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File: 1.16 MB, 704x939, soros1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22350360 No.22350360 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone down to talk about Soros and the crisis of international capitalism? Thoughts on reflexivity?

>> No.22350371

what the fuck is this picture

>> No.22350533

Based asics nipponman

>> No.22350677

The crisis is that we think we need to keep it.
It corrupts everything it touches. International? Local, personal, governments and war to sex and family issues. It’s a pox. I am not a Marxist, there are others opposed to capitalism, but more genuinely so.

>> No.22352079

So I read a bit of Karl Popper who heavily influenced Soros when he was at the London school of economics (same time as Hayek btw). His whole thing is about socially engineering society n small incremental ways to produce change instead of big drastic ways. Seems like Soros took this and used it for his global utopian goals. These dudes have been trying to crack the west wide open for decades so that they can more easily slither their BBC octo tentacles across the world.

>> No.22352136

OP is really wearing the autistic kid in highschool shoes

>> No.22352180
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Yes. That's why I find Soros so interesting. It's the Popper connection. I'm a huge Popper fanboy myself. It makes me smile knowing that Soros is a Popper fanboy too. He literally named The Open Society after one of Karl Popper's books (The Open Society and Its Enemies).

He is a link in the chain that can be traced back to Wittgenstein and Russell. I believe Soros is one of the best read UHNWI people in the Wall Street. A philosopher who makes a lot of money using his theory of reflexivity.

He's a contrarian. He kinda believes that economics are BS. And he's advice for investors is something we'll never hear for anybody else.

If you see a bubble, BUY and add fuel to the fire. Exit before the bubble pops. It's that simple to him. He just has to identify the current bubbles, shill them to increase the market price, and exit before the music is over.

There's lot of what I want to learn from him. And I wished I had found his books sooner. What a G.

>> No.22352218

I've got no need to wear uncomfortable sneakers anymore. I'm not in high school. I value my feet over the "street cred" I could get from people who don' know better.

Asics Nimbus 25 is the most comfortable running shoe in 2023. Don't just take my word for it. It's actually proven by independent studies and reviewers.



>> No.22352358

I want to know what you anon's think about Soros' endgame.

Does he really want to create his version of neoliberal Utopia or is it all just pretense to seize power.

>> No.22352818
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>sighting studies on the shoes you bought
Look out for the sex maniac!

>> No.22352833

All I know about Soros is the (unsubstantiated) story that he worked with the nazi's to rat out other jews, and that hes a media mogul. Somebody mentioned he was a gun control nut who might have been credible.

>> No.22352846
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>> No.22352850

Hokas are better

>> No.22352851

Globalism creates political dependencies, it stifles domestic industries that are not optimized for global trade, and in general is the democratization of capital, which is a terrible idea, because capital exists to grant the movers and shakers of our nations autonomy.

I really don't want to live in a world where the earth is unified into a single polity and every step towards globalization is a step in that direction.

I hate to say NWO, but NWO.

>> No.22352855

so, nobody wants to educate me? I'd read the wiki article i skimmed but I feel like its bound to put a slant on him people here would disagree with.

>> No.22353328
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Well that's your opinion. But can you cite any independent studies or reviews that say Hokas are better? Of course not.

With Asics, you absolutely can. Asics Nimbus 25 is the most comfortable running shoe in 2023. It's a fact backed by orthopedic studies and reviews from runners who have reviewed hundreds of running shoes.

Yes. I buy the shoes that I know are best for my lifestyle, feet, and gait. And I've done extensive research about orthopedics and shoes. Do you have a problem with it?

Soros' father helped other prisoners escape from a gulag. George and his father helped Hungarians escape the country when the Soviets took over.

Soros has often said that escaping Hungary with his father and living under false identities felt like an adventure and that it was the best period of his life.

I think The Open Society Foundation and The Central European University are just ways for him to practice his Popperian political philosophy. I mean, Soros has told he aspired to become a philosopher first. Not a trader or a hedge fund manager.

>> No.22354049

Revenge is so powerful it is unconscious. Soros is living by the Signs of the Times. He is driven by the desire for revenge about not just what happened to his people in WW2 but also out of guilt for what he did as well.

