feasible? Or are you going to bend a little?

I want to know what your going to do about people who want to remove their genitals when they are over 18. Are you just going to move them in and out of care facilities until they lose what little semblance of sanity they have and cut their dick off with a paper cutter? Are we going to open up a bunch of grey clinics and move this shit down south to mexico where there are no rules about what you can and can't do to yourself?

what about 13 year olds and 16 year olds who are already wearing dresses and playing with makeup, you going to lock them up? Medicate them? What? Whats your actual fucking solution to this problem?

>> No.22352145

>What do you want?
It was stated that we did not know what the long term effects would be. I do not think that it matters. The short term effects are enough to know that we have a problem to be addressed. I want this tranny nonsense to stop being glorified and for it to go back into Magnus Hirschfeld's and Sigmund Freud's textbooks where it belongs, with footnotes about how these things manifested and were proven to be failures.

>> No.22352146

I said already we should
>criminalize the prescriptions
>criminalize the surgeries
Until an appropriate age which I would set at 25.

And I feel like we need to
>mandate that all forms of discussion on this be heard as though in a representative parliament, with real examples of what happens no longer being censored
>take all gender crit nonsense out of both primary and elementary education
>stop teaching the teachers that this is fundamentally right

What do you want? Why can't you answer that?

>> No.22352155

This is also what I
>what's your strategy here
Get educators and media to stop brainwashing children. Get Healthcare professionals to treat this for what it is.
>age limit
>you cant enforce that
You can't prevent all murders but it's illegal and childcare and education professionals don't tell children that murder is good and everyone saying otherwise is a bigot every single day

>> No.22352156

yeah, go ahead and cherry pick, cause that was the gist of my argument. very pragmatic, just bring that same attitude to the table when people want solutions and maybe you'll get them to stop screaming for a second and decide what we should actually do.

>> No.22352159

There are no cultures where gender roles have ever been reversed from broadly being what we understand them to be today in the English speaking world.

>> No.22352175

Personally I'd dig a hole in a meadow under some trees and put the child into the earth with just the head sticking out for a few hours and then talk to it. That's just an idea that popped into my head right now I don't know if it's feasible or if it might actually cure people from trannyism because I think most of them have serious issues that are, mostly at the fault of disabled parenting, untreatable.
They are disabled retards and they should know their place as disabled retards. As a rule they should be made understood that they cannot operate on their nonos until they are 18. You might say that some of them made it to become drag queens or glamorous prostitutes wich I do not deny, but them had their operations well after the age of 18 and a spark particular to those who went through a more or less normal puberty.

>> No.22352176

>what about 13 year olds and 16 year olds who are already wearing dresses and playing with makeup, you going to lock them up? Medicate them? What? Whats your actual fucking solution to this problem?
In this specific instance I would want them to hear that what they're doing isn't wrong but that medically transitioning their gender is a painful, mutilative, irreversible procedure that will never result in their being functional women, even if that's their deepest desire and will instead deeply harm their quality of life, for the rest of their lives.

I liked to wear a Princess Jasmine dress when I was like 6. It doesn't necessarily mean anything at all.

>> No.22352183

Going after kids was a bridge too far and everyone who matters is against you because of it. In the next 10 years you're going to see criminalization and massive lawsuits being brought against the butchers who experimented on kids.

>> No.22352188

Pathetic. I'm not sure he would even deny being bought by the jews nowadays. He's always been a philosemite. So why is it bad to be an antisemite, but the opposite is A OK?

>> No.22352190

This is correct. It's amazing these people itt can ask thousands of characters worth of questions directed at our ideas but will not, when asked, explain what their viewpoint actually is.

>> No.22352198

The chud/incel thing is in your head. It's been proven that ideological standing has little to do with a man's ability to find a mate. Maybe extremely online right wingers who happen to be incels are the loudest, or maybe it's just a shitty way of closing down a dissenting opinion

>> No.22352202

>Until an appropriate age which I would set at 25.
uh huh. real practical there. you can get married, consent to sex, be drafted, and drink alcohol, but were going to wait till 25 and the hormones no longer work (conveniently) so your consent doesn't matter at all.

We've already had parliamentary and congressional talks on the subject, it does nothing because the people pushing this own the damn media and they are going to keep doing so until someone names the jew. There is a much larger question of accountability to this and as long as ITS not addressed there will BE no reforms, and you know it, and if you do, you should also know how unlikely it is that those reforms are going to pass.

