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/lit/ - Literature

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2235048 No.2235048 [Reply] [Original]

Visual novel thread

>> No.2235049
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>> No.2235052

Whelp, I'll start.

Started reading Chaos;Head recently, I honestly can't see what all the hate is for, I'm loving it.

>> No.2235053
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Let us begin, brother.

>> No.2235060
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Bandwagoners mainly.

>> No.2235062

Chaos;Head is pretty amazing imo. the first half is some damn good stuff, it's just the second half that it takes a bit of nose dive in quality and gets lot of hate

>> No.2235065

Haha oh wow.

But proceed, I don't mind.

>> No.2235066

Are we being raided?

>> No.2235068
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>> No.2235070

nope, it's just that both threads on /a/ and /v/ are being spammed by faggots. so some people came here to try to have discussion because VNs do to some degree belong here too

>> No.2235072

Is this a shoop?

>> No.2235073

You know, there's a board for visual novels.

>> No.2235074

God bless VNs

There will never be a vibrant and lively english visual novel market


>> No.2235075
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Nope. Neither is this.

>Implying this isn't great literature

>> No.2235077
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You be the judge

>> No.2235078

No, doesn't look like. Do you know how easy it is to inject text into most Visual novels?

/jp/? Have you even been there? Apart from the VN general, it's a barren wasteland of offtopic shit.

>> No.2235079


Whats the matter too DEEP for you?

>> No.2235080
File: 124 KB, 652x454, YU-NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just your brethren of /a/, /v/ and /jp/ dropping by for a chat.

Don't mind us; we will behave.

>> No.2235081

Oh shit, i am gonna play this. Is it worth my time?

>> No.2235086

Stay more often, /a/, /v/, /jp/

This board is like an island in the middle of nowhere. And we're stuck with who we have here.

>> No.2235087

Do you like drama around bullying and drugs? If so, yes.

Otherwise, no.

>> No.2235090

>it's a barren wasteland of offtopic shit

/a/, have you taken a look at your own board recently?

>> No.2235092


And yes, in amongst the multitude of fap material is a surprisingly good story.

>> No.2235094


>> No.2235095

It may be shit, but hey, at least it's ontopic.

>> No.2235097
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Updated my journal
Updated my journal
Updated my journal
Updated my journal
Updated my journal
 Updated my journal 

>> No.2235101

This should be in vndb.

>> No.2235103

God bless that game

>> No.2235106
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You guys don't know erotic literature until you've read Nasu.

>> No.2235108

This any good?

If you let us, we sure will.

It's nice getting out of the old environement from time to time, especially if we canpass some of the things we know on to the people we visit (and hopefully vice-versa).

>> No.2235112


why would a spotless back make you want to rip the skin off it? what the fuck, japan?

>> No.2235113
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I'd love the chance to discuss Umineko with more literary types. I don't suppose anybody here has read it?

>> No.2235114

If it's an OELVN it's automatically shit.

Katawa Shoujo is the only exception and it will always be that way

>> No.2235115

Except for Digital: A Love Story.

Anybody who was around during the days of BBS's will enjoy this.

>> No.2235119
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played [May-Be Soft] Henshin !!! ~Pants ni Natte Kunkun Peropero~?

>> No.2235120

I don't think it was moddeled after the Japanse VN's though, or at least the art tells me that.

>> No.2235121

which is the one about a girl in high scholl

>> No.2235122


>> No.2235124

Clannad was great.

>> No.2235126

Choose one.

>> No.2235127

results: 6.239.600+

>> No.2235128

At least they didn't ruin vampires.

>> No.2235129
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>> No.2235130


in this one she wanted to have sex with some surly guy for no appearant reason

does that narrow it donw

>> No.2235133


>> No.2235134


>> No.2235137
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Way ahead of you, I've actually been following the VN threads while reading it.

>> No.2235138

From what I understand it isn't worth playing, just fapping to the CG.

>> No.2235141

Is it any good? Also consider that I know next to nothing about vocaloid other than having seen the characters and listened to some random songs.

>> No.2235142

Play Tsukihime if you want some Vampires

>> No.2235145
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Need some visual novels with this type of scenario.

>> No.2235150


>> No.2235156

Getting yourself full of cock?
Or getting turned into a girl?

>> No.2235159

It's decent, but both of them (Sequel : Rin ga uta) are pretty short, But it's not really to everyone's tastes.