Go read Baudrillard explaining how we are ruled by a zombified revenge culture born out of the fear of the Holocaustic extermination of WW2 times. That fear gets ingrained in whole generations, it lives in genetics. It is what is running the top - guilt and fear. If you doubt this, think of 4chan, who is its mortal enemy? Deep state? Epstein? Your desire to spill their blood is based, but it is also matched by your enemies' desire to spill your blood, as unfounded as it may be. But you see, they got their kick from WW2 and way before, and when did you get yours? Revenge is a dish best served cold.

"Neither a represented people nor a legitimate sovereign is now the issue.
That political configuration has given way to a contest in which there is no
longer any question of a social contract: a transpolitical contest between an
agency orientated towards totalitarian self-reference on the one hand, and
sardonic or refractory, agnostic and infantile masses on the other (masses
which no longer speak, though they chat). This is the hypochondriacal
condition of the body devouring its own organs. Powers - States - have set
about destroying their own cities, their own landscapes, their own substance
and, indeed, themselves with a fury that can be compared only to the fury they
once directed towards the destruction of their enemies. "


They love making you imitate them, reflexivity and all. They make a world they can win in, and after they win they flout it over you. This is their utmost pleasure. Proving that the nothing their ancestors stood for is more powerful than the honor your forefathers abided by.

>> No.22354076

Lmao what a goddamn nerd
And he likes Popper to top it off
Go suck a dick, gaylord. Here's an enemy for your open society:

>> No.22354951
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>Go read Baudrillard
Absolutely not. It's has actually been proven that Baudrillard writes in nonsense gibberish by Alam Sokal. You might remember him from the famous Sokal affair. He is the very same person who proved that most peer reviewed scientific publications will publish absolute bullshit, and his contribution to the world is far greater than this BS vendor Baudrillard's.




>> No.22354986

capitalism has lost its vitality due to castrating and defeating communism. So its grown into being some sort of monster.

>> No.22355048

>the crisis of international capitalism
Ah, the perennial cry of the talentless arts graduate now delivering pizza.

>> No.22355053

To be fair, shoe obsession is a very black, very female hangup

>> No.22355511

everyone allowing this failed universe to exist should be prosecuted as a criminal

>> No.22355637
File: 8 KB, 268x188, wittgenstein and hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one saying it. It's literally the title of George Soros' book.

What the fuck?

I still don't understand what your problem is. That I wear the most comfortable shoes?

>> No.22355655

imagine wearing shoes with a heel
LAMO at your life you dumb nignog

>> No.22355662

>it's not me who's a failure, it's the universe

>> No.22355714
File: 156 KB, 1600x1083, soros3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get banned from Kiwifarms?

>> No.22355718

volt shills fuck off

>> No.22355986
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>> No.22356023

What is your alternative anon?

>> No.22356113

At least it knows where to aim

>> No.22356986


>> No.22357021

not always but more often than not

>> No.22357210
File: 21 KB, 360x360, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna lie. I got hella respect for Mr. Soros.

>> No.22357219

If you value your feet you’ll walk barefoot in order to let your toes expand out to their natural form.

>> No.22357234

I see. You're American. Well let me inform you that we Europeans take shoes of when we enter our home / classroom / office. We don't wear shoes all day like you guys.

>> No.22357246

Do you think Europe becomes more democratic and liberal when Soros uses his quangos to influence demographics situation?

>> No.22357258

soros is a nazi !
and he is my friend !

>> No.22357277

AFAIK they just funds individuals and organizations that might advance the cause of Open Society Foundations. They take no control over how the money is spent.

The mission statement of the Open Society Foundations:

>Every year, the Open Society Foundations give thousands of grants to groups and individuals that work on the issues we focus on—promoting justice, transparency, and open debate.

>We also engage in strategic human rights litigation and impact investing, while incubating new ideas and engaging directly with governments and policymakers through advocacy to advance positive change.


But yes. Personally, Soros is against dictatorship and is pro democracy. And he has the means to try to change things.

>> No.22357283

george soros is not a jew. he is not even a human

>> No.22357344

Soros collusion/election interference, basically.
The definition of what entails democracy or dictaroship is up to whatever suits his personal or financial interests.

>> No.22357743

A system of international trade isn't the issue anon, it's that the mercantile class isn't fit to rule, spiritually or mentally

>> No.22357752

had to flex the kicks

>> No.22357753
File: 120 KB, 591x479, 1687291173663563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a scout ship passed this planet its pilot would hang himself