Which means what you are really adcovating for is some sort of violent reactionary movement with nebulously defined boundries because you know we don't control the forums, and you have made it pretty damn clear your not willing to compromise or take a single step back from your position.

You want to know what I want? Fine, its pretty damn simple, but your not going to like it cause it cuts through the middle instead of taken a hardline stance in a war you know you aren't going to win.

>Doctors civilly and criminally liable for removing patients genitals during elective surgery.
>Criminal offense to remove genitals of a minor during elective surgery
>Waivers and informed consent for adults
>Hormone treatments and breast implants available to 16+ with consent of a single parent or guardian
>Hormone treatments for people 13+ with both parents, a doctor, and a psychiatrist
>Right for minors to dress in a manner of their own choosing, as whichever sex they prefer.
>Criminal penalties for giving hormone treatments to kids who are under 13, those who prescribe without a parents consent, and those who ignore a minors consent.

So when you inevitably find yourself backed against a corner with no exit strategy, remember these thoughts and maybe you'll have some wiggle room to fall back on, because otherwise you are looking at NO regulation whatsoever, and a hardliner approach ISNT going to work in a democracy where 50% of the population are women.

>> No.22352203

Same faggot. I refuse, being that /lit/is one of the more intelligent corners of 4chan, that two retards would hold that opinion here

>> No.22352204

>jews are preventing you from having sex
Is just their dismissive tag line.
>jews are preventing children from growing up uncorrupted, limiting their exposure to the truth as much as possible, attempting to take control of everyone's minds via media and education monopolies, poisoning kids with bogus treatments administered by "doctors" and encouraging them to change their genders while deplatforming every single real oppositional voice to any of this
Is what we are actually concerned about.

>> No.22352206

so what is that then? informed consent?
super heavy handed there herr gommels

>> No.22352212

If all of what you're suggesting actually happened I'd be overjoyed anon. I don't know why you think I'd be upset about that.

>> No.22352216

I'm not sure what you're alluding to being wrong with what I said. The suggestions I made for informing young people about the realities of gender surgeries are not current practice, but should be.

>> No.22352219

Heh, I'm sorry to tell you pal

>> No.22352223

>>Hormone treatments for people 13+ with both parents, a doctor, and a psychiatrist
i mean obviously, this is just a rough draft, i don't know what we should do if they are a single parent or one parent has full custody, work in progress.

>> No.22352233

I don't know. maybe its just a habit, you go into these things sort of thinking its going to be confrontational.

I just thought you'd dig your heels in cause, tbf, some of the people hitching their ride to your wagon aren't the most reasonable type of people.

>> No.22352236

It's not about the hormones you idiot
But thank you very much for inspiring me to make my future children bully the hell out of the troons they'd go to school with
Too bad I'm not a muttmerican so I can only dream of such a thing ever going to happen
my country not even subhuman homosexuality parenting

>> No.22352242

All I really want is for the mainstream discourse around this to go from
>this is beautiful and amazing, let's teach that to all children
>this is deeply and fundamentally destructive to your wellbeing and something to be prevented

I would like to see advocates for transitioning children be treated like advocates for not transitioning children. That's more or less it. And definitely criminal sentences for certain doctors. That one is very extreme, I think, to most people.

>> No.22352243

Its just.. i know its not ideal, but life isn't ideal, you know? Some people are just going to saw off their nuts and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it cause they ain't quite right in the head, but aren't crazy enough to call in the orderlies with the butterfly nets.

>> No.22352245

well, if your waffling that hard, maybe you SHOULD take a more hardliner stance. You can change the culture but the problem is still going to be there at the end of the day.

>> No.22352246

What waffling?
>the problem will still be there
I dont think it will. It wasn't there even a few short years ago.

>> No.22352253

There is a nasty bit of reactionary behavior on the part of our legislators and the general public, saying "little kids shouldn't take hormones" can easily turn into "BAN ALL HORMONES".

I don't want to go back to the way things were when we were peforming surgeries on intersex people and having doctors make ad-hoc uninformed decisions and assigning them a sex at birth.

Gender isn't something that you can compartmentalize so neatly, your going to occasionally pull a triangle that won't fit in the round or square peg.

I just don't want to see those type of people hung from a tree or burnt at the stake.