>> No.2235173
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>inb4 accel spammer finds this thread

>> No.2235178

He busy.
Hell, he even stopped flooding that other thread.

>> No.2235181

looking for a vn where a funnel is placed into an asshole and the 2nd whore pukes into it, can anybody help me out?

>> No.2235185
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The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.2235193

The Aristocrats: The Visual Novel

>> No.2235198

What the hell...

>> No.2235208

/lit/ should write a VN

>> No.2235209
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>this thread

>> No.2235221

What would it be about?

>> No.2235232

I admit to playing/watching things like this for a quick rub, but I wouldn't call it literature.

If you want some interactive story with good artwork, try King of Dragon Pass or >>2235097 . A much more immersive and well woven story experience in my opinion.

>> No.2235236

>I wouldn't call it literature
Why not? That's a bit of a closed minded view.
Not all Visual Novels contain ero scenes and some are written very well.

>> No.2235240

I think it's technically literature but it's very much of it's own strain. Literature doesn't usually come with it's own background music or voice acting.

>> No.2235244
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Will I ever finish True Rememberance?
The answer is: likely not because I'm full procrastinate mode nowadays. Shame because that was a damn good story.

Maybe when Seacats EP8 finishes getting translated I'll do it.

>> No.2235253
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Go play Fate/Stay Night if you never played a VN before. It's the perfect Baby's first VN.

>> No.2235256

It's a bit long for Babby's first. I'd say Saya no Uta is better for newcomers.

>> No.2235259

Nah Saya doesn't have much choices... choices are what make a VN.

>> No.2235261
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Dude, True Remembrance is about six hours long. Just finish it already.

>> No.2235270
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Can we list vn's that don't have eroge or any of the typical anime shit that turns new people away from the medium? I'll start with;

Chaos Head
Steins Gate
True Remembrance
Symphonic Rain

>> No.2235272

What the fuck? How can you not finish such a wonderful VN? Are you a faggot? The ending is very satisfying, believe me.

>> No.2235273

am I reading it wrong when I finished it under 2h ? :(

>> No.2235274

> :(
Also how could you finish it under 2h? Did you skip everything? Either that or you are a tensai with amazing reading speed

>> No.2235277

Phoenix Wright
Gadget Trial

>> No.2235279
File: 158 KB, 812x651, 1321791418502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one /g/ did was pretty amusing. Can't remember if they finished it or not.

From memory, I think you've gotten all the decent ones listed...

>> No.2235280

What was it called?

>> No.2235281

Opera might not be the best browser, but it beats IE by miles. It's wonderfully second-tier.

>> No.2235282
File: 639 KB, 1280x960, EV_CO12A_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody here wants to get any idea of what visual novels are about without going to the trouble of downloading / installing one, here's an active LP of Ever 17, one of the best vn's translated.


>> No.2235292

>go on lit
>fin a VN thread
Fuck yeah!

>> No.2235294 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2235305

>That bottom row
Why animu/vn companies insist on releasing shit like this is beyond me. Those characters aren't designed to be fappable.

>> No.2235308
File: 223 KB, 1638x474, 1318807706787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on lit
>find a VN thread
>board is slow as ass

>> No.2235312
File: 125 KB, 656x518, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ my good sir. R07 is a god-tier artist.

>> No.2235325
File: 56 KB, 642x478, dem faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly amazing

>> No.2235327

/lit/ is a very slow board /a/v/jp/'er

Take your time here.

>> No.2235329

we have a board for ths


>> No.2235332

You've never been to /jp/ have you?
Visual Novels are still novels, I don't see anyone with a problem.

>> No.2235334 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 772x644, hig10048989a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting as you had to reply to my image right before I deleted it. Asshole.

>> No.2235338

Ha ha click on the link you just posted and browse the first page. You'll quickly understand why nobody with any sense of taste goes there.

>> No.2235367
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>> No.2235383

Ever wonder what it would be like to turn random novels into VNs? Sometimes I wonder what music would be playing in novels...

>> No.2235397
File: 66 KB, 480x480, Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie right now, I've a fairly good idea of how it would look and sound.

>> No.2235429
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>> No.2235438

I've only played FSN and Tsukihime. What other stuff should I play? MuvLuv's supposed to be the best VN so I want to save it for last.

>> No.2235441

True Remembrance, Symphonic rain, Saya no Uta, Narcissu. You should read them before anything else.