>> No.22352254

No dice. We're criminalizing it.

>> No.22352257

good luck with your revolution.

>> No.22352259

Oh uh...or did you mean (((the problem)))? Because yes that's got to be addressed obviously.

What are your thoughts on my suggestions:
>jews blanket banned from working in government positions
>jews blanket banned from publishing anything that isn't reviewed by a fair censor and perhaps only allowing a certain number of good ones to publish
>blanket banned from teaching
>blanket banned from holding positions in film, or any media

>> No.22352260

But it was, you just chose to ignore it.

>> No.22352262

>gender isn't something you can compartmentalize so easily
It is

>> No.22352267

Would it matter? Trans people make a small, infertile and inproductive fraction of the population. Even if such a law would be implemented few people would go to harm. Just let it to adults I don't get this stuff about the children at all. Why the need to have hormones at 13? Why the need to dissect your genitals at 16? Do you really think this is healthy human behaviour?

>> No.22352269

Well, I'm not sure what you're alluding to? I was a lot younger 10 years ago and wasn't aware of these issues. Maybe it's more like 15. To put it in perspective I never heard of anyone being transgender while I was in high-school and my year graduated in 09. There was plenty of counter culture emphasis on homosexuality and queerness but noone ever spoke the word "transgender" and certainly noone was transgender or aspiring to be transgender. And I was in an especially liberal part of Canads.

>> No.22352270

They just need to be monitored and held accountable, is all. Like any other powerful, influential or wealthy group in america.

>> No.22352274

No I honestly think they can't help themselves. Many people make livings in fields other than teaching, writing, media, and politics. The vast majority in fact. There's absolutely no reason any Jew needs to do any of those jobs unless we can be assured of their merit. For example I'm a fan of Bobby Fischer and Seinfeld. I have nothing against Larry David (most of the time, he can get a bit Jewy in a bad way).

>> No.22352280

>Why protect the rights of a disenfranchised minority?
>When has that ever been a problem?

I said no touchey the salami, you just didn't listen. And I explained my reasoning for hormones, its a matter of personal liberty and accountability.

>> No.22352281

Oh and no financial stuff either. Get them right out of that forever.

>> No.22352285

they are as beholden to the bizarre sorcery as anyone else in the world, they just happen to be a lot closer to the source.

All the evil emanates from the halls of power, and jews are always closer to the top than they are to the bottom.

I think a rabbi or a doctor should probably go to jail for circumcision, but we aren't there yet, we aren't anywhere near the point as a society when we can lift that particular viel from our eyes.

>> No.22352287

>no touchey the salami
Oh go back to your discord servers

>> No.22352293

I mean what would be the harm of trans people not having hormones. And that was just a hypothetical question of yours. Hormones are used for actual medical problems so they wouldn't be completely removed from the market ever. I just don't get why children need to do such stuff. And I read the entire conversation and have a good memory. That trans people are infertile and unproductive is true and that's exactly the reason why they should know their place and their worth.

>> No.22352295

I understand what you're saying. But its inarguable that if we woke up tomorrow and implemented my suggestions we could transform reality into something quite wonderful. The powerful are guilty of treason and there are laws for that already on the books.

>> No.22352294

and there would be all kinds of things with that, like amnesty for people who have done it up until the law is passed. Its a mass psychosis that doesn't just involve jews.

>> No.22352297

Because a 13 year old is old enough to steal a cigarette from your purse or a beer from the fridge, and a 16 year old can earn their pilots license for an airplane.

They aren't as innocent or as stupid as you think.

>> No.22352301

What do you think we should do? I'm always interested. I don't agree with amnesty for circumcision doctors. I'd treat it like a random psycopath did that to a human without their consent, and that means jail. But yes of course most people don't currently see it that way. How do we get that to change?

>> No.22352302

Yes they are.

>> No.22352303

Because you'd just be treating the symptoms. Jews, the bad ones at any rate, serve the powers, they are not, themselves, the powers. And we all serve the powers to some extent because we all need to live and to live is to sin. There is nothing a jew is capable of or guilty of that an ayran isn't.

>> No.22352305

On top of this I will put the ice on the cake and say that trans and the gays are only individuals who do not exist collectively. Unlike Jews, Sinti, or Afros they do not constitute an actually reproductible group.

>> No.22352307

then thats on you.

>> No.22352308

What do you see as the targetable source and how do we do so in your opinion?

>> No.22352313

They are not innocent and stupid, of course they aren't. I'm the first person in the world to say that teens are intelligent and that they well know how to get their needs satisfied.
Wanting to get a genital surgery is not a normal teenager need.

>> No.22352314

Why is that on me? What does that even mean?

>> No.22352317

Jail and confiscation of all their property. Something in the billions.

>> No.22352319

its not a tangible thing, though it sometimes manifests in tangible ways. Call it what you want, the devil, the nature of evil, it doesn't matter. Jews are closer to it by nature of their intelligence and aspirations, but they aren't any better or worse at wrestling with it as anyone else. If anything, you might say they have more experience with it, for good or ill.

>> No.22352320

Yes but how do we get people to recognize this evil and work to realize that?

>> No.22352323

Your job to teach them how to be an adult and how to come to terms with their responsibilities and their choices.

If they aren't ready to make those decisions at that age its because you have brought them up to speed.

>> No.22352324

>it's not a tangible thing
I agree and I'm fine with calling out some metaphysical source of evil. But if you're not in favour of targeting Jews what are you in favour of seeing done.

>> No.22352328

Well I'm not a parent myself. If I were, I would do that. But from a lived experience and brain development perspective 13 is very very young and very very dumb. People are drastically changed by aging.

>> No.22352339

I don't really know. Pragmatically speaking, a lot of it depends on the momentum and political landscape at the moment, which shifts and changes constantly.

The way I look at it, its like there is a place past which you dare not tread. If you crawl too deep into the dungeon, you will be changed by the experience, you might not recognize the world you left, and may be hesitant to return to it.

There is just a point where you must beat the shadows back, and a point past which you must cease fighting them, or you will become much the same as they are.

Let it not be said that we dug too deep and unleashed some horrible evil upon the world.

>> No.22352343

One problem is they push atheism on everyone and that makes it impossible to recognize reality.

>> No.22352349

well i guess thats why they call it wiggle room. I mainly just mean for edge cases, minors who are, for better or worse, committed to their gender identity with no real chance of going back on it.

It can be kind of difficult to tell a boy whos been wearing a dress since he was old enough to chose that he does not have the right to emulate the gender they have chosen to express themselves as.

At any rate, 16 used to be old enough to join the army if you lied about your age, so in that regard, I'm not worried.

>> No.22352355

I think we are talking about different things.

I'm saying jews are closer to the manifestation of spiritual evil because they are inevitably closer to it than others. That doesn't mean they are good or evil or that you should necessarily punish them as a group, just that they must be watched and held accountable, as individuals but also as a collective.

If they chose to hang together, hide monsters amongst themselves, deny their collective responsibility while clinging to collective solidarity, they had better toe the line.

>> No.22352375

Actually, he didn't do that. The Jews did

>> No.22352392

How tf are Peterson threads still a thing, let alone get over 100 replies? Get this faggy eceleb schlock off my board

>> No.22352411

We aren't really discussing Peterson. More of a point out that these threads are suspicious and then a relatively decent talk.
People that young shouldn't be soldiers either.
Well thats sort of what I recommended. Keep them out of influence for awhile and assess the results.

>> No.22352439

Don’t know if this is the place to post it but I will anyway. Why is the far right so conspiratorial and paranoid to the point it is self defeating? Anytime a figurehead possibly emerges, he is discredited. He is a Jew, or is backed by the Jew. The Jews are so powerful and play 4D chess to the point that they can’t be beat, they can only be named.

The far right are essentially accelerationists too. They have no feasible, realistic plan. They just want the world to burn so they can emerge from the ashes and commence their revenge fantasies and daydreams. The asocial cellar dweller will become an alpha and lead. All they do is complain. As far fetched as communism is, it at least has a game plan of sorts. Never have I seen anyone elaborate on how America will become a white nationalist fascist nation. They just get off on ragebait and bitching

It would be ironic if I was called a Jew or the Jews were accused of sowing discord amongst the far right by insinuating possible leaders are really Jews in disguise. I’ve learned that extremists are just bitter idealists who have far fetched revenge fantasies

>> No.22352441

Anon he is actually funded by Jews and the state of Israel to misinform people. We're conspiratorial because these conspiracies are real.

>> No.22352442

Chuds get laid. They are not incels.