>> No.2235448

Kagetsu Tohya? It's required reading if you enjoyed Tsukihime.

Try Higurashi and Umineko too.

>> No.2235474
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How Do You read Your VNs?

Personally, I can't read mine with the voices on. I usually have them on when I first start, just so that I can get an idea of what their voice is supposed to sound like, but then I turn them off, because otherwise I'll read it slow as fuck and get distracted (I have ADHD).

I hate reading it with an English speaking voice in my head, because it will always sound like the shitty dubs that Funimation does over their anime, not that the Japanese voices are much better...

Pic related, it's one of the VN's I'm currently reading. I love the artwork, but I've been disappointed with the story so far.

TL;DR - Any tips for someone with ADHD for reading more efficiently?

>> No.2235476

Is SG actually good? Seems like it was one of those bandwagon shows that's more enjoyable to watch with others than seeing on your own.

>> No.2235477

The visual novel is fantastic, but wait for the full English patch.

>> No.2235479

>Disappointing story
Hmm, you can't be very far into it.

Apart from that, try reading it (How can you "play" a VN?) late at night with the lights off. Helped me concentrate.

Apart from the irritating product placement, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.2235481
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I continually find myself reminded how spoiled I am that my first three VNs consisted of Digital, Princess Waltz, and Yume Miru Kusuri. After experiencing three EXTREMELY high quality VNs as my first taste of the VN world, I find it impossible to sit through a lot of second rate VNs.

Example, Wind: A Breath of Heart. Don't hate just yet.

First of all, I will admit it's partially my fault for not getting the all-ages version. However, I was under the impression that, like YMK, the story would manage to smoothly insert the sex scenes in a logical, and unforced way.

WRONG. SO FUCKING WRONG. The sex scenes seem to be tossed in there just at the most random fucking moment just to have a sex scene. I get the feeling the authors really didn't want to put one in, and only did so in order to get more sales from the prepubescent crowd. It's just so fucking forced and unecessary and RAAAGH.

Also, the storyline is just WEIRD. They never explain these power things. (They might. I dunno. I stopped when I got my first sex scene just because that's how much I raged.)

Also, this is just a personal thing. I HATE HATE HATE HATE VNs that try to emphasis one heroine over another. I am of the opinion (Primarily, once again, thanks to Princess Waltz and YMK, partially Katawa Shoujo, who's demo got me into actually reading [As opposed to just fapping to] VNs in the first place.) that all heroines should be treated as equally important. When one heroine's route is considered the "true route" or some shit like that, IT PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. This is the primary reason I haven't played Ever 17 yet, despite everybody being "ZOMG SUCH A GREAT VN". I don't give a shit. Just the fact that I know that Coco's route is treated as some sort of fucking "true route" annoys the shit out of me.



Anyways. Continue on your merry day.

>> No.2235482

Inganock voiced version when?

>> No.2235485

You don't understand, Coco's route is something like explanation of other 4 routes. Read Ever17 and love it now.

>> No.2235488

This >>2235485
You can think of Ever17 as of a VN with 1 big route

>> No.2235493

>product placement
It wasn't product placement if they weren't paid for it.
The director of 5pb just has a thing for Dr Pepper.

>> No.2235505


>> No.2235515
File: 99 KB, 620x1023, cyoa017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite.

>> No.2235525
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 51Q48DGF40L._SL500_AA300_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah

>> No.2235535

I want to play/read that....

>> No.2235536

wat...those are not vns, certainly not the first one

>> No.2235550
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It's still product placement.

(Can't find a picture from the VN)

>> No.2235552
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So... Cross Channel. Another visual novel that, like Muv Luv Alternative, Higurasi and Umineko, could have been a great piece of literature if only the author had a strict editor to cut out all of the fat.

As it is it suffers from the problem of being too fucking long with too much redundant text. By the way visual novel writers in Japan are paid by the word, could you have guessed?

>> No.2235611
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>> No.2235616

That. A million times that.

This is why I only read Under 18 VN's, "Sex" scenes in VN's rarely make sense and seem jammed in for the pure hell of it.

>> No.2235619

Not always though, often they come pretty naturally.
Though I do agree with you that it sometimes feels pretty forced.

>> No.2235642

>Why does she need glasses if she's deaf
Wait what?

>> No.2235646

It's a joke, relax.

And I don't think that's going to be in the VN anyway.

>> No.2235670
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We hope.