>> No.22352509

A lot of us were libertarians until we saw the obviousness of its inherent defeatism. Forgive us for not being better prepared. Until very recently we were too busy minding our own business. The transition from ''leave me alone'' to ''ok, that was enough'' does not harbor a lot of nicety. It is what it is. The NAP was violated.

>> No.22352530

okay, this is going to sound rude, but the thing with peterson is, that he comes off across as a bit arrogant. Hes right most of the time about most things, and a part of that is just his personality, but sometimes being right just makes it worse.

People are petty and fragile and they generally want to take him down a peg. It doesn't help that he plays it so straight all the time, with the ramrod posture like hes got a stick up his butt, never laughing, never cracking jokes, always frowning, there is just this teenager inside us that wants to thumb our nose at him because he presents himself as such a ridiculously over the top authority figure. You can almost see people mocking him by putting their hands on their hips and waggling their fingers, hes an old man with old fashioned ideas and it shows.

I don't know how much of that is his persona and how stiff he is in real life, but he could be mistaken for a mortician if he wasn't a psychiatrist.

>> No.22352541

>People that young shouldn't be soldiers either.
if we are still discussing 'shoulds' then war probably shouldn't happen at all.

>> No.22352543

I got a lot of issues, honestly. Sometimes it comes out as anti-semitism.

Still, a little bit of rivalry is good. Keeps people honest.

>> No.22352550

and lets be fair, jews, collectively, wield a lot of power and that means they are at least somewhat culpable for our current state of affairs.

>> No.22352570

'far right' is a pretty big tent.

if you mean neo-nazi's, well, no one is really surprised at their behavior, its what it says on the tin. Whats surprising is we generally find people sympathetic towards their agenda who we wouldn't expect.

Hate in america is a much uglier thing than in nazi germany, muddled, less focused, but every bit as evil and cruel as the reich. There is a lot of genuine anger and distrust towards the establishment and our instututions but it isn't always socially acceptable to say that, but what is acceptable is saying, "I hate niggers" then having someone else say, "Jhon J Jinglehiemer Schmit, Thats my name too!"

So all that potentially useful anger that might go towards reform just gets flushed down the toilet in a general american malaise towards other races who have 'ruined' our country.

>> No.22352586

then, you know, there is the fear. "You are either with us or against us." Like being a "nigger lover" in the 50's or 60's, it takes courage to speak out, but sometimes speaking out just means you get hung next to them.

And there are all the legitimate issues people have regarding race, the constant pandering, the special treatment, the double standard.

>> No.22352601

A lot of those issues stem from the fact that I believe there may be a literal 'end of the world' with supernatural overtones. Its a heavy burden, it doesn't earn you a lot of friends, and can alienate and isolate you from other people, but it provides a meaninful context for your lives, the fate of nations, peoples, and mankind, and people shouldn't ignore the possiblility, manmade or otherwise, of a cataclysmic event wreaking havoc on the world and possibly bringing an end to mankind.

Go too deep down that rabbit hole and it can be very easy to convince yourself of all sorts of nonsense about jews and other races.

>> No.22352607

and a lot of people, they like to talk about 'white fragility' but how come we never talk about 'jewish fragility'? I mean talk about a group of people who are nuerotic, perpetually offended, out of touch with normal people, you'd be hard pressed to find a group of people better suited to that description.

>> No.22352616

and you can't really have a discussion about a nuclear holocaust, civil war in america, or some sort of future cataclysm without race.

I mean, you look at video games and the preoccupation with doomsday scenarios, and you'll see all kinds of blood and guts, attrocities, adult themes, but what you won't see is a realistic discussion about race in that context.

We are fine talking about the end of the world in the abstract, but you introduce race into the equation, it suddenly becomes 'too real' and everybody gets uncomfortable.

When the shit hits the fan, people have a tendency to divide themselves amongst racial lines, to form tribes based more on proximity and ethnicity than ideology, with an enforced morality that takes a hard liner approach towards iconoclasts and irreligious peoples.

Its far more likely that we will segregate ourselves long before any actual doomsday starts to make its writing on the wall clear to us, that lines will be drawn and whether we like it or not, if we want to survive, we will have to pick sides.

>> No.22352627

which is why we should do everything in our power to prevent such a cataclysm, no matter how tempting it may be to 'clease' the earth, because it will foster evil and corruption the likes of which we can't even conceive of.

For people to have to want to pray for the end of all things, things have to be pretty bad.

>> No.22352645

Unironically try medication

>> No.22352668
File: 40 KB, 870x524, 1670548403048560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say you can judge someone by the company they keep (inb4 "J-J-JEWS THO!") but with Peterson you may judge him by the company he does not keep: ideological libtards, reactionary racists, seething trannies, malding chuds, and vapid pseuds. These barely human toxins have had to recycle the same 5 ad homs, pathetically doing so for years now, because they're incapable of actually understanding what he has to say--they're too far gone into ideological possession (and retardation) to even recognize when they're being disingenuous.

So please (you queer amalgamation of libtard, chud, and tranny) just keep doing what you're doing. You can be assured that Peterson keep doing what he's doing.

>> No.22352675

Peterson was put into a coma in Russia for failing to misinform his audience properly and now he can't say anything without stammering and crying.

>> No.22352700

>for failing to misinform his audience properly
At Nuremberg, the Russians had to murder their own head prosecutor because he could not keep his mouth shut about the Molotov/Ribbentrop agreement.

>> No.22352703


>> No.22352731
File: 37 KB, 358x462, baae68e4ba3a68519687b0a67547fa71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22352770

Even though it was a kangaroo court, they maintained a semblance of legitimacy. I do not understand the specific points, but somehow he felt that points of evidence that tended to reveal the existence of the agreement were necessary for some of his cases. IIRC, they shot him when he was sitting in his car. They had to replace him. The Russians insisted that any reference to such a pact was a baseless conspiracy theory until 1989. That was the same year that they admitted to Katyn.

>> No.22352773

I doubt the efficacy of such a foil hat.

>> No.22352799

I can't help it I like him.

>> No.22352800

It got my friend out of the house.

>> No.22352802

what the hell is a chud, anyway?

>> No.22352806

If I were welcome anywhere else I would not court such company.

>> No.22352807

clear headed unbothered dom daddy

>> No.22352812

If you gotta wear a tin foil hat, hide it under a yamaka.

>> No.22352815

you mean those psychos who are always screaming about how much they hate women and want to rape them?

I dunno, I just sort of tune them out.

>> No.22352819

I honestly can't tell whether or not they are AI or not, I just know that nothing they say is of any real relevance to the discussion.

>> No.22352822

If they were going to rape someone, they are the type to probably brag about it, so I just figure they are all full of hot air and just venting their frustrations about women.

If I thought this place was crawling with rapists, and not angry teenagers and pathetic NEET's, I probably would be more careful about the company I keep.

>> No.22352826

They aren’t a threat. Just shouting into the void to vent their impotence

>> No.22352827

No, those are angry incels. Chuds get laid. These are discretely different groups.

>> No.22352830

>Just shouting into the void to vent their impotence
Jomini wrote [tangentially] on that topic.

>> No.22352842
File: 532 KB, 1440x1708, E207DF2F-ED01-4EE6-8359-57A07292B8F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another peterson thread
Which book exactly are we talking about?

>> No.22352862

>Which book exactly are we talking about?
The best of points. This is just retarded shitflinging. [I am guilty of it myself.]

>> No.22352875
File: 216 KB, 1170x1731, 4todyuwjpj6a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling a statue of your face unironically. There's something really wrong with this guy.

>> No.22352929

I think its a joke.

>> No.22352932

I do desire status. But when I get it, I tend to do everything in my power to be rid of it. Its funny how you can envy the spotlight but then when its on you, you somehow wish it wasn't.

>> No.22352936

i mean literally, like i think thats him making a joke.

>> No.22352939

Well, if for some reason I start collecting busts of people, I wouldn't start with peterson, but thats not to say he wouldn't be up there if there is enough room on the shelf.

>> No.22352954

I dunno. Why bother the guy? There are a lot of people far more motivated to change than I would be. Peterson should go where he does the most good.

I don't really know that my life can be fixed or that there is much room for improvement, however lacking i might find it.

he does seem like a genuinely good dude who cares about people.

>> No.22352958
File: 43 KB, 725x445, 3DEBAC85-CDAE-4B03-AEE6-575EFC97F34C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectually NTR’d and mindbroken by the based ugly bastard.