>> No.2235693

How would one write a VN? I am thinking avoid like the plague all the cliche shit a lot of "fans" fall into like school settings and whatnot.

>> No.2235700

This would be good start.


>> No.2235707

- try to a good story
- use the medium of visual novels to do so
- don't be beholden to the cliches and culture of visual novels

uh yeah

>> No.2235756

I challenge /lit/ to write a VN by the end of this month.

>> No.2235770

i don't give a shit

>> No.2235779

I'm from /a/ but I've been trying to write a VN for the last month. Writing a good story is fucking hard, guy. Also, the typical writer would probably like to just make a novel since they wouldn't have to worry about shitty visuals.

>> No.2235786

+ i think the typical VN creator is much less concerned with telling a story and more concerned with, at best, creating something with a certain style or making a point and, at worst, making something people can fap to. even something like It's Just Not Your Story Babe has a really god-damn dumb story. there are exceptions like this Dangan Ronpa thing but for the most part yeah people don't really take advantage of the medium.

what's yr story about, just out of curiosity?

>> No.2235793

What's your story about, pal?

>> No.2235797

Lets make a vn out of a condensed Infinite Jest and Richard Yates, so you can keep hopping between story lines.

>> No.2235815

It's a fantasy, very loosely based off of generic fairy tales (like the three little pigs and little red riding hood) that I'm kind of doing my own thing with. The idea is nothing amazing, obviously pretty cliche since "dark twists to fairy tales" have been done a million times in the past, but at the very least it's not a generic school setting. I'm not a writer at all, which is the problem, I'm an artist that just wants to make one. I tried working with writers before, but they get lazy and give up on the project at some point or another, so I figure I may as well try to make one alone.

At any rate, reworking fairy tales is much easier than having to come up with a story from scratch and is pretty fun to mess with.

Yeah, it'll probably be terrible.

>> No.2235819

Turn James Joyce's Ulysses into a VN. Let's see how that turns out...

>> No.2235826

Got any examples of your art?

>> No.2235827

I wonder if anybody has done that before; just dumped the text from a real novel into a vn engine and added music / visuals?

>> No.2235831

Some dude on /jp/ either rewrote or dumped the text of a short story into a VN engine and did some art for it. I think it was called The Dandelion Girl.

>> No.2235832
File: 413 KB, 1280x720, huntsman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's a doodle of what I have planned for the huntsman. Even if I don't end up releasing it, it's at least fun to make.

>> No.2235836

That is actually done well.
A lot better than I anticipated.

>> No.2235849

Nice art.

Here's some advice on your Fairy Tale VN. Normally the thing people do is rework the fairy tale into a dark setting and try to connect everything (See Fables*). I think what may be better is to aim small, try to rework ONE Fairy Tale in particular into a modern or futuristic setting. Snow White in Space sounds bizarre enough to work. I'm sure you think of something you'll like better. Maybe the Knights of the Round Table reworked into a Mafia story?

A lot of premises seem overdone, but if you find a fresh angle to look at it you might come up with something you'll like.

*Speaking of Fables (Which is a comic book published by DC's Vertigo by the way if you never heard of it), it was supposed to be made into a TV show. The script went around different stations but went nowhere. The stations then used what they liked about it to make their own TV shows, which is why I think there's two Grimdark Fairy Tale shows on ABC and NBC right now).

Good luck with your VN, man.

>> No.2235866

I appreciate the input. I've only been working on it for a month, so nothing is set in stone yet, and I'm still trying to figure out what would work best. I have only a general idea and part of a terribly written script done. I'm sure I'll figure it out though, yeah. And thanks.

>> No.2235903

Hey it's no problem. Just make sure you're having fun with it and it's something you enjoy writing. That's key right there.

>> No.2235954


When's KS coming out anyway?

>> No.2235964

Before the end of this month. Or so they say.

>> No.2235968

I hope they sell Hisao Chocolate as merchandise in the future.

>> No.2235974

It's a copypasta.

Cross+Channel also had the problem of being fucking retarded at times (Hello, Umineko). I don't think it had a lot of fat, it might have been repetitive, but it's due to the nature of the storytelling approach he got (Not the same problem MLA/FSN, as much as I like them, had, for example).

>> No.2236017

Anyone ever just copy paste a CYOA into a VN engine?

>> No.2236122

95% of this thread is two people

>> No.2236967


>> No.2236975

and you're one of them

>> No.2237316

Eh more like three people