>> No.22352961

peterson looks like the type of guy who wants to 'fix' things, you know? The problem with people is that they don't always want to be fixed. It can just be too painful trying to put the pieces back together, sometimes you should just let sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.22352963

It is no longer on the site for sale. Maybe it never was.

>> No.22352965

As stupid as Peterson is, zizek is much worse.

>> No.22352966

unbodied, unbothered, my cool friend/dad forever

>> No.22352969

Where does one buy busts in the first place? I’d imagine they cost a fortune to get custom made

>> No.22352971

my jealousy, it keeps me from succeeding. I feel it for everyone who so much as has something i fancy. wrestling with my envy is a constant struggle. Its just not a battle I feel I can win.

>> No.22352974
File: 1.35 MB, 1170x1564, F54CCE8C-4958-440C-9FE7-2EB227680BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek won.

>> No.22352975

you want people to know what a man looked like when you feel they've had a historical impact. Some, maybe even most might do it for vanity, but if you were to collect busts that were not your own, it would be because you valued their contribution to society.

>> No.22352976

That same kind of thing happened at the Electronics Emporium in Tempe, AZ. One after the other of big industrial shelves toppled each other. When they cleared the warehouse, they found a dude, totally uninjured, but scared shitless, under the last shelf. It had struck the cinderblock wall and did not go flat to the ground. One of our guys was there picking up an order when it happened.

>> No.22352982

I want something to justify my arrogance, but I don't have any quality that might make it seem more palatable. Not particularly talented, skilled, good natured maybe, there is nothing about me or my accomplishments that stands out or sets me apart from anyone else.

>> No.22352983

Zizek has never said anything intelligent on any subject. He appeals to morons because of his quirky slobbering and accent and whatever ironic communist beliefs he supposedly has.

>> No.22352985

This was supposedly the place. Not sure if legit or not. It's no longer there if it ever was.

>> No.22352986


>> No.22352992

What a homosexual looking staff

>> No.22352995

If those shelves collapse, thats reason to suspect that they are not being stored safely. A stack that high should be anchored to the floor, it should have safety netting or tethers.

If your entire inventory collapses cause of one guy with a forklift, you were stacking your goods on a house of cards and sooner or later it was bound to happen anyway.

>> No.22352998
File: 30 KB, 600x315, A144B82D-0637-4073-86EE-D249FB3B33B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ugly bastard filtered you
Better luck with someone a little simpler

>> No.22352999

Yes, the forklift operator bears some responsibility, but not as much as the supervisor who stacked them in such a way that allowed the incident to occur.

>> No.22353001

No you're just an easily impressed eceleb following moron.

>> No.22353003

i see how you might think that, if the answer were immediately obvious.

>> No.22353006

point to one person who isn't.

>> No.22353010

fat slob who does way too much cocaine. Tried to give him a listen but he just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.22353011

Look up his ruminations on child porn and molestation. They're bizarre.

>> No.22353013

I do not disagree. I will say that such storage conditions are pretty similar in other electronics components warehouses that I have visited.

I have worked with worse. I doubt that there are many queers working with molten bronze. They like more casual work where they can sip coffee and chat.

>> No.22353015

He just doesn't say fucking anything interesting or insightful ever. People are tricked into thinking he's deep and interesting because of his oddball persona and weird sniffing and slobbering. He's occasionally mildly funny.

>> No.22353018

They look like they’ll break into an impromptu rendition of some musical at any moment

>> No.22353020

Management was pretty thin. I am pretty sure the owner, manager, and supervisor were all the same dude.

>> No.22353022

I just remember being so angry about that shit, having gone through it. You never really get used to it, people using the word rape so casually is like a kick in the gut.

Between the Kill Yourself people and those assholes, sometimes I wish people would just drop dead.

>> No.22353027

I mean I don't want to be here on 4chan, but there is no other online social forum I can go. I can't stop coming here even though I know its bad for me because it feels like the only genuine human interaction I experience.

>> No.22353028

I am stunned by how far I am ideologically from Zizek, yet I can identify with him so much on a personal level. It is the complete opposite with Peterson.

>> No.22353030

>too much cocaine
Ahh, these guys are both junkies?

>> No.22353031

Its the only place where I feel like people are really being honest with me about who they are. Its the only place where people aren't wearing a mask.

>> No.22353033

Alright. Now I cannot unsee it.

>> No.22353034

I'd have to think so, after I saw that one video. I don't know that hes necessarily stupid, but his inflection just makes it impossible to listen to him.

If what he was saying were important, you feel like he would take a moment to compose himself and speak clearly.

>> No.22353043

That is gay. I have lost more friends to addictions than all other causes combined.

>> No.22353045

yeah, zizek is kind of relatable, even if he is hard to listen to, and JP just seems like a space alien sometimes. If your going by the modern definition, him, shapiro, and elon all have a touch of the 'tism. At least you get that impression from what you see of them.

>> No.22353047

christ, you have no idea.

>> No.22353050

I dont know if they're still there but Peterson used to have videos where he was lecturing in some crappy room to disinterested students and he's very clearly zonked out of his mind on Adderall or some similar drug and just going a mile a minute about random shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he did really think he was one of the greatest intellectuals in the world, those drugs produce a lot of mania.

>> No.22353053

I don't see it with JP. I am a bit on the tistard spectrum. He strikes me as something different. I think that he is generally good at what he does, but that walking his ideological line with its inherent contradictions takes a massive toll on him.

>> No.22353056

yeaaaah.. but whos to say it isn't mental illness, or that hes just sort of a weird bastard? I mean it wouldn't surprise me, but you couldn't really say for sure.

Zizek was doing this thing with his nose, everything else i might buy, but he was rubbing his nose like he just did a line off the sidewalk.

>> No.22353059

>all have a touch of the 'tism.
I mean i know I have it, in small doses.

>> No.22353061

>Zizek was doing this thing with his nose, everything else i might buy, but he was rubbing his nose like he just did a line off the sidewalk.
i dunno, maybe if he were a smoker, but the stammer, the agitation, and the thing where hes constantly wiping his nose like he has hayfever

>> No.22353065

It's crazy how genuinely famous he is. I saw two people get into a conversation about his book in the library because one of them was reading it, and last week I walked past a house and the person inside was listening to his podcast.

>> No.22353068

I hate coke. Cocaine will fuck up your life faster than any other drug.

>> No.22353069

I would see that, notice it, and catalog it without a word. I bounce around and throw in points that make no sense until the groundwork is laid. Then I navigate back through and show how the points actually make sense. Sometimes I lose people along the way, they start to think that I am completely nuts, then finally agree at the end. It is not necessarily a good dialectical style. If I were a public personality then satirists would have a field day with me.

>> No.22353074

yeah, but you can get totally lost that way if you don't have a gameplan. You can start on a rant and just completely lose sight of what your talking about. 4chan and social media definitely don't help with this.

>> No.22353078

With me its like momento. I got a index card with some notes and key phrases to help keep me on track. If I notice I'm spending too much time on something I switch to something else.

>> No.22353080

It's legit, it was there, the owners are right-wingers, Peterson had no involvment with the making of the piece, they just looked up to the dude

>> No.22353086

A lot of people I admire have done cocaine. But its usually to their detriment. And I grew up around more than a few manic depressives, and how they act when they are manic is almost identical to how people act when they are on cocaine.

>> No.22353089

some people, instead of facing the stigma of manic depression, might prefer people think they are on cocaine instead, because its less damaging to their credibility.

>> No.22353091

goodnight yall. been fun talking.

>> No.22353104

>you can get totally lost that way
I can and have. That is part of why I think that it is not always the best style. Sometimes I feel like it is though, because I can rapidly lay out a framework. If someone stops me for clarification on a point then the I risk the whole thing going to shambles because I need to dedicate too much to the clarification and I lose track of my reference points.

>> No.22353107

>Peterson had no involvment with the making of the piece
I'll give him a pass on this one. I still don't like him.

>> No.22353118

There was a boomer cokehead that worked in a different area from me. He was permanently jonesing for the 70s to come back. He had the big lapels with the buttons undone, the big gold chain with astrological symbol, the big white boy afro. When he took a leak, he would stand at the urinal with both fists on his hips in full Superman pose - no hands on dick. He died on the production floor of a heart attack. I never spoke to the dude. I just liked knowing that he was out there.

>> No.22353124

Later, bro.

>> No.22353269
File: 164 KB, 1313x422, Peterson lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was created solely to see if you'd make an appearance. Thanks for playing.

>> No.22353304

239 replies 22 posters
the petersonshizo is the ketoshizo of